Credits and thanks

 This site is an organization tool and way to easily send and display information about my world, my language and my D&D games. I am not solely responsible for all the content on this site, I do not yet have an amazing set of artistic skills and many other have influenced small ideas in the world.

I would like to thank my best friends Aidan and Henry for help on the discussion questions, a lot of them come from me but not all of them.


Many of the words in my language have been coined by other people, small gifts given to others to have the honor of choosing the sounds for a concept, in this Aidan has helped me the most but some of my friends at Inverhills have also helped bring some new words into the language.


The development of the language has taken many years and is now into a focused form, for the script its self I have taken inspiration from the old Mongolian script in design, with many of the features of the language in grammar and structure they come from French influences as well as other languages around the world, the language construction kit was a helpful aid, as well Artifian on YouTube was a great influence.


The calendar of the world is of my own design with both the images, the names and the math used to figure out specifics, many holidays and ideas come from various random sources of media.


The history of the world is well long. While this isn’t on the website in its most current and updated form its an ongoing and in progress project, I take great inspiration from many real world events such as the 30 years war, many Chinese civil wars and the great world wars.


The picture of the night sky is of my own creation as well as the money of the world. The flags for the world have so many influences that made their designs but all are drawn by me.


The magic system is self created and so are the plants, I will give credit to Will for drawing some of those plants in his great style. Also of credit towards Will is the drawings for the slivers, while I did some minor coloring he helped develop the shape for the sliver and greatly influenced my though process of their biology.


The maps of the world, both the terrestrial plants surfaces and the solar systems where drawn by me, I used Nasa and Wikipedia for a large of help on developing the appearance of the planets. The math behind the planets comes from a genius spreadsheet created by Artifian for his world building project. With the very amount of work put towards those I used that sheet quite often, it was also used for making the larger stellar map and the type of stars.


None of the artwork of the gods is mine, some of them have been modified but I don’t take credit for the images used, the ideas come mostly from my self but a few ideas have been remixed such as the classical elemental gods, the Geldic faith takes inspiration from Greco-Roman gods. This also applies to vorpal space, while the idea is my own almost all images shown are not mine and come from various sources like reddit and deviant art. The only images of vorpal space that are mine are a select few vorpal beings and the “natural” section of vorpal realms.

The anthem of Sirinal was made in collaboration with Jordan

For the area of dungeons and dragons a lot has gone into it, Firstly the player set from my first two campaigns greatly helped build the fantasy time period of the world, while our time came to a rapid end it was still a good time. for the modern sci-fi  game, the starfold manifest I have been quite thankful to all my players who have participated but a special shout out to Trinity and Heidi  for both being active and engaged players both at and outside of the table.

For the Starfold manifest I take taken and burrowed ideas from many other franchises and put them into my game, most of the setting its self comes from my worlds and an extension of the ideas of my fantasy setting. But of the franchises here in a nice list: Star trek, Dune, Foundation, Ringworld, Warhammer 40k, The dark tower, Cyberpunk, Cowboy bebop, The expanse, Altered carbon, Hyperion, the Xenogenisis trilogy. And many others that done come to mind at the moment.