With [sir]
Inir sukin, my pet.
Inir sorin, my brother.
Na’ir se’imel, your dog.
Se’ir ka’alat, her cat.
With [pitu]
init romul, my house.
sonit rilik, his farm.
manit le’ekolin, thier school.
nasit fovu. yall’s work, ( you plural )
With [da’ik]
inikak nori, I am making food
tu’ik salad, that makes water
se’ik barilas, she makes bread
na’ik ina’id minid, you make me feel sad
With [id]
inid ba’iv en na’i, I feel love for you
se’idak minid, she is feeling sad
onidus avarisas, we feel like birds
manid rudir, they feel tired
With [vos]
sonos en inir romul, he goes to my home
se’iso en kirime, she went to the store
se’iso us dal gu’iral, she moves like the wind
dal parapila vosak nil dal si’i. the moon moves in the sky
Examples, these are examples that show the language in action
Usage of each pronoun
In ba’ik nori, I like food
Na ba’ik nori, you like food
Nas ba’ik nori, yall like food
On ba’ik nori, we all like food
Ol ba’ik nori, we like food
Man ba’ik nori, they like food
Manas ba’ik nori, they all like food
Se’I ba’ik nori, she likes food
Se’is ba’ik nori, those girls like good
Son ba’ik nori, he likes food
Sonas ba’ik nori, those boys like food
Mun ba’ik nori, one likes food
Munas ba’ik nori, humanity liked food
Tu valara, this burns
Tas valara, these burn
Ti valara, that burns
Tes valara, those burn
Usage of question words
Ka’ir tu’us, what is this?
ka’id na, what are you feeling?
Ka ka’alat na’I vut, what cat do you want?
Ka le’ekolin na’i amin pilus, what school do you like more?
Kapara na’iri romul, where is your home?
Kapara se’iri kisat, where is she from?
Kamun dal simal si Sirinal, who is the leader of sirinal
Kamun da’ik tu’us, who did this?
Lonas na’i kaval ina? Why do you hurt me?
Lonas sir alabir sakun, why is winter cold?
Kan na mis na’iri manuvas, how do you help your community?
Kan na’iri do’ir, how do you sleep?
Le’inis pomiras sira ilatir, how many apples are here
Le’inis ure’isa na fovu nadirak, how many hours do you work today?
Lonasid na’iri minul, why are you feeling bad?
Lonasid ba’iv kasa ina, why are you feeling love for me?
Ki’isir dal fetarin, when is the party?
Ki’isir dal parasol resal, when does the sun set?
Using verb tense
[ul], inirul sakun, I was cold.
Son vaselul, he prayed.
[uli], iniruli sakun, I was and am cold.
Son vaseluli, he was and is praying
[ula], inirula sakun, I had been feeling cold.
Son vaselula, he was praying.
[ak], inirak sakun, I am currently cold.
Son vaselak, he is praying.
[none, infinitive] inir sakun, I am cold.
Son vasel, he prays.
[aki], inirak sakun, I am becoming cold.
Son vaselaki, he is starting to pray.
[ar], inirar sakun, I will be cold.
Son vaselar, he will pray
[ara], inirara sakun, I will be feeling cold.
Son vaselara, he will be praying
Usage of verb moods
Using [fe] and [nu]
Fe na fovu, do you work?
In nu kironi fe nasir so’enil, I would cook if y’all where hungry.
In nu fe’isalul na’i fe in isirul fo na’ir seratilul soni, I would have killed you if i knew that you stabed him.
Fe na kaval dal ka’alat in nu’ar pa’it na’i, if you hurt the cat in will hate you.
Using [len]
sonik lenar barilas, he may make bread.
se’i len vaselar, She might pray.
On len lo’ulu soni, I might have seen him.
Inos lenar fovu me inir falanili, I might go to work but I am a little sick.
Using [su’as]
Na su’as mi’inak dal fisit, you can now eat the fish.
In su’asanul mis na’i, I couldn’t have helped you.
In su’asara da’ar nenadir, I can be speaking tommorow.
On sa’us mis na’isik rime, we can help y’all make money.
Using [fi]
Fi lo’u dal sukin, See the cat.
Fi vos en alatir, go there.
Fi ba’iv ina, love me.
Fi mi’ina iniri lanin, eat my cheese.
Using [ras]
Na ras mis ina, you should help me
In ras fovu, I should work
Se’I ras talinar pilus, she should smile more
Ol ras la ramines, we should get married
Using [la’i]
In la’I sipin dal barame’I, I deliberately cut the paper
Son la’I kaval ina, he intentionally hurt me
In la’I morenali, I intentionally destroy
Na’i la’i lu’ina, you mean to run
Using [vin]
In vin mis na’i, I must help you
Sir vin ba’avin nadirak, it must rain today
Tu vin la kaval, that must hurt
Fisitas vin narare, fish must swim
Usage of [il], [us] & [la]
Using [il]
Il ba’iv, a love
Il kalis, an Evil
Il vu’iren, a dance
Il maretil, a kiss
Using [us]
Us sonad, stressful
Us daran, Drinkable
Us Davasav, wooden
Us kolis, icy
Using [la]
La salad, to water
La balarek, to bleed
La unos, to be pretty
La fire’i, to be on fire.
Examples of complex sentences that combine many aspects.
In ba’iv se’isa at sonisa kasa in ba’iv munas atan in delisan si dal kenadu. I love girls and boys because I love people and I don’t care of the gender.
Ki’is dal konol si fire’I ilatir, in nu rekena’atinar. When the time of fire is here, I will repent.
In da’ar en dal munas si va’ak Parahlitan, fi vin la’i mis ina. I say to humans of all Parahlitan, you must deliberately help me!
Fi lo’u en dal sumola’as. Look to the stars!
Kisat pilus, tin. From many, one.
Noset pilus ekasiret, nothing more beyond
In kolarilu, in lo’ulu, in dol’ilunul. I came, I saw, I fought
Fe in lo’ulu ti’is ekines nadilul. Did I see that snake yesterday?
Dal ekines sir sami dal mun si in lo’ulu nadilul. The snake is the same on that I saw yesterday.
Sava at vasa. hello and goodbye
Fi en vos at vu’ir na’irir il ba’iv. come and get your love
In la’I lo’u na’I ki’is na nori, I observe you when you eat
Ka vos dane, vin vos manin. What goes up must go down
In valara konol et iniri mu’ina’as. I spend time with my friends
Inir libari. I am free
Dilat, rirat, ba’iv. Live, laugh, love
Dal sanadil sirul, at ak onir pa’iren. The past was, and now we are better.
Pilus Konol en valara’ak. to much time on your hands
Ka’ir dal lonas kasa dil? La sa’ani, sir karu!, what is the meaning of life? to be happy of course!
In saladak dalas lisar. I am watering the plants
In isir kan kironi fa’unel. I know how to cook deer
Sonos si dal o’ural. he who moves the spoon
Sirak sonir oniri bele. now he is our father
Se’ir dal meva’in si dal mu’ilos. she is the matriarch of the family
Inir dal da’ilo relosib si Valan, soniri vanekol kasa va’ak Konol. I am the right hand of Valan, his champion for all time.
Se’ir dal mun si’ik abari. she is an artist
Ka’ir alatir, at ka’ir fo sir. What is there, and what is it like?
Ka’ir munas, at ka’ir sirafatas. What are humans?, and what are slivers?
Dal fidek parik. The fifth way
dal kotin ro dal kotin bil. One thing or another
In lo’ura en na’i. I will see you
fe ilatir ro alatir. Here or there?
Va’ak kotin, Va’ak para, Va’ak Konol. Everything, everywhere, all at once
In su’as da’ar. I can talk
fe na lo’uvak ina. Are you hearing me?
at son darenul dal munas tu’us sarad: “dal pabar si rison si isero mikusolu sa’as lasari’inas, son isarul en mun soni ‘ka kotin nu in la, initan para kasa init lasari’inas’. apra son da’arul, ’tu’ir ka in nu’ar la, in sarilar denos init paliro’as atal da’ik fo va’ilu, at fo’ir dal para kasa in neta lasari’inas, at in nu da’ar en mun ina ‘init plius rilas dane in romul kasa pilus ro’unas. in nu’ar sir dil salusas, mi’ina, dalif at id sa’ani”. me valat dena soni, ”na’iri pumele, tu’ir se’ilavi na’iri dil nu fara’as kasa na’i, apar kamun funar dal kotinas si na’ikul kasa mun na’i” “sira dal parik si dil kasa va’ak mun isar su’ir si mun mani, apar minadi kotinas me siran isero en valat”. Kisat Luk Rin-talili.
and he told the people this story: “The land of a rich man grew many crops, he thought to himself ‘what thing will I do, I have not a place for my crops’. then he said, this is what I will do, I will take down my barns then make ones bigger, and there is the place of my new crops, and I will say to myself ‘I have lots of grain in my home for many years. I will have a safe life, eat, drink, and feel happy” " But god said to him, “You fool, this night your life will ask for you, then who will get the things you made for yourself self” “this is the way of life for all people who think only of them self, that keeps things but is not rich to god” From prophetic luke.