Varied, 5c to 5s per dose
Overdose, 7, +1
You feel more relaxed and sociable, a pleasant feeling, more easily to laugh and talk.
You experience a level of drunkenness, each overdose you experience another level: 1, you disadvantage on dex checks. 2, disadvantage on wisdom rolls. 3, speed is halved. 4, 50% chance of forgetting the next four hours. 5, fall unconscious for 4+1d4 hours. 6, start making death saves, one every hour, on 3 success you are remaining unconscious but are poisoned for 1d4 days.
1c per dose
Overdose, 5
This is a green You feel a light buzz in your head, and for some difficulty breathing, you also feel more relaxed.
You have a large cough and take 1 point of fire damage.
50g per dose
Overdose 12, +3
This is a small vial of red liquid that is spicy when drunk, You get a +1 to spell casting and DC for 1 hour and each spell you cast does and extra 1d6 fire damage, these effects last one hour and can be stacked up to 3 times. However each time you cast a spell you take 1d4 fire damage per spell lv.
When you overdose you gain the poisoned effect until the next long rest, and your hit point maximum is reduced by 1d6 per overdose.
15g per dose
Overdose 10
This is a dark green leaf with white speckles, it tastes bitter and must be chewed within 1 day after harvest. This gives the creature dark vision for 30ft or +30ft if you already have it. And this lasts 8 hours.
You gain sunlight sensitivity for 4 hours ( disadvantage if you or your target is in bright light or sunlight)
5g per bottle, 5 doses per bottle
Overdose, 9
This is a special type of wine, when drunk the creature makes a DC15 save or may willingly fail and is put to sleep within 10 minutes, this is no magical sleeping effect.
If you overdose you gain puke up the wine and do not gain the effect of being put to sleep.
10g per dose
Overdose 7, +2
You drink a vial of this,This numbs the pain in the whole body and can cure headache or other mild pain, it also makes surgery less painful, the more you take the less amount of pain you feel.
If you overdose you will loose feeling in a random Limb and any checks or attacks done with this limb are at disadvantage, and if a legs it’s -10ft walking speed per leg, however you feel no pain in this limb.
Fate Strings
100g per dose
Overdose 15
You put this small clear drop into your eyes, You briefly see a vision of your future, events within the next day and minor events within the next week. This effect are only things that are likely to happen and nothing can be certain. This Visio takes 10 minutes ( there is a 25% chance that the events are False and the DM determines this ) you also take 1d6 physic damage.
When you overdose your mind is strained from the visions, you have disadvantage on wisdom saves for the next 24 hours
25g per dose
Overdose 14, +2
You snort this power into your nose, the red powered burns your nostrils, for 10 minutes you gain +2 on Strength saves and gain 2d6 temporary hit points. You however get -1d4 to saves on Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma . You are also immune to fear, When you take multiple doses of this you gain all an additional +2 to strength saves, an additional 2d6 temp HP, and an additional -1d4 to Wis Int and Cha saves.
When you overdose you have disadvantage on death saves for 1 hour, for each overdose this effect is 5x longer and this effect does stack with its self.
Longbottom Leaf
5g per dose, or found in the wild
Overdose 10
This leaf needs to be dried, ground into a powder and smoked, if the pure leaf is eaten then you always overdose. When you smoke this you gain advantage on perception checks and +5 to passive perception checks for 24 hours.
When you over dose you will hear nonexistent sounds on average once every 10 minutes, you believe these sounds are real.
10g per dose
Overdose 13, +1
When you eat these multicolored mushrooms you gain visions of peaceful scenes and illusionary animals and beings, you feel calm while in this state. This lasts 1 hour per dose
If you overdose you experience a bad version of your visions and the beings are harmful and you feel fear and dread.
Desert spice
1g per dose
Overdose 18
This natural dust flows in the desert air and is concentrated and is either eaten or breathed in your eyes turn a slight blue color with large amounts of exposure. You are able to tolerate the heat of the desert and can move through it at a speed of 2 days per Hex, this effect lasts for 3 days
When you overdose with this your body is made slightly colder, during the day you remain unaffected but at night you are much colder and require extensive bedding. ( considered 15F )
100g per dose
Overdose 13, +2
This is a paste that is applied to the skin, after absorbing into the blood over the corse of 1 minute you are able to speak 1 language that you where unable to speak, this language must be one you heard one sentence of within the last minute. You are able to speak this language for one hour, if you do this multiple times you can speak additional languages using the same process.
If you overdose your speech becomes scrambled and distorted, you are only able to speak your first language for the next 1d4 hours
25g per dose
Overdose 6, +1
This is a clear liquid and one small drop is enough for the effect, the effected creature is afraid of any creatures it can see and feels pain at double intensity, these effects last 1 hour per dose
When a creature overdoses, each time it feels pain it has a 10% chance to pass out and go unconscious for 10 minutes.
Focus poweder
1g per dose
Overdose 16
This is a light blue power and when disolved in water of another drink and drunk, this makes it so your mind is more opened and aware, for a four hour duration you get to add 2d4 to wisdom and intelegence checks.
when you overdose, after the 4 hour period is over your brian feels strained, you are tired and experence a mild head ach and subtract 1d6 from all wisdom and intelegence rolls.
Thespian juice
5g per dose
Overdoes 8
this is a light red juice that is applied to the lips, carrful care must be made to not put it in the mouth or other areas of skin. for the next 6 hours you feel a boost in confidance, you have advanatge on charisma checks that invole the voice.
When you overdose on this you feel no diffrence however the people around you see your lips a dark purple and you seem confident but sly, you suffer no direct disadvanatge other then visual and social.
Rotten pine milk
5c per dose
overdose 25
This is a sweat tasting ferment sap, it is slight thick and a mild tan color, sometimes given to hospital patients.
if you overdose, after about 25 minutes after you drink you will feel very upset to your stomach and at 30 you will vomet, almost your entire stomach contence and after you vomet you will feel hungry.
1g per dose
Overdose 17
This is a compressed pill, small and pink in color its effect is that you becomes very physical and affectionate, you get advantage on persuasion checks for 3 hours per dose.
if you overdose you experence pain and head acks, disadvantage on wisdom checks for 6 hours per dose and take 1d8 physic damage per dose