Traditional Names
The primary calendar for the world. 347 days and within those days is Eight months. The world has 11 days that are outside of the normal, these being The 43-49th of Solovem and the 43th of Komenas, Sulisa, Seno’al and Livera. Every 6 years there is not a 43th of Livera due to anti leap years. Also once every 180 years the year is not skipped.
The order of the months follows the pattern of how Si’irin is written, up to down left to right I.e. the order of the months is as such: Komenas, Ro’enad, Sulisa, Solovem, Araves, Seno’al, Menori, Livera.
The moon cycle takes 21.02 days per cycle. And so every 50 lunar cycles or 1051 days it “looses” a day.
Komenas, 1st month
4th, Celebration of So’el
14th, Day of Mehain.
19th-21st, Celebration of Adam
22nd, The day of the blessed
24th, Revolution day
25th, Day of Tonri
42nd, Day of Anjar
Ro’enad, 2nd month
1st, Time of first spring
4th, day of Mishai
18th, day of Keldwin
17th, day of unity
19th, Red paragon day
27th, the spring festival/Equinox
39th, Day of Hyesal
Sulisa, 3rd month
1st, Time of warm spring
4th, Day of Wahri
7th, day of Eletov
10th, lovers day
25th, Day of Rhon
28th, Day of Mehain
33rd-35th, Celebration of Arora
43rd, day of Valan
Solovem, 4th month
1st, Time of summer welcome
18th , first day of Geldos
25th, Second day of Geldos
28th, summer solstice/day of lights triumph
32nd, Third day of Geldos
38th, Day of the three, Thalia
43rd-49th. Midyear festival
46th, Day of all Geldic gods
Araves, 5th month
1st, Time of end summer
7th, elemental dawn
11th, Day of Tayos
21st, Day of Fenesal
25th, Day of Pekawhos
26th-28th, celebration of Adoni’a
28th, Day of A’en
39th, Day of Luhaso
42nd, Day of Saladusina
Seno’al, 6th month
1st, Time of falls welcome
7th, day of Fonaris
10th, Peace day
11th, Velngi freedom day
18th, Day of Verarra
23rd, fall harvest festival/Equinox
32nd, Day of Magic
39th, Day of Vonath
42nd, Day of Mornal
43rd, Day of true rest
Menori, 7th month
1st, Time of falls end
18th, Day of Zahash
27th, founding day of Sirinal
31st, Luck day
32nd, Day of Retali
35th, Day of Ulos
40th-42nd, Celebration of Ahran
Livera, 8th month
1st, Welcoming on winter
4th, Day of Apres
14th, Day of Despal
16th, First fight day
18th, Day of Saria
24th-26th, Acknowledgment of Anset
25th, winter solstice/day of lights reborn
39th, Day of Nahar
42nd/43rd, new years day.
Secular holidays
-22nd komenas, day of the blessed. This celebrates those of all faith and practice, wishing that everyone will have prosperity, signaled by a “bless you and all you know” as a greeting for the day
-27th Ro’enad, spring festival. Recognized as the start of spring, it is the equinox and so light and dark and each half on this day.
-10th Sulisa, lovers day. Often a day when a great act of love is done, proposals and marriages are common and so are other couple based activities.
-28th Solovem, the summer solstice. This is when daylight is the highest, often people will stay up late and celebrate.
-43rd-49th Solovem. The midyear celebration, this is a long festival when people connect with family, friends and the whole of the world is let off to have fun.
-23rd Seno’al. fall harvest festival and fall equinox, people have a harvest festival and enjoy the fresh foods from harvest, as well often preparing food for winter such as jarring food and making breads and salting meats.
-31st Menori. Luck day, when it is thought that one is lucky or fortunate.
-25th Livera. The winter solstice, the day with the least light and celebrated with song and dance over the day getting longer from here.
-42nd/43rd Livera. New years day, celebrated as the bringing in of a new year, gifts are given and wishes made for what will happen next year, often people stay up till midnight to observe the change of day, some even stay up until sunrise.
Religious holidays
Unified church
-14th Komenas. Day of Mehain, celebrated with lessons of the body and aims for how to improve our health.
-42nd Komenas. Day of Anjar, expressing the dangers of bodily temptations and things the flesh craves for, food and sex.
-17th Ro’enad. The day of unity, this is when the first Rin-Tal, Ka’inal Vu’in unified the gods together. Celebrated with the braiding chords and making knots.
-7th Sulisa. Day of Eletov, lessons on how bad luck works and how to mitigate the influence of Eletov.
-28th Sulisa. Day of Mehain, How to praise the goodness of Mehain and to see things if they may appears not working.
-43rd Sulisa. Day of Valan, when it was said that Valan created the world.
-1st-27th Solovem. Inter period, when people are supposed to declare their vaults and prepare to be better. For the upcoming cleansing.
-28th Solovem. Day of lights triumph, this is when the symbols of the inflict gods are presented and the room of fault is “let out” and cleansed.
-7th Araves. Elemental dawn, this is when the faults and virtues where made and humanity shared with their power.
-21st Araves. The Day of Fenesal, celebrated with displays of fire and veneration of Fenesal.
-28th Araves. The day of A’en, celebrated with displays of air and truth, often deep proclamations are made.
-42nd Araves. The day of Saladusina, celebrated with water and a ritual cleansing of the body with holy water.
-7th Seno’al. The day of Fonaris, celebrated with ceremonial rubbing of dirt or stone powder.
-32nd Seno’al. The day magic, when the second Rin-Tal, Sirus Vi’ironus made a pact with Valan for the presence of “the gift” magic on the world, for all people to see faith.
-42nd Seno’al. the day of Mornal, protection from the influence of death but remembrance of its inevitability and in ways its blessing.
-35th Menori. Day of Ulos. Mindfulness and how to regulate emotions, practices to ward off Despal.
-14th Livera. Day of Despal. How to spot the influence of Despal in others and how to help them in times of struggle.
-25th Livera. The day of light reborn, this is when the symbols of the prime gods are presented and the room of virtue is opened to bless those in the time of darkness of the world. Sources of light are used this day.
Broken faith
-19th-21st Komenas. The celebration of Adam, stories and traditional practices, old languages and song spoken and sung, reverence of the dead.
-33rd-35th Sulisa. The celebration of Arora, displays of light and hospitality, often bright and lite food is made, food made to share and to eat a lot of, milk based things.
-26th-28th Araves. The celebration of Adoni’a, spiritual practices and reverence, displays and practices of the alters and shrines, incense lit and used.
-40th-42nd Menori. The celebration of Ahran, justice done, it’s a day to forgive each other and let go of grievances.
-24th-26th Livera. The acknowledgment of Anset, showing the power of Anset and how vigilance must still be done
Geldic pantheon
-4th Komenas. Day of Soel, the rising sun and the dawn of the new year, said to bring in prosperity and hope.
-25th Komenas. Day of Tonri, celebrated by the adding of knowledge to the temple stores, records made and written ( often the names of children and their birthdays and their parents )
-4th Ro’enad. Day of Mishai, celebrated by making golden paper flowers and blessing them for health
-18th Ro’enad. Day of Keldwin, celebrated with offerings of “blood” (ceremonial red food) for feminine prosperity.
-39th Ro’enad. Day of Hyesal, celebrated by ceremonial battles and games like war
-4th Sulisa. Day of Wahri, celebrated by a festival for the winner of the Hyesal celebrations, and a feast that both sides are invited to, although often the loosing side makes an award or trophy and the winning side gets it.
-25th Sulisa. Day of Rhon, a day of reflection and judgment before the month of
-18th,25th ,32nd Solovem. Days of Geldos
-46th Solovem. Day of all gods, when all the Geldic gods are celebrated, often a selection of stories is read so that all the gods are heard about once.
-11th Araves. Day of Tayos, celebrated by exploration and doing or going somewhere new, often something from a far land is displayed.
-25th Araves. Day of Pekawhos, celebrated by beauty and displays of it, women and men will both be very fancy and try and court members of the opposite sex if desired.
-39th Araves. Day of Luhaso, a day to try and read fortunes or predict the next year, divination and rituals for it are performed.
-18th Seno’al. Day of Verarra, rituals are done and made, things prepared and set aside for the next year, ceremonies around the dead are started.
-39th Seno’al. Day of Vonath, honor of the dead is performed, spirits coaxed out and memories told of those who have passed.
-18th Menori. Day of Zahash, a day of secrets, often people will whisper in ears of things unsaid, things that both should and shouldn’t be spread, but you should only tell secrets of your own.
-32th Menori. Day of Retali, harvest and enjoyment of a feast of the bounty of food. Celebrations around preparation of food and the fields are done, often food is minimally processed and enjoyed “as it was given”.
-4th Livera. Day of Apres, the setting sun celebration where people meet and gather outside to watch the setting of the sun and appearance of the stars, thought to be the conventional end of the year.
-18th Livera. Day of Saria, the time of night and its arrival, though as in “in-between” time in the year people gather with family and remember the year.
-39th Livera. Day of Nahar, when the worlds are thinnest and spirits come and haunt those who are wicked, rituals and practices done to ward off spirits.
Luminated pantheon
-1st Komenas. The welcoming of Komenas, a celebration of late winter, final foods passed around and memories shared of the previous year
-1st Ro’enad. To celebrate the welcome of Ro’enad and for first spring, when first planting is to occur. Often thought to be the start of the year in the traditional thalian system.
-27th Ro’enad. The spring equinox, when equinox is celebrated and a ceremonial “day night cycle stone” is moved to be balances. Also celebrating bloom spring when it the world is in the peak of growth.
-1st Sulisa. The end of spring, and a celebration of warm spring, when the weather is quite nice and work is still easy.
-1st Solovem. The start of summer and a welcoming in of Solovem, the longest month. This celebrates small summer, as it is a build up to the solstice.
-28th Solovem. The summer solstice, when the day is the longest. The ceremonial stone is turned to be fully day. It is also the time to celebrate midsummer and the longer days of the year.
-1st Araves. To welcome Araves, and bring the end of summer, the hot season of it when one must tend to the ending crops. Celebrate hot summer
-1st Seno’al. To bring in the end of summer and welcome fall, to celebrate lite fall.
-23nd Seno’al. the fall equinox when the ceremonial “day night cycle stone” is moved to be balanced again. This also celebrated shift fall.
-1st Menori. To welcome in Menori and the end of fall, celebrating late fall and the entering into the year with preparation.
-1st Livera. The welcoming of Livera and a celebration of early winter. Hope to see Arora
-25th Livera. The winter solstice, day of least light and deep winter, a worship of the winter sky and its constellations. The ceremonial stone is turned to be fully night.
-Irregular, happening every 21 days. A lunar festival, one to celebrate the change of the new moon, celebrated at midnight with observation and the telling of one of the lunar stories. Around 17 of these happen per year.
-Irregular, Eclipse. Happening not very often but able to be predicted, when a lunar eclipse happen it is cause for celebration yes and other lunar phenomenon such as blood moons are celebrated. But a true eclipse, when the world is plunged in darkness is a once in a lifetime experience and highly desired at all costs, many things are said about eclipses.
Country holidays
-24th Komenas. Revolution day, this is when the eternal revolution started and the country of Kest Began, it’s a founding day but also one were continual change is asked and demanded, it serves as election day for most major country elections.
-19th Ro’enad. Red paragon remembrance day, celebrated by wearing red and some small reenactments of the things the red paragon did.
-30th Sulisa. Adrean day, when Adrea celebrates its past, while Adrea did not any one day to represent its founding it has this as a day of patriotism.
-38th Solovem. Day of the three, when the thalian system of government was established, a union between the people, the government and the religion.
-10th Seno’al. Peace day, to remember the many times that the whole world has come together in the means of peace.
-11th Seno’al. Velngi Freedom day, to celebrate when the great war ended and the freedom of Velng was made official.
-27th Menori. Founding day of Sirinal, this is when the empire of Sirinal was formed, it is marked by celebration of the nation, parades, recognition of those in and formerly in service etc.
-43rd Seno’al. Day of rest, when all financial activity is barred in Hinga, all markets stop and everything closes, nothing is allowed to be paid for that day and it’s the once a year opportunity for a true country wide break.