Draconic society
Kest is often known as the land of dragons, it to is also a land of constant conflict. The current political situation is as such. The southern smaller peninsula is the titled “draconic empire” and is ruled by the eldest dragon Thornak, he is a great white dragon and rivals even ancient dragons. The main part of Kest, the east and west twin rivers as well as the red river and the grass bowl regions. This is ruled by a loose society and alliance called “the eternal revolution” they are the main government of Kest and do hold some authority of the cities, but due to their political nature it is of constant change and upheaval of systems and people. Last is the northern peninsula, it’s a mountainous land with no large struct ruling over it, called “the ungoverned lands” many smaller pastoral people and tribes live in these lands. The city of Lo’ra and Iss’hen are independent city states.
The draconic empire.
They are a heavily class based society, with white dragons at the top, blue close behind. Green in the middle, black and the lowest is red. True dragons are uncommon but a couple dozen exist, most in the royal families. Most of the population is dragon born, any true dragon is above a dragon born in societal cast. And any dragon born is above a kobold in cast. Dragon born color follows the same pattern for true dragons. Humans and others are seen as outsiders
Population wise
White dragon born. 13%
Blue dragon born. 14%
Green dragon born. 21%
Black dragon born. 16%
Red dragon born. 17%
Kobolds. 18%
Humans/other. 1%
The eternal revolution.
A strong belief in equality and fairness, society still clings on to its cast based roots but work is being made towards better. Humanoids are seen as acceptable but that they lack the draconic gifts and are pitied in a sense.
Population wise
White dragon born 4%
Blue dragon born 5%
Green dragon born 11%
Black dragon born 14%
Red dragon born 15%
Lizard folk 20%
Kobolds 25%
Humans 5%
Others 1%
The ungoverned lands.
These are far more human in nature, but draconic peoples still exist as well as other small groups such as Yuan-ti. Smaller dwarf and halfling groups live in the mountains here as well.
Population wise
Dragon born 24%
Lizard folk 18%
Kobolds 11%
Humans 25%
Elves 3%
Dwarves 7%
Halflings 6%
Yuan-ti 2%
Tabaxi 3%
Harengon 1%
Interbreeding logistics.
When two dragons of different color mate, the offspring is based on the mother’s color, around 75% chance of being her color, and around 25% change being the male’s color. Some magic can be used to change draconic color. Kobolds are unable to mate outside of their species. Lizard folk and dragon born are able to mate with humans but those offspring are sterile and seen as a huge societal taboo.
True dragon things
A couple dozen true dragons exist, most of them are young dragons. Of those of relevant mention:
Greatwyrms, 2
Thornak, the white, the god-emperor of the draconic emperor.
Fenadak the green, who is a complacent subject of under Thornak
Nomarat, the former red dragon king, killed by a group of adventurers.
Ancient, 6
Esfaran ,the black, wife of Nomarat, kept captive.
Safanar the blue, current wife to Thornak, Daughter of Jolaris
Kemres the white, first son of Thornak, an important wizard and court mage.
Kirill the blue, leader of the draconic army of the draconic empire, second son of Thornak.
Mervoas the blue, wife of Kirill the blue.
Chenosep the green, first son of Fenadak
Adult, 12
Mokandril, white
Septual, white
Niriax, white
Klauth, blue
Zyres, blue
Sakares, green
Alurion, green
Vodfal, green
Galthamornak, black
Marunauth, red
Young 18
Wyrmling 25
Draconic lair locations
Where are the metallic dragons??
Metalic dragons existed, but no longer do. Long ago, and in a time of myth and legend, when magic was wild still and unbound. A second set of dragons existed, those whos scale was metallic and shone in the sun. yet a bitter rivalry came from this, and in a move of unity the five first chromatic dragons: Thornak, Jolafis, Normarat, Balaraeon, Fenadak. Came togther to slay the metallic dragons, those dragons or metal their names are lost, and in that battle Jolafis the blue would fall.
“The dragon mother” is the prime god followed by true dragons and many dragon born, she is a five headed dragon. While often here title of “the dragon mother” is used, her name “Tiamat” is also correct, but one said in reverence ( like using Yahweh or Adonai to refer to the Christian God ). A good portion in the eternal revolution have rejected the gods all together and would be the closest the atheists in this world. Some also have chosen to follow spiritual gods of the land from Velng such as the birds or other mythical animals.
In the ungoverned lands religion is still small and the local priest often dictates the beliefs around. Se’esaa and Krixia are also worshiped here.
Other draconic information
Ages of dragons and life cycle. Dragon typically live their first 2-3 years after hatching out of the end growing from a small baby to a wyrmling. Then over the next 50-60 years they slow in growth and start to become a young dragon reaching this at about 100 years old. An adult dragon is generally reached at 200 years of age and adulthood will cause them to grow even more in size. A dragon becomes truly ancient in their 800th year, at this point they have lived long and made a name for them self. A dragon never stops growing, the rate becomes rather constant once they reach adulthood. The oldest dragon among them in Thornak the white, who claims to be over 5200 years old. When a wyrmling or a young dragon, dragons act much more like wild animals and often they will reach the “age of reason” at around 100, this is when they become sentient and much more like a human in thought and behavior.
Dragons in my world are unable to transform into other shapes without the use of regular spell casting magic.
Inside the Royal palce are the following dragons.
Thornak, Safanar, Esfaran, Kemres, Kirill, Menovas, Niriax
Also Galthamornak is a black dragon, the N used to distinguish between blue and black