A Fate Most Bound
This set of Heros sets out to tackle questions of destiny and their place in the world. Can they face the challenge ahead?
The Standalone Chronicles
We have the stories and misadventures of the things that occur in the world but outside our normal group of adventurers.
The post canon
Beyond the bounds of time and reality lie these lands and stories, strange and new world come forth in odd tales, they may have threads of narative connection but nothing is certain.
The Linado Burst, a tale of a jailbreak and data wipe set in a cyber punk city.
Dawn of the Wild Waves, an ocean made from trees, how does this strange and odd world shape the people in it?
The Starfold Manifest
This is a science fiction based setting for playing dungeons and dragons, it takes place in the future of the main setting of Parava’ak, the world of Parahlitan has grown and evolved, and now more planets have been brought into the fold. the year is 1137AM and nations are still recovering from the devastating period of time known as the “bleeding” in this world destiny is yours to make and the future is yours to shape.