
The Hand of Fate stands strong against the forces of the world. Known as the Heroes of Warnek and the Binders of Chaos. Their accolades are known in the east as a term of powerful and mysterious individuals.

Coming out of their brief stint in Nashel before they head down south to the city of Vodras, Arriving at the city it is obvious why all has stopped, large parts have been burned and destroyed, Infiltrating in to an abandoned home near the council chambers they plan their strike on Emra, the now ruler of the city.

The battle is one of great renown and skill, killing first Hlyenna the sister of Chaos, who had been slain by Greta and Libra previously. Second a hard fight with Emra and a team of chaos causers, but in the end a victory earned and fought for. Lastly from the back a returning face of Igdye return, and with great effort and skill the final of the three sisters of chaos is defeated. The battle well fought, and the rewards found are great.

The remaining councilmen are called, and the last council session is held, the new direction is decided to transport the remaining populate up to Nashel. The rock Steve that had been held is cast out after a deep attempt to control Greta occurs, it seems chaos is not just beat on the battlefield. The exodus of Vodras occurs over a few days and Nashel is flooded with people but able to handle them thanks to clever planning my Alar.

Back in Nashel they rest for a little before heading out on the sea to make their way to the draconic empire and the city of Rokash. Along the way they fight sea creatures, encounter Aarockra traders, see the edge of the world. In Rokash shopping of both the overground and underground market is held, wares acquired, and fun had.

Going to the lair of Zyres the blue, Flynnic speaks up and is given the mission to acquire the skull of a silver dragon she had that was stolen by the metallic dawn.

The Hand of Fate rests before heading to find the location of the Metallic dawn, on the way the assassins who had tracked Flynnic arrive and are promptly paid off.  They make their way into the  massive fortress of an old dungeon, now occupied by the metallic dawn and lastly to Argenta’is, he is the revived animated bone corpse of one of the old metallic dragon lords, after a hard fight and some near misses with death defeat of the dragon is done. The dungeon is looted, and the group takes back their large haul.

Returning to Zyres she is pleased and lets Flynnic be the parent to Pascal, the group has acquired new powers and so Daren uses a ritual to talk to Mornal and has profound experiences, he is confirmed to be the dark one. Libra teleports the group back to Warnek where a brief meet with his master.

Coming back to Nashel Alar celebrated with celebration day of Keldwin and meets one of her angles in the flesh. Alar works to build up the city, new housing and a large church. His influence grows. The group decides to rest some more in Nashel.

Session 30


Continuing their wandering and activities the group does various thing until they are to depart to Thalia, all except Alar and Joenes going, and even with that Ghost in going in lieu of Alar. In the few days before setting out they all continue to further bolster and manage their new permanent residence of a base of operations, setting up rooms for each of themselves, stables for the horses, a display room and a place to hold those more delicate and dangerous items that have become collected on the journey. Daren,  when talking to Cyra about his plans, she asks if possible for her to join Daren on his quest to meet their mother.


Making the preparations for cold weather, those that are traveling meet with Libra as he uses the teleportation circle to transport them to the thalian city of Ipyèn. The initial portal circle location sets them in a room with guards, signage pointing with directions for native thalian citizens and a passage for others. Libra as the portal maker signs a pact to vouch for the security of the other members in the group. Pascal is given some odd looks but Flynnic passes it off as an emotion support dragon, guards unimpressed but taking to let it pass. Each of them is asked a few questions in turn before set off on their way of the city. Ipyèn lies at the mouth of the trident river on the northern coast of the Soln sea, it follows thalian standard architecture building practice of white plastered buildings with stark blue tiled roofs, the spires of the bell towers and churches hang above the skyline as the cold ocean breeze touches our heroes. Daren and Cyra both are using disguises to appear as humans, hiding their identity Cyra to burrow a set of armor from Flynnic and Daren using his native magic. Quickly finding an inn called “Cerulean’s” this is a well to do inn that houses many, due to all having different lodging needs each takes care of their own requirements, Daren and Cyra book a room each for a day, Libra and Flynnic for two days and Greta for a few couple of days. settling in, and being startled by the noon day bells of prayer the group goes off to do some light town exploration and shopping, Cyra, knowing she is much more a normal tourist here goes off to do a river boat exploration.

The largest of the stores, and the one with the most time spent in is that of “Grand Sanction Station” this is the largest magical item store in Thalia and is licensed to carry many magical products of all kinds. Many smaller tables exist within this store, each specializing in a category of item. Daren and Libra go to the scroll rack, looking over the very large selection of spell scrolls on offer, finding a few things to put aside for now. Flynnic and Greta are drawn as they so often are to the trinkets section, seeing all manor and wonder of strange and exciting objects of imbued magical power. Flynnic picks up a rewriting quill and a carpenters cross for Alar, Greta picks up a jar of Fold for potential arcane culinary works, and gets the spoons of five sacred sauces for Joenes back in Nashel. Joined by Daren and Libra now the four of them look over more expensive trinkets and baubles. Seeing the globe of Energetic possibilities and its great potential, Daren asks a decision to purchase, and it is made. Flynnic also buys the shot glass of truth and lies for some potential fun in the future. Looking at the items of Kazar, Ghost is intrigued by them, the idea of wearing some cool looking gloves, bracers, and a ring combined with also getting a benefit of traversing plants with ease is of great interest and so these are purchased.  Lastly the matter of paying for this all, Daren does to the crafting area to trade in some of the dragon bones to cover the cost of this all, the deal takes quite some time to get the values precise but in the end hands are shaken and a pact of honestly sealed, value is exchanged and the group goes off after a fair few hours within the store. Glancing by a few other stores, visiting “the line” they purchase a few more potions of healing.


On this day Cyra and Daren set off to Gzási to find their mother Tamariel, after Daren used scrying to see his mother in a glass making shop and overhear the name Arcair, with a quick question it narrowed down the location greatly, they take an up river boat to Gzási. Also of the day Libra and Greta choose to go visit the university of Thalia, in hopes of seeing the fabled Kari Seladin, the man who had sent them down the mission of chaos and whom had sent a letter ahead of open welcome. Walking around a bit until finding a student office and asking the desk worker of the location. The worker seems surprised and even a bit flustered at the two, coming in as claimed friends and collogues of professor Seladin, with Greta even calling herself a traveler, they are told directions. Getting to his office a schedule posted at it appears they are early as he is in class, so wandering the campus more, seeing the building style, the magical colored fountain and also briefly checking in on the library before their way back is made. Knocking on the door a familiar voice answers, that of the one heard in their dreams, walking into his office a strange feeling washes over them both, that of like thin air or being suddenly struck with a cold breeze. The magical power of this room seems to be absent in a way that nowhere of their previous encounter has seemed, Libra feels on odd bliss at this, Greta a deep wrongness in her stomach of a kind. Around the room a few things are spotted, a small styled tree reading “Circa 1238” a painting of the Kari with another man reading “Larin Wrightworth”. A silver mirror hangs on the wall, and a collection of five small statues of the five Broken gods. Using a second to take the surrounds in they do not notice the door closes on its own accord, sitting down the Kari appears as a high elf in perhaps his 30’s of age. The obvious expected questions are asked, about the purpose of the hand of fate and its work in Vodras, how and why the group was needed. The Kari pointing out the way of things around the world and making use of the resources. With the entirety of the conversation his words are well picked but time in taken to answer, as if he never wants to say to much. Greta asking the fair question of why the two of them? Why not more or others in the group, The Kari giving back a vague enough response that while all in the group can prove helpful, there are factors of them both and things of consideration, requirements that they follow and they alone in that time follow. The where called and they answered the call, doing “the best we could” to solve the threat that was the chaos sisters. Greta also asks if any further work is needed, he says that no, at this time due things are taken care of. He illudes to some minor rattling happening in the great ossuary, which is clarified as being the current city of the dead and ceremonial burial ground of those bones of Sirinal, but that as now it may yet fade and turn to be a non-issue. The Kari “keeps an eye on these things” as he says a good few times in the conversation. Libra asks about what happened with the phylactery that was presented over  the response of a simple “we delt with it” if left in the open air. At a moment of hesitation the Kari says “Ms. Schmidt please, ask what you wish to ask, things are not guarded here” Greta asks more about chaos, Libra adding on that he felt the subtle rise of it over the previous years. The Kari gives and explanation of how the way that things work involve a duty of those powers above to do as is their nature and act, that the world ramifications are part of that, but that to make it simple chaos has been weakened for quite some while and the three sisters are solved to the way it can be solved. Libra asks a few questions to peer deeper and test knowledge, with the response of “one only has so many eyes to keep track of it all”. Greta asks about his so called eyes, he gives a response of three parts, saying that one are those recovered things from those long base, restored and remade. The second are those of the divine, those which he sees using that of the powers above, lastly he remarks that those of his skull the color comes from his father. Greta responds with “what do you mean those recovered things” he gives the non descript answer of “those things better left in the dirt of the past”. Libra asks a question regarding other adventurers, how many and where they are. The Kari makes a few comments regarding how a previous group was much like them but they have since parted ways, that a good few of their ability level and power exist but few else on Parahlitan have the Ik-Fe’i such as the six within this group. Greta asks about the Ik-Fe’i, what is it? He describes that it is a properly of the soul that gives it the ability to hold great power and to grow very quickly, it attracts itself like water in a basin, he is not surprised that a group like this came together, almost as if the universe pulled them together. He tells that as an example for a student to match the power of spell casting such that Libra has it may take five years of more of carefully study, but that if Greta put her mind to it he does not doubt she would reach that level in less than one year. She is a bit surprised, thinking she is surly not that powerful, but he and Libra both counter that her combat prowess is much like one who has fought for an entire war, she could easily match a Sirinali Grand commander in power if the two placed in combat. Impressed the two of them by this wider conversation, Libra and Greta seem to get to the end of their questions. Before they depart the Kari speaks in Elvish to Libra asking “is their anything you wish to say that should not be spoken of with her hearing” to which he thinks before responding “no”. He then turns to Greta before doing the same but in dwarfish, she asks how he knew her last name without it ever being said allowed, he says that he can see into things, that names and known to him, with the apology that in thalian society it is tradition to address one by their last name and it slipped his tongue. Greta is curious and a little worried of his claimed eyes and she asks what all can he see with them, speaking carefully the Kari talks around the questions, mentioning that he can see a many great things but enough to bring worry and leaving it at that. Greta also asks more pointedly about the thalian inquisition, and he seems to be aware of the existence of a gray tiefling, he suggests that she start at its roots of belief and go perhaps attend a service. Being properly done with the meeting the two make their formalities and leave the room, seeing a nervous student with a large scroll entering into the room. Both having much to think over they continue their day.


Libra and Flynnic meet up to go off to the middle of Thalia to meet Libra’s master Lusém Fôsa who lives two days south east of Réù. Libra teleports using the circle of Réù and he and Flynnic and Pascal go about the standard security of teleportation travel. They don’t stay for long in Réù as they head out towards Master Fôsa’s base, it’s a two day trek out but one mostly pleasant, the weather is cold and the rugged rolling grass a different sight than the familiar forests the group travels through.


Arriving at the base of Lusém, a large stone structure is ahead, it has been changed with modification of stone doors and other changes but the ancient shell of the slate grey flat stone present of most Archaeotech age structures remains, the stone a timeless and unchanging reminder of the distant past. Entering inside to Libra it appears to be slightly cleaner and picked up, to Flynnic it reminds him of the disorganized and non ordered nature of Zyres and her horde. The room has been packed with tables and shelves, filled with all manor of tools and parts, an Archaeotech creation workshop of the most maddening proportion laid out, spanning many disjointed rooms. The two of them meet Lusém once again, kind regards are in order and Lusém talks to them all. Small crab like automatons are seen scuttling around the lab, moving items and objects without will or commands. He also shows them the second project of his being worked on “Igual” which is another automaton like Libra, yet as Libra once did not conscious or with soul. Lusém talks about the expeditions he did and the places he has been to, Flynnic asking questions of this all, Lusém has bene working with ruins and Archaeotech for over 150 years at this point. Learning a little of where Libra was found and the secret of the multipart fused Topaz being used to create the mind of Libra. Lusém talks about doing some of the repairs and fixes to Libra, and that for adding the armor plate mounting holes and any other modifications he needs to be put into deep rest, which is not a problem but being awoken is the difficult part, he often needs a lightning storm to have enough power to restart his workings, Flynnic and Pascal as brother masters of lighting wonder if they can perhaps use their power to restart instead, Lusém says it is possible and so to the roof they go to test the lightning rod in the middle of the day. Disconnecting and reconnecting wires he redirects the lightning rod into the ground and asks them to summon up power, at first Pascal tries his basic lightning breath but it delivers not enough power, next Flynnic uses his wand of lightning bolts and channels the power directly into the rob, and observing the grass Lusém declares it enough. Now knowing power is sufficient he realizes with the ability of Libra and Flynnic and Pascal that perhaps the ruin of the old ship can be investigated. Being sent off with a basic mission of doing out about a day to the ship and recovering a still glowing engine part.


Arriving and seeing the mostly above ground bare iron structure, only in the most abstract on ways to be seen as a ship, the very corroded hull with else left, a faint blue glow emanates from one end, the other end a large hole to enter into. Hearing movement from inside, and being warned about possible rust monsters by Lusém, they tread with caution, heading inside first, frying pan raised high Flynnic rushes in and starts the assault of the rust monsters, small beasts of brown and orange color with a spiky exterior that jump at metal to eat. Flynnic hitting the creatures with attack after attack, Libra backing from behind with bolts of fire, Pascal biting and clawing with ease. The rust monsters attack back and their teeth do some damage but little that stays long, with the magical protection on the weapons and armor of Flynnic and Libra they are not affected by the corrosive spittle of these monstrosities. The creatures stand little chance against the might of two determined adventures and one hungry dragon. Running up the ship and continuing the killing of the monsters the carnage is halted by a large monster at the end, like a fused rat king this rust monster is huge in size and carried five heads, roaring it shambles forward but it meets with attacks back, blasted with mental spikes and fire bolts, the wand of lightning bolts blasting a hole in the side of the ship yet also carving a chunk of the beast. A strange ability, the heads can be damaged yet them seem to heal quickly and can bit with great force, seeing this Flynnic and Libra aim for the body of the great creature and in time it falls as the spine is cracked by the thunderous pan of Flynnic. Treading over the corpses, while Pascal takes his fill of metallic meat, Libra and Flynnic see the engine, a small blue bead in the center with complex swirling patters circle it, Libra uses animate objects to remove the core piece and bring it out, the blue bead is closed off by small doors and its light fades out, the core has been extracted. Heading back to the lab Libra ponders what this can be used for, arriving back they sleep for the night.


In the morning Lusém examines the core and after a few hours is able to guess at how to incorporate it into the design of Libra, along with working a few other things around. Libra shuts off fully and Flynnic and Pascal watch and Lusém works to rearrange the insides of Libra, getting to see the formed together “brain” of Libra, and its elegant topaz. The core is inserted into the spine around where the neck is placed, this gives an inner reserve of energy to Libra that can be taped into. Lusém also fixes the misaligned magical cores so that he no longer is sensitive to magical fields. Lusém also does cosmetic fixes of Libra’s outer plates and adds small mounting holes for light armor. After a few hours Lusém is ready and Flynnic and Pascal go to use the lightning rod to reawaken Libra, it being successful Libra feels better and a celebrated success is had.


Cyra and Daren both arrive in Gzási, an easy journey by river boat up towards the city, spending time reading and enjoying the deck, mild and minimal conversation had. As Daren sees the four times daily bells of prayer a small idea in his head is starting. Daren too practices his scrying, one time absent mindly looking at the statue of Veren they found in the grove outside of Nashel, yet the statue is present in a different location, puzzled he puts it to the side of his mind.  Cyra practices flying a cute looking red kite on the wind. Making port Daren goes up to a local tapestry shop and inquires about glass making in the city to which the friendly keeper answers about “Havael glass” found in the Northway, a pretty dead give away to the location, approaching closely Daren casts scrying again on Tamariel to make sure she is present, seeing her again in the glass shop again he goes up to the location given by the tapestry merchant. Seeing a large home with a built in window for collecting orders he sees an elven man and both him and Cyra approach the window, Daren states with confidence that they are here to see Tamariel, and when the man asks of their business Daren says they are from the government and looking to clarify a few former incidents. The man goes back and coming out with Tamariel, she is in a flustered and worried mood, she asks a few clarifying questions and set aside herself invites the two of them inside into the home to sit and properly talk things over, a brief glance spared to the man and a word about not telling father of this. led inside the three of them sit down in a quite nice sitting room, Tamariel is now quite worried at this point, she is an elven women looking around 25 years of age and very much like Cyra in appearance, both with long dirty blond hair and green eyes, those the same and Cyra. Sitting down Daren in the one to do all the talking here, Cyra was insistent on being present but she did not know that pretending to be from the government was part of the plan so she stays silent. Daren open with at first formal question, asking about her time as an ambassador to Warnek, how that time ended, and asking more personal questions as the talk goes on. Tamariel is to distraught and scared to realize that those in front of her and in fact her children in question. Daren asks about why she left, Tamariel answers that in effect she was forced to, that because of her stay their and with the birth of Cyra mounting pressure from Brandon’s dad David increased, that by the harsh law of the emperors court she was threatened that she must depart or that the lives of her children where at threat of death. Daren flatly doesn’t but this excuse, thinking that some other opportunity must have existed for her, lacking words and being set aside she has not good response, he asks “did you ever think what happened to those children after you left?” collecting herself a bit she answers that she knows they survived and has some small details of their lives but broadly knows little, at this moment Daren and Cyra drop their disguises and reveal themselves, Tamariel is filled with awe, shock and sadness all at once, her own two children alive and present before her, yet still stricken with the shame of confrontation and the deep well of emotion within her she struggles for words, Daren pushing forward with an almost interrogations like demeanor asks “did you ever think what it would be like, to be raised without a mother!?” and before she has yet to respond he vanishes from the room, using dimension door to skirt out of their, his own wellspring of emotions flowing greatly. Cyra left greatly confused at this a well is left behind to pick up the pieces and to talk to her mother, Cyra too feeling greatly hurt at the pained remarks said by Daren but in kind feeling her own displeasure at her mother’s action, no one was left unscathed.

Later in the day Daren sends off a simple sending to Cyra that he is staying at the waters edge hotel and that he booked passage back to Ipyèn for them both, and will teleport her back to Nashel. She responds with a cold “understood”. Daren spends the afternoon in a stage of observation, looking and seeing the function of the bell towers studying them to take his mind off the other encounters of the day, by nightfall and after the dusk bell he goes to the waters edge hotel, pretends to drink his way quite drunk and goes to his room. Sneaking out, his plan starts to hatch. He is to make sure that as many towers as able will not strike tonight, going to the church near Northway he looks at the towers, and transformed like a dwarf uses dimension door and clever guess work to teleport up to the bell towers platform. He cuts off the knocker for the bell and resecures the rope back so to look like nothing changed, Ghost along with him helps as he uses the short ranger fiery teleportation to get Daren to the other side of the bell tower, and using a rope to scale down the side. He repeats this twice more, gaining three bell knockers of the great luminated bells in Gzási, this all before midnight. Ghost also leaves behind the symbol of the unified church in place, to try and frame another group. Having completed his long day he goes back to rest.


The journey back to Ipyèn by Cyra and Daren, both spent far apart and very few words said between them, a rift that had been healing now driven apart further than before. The sailing is fair weather and faster down steam. They also teleport back to Warnek to journey back to Nashel.


Alar uses scrying to glint a location for the Nymph that the group had encountered in Warnek sewers, as he planned to travel to Warnek he also wished to see the Nymph and perhaps recruit her to his growing list of allies.


Traveling up to Warnek Alar meets with Lisra and Kaelis Vomen to talk over potential plans for further development of Nashel, while the building work that had been done was already planned for by the city the new area of development to be set out does not have a contractor, and so Alar goes to strike a deal with the house on his own, after many hours of negotiation and reasoning he strikes that house Vomen will receive a cut of 15% of the sale price that they appraise in exchange they will provide skilled planners and workers to help in the building of many properties, which they estimate will increase the property value by up to 22%. The growing power that Alar controls is starting to be recognized, from his held stakes in the shipping industry of Nashel to the workforce of mobilized religious fanatic peasants from Vodras, Alar continues to grow in power both personally and politically. Having the loose location for the Nymph, it being a good few days out of Ketsi Alar uses his many personal abilities to cross vast distances of land and deles deep into the woods to find her.

Deep into the redwood forests of middle Adrea Alar, after days of tracking finds the grove of the Nymph. She is in a semi lucid state, being deeply connected to the forest and the bed of mushrooms that surround her, after a brief talk he sadly learns that the Nymph, named Nausicaa, is uninterested in being a druid for hire, a religious follower, or really any ambition, disappointed Alar departs and heads up to Myantis.


Arriving in Myantis Alar finds and makes a meeting with the baron Harkonen, not for any immediate work but to secure a potential future operation. That with the baron could lead an elite special forces guard unit, no exact time is given but a generous gift is given to the baron that will assist with the long term loyalty of the baron.


Ipyèn theme

Réù theme

Lusém Fôsa


Session 31


Daren and Cyra arrive back in Nashel along with Greta, Daren and Cyra having spoke little but the basic pleasantries. Settling back into the restful life in Nashel. Daren works to deepen his understanding of magic. Greta continues to hang out, passing her days with leisure and sprucing up the home. Libra works on his armor skills, along with acquiring special armor plates that fit with him. Flynnic continues to spend his days with Pascal, even taking a few day trips for larger hunting expeditions. Joenes has found culinary joy in the self-title “Jimmy Joenes” sandwich shop. Alar and Ghost continue to dip in and out, Alar focusing more and more on the grand and large plans he has set up.



Greta and Flynnic pay a visit to Cyra’s home for one of their typical dinners, in which Cyra tells Greta and Flynnic more about her and Daren’s experience in Gzási. Cyra recounts the experience of her and Daren confronting their mother, how it did not go as expected. She tell how the conversation started, with a disguise as government officials and interrogation of Tamariel to try and find things about her children, and a more in depth reason. She then tells of how after Daren used his magic to disappear it was only Cyra left to comfort Tamariel, which took many hours of deep speaking and a lot of forgiveness. Cyra holds less animosity for Tamariel than Daren and so had a much different reaction. She reflects on the how Tamariel seems so close in age to her, that it was like talking to a friend but also odd as it was her own mother. He mentions how she may use letters but she does not intend to keep close contact, Tamariel is living in a different place and way. Greta asks “did she live up to your expectations?” to which Cyra says no. Tamariel was so much less grand and impressive than Daren had said, an idealized version was in her head and when placed with reality she was disappointed. She also makes it clear that if she wants to have Daren over she will personally invite him. Daren, thus, disconnects even more of his family. Who does he have left?



Wanting to purchase some magical gear before the journey off to Sirinal, but unfortunately Osuma is out of town for her brothers wedding and so the shop is graciously closed for the moment. The group gets ready for their journey out, taking items and making preparations. A house keeper from one of Alar’s group named Havlies will care for the horses and the building and the gardens. Alar speaks with Delari and with Kortor, having a meeting of vision for what will be done and how to govern in his absence Kortor asks Alar “what shall we do, first and foremost?” Alar responds “keep hold the virtue of reason” and in turn both Kortor and Delari responds “Yes Waymaker”.

With all the preparations made and ready Libra teleports to the city of Shasal, in the nation of Sirinal. The city is quite large, as big as Warnek, they the hand of fate can stay for little time as they must journey down to Nahes, the Elven city from which Alar hails from. At the portal room they arrive it is the portal scratched onto the ground for easy use along with three concentric rings, one of salt, one of flowing water and one of gold. A priest sits in a chair and greets them, noticing that Daren and Joenes are marked by the gods Mornal and Fenasal respectively, also seeing the mark on Alar. He sees them with an etheric ability which shows truth of the soul. But seeing no ill intent and being able to pass over the three circles they are let go quite easily. The group moves quickly through the city, noticing the great walls, the typical red brick for roof tiles and passing the head church of Eletov. Daren takes note of the large military presence, and their outfits for potential future disguise. Arriving at the southern city pathway there are a gathering set of carriages for hire, picking a suitable one, their coach named Fredithy is willing to take them to Nahes, it’s a pleasant two day journey ahead of them. On the way out of the city they all begin to discuss the finer details of their reason here, it was known that Alar wanted to pay his family a visit, yet the specifics remained unclear. Alar proports that civil and political unrest is just on the brink, that he wishes for the safety of his family’s legacy and his own personal interests. Daren chides in with “so we are going into hot water” and Joenes quips back “we are we not in hot water?”. The rest of the group going along with his convoluted plans and taking the opportunity to go into new lands. For Greta, Daren, Flynnic and Libra this is their first time in Sirinal, taking in the climate and the small differences in flora and fauna. Greta sees a squirl, and having only seen chipmunks is curious, Alar with his animal speaking prowess compels it to come closer and passes it off to Greta, the squirl is by no means friendly but poses no danger. Daren and Joenes secretly bet a gold that “something” will happen during this journey, seeming danger follows them. Another fun topic on their walk is that of a flamingo, still some ideas are confusing to Greta and so its description is laid forth. Flynnic does off mid day and lets Pascal hunt, after an hour or so the blue dragon brings back a bloody face and the tusk of a wild boar.

The road has been quite peaceful all day, other travelers coming and going, walking, in carriages and on horseback alike. The roads, as Alar and Joenes explain are maintained by the military and so the crushed gravel and brickwork is done to make it clear and easy to travel between destinations, so to the built in encampment areas are for the ease of travelers, all free of charge. They stop in the half way alcove to Nahes, a nice area with central firepits and a few benches and study wooden tables for travelers to use, a few other carriages already present. Alar tells the group that he is going to sprint off to Nahes to prepare the way before the group arrives, and that he will be back later tonight. Alar and his magically enhanced speed carry him at a pace of almost ten miles and hour, so he runs off into the evening towards Nahes. In the meantime each person goes about doing dinner on their won, Flynnic and Daren cook up some of the rations brought, Libra sits and enjoys the people, studying the two stationed guards at this outpost. Greta and Joenes both head into the woods, each to take their own reasons. Greta goes and explores, not finding much but she finds neither stress nor peace, simply the subtle differences in flora and fauna. Joenes on the other hand, he feels at home, the smells of conifers and the fallen needles, the moss and lichen, it is not his northern town but it holds close, he wanders almost in a liminal state, his conscious mind slipping away into the backdrop and a oneness with nature, the ancientness of this area rings true in his mind. This, he feels is the presence of Fonaris, the Elemental god of earth and nature, related closely to his god Fenasal. After a few hours he returns back, rejuvenated and rested. Daren in the mean time works to touch out into the divine, to reach to the high realms with his contacting of other plains, he has meet the servant of Mornal, he has seen the flame of Fenasal, perhaps he tries another way, he grasps out to Keldwin. The first attempt he fails and Libra bring him back to sanity with his magic, but on the second time it works. He is brought into an area of sand, deep desert surrounds him with small ruins at his side. A voice behind him a sinister tone with a harsh Wisper it speaks slowly “Ask” it says, turning around Daren sees nothing but can tell the being moves behind him and out of his vision. He begins his questions: “what is your relation to Alar?” “servant” it responds. “how long have has he been working for you?” “months”. “what do you know of his family?” the voice says “Perilous, betraying, untrustworthy”. “What has Alar been up to?” “gathering blood”. The last question he asks “blood as in people or actual blood” the voice, a slight cackle says “Both”. Before the vision has cut out here, but he remains. The being behind him says “A question for you, do you seek power like he does?” Daren, careful to reveal answers with a follow up “well how exactly does he seek power?”. The being responds “the attempt to be divinized, do you seek it?” with a harshness in their voice. Daren chimes back “of I would be a terrible god”. The vision cuts out here and he wakes back up, light headed but fine. Libra and Flynnic ask, “how did it go” Daren responds “better than last tine”. Daren messages the group with his mind, so as to keep the information hidden from Alar. He talks about how to asks for Keldwin and got something, but wasn’t sure exactly, he mentions that Alar’s family is not to be trusted.

Alar takes his quite fast run down to Nahes, moving quickly yet out of sight within the city. He moves with grace and speed into the house of wisdom, his home. It has been over a year since he has seen this place yet now is not a time for the seeing of sights. He moves to his cousins room, Colettei Istraia, he knocks on her door, she opens as a little suppressed but knowing Alar would turn up soon enough, she lets him in. Colettei stands a little taller, she has brown braided hair and long wood elven ears The two sit and talk, the conversation taking little time as both are rapid in their assessment. “our deal still stands” Alar says. “perfectly, as long as the terms are the same” Colettei responds. The two discuss finer terms of their deal that had been hashed out over a series of animal messengers and letters sent from Alar. Colettei will help Alar in his plan of ascendency, killing their grandfather Vilhies Istraia and the current champion of wisdom. Colettei will become the new champion, Alar’s brother Relius will take over as function head of the house and Alar will be left with dealing of some of the fortune, to do what with his own. The plan is known, Alar is given small earing for his group to wear to be identified but Alar says that their cloaks, and general appearance should be obvious enough to set them apart. Alar removes his white face helmet and shows his eyes, blood red and his face stained and transformed by the closeness of Keldwin, Colettei wonders and Alar responds that “even the gods favor me now”

Alar arrives back at the camp close to midnight, a lite sweat broken out but none the weaker for it. Resting well the group goes to sleep. Awoken in the deep of the night by Libra, he who sees a faint light bluish green glow off into the woods. Waking the others up to be ready, it seems their defense as adventurers is called for. Ready and in wait as the figures approach, skeletons that have a faint glow to them. The battle begins, the group trying not to creature more noise then needed. Joenes moves forward blade swiping and sweeping down two at once, the skeletons are quite weak. Libra throws out his seven coins and the axe of Emra as he animates the objects and they fly out at the skeletal attackers, striking down three at once. Greta moves forward towards a moose skeleton, her rage fills the area with colorful lights. Daren casts far step, a newly learned spell that allows him to teleport with great swiftness, slashing two skeletons down. Alar casts inflict wounds, as he sees the lichen covering on the skeletons, it proves quite effective, knocking down one.  Joenes slashes again getting two more, Libra and his objects strike out into the forest and lay waste three more, he two uses a bolt of fire to get a forth. Greta tries to mount and ride the bone moose, but it does not move, she hitting to try and get it to move she instead punches hard and it dies. She looks at the lichen and touches it, ripping it apart and wondering the purpose, a mild string of an acidic burn on her finger form doing so. Daren continues his battle work and casts out his hands as a vast cone of cold envelopes the forest and six of the skeletons. Libra uses his fire to purge the moss from the skeletons that still had it, and moves the bones to the fire in the middle. The fight is over and the group is left wondering, this a strange creature, Alar picks it up and in an almost god gifted flash of wisdom knows that this lichen is the force behind animating the bones, it working to bind the together, and yet the lichen in linked together as one organism, acting in kind. Strange, Alar calls with material Radium Lichen for its glowing color. Greta and Libra both make the connection that The Kari mentioned stirrings happening in the ossuary, while far from the location it still may yet be related. The soldiers stationed wake up and ask around what happened, take stock of the situation and greatly thank the group.



Waking up in the morning well the group makes breakfast, Greta using some of her Kesti spices to make a more flavorful dish, combining some rations of mushroom and egg for a nice bake. Greta takes note, that it is her birthday, she does not announce or celebrate it but knows it well the same, entering into her fifty sixth year. Setting off to Nahes the day is uneventful, at one point the road changes from the tan gray color of crushed gravel to a white of chalk, signaling that they enter into the wood elven territory of Sirinal, where there is a degree of sovereignty for the wood elves. This then leads into an explanation of the governmental system of Sirinal and its relation to the elves. Arrival in Nahes happens in the evening, Alar gives a tour and explanation of some parts of the city. The grand elven generational gardens, in which only one select artist will spend ten years to shape the gardens. The art museum, in which historical tapestries and painting are set for display. The beach that is widely enjoyed, despite the short season for its comfortability. The magical walls of Nahes which protect against magical means of attack. He also points out the various important houses that rule over Nahes, while much of the day to day logistics are figured out and crime is rare, the houses still meet for ceremonial purpose and to do the occasional needed work. He mentions his own house along with the other eight notable houses: Vilnos, Marakin, Dumas, Roschol, Aller, Romath, Tomis, and Pikalin. Each house has responsibilities and various members, which all mentioned by Alar but it is far too many names for the hand of fate to keep track of. He ends the night as his favorite restaurant in the foreign quarter called “the son of capris” which serves traditional Sirin cuisine. The night ends well with the five members staying in the hotel, Greta slightly sad that she is the only member who does not speak elvish. They all sleep soundly and well.




Shasal theme

Nahes theme

Day ambience

Night ambience

Keldwin spirit theme

Session 32



The group wakes up in the morning and meets in the hotel lobby to go over plans and information for the day. Before doing so Daren warns the group to once again not trust Alar’s family. Reminding them of still the lack of address about the blood stone a while ago and the other suspicious things, not to mention his group of followers in Nashel. Alar comes in and the group goes over their plans for the day over breakfast. The general scope of it is that they need to plant a poison in the glass of Alar’s grandfather, not the kind that will kill him but one that will cause him to be weakened. In addition his silverware should be swapped out for near identical duplicates, this because his current set is made of silver which is able to repel some poisons and so swapping it for steel will allow him to be further poisoned at the great houses dinner. The official reason for their presence is as foreign dignitaries and celebrities of a kind, some stories have made it across the desert and so mild entertainment at the great houses dinner. He mentions also for the first time the sensitive nature of his familiars “Familial selection procedures” and the philosophy of what is effectively forced Darwinism. Flynnic catches a job out for the day on a local fishing vessel. Alar gives them information about the layout of house Istraia. Ideas are passed around by Greta suggesting an Oasi double chamber tea pot design for a potential way to deliver poison. Questions are also asked about how magical his family is, as a blanket term secrecy is their policy, many most likely possess some ability, but he does not know how many. Alar departs to get the poison and the silverware from Colettei.

Alar, leaving for his house, Daren turns invisible along the way to follow him. Alar, knowing the loose schedule of Colettei goes to the library first. Up to the second floor, moving some books past the way and reaching up a hidden board he reaches and grabs out a favorite book of his, one treasured yet the name scratched out, and in which some notes written in the margines. Daren spies over and reads a passage about plant development with the notes “very important!”. Alar moves up a ladder and reads in a hawk like way over the library, Daren who is still yet invisible here moves away out of sight. He transforms into a noble looking wood elf and picking a random book off the shelf, it is “A study of constructs. By Elysai Arwin”, noting it in relation to Libra for later. As Alar walks out of the library Daren assumes the form of a small fruit fly with polymorph and follows, Alar goes to Colettei’s room, knocks and enters. Daren close behind perches on the door frame and overlooks the conversation. Firstly the order of business when Colettei gives Alar the poison and the silverware, she removes the poison from a hidden pocket in her jacket, a flat square like bottle. The silverware is taken from a nice wooden box and given over. They talk more of the plan and its importance, stressing any parts. Alar at the end makes a comment about sharing all the power, but being extra careful he uses telepathic communication to say it, Colettei says she does like that and makes a vague gesture to her head, confused but little note Alar thinks. She also asks about their night mission to infiltrate in the house and she mentions that his friends will go to the room of his brother and his grandfather, Colettei making a note of the great need to not bother her room. Alar also describing the hand of fate of “We can be Hero’s at times but can be villains”. Colettei makes a threatening statement that “If you wish for your deal to be kept in good terms you must respects the sanctity of this space”. Alar nods and makes a makes a comment about how “its nice to see plans be so close to fruition”. The two also talk about stories heard of the group, how rumors in high society here tell of things. she says “all things grand and great, if they are not exaggerated” and Alar parries that “I haven’t heard a rumor that overexaggerates us yet, if anything most don’t know much of anything at all”. She tells of how they travel with a tamed dragon, they command a piece of living Archaeotech, they brought peace to Warnek and how they saved the survivors of Vodras, and killed whatever was keeping them prisoner.  

Alar leaves and goes back to the hotel, Daren on the other hand stays in his fruit fly form for as long as he is able, Colettei reads her journal, looking towards the beginning for a bit before she touches her looks up. Daren gets little direct information but more ideas to look around for. Back at the hotel Alar, Greta and Joenes plan to go for a day trip to things around the city that were pointed out last night. They visit the cities only church present, seeing its beauty and great stained glass windows, Joenes goes into a faith based explanation of all the signific of the art, with a note that this church does not favor one of the twelve gods but instead favors the concept of the unity of the gods, giving a short history lesson of the Rin-Tal and the unification pact. They also explore the Grand Elven gardens, seeing beautiful flowers and shrubs alike in the pleasant weather. Libra knows Daren will be back later and so takes some time to look around the city, looking for secrets he does find some. He sees into a home and sees godly statues of the unified gods, odd for areas outside the foreign quarter. He also spots a young elven couple who are intending to be sneaky and unseen. Daren goes out and gets coffee for the night ahead in the afternoon.

During the late night the planned heist/break-in takes place. Greta, Libra, Daren, And Joenes all go. Flynnic was out on a two night fishing trip and Alar was at his own home, being mysterious as ever. Libra and Greta go to see the brothers room, unfortunately Libra can feel breathing in the room and thus knows that Relius Istraia is in, they decide to leave it alone. Daren disguises self into a normal looking servant and goes about the building  to the kitchens, making it in he disguises as a chief. Present is another chief who looking tried asks “You new?” to which Daren quips out “c’mon you cant even remember my name” to which a “hey its been real long, prep on that dinner has been brutal” to which Daren responds back “yeah I feel that, got me in here inspecting stuff at this hour”. Daren goes about his task, looking over and checking all the silverware and dishes, sneaking the decoy set of the Grandfathers silverware into place and in addition, while loud he does get the poison in the cup. The other chief thinks he sees this but Daren uses his slippery tongue to convince him otherwise. Then Daren disguises himself again on the way out back to being a servant, Joenes being invisible and following in toe. Daren goes to Colettei’s door but sees Ghost guarding it and so walks past with nonchalantness. Using message Daren tells Libra to come to the Grandfathers room. Libra does not hear or feel anything inside, even using detect thought he doesn’t feel another presence. Daren uses polymorph to go back to being a fruit fly and goes inside to look, no one appears present. So, transforming back he unlocks the door and the four enter inside to look for clues and evidence. Libra stands watch for people moving in close, with invisibility at the ready. Greta scouts out the room and looks at clothing. Daren looks at writings and letters. The room is dark, both from a lack of light and the color pallet, washed out blue grays and black are the theme. He has on the wall a large golden key, perhaps two feet long with words written in a language that no one can read or even identify, he also has a collection of some high end jewelry on his desk. Small decorative plants at the window. Daren open a large journal the cover reads “life of Vilhies. 1538-” indicating that this is the current journal, it seems he makes only a few entries each year but the most recent one is from about a month ago with some planning for this great houses dinner that happens yearly, before that was the winter solstice. Looking for false drawers Daren finds a special and very well made dip pen, also as well an ink vial with a weird vicious ink like substance. Libra looks at it and can tell it is in fact the blood of a black slime that is preserved, how macabre. Greta looks under the bed and finds a large selection of small metal soldiers painted up, it appears to be a game for playing mock battles. She also finds some items in the pockets of his closet cloths. A candy, which Daren grabs and unwraps, and promptly rewraps, in the process covering it with poison of pale tincture. She also finds a nice cigar, a few lapel pins, and platinum coin with the mint of lake Malahen ( the one that Nahes sits on ).

Satisfied with the search of Alar’s grandfather’s room, with the time they have, the group makes their way down to the basement for what was ominously titled “the room”. The door is labeled “familiar selection” unlocked the group heads inside. It’s a barren room with no decorations, just basic stone grey wall blocks. Inside are two sub rooms, cells built up with metal and stone walls with doors covering them, a slat near the top reveals an area for observation and a slat at the bottom assumed for food. Two journals and a pen with ink are nearby, the Journals labeled “Mura #7” and “Demor #13”. Looking inside the cells Daren sees first a young girl, perhaps fourteen of age if she was human, sleeping, fully unconscious sleeping on the raised slab that accounted for a bed. He looks in and sees to the older, but still young looking boy in the other cell, he who looks gaunt and emasculated, as if starved and quite like a corpse. Taking point of this situation he determines that no matter what they will save these children. He knocks on the door to the boy, Demor, who wakes up from his trance and looks at Daren. “Would you like to be free?” “yes” he asks in turn “would she also like to be free” “yes I guess so as well” Demor speaks with a raspy and quiet manor, struggling with each word. Daren knocks on the door to Mura, she wakes as well, from unconsciousness startled and looking around wildly, as if closer to an animal than humanoid. He tries to talk but she doesn’t seem to be able to understand or hear him. Libra, having been reading the books concludes that these tests are as such Demor is being tested for a lack of ability to eat, studying malnutrition. Mura is being tested for isolation and so she has not seen the face of another for many days. Daren appears as his true half elf self here. Looking for keys, yet finding none, Daren gets desperate enough to ask Greta to break the door bolts out, her barbarian strength does it with ease. Mura once out just stares for a few seconds, looking around frantically yet asks “Am I done?”  to which Daren responds with a key “Yes” Demor, who is too weak to move on his own, Greta carries him out. Daren takes Mura as well. The group is turned invisible my Daren and Joenes and they leave the home, carrying the burdens of trauma and life on their shoulders and hearts. Getting back to the hotel the two are put up in Greta’s room, they are given each an apple and Greta stays with them for the night to watch over and protect.



Waking up in the morning, now with the responsibility of two children present. The morning is quiet and slow. Daren, who was unable to investigate the room for Colettei goes back to the house of wisdom. He once again disguises self as a servant to look around to find Colettei first to make sure she is vacant, he finds her eating breakfast and so makes a break for the room, turning into a fly to go under the door he then begins to investigate. He looks over her books, many works of fiction yet he also finds a like journal, the one she was reading yesterday. He looks thought it, reading some of the last entries, the last one was dated to 23/5/1563BM, and it describes her going out to the woods and enjoying parts of the end of summer. He thinks it fine, he looks at some letters in her desk, a large pile for correspondences between those in and around Sirinala’av and other major cities. He does notice that the handwriting is different, slightly taller and more formal, hard to see for the untrained eye but having spent time with a writing conscious Alar he sees this and notices, odd. He puts these items back and looks around more, under her table is an attacked knife, one hidden and purposeful. He looks into her closet yet finds nothing else of great note. Feeling yet that something is still up he continues to search. He goes under the bed and feels around, finding an odd hard lump in the middle, yet no easy way to reach it he uses his pearl knife and just cuts the box out. Trying to get it open it seems to not budge, despite having a lid and no locks. He decides to use eldritch blast and get the box open, the box cracks and he sees inside four small items, upon further inspection they appear to be finger bones, each with a name carved into them. the names list as such: Kotha Gemda, Lisander Wirr, Torin Aleho, Colettei Istraia. He is deeply concerned of this, and what he also spots as a broken magical seal set within the box. Knowing something to be up, he takes the bone of Torin Aleho and looks toward the window, spots the street and uses dimension door to escape the room before he is caught.

Daren returns back to the hotel, calling the group to gather. He explains the situation and at hand, dread rising as the facts are explained. First Daren gets Libra close to help, Daren contacts Mornal, to try and answer questions about this bone. He enters into the living dream like state that is contact. He sees a grey sky place and a dense graveyard, yet all stones are blank. Around him a black mist circles and moves about. He asks and gets answers. “Do you know what this is?” “Bone”, the mist says with a chill. “What is the significance of this and the other bones in the room?” “Power”, the mist replays. Daren comments “you’re not really selling yourself here, throwing your chance away to convince me that being the dark one is worth it” No response is given, the mist continues to circle and move. “How do these provide power?” “Sculp”, the mist says. “Do these provide power or influence over the person?” “No” it replies. Daren comments again before his last question saying, “you’re really not being helpful here, Keldwin was way better at this” . he asks, “what school or domain of magic do these bones use?” “None” it states as the world fades back to the living one. He relays the questions and answers to his friends in this area. It is Libra first who connects the dots, he, while not having any experience with this takes a guess “We might have a skin walker on our hands” “something has taken her form”. He asks to Alar “when did Colettei start to reach out with this plan?” Alar says, “oh about five months ago” and the knowledge is known, something happened to Colettei and whatever is controlling or appearing as her is not the original. Joenes thinks to some of the local legends, the wendigo of the forest, a being that eats man. He also thinks of other legends, the lost soldier who begs for company and will take people away in the night. The celestial mountain lion, who is a forgotten star god that stalks those alone. these and other things of myth and legend, but with now perhaps more credence. Remembering their strange encounter in the forest in Kest they know that horrors are not far from them. Many of the clues are coming together and things explained. Daren asks Alar what should be done, it is his family after all. Alar thinks about telling his brother, but the fear of potential multiple of these beings causes fear. The change to reveal these things at the houses dinner and usurp power even further. They do decide that his grandfather is to be taken out, that perhaps Alar can take over the family with just him and his brother to sort out the house. Alar goes out and starts to spend the afternoon writing letters to the other houses in Nahes and around of this upset to the plot, giving information and potential of distrust, always to pushing subtle ideas of allusions of Keldwin. Lots of things to consult and act on for the days to come.




Colettei dark theme

Epic sound music

Mornal theme

Session 33


Flynnic returns back from his fishing trip, the group excited to see him back welcomes him with the tell of much new development. That, unfortunately many things have changed here. Flynnic recounts how it was a nice trip that he had out on Lake Malahen. The tales of him and Pascal, the other fishers and how he enjoyed the time. Daren and the group inform him of the situation, how they now have two children that they are caring for at the moment, how Alar’s cousin Colettei is assumed to be a Skinwalker of sorts. The rest of the day is various forms of planning and activity. Daren and Flynnic go and investigate the gazebo where the dinner will be held. Alar is busy sending letters off to the houses and champions. Libra stays up late to give people the benefit of Aid for their next day. Alar also goes off into the woods, finds a small robin and ties a short message to it, a message that is encoded, It looks normal to any eye but to those in the know it contains details about the situation. He uses animal messenger to send the bird over to Nashel informing Delari and Kortor. The evening goes well, light trepidation occurs but nothing crazy. The kids, Mura and Demor adjusting well enough to the situation but still staying mostly on their own.


The day of the dinner. Daren uses the scrying ball to try and see what Colettei is up to, unfortunately her natural slippery mind saves against it and he is unable to see. Alar uses the orb to spy on Colettei as he remembered her from almost a year ago, yet this too returns no vision. The dinner opens with a fancy entrance for each guest, sixty of those diners in total spaced across ten tables. Our heroes are guest on honor, and aside from the Sirin delegation the rest are all Elven nobility from the city. Each table in turn contains a “champion” one for each of the six houses of power, and the other three while not having a champion do hold a highest official. At the Sirin delegation sits one of the Division generals of Sirinal. Due to only four tickets existing a plan is made. Joenes will be turned invisible and in wait by Colettei, Daren will use a disguise to look like Joenes and Flynnic will use his disguise to look like Daren. At the party our heroes sit here. Alar sits at the first table, with Colettei, His brother and father, his grandfather, and Celois romath, who is the champion of wisdom, dressed like a druidic sage and haggered. Alar has to play none the wiser most on the dinner, pretending to be interested while knowing that tonight these people will be killed. Libra is sitting at the second table with House Vilnos, responsible for intelligence, the champion of Intelligence is named Trena Vilnos, and her wizard name/title is Quinine, a man dressed in typical wizard fasion. The discussion is around Archaeotech constructs like Libra and its rather crass in form. The third table is where “Daren” ( Flynnic ) sits at. This is for house Marakin and the champion, Wolen Marakin is a classical bard in appearance, he talks about Kesti romantic poetry, the whole table talks or art and the finer things in life. table four is for house Dumas, where Greta finds herself among her people. This is the house of strength, most of the talk is about feats of doing and old stories. The champion of the house Dovan Pikalin shows off his impressive tattoos. Table five is for house Roschel and Madeline Roschel is the champion of dexterity. Table six is for house Aller and the champion of constution is Rapos Aller. Table seven is for house Romath, who serve to maintain plants and the natural connection. Table eight is for house Tomis which is where “Joenes” ( Daren ) sits. They have no champion but have religious officials of high standing. While “Joenes” is quiet for the most part the conversation is talking about the validity of various prophecies both old and new, a fascinating discussion. Table nine is for house Pikalen, those in charge of commerce and the outside world. Lastly, Table ten is for the Hastevi group, these are the Sirin delegation of humans from the rest of the government who are in good ties, diplomats and soldiers the like. For the dinner, which consists of six separate courses, including a light vegetable soup, a small garden salad, a cheese and noodle dish, a baked potato, carved fruits, and for desert ornate ,sugar sculptures. These all done to high quality, knowing potential poison for the food some of our hero’s avoid it but other do small tastes. During the course of these meals, and taking a few hours each table will have the head or house or the champion stand and give a small speech, something to tell of the state of the house and their endeavors. The grandfather and Celois both are quite hangered and sick looking, but both here out of obligation. The grandfather gives a short, simple, not great speech about his house, polite clapping is given but it is given as a consolatory gesture. After he finishes his speech Colettei stands up and gives a speech of her own. “All you who bear witness, let this stand as a day in which great change will occur. Our house has stood as great, but look at us, what have we become? Our champion weak, our house leader sickened, we used to be great. Today we will become what we once where. It is time this house was born anew, a better and younger set of leadership, one that is not stuck in a barbaric and destructive past. It is time we changed” the crowd nervous during this, harsh language but many know her, many even had been informed of this by either her or Alar. She takes out a knife and points it at her grandfathers throat, a finger twitching and she mutters, a fear in the grandfathers eyes, a spell of some form being cast.

Greta is the first to react, trying to glean information of what just happened she guesses that Colettei took control over the grandfathers body. She gets up and starts running towards the scene. Alar, putting his plan into action uses moonbeam on Colettei and it is shown, her facial details melt away and a pale gray skin remains with black ink wells for eyes, a thin mouth and no ears, white haired head. As if the paint was stripped off a wall. Ghost moves in and a small blast of flame occurs, Alar moves then yells “You Skinwalkers are an abomination!” Flynnic moves in closer, uses his wand of lightning bolts to light her up with electric power, hitting the grandfather as well. The people are staring to get up and flee, guests running away. Colettei uses a hypnotic pattern but in the chaos of the crowd it does no effect, she moves out of the moon beam and her form goes back to its Colettei look. Joenes slams his sword forward on Colettei, his invisible defense coming down and a massive smite from his lance pierces her skin, bashing her skull in with his shield his armored raw power shines forth. He kills the Skinwalker shaped like Colettei, her form still appearing as Colettei but not dead and bleeding a think green blood. The champion of dexterity charges in, her eyes glazed over and focused, she attacks Vilhies and hits him with her long thin sword. Daren uses a teleportation and moves in strikes the grandfather, ending him on the stop with his mindreaver blade. The champion of intelligence steps forward and calls to Joenes “Wait” as he is near the body of Colettei, Joenes not bound by his words but waiting still. The champion of charisma says “Well, good night” and vanishes in a silver mist. The champion of construction also bolts away with a fast running speed. The champion of strength, choosing not to run to save his skin comes in and joins the fight around the champion of dexterity. Greta attacks with her Quasar hammer, using its charge as a flash of light and fire erupts from it on the champion of dexterity. Alar and ghost use a scorching rays with many beams hitting the champion. Flynnic attacks the champion of dexterity with his pan. The champion of dexterity does and attacks out at Flynnic, hitting but not able to attack with the same surprise ability. Joenes comes in and smites the champion of wisdom, holy fire continues to rain down at his call. Libra casts haste on Daren and Joenes, the fight made all the more fast. The Champion of wisdom is hit by Daren’s hex blades curse, yet he still strikes out cleanly at Daren. The champion of intelligence runs forward with great speed and grabs the body of Skinwalker Colettei, Alar tells him to bring back her items and he nods. You cant get it all. The champion of strength hits hard with his massive blade crashing down many times. Greta attacks out with her Quasar hammer again, slamming the dexterity champions face. Alar uses an infliction of wound with his magical hands, after his ice knife stabs the champion of wisdom in his stomach, whispering “You failed me” as he kills him.  Flynnic hits the champion of dexterity twice. Joenes, with his greatly magically enhanced speed and ability charges up, hits three times, each with burning fire and kills the champion of dexterity. The champion of intelligence holds out an Ankh and vanishes into thin air, gone from the fight with the body of Colettei.

The fight is over, drained and exhausted but having done the job. The guests have all disappeared into the night, those few close by start to pick up the pieces and clean up. A disaster to be left in the wake of the hand of fate. The Sirin delegation, who bore witness to this thanks them for stopping the creature and will do their best to clear up any miscommunications that would arise of this. Alar drags the corpse of the champion of wisdom atop that of his grandfather. He takes off the crown and scepter from the champion of wisdom, ceremonial items but ones made of the extremely rare thalian gold, placing the crown atop his head. The group shakes hands and thanks the champion of strength for his assistance. The group spends the rest of the night picking over what remains here, the few items on the person of the champion of wisdom and dexterity. On the champion of dexterity, a small ruby is stuck in the back of her neck, guessing it to be some form of control. In time they depart back to the room, the two kids are asleep and so they decide to break the news in the morning.

Heading to bed for the night it seems our hand of fate experiences dreams. Flynnic stands out on a rainy cliff, one that he cannot place the location of and feels strange. In front of him a large stone block, on it lie a small dagger and a cape, the cape of a neutral faded green, feeling a pull to the cape he holds it aloft, the cape opens into a bright blue lotus flower and he is transported into a garden area. Joenes appears in a stone chapel, in front of him a wooden table alter, on it a candle and a bowl with some lit coals. He muses and looks at the candle, choosing the flame. Ut turns into a blue lotus and he appears in the same garden area. Greta appears in a cave, glowing moss on the walls but a very dim light, a stone pillar with a flat top in front, she sees a mushroom and a rock. She looks at both and picks the rock, it in turn opens into a blue flower and she is transported to the garden. Libra appears in the pale stone that is the color of Thalian ruins from before the collapse. a workshop table in front of him with a gear and a orange piece of imbued topaz. He takes the gear, it opens up into a blue flower and he is transported into the garden. Daren appears in the white palace, sad a bit at being here but wondering, he says “I know your around here somewhere” but no reply. In front of him an alter, on it a small hand scythe and a stone bowl, looking at the bowl but not choosing it he wonders, small and stone made it confuses him. Looking around the space he sees a piece of scroll paper, and finding it blank he feels more pull toward it, choosing the paper, it turns into a flower and he appears in the garden. Alar wakes up in the sands of the great desert, seeing a relief of Keldwin painted on stone, her hands down and bleeding. An alter of sandstone exists before him, on one side glass bottle of green poison and the other a glass bottle of blood. Looking over the two, even trying to summon ghost, but it does not work. his desire for power causes him to want and wish for both yet knowing the dilemma he choose poison after some thought. The poison turns into the blue lotus flower and he appears in the garden. All six are present in the garden, white marble on the ground and surrounded by high hedges, looking at each other it is different. Their vorpal bodies are a more ideal form of themselves, a version of the best way of their physical forms. Behind their heads are blue diadem, an almost halo like fixture, behind that of Alar a large scorpion symbol for Keldwin, behind Joenes the symbol of Fenasal and behind Daren the symbol of Mornal, but not to the same size as the others. The six are present here and talk to each other, all with varying levels of familiar with vorpal space. Greta and Libra look at each other and share a sigh of relief that this is not a repeat of their dream with the Kari. Daren pulls out the tuning fork, and it feels an almost magnetic pull in a direct, going through the thick hedges and with Flynnic following him the two set off to what ever space that is. After a half hour of the biomes blending from one to another they are firmly within the mists, a dark forest at night with low fog over the ground. Flynnic and Daren both choose to wake up. Alar goes searching after Keldwin, knowing that all thoughts of his will lead to the desert, he makes his way into the sands and in turn to the great palace. Seeing no other spirits on his journey he wanders, eventual he finds something, not the Keldwin he hoped for but a god none the less. A jackal figure stands, clad in gold and blue, the god Wahri. Alar asks of the blue flower, and of what Alar can do for Wahri he responds slowly “You win and choose”. “what do I win?” “battles”. ‘Against?” “all”. Alar responds fully “I never planned on loosing”. Wahri leaves him. Alar wanders the palace for many hours more, searching for Keldwin but feeling as if he strays further from his goal. In the end he carves his symbol on the wall of one area of the palace. Joenes moves towards Fenasal, not in any specific way but the meditative flow like state of pure idea. he walks finding himself in time in a biome of charred and burnt rock, volcanic lava flows around, even spying a few spirits of being of pure fire, more structured and human like than a simple elemental. The sky a deep red from ash. He seeks, he finds a large stone disk like wheel, up on its right side. A complex symbol carved in tis face of gold, he recognizes it as one of the 263 names of fire, or epithets for Fenasal. Seeking more he continues onward until he sees another name, this one with an alter. A few orange flowers and burnt candle wax on it, he leaves a gold piece. Feeling connected somehow, as if the gesture was important he leaves the rest of the gold he carried. Greta and Libra seek off to Ahran, to try and find answers about this, wandering into the plains but seeing little, its an enjoyable place, long grass but lonely in a way, they both choose to wake up.




Elven dinner

Dinner combat theme

Joenes theme


Vorpal flower dream

Session 34


As the hand of fate awakes from their strange dream filled sleep them come back to the land of the waking and the problems of that space. Greta and Daren go upstairs to inform the kids of the changing of situation that occurred last night. Opening the door Mura greets them, Daren just saying it plainly “your Grandfather and cousin Colettei are dead, they were killed at the dinner last night” she and Demor are both a bit confused, how fast the situation changes, asking “are henry and Josie ok?” in reference to their parents, the two assume that yes they both are. Greta asking “Do you want to talk about it?” both of them are still hesitant and working to accept the situation so politely Demor says “no, I think we will be fine for a bit”. The two ask about food and so Daren sets up the front office to get them room service if needed.

Walking to house Istraia the group walks in on Alar talking to his father, a lightly heated conversation about family and how this all changed recently. The situation changed greatly in the past few hours, Henry and Josie have both fled and are quite mad, Alar’s dad, Jeartal and his wife Lisalla are both unhappy at the drastic change but do welcome some of the new things. It also seems that Alar’s older brother Relius will assume the championship of wisdom, and that his dad will take over the house. The group arrives in as Alar is saying “I will be raising the next successor to the house” his dad gives him an odd look, “did you accomplish something while across the great desert?” Alar waves off that assumption but says “We will see in time”. Jeartal looks over at the entering in group and says “Hello hand of fate” following up with “I hope that this will not go as it did last night”. Alar assures him that their involvement was more to clean out the old and that they do not seek any more harm. They talk a little bit, sitting down at the breakfast table and eating of the fruits and toast. Talk eventually sways to the important topics, what will happen of the house? Jeartal says “I was never a fan of the familial enhancement, we lost much due to that destructive practice”. Alar bring up the matter that he is “In dealings with the gods” and “we should show some favor towards our divine allies”. Jeartal not knowing the exact form states with strong conviction “we will show no favor towards those unified churches and their twelve, what has been done for them in the foreign quarter is more than enough”. Alar quips back “You assume poorly father, I speak of those with actual power, those from across the desert”. A cold acceptance “I supposed some mater of place could be built here” Jeartal knows well enough that he is not in a position to make great demands, seeing his own father slain last night with ease, how quickly could the same be done here? “I wish for stability, changes of need will be made, those poor systems will be removed but we wish to recover before we expand and change” comments Jeartal. Alar follows “oh course, we would never expect greatness so early on, that will come during my time. but as for now I do believe that we expect something in return for our help last night”. Jeartal remarks “You are free to look around the house and take what you need, you know well enough what we can afford to have removed”. He makes his leave and the group does about and around the house to start their investigation.

Heading off to the library first the Hand of Fate spends a good time looking around for books and around the various collections. Alar takes one of the special collection books the “book of hidden and mystic secrets”. Greta finds a basic Common to Elvish dictionary. Daren is fascinated by the large glass case with the Elvish-Sirin treaty, it is an authentic copy one of the six treaties that secures the lasting peace with the government of Sirinal and that of the Elven enclave of Nahes. Daren looks at it with envy, oh what a prize it would be to have, him and Alar exchange glances before Alar comments “No”. Joenes passes and says “whatever you are thinking, it’s a bad idea”. Daren says “I wont take the treaty” and leaves it at that. Next they enter into a collection room with many hundred of samples of dirt and soil, all in nicely labeled jars. Unsure at first of the initial reason for this Greta looks to see, and in turn taste, any differences between them. While interesting, it is not exactly known why this collection exists, Libra thinking for a small moment notes that perhaps it is used for advanced teleportation. Flynnic takes a small sample of one of the jars, soil from near Valtes in Kest. After this they wander some more, finding a fancy study room and seeing a set of these nice maroon stones, smooth and about the size of an egg. Daren able to detect the magical signature of them, knowing that they are abjuration magic of some form, then using a new spell to identify them he learns they are known as “Ion stones” and when attuned will float around your head, these one will provide a barrier for death, that if the person dies the stone will break and the person will be saved. He remembers the figure a while ago who had similar stones adorning his head. The group takes all ten of these precious items. Next the group goes into the room of the grandfather, looking around Daren is the first to take a nice menacing looking gray cloak from his closet. They also find some jewelry and the letters and journals of his. The very large key on the wall intrigues them, almost three feet long and very heavy, plus with some odd pattern of inscription on it. Daren peers at it with magical eyes, trying to comprehend its language but is unable to make out any meaning from it. Looking at the large painting on the wall Joenes peers behind it, seeing a small crack, breaking it open and a small built in hidden space, not much bigger than a safe. Inside is a felt cushion and the house master signet ring, the original signet ring for house Istraia. Searching the room further and finding little else of value but a few hidden daggers they move onward. Daren stopping a servant in the hall and asking about the whereabouts of Henry and Josie, the servant just says that they left late last night, and he wont tell Daren where. Doing to the room of Colettei to turn it over. They do a deep search, finding a hidden stash with bags of money, a bakers dozen bags each with twenty platinum coins inside, mostly from Nahes but some from other parts of Sirinal. This Alar assumes to be the money to pay off the other houses, instead today they will take it as their own. Some more jewelry is found, a fine makeup kit and also nice set of tea cups and other small serving dishes. Desperately looking for the box with bones, they are unable to find it and more worryingly they are confident that it is not present. Looking further they also take some of her clothes, a nice scarf and some items to see if Mura would wear them. During this time Daren tries to use Scrying on Lily and Josie, needing to see them to be able to use sending, unfortunately their minds are strong and crying goes to no avail. Heading to the basement to see if any other things remain from the experiments. The book of record is gone, but none the less a calling to libra to put this room to flame. A fireball is loosed out on the room, a simple spell of destruction but a flashback memory of his, a like light stone gray room, figures not recognizable and non-distinct, he pauses for a second, Greta about to see that something is wrong but not knowing what. Flynnic seeing this as well commenting “you hit the room” Libra breaks from the freeze, “yes, but emotions are not always perfect, I am fine”. The group finds other small unimportant things in and around the house, staying for a small lunch before retuning back to the hotel to decide what to do later.



Elven city

Session 35


The hand of fate talks about some of their options for the two children under their care now, perhaps to take them to become wards of the church? Perhaps help them live somewhere else? Making their way back to the hotel they break apart. Alar and Daren go off on a walk, Daren having things he needed to bring up. Greta goes upstairs and checks in on the kids, Demor talking to her for a short bit, that both of them are fine and holding up, his best plan is that they will find of the small wood elven villages for them two to live. Greta suggests the church as an option but he rejects the unified church because it isn’t elven and rejects the Geldic pantheon for the same reason. He also mentions that Mura has been a bit weird in the past few hours, that she was warming up to society and being more talkative but now she got rather quiet again.

Daren and Alar go for a walk around the city, Daren being quite up front about how he really wanted to dig into the truth behind Alar and his organization in Nashel. At first Alar responds with a vague “organizing and teaching people” Daren presses on the issue, that he mentions how he spoke to Keldwin and got some answers that he would rather hear explained from Alar. Alar goes into detail, that he is raising people into a new system of belief, and then that with belief comes power and the ability to spread influence across the world. Daren wonders what the end goal is, Alar pausing for a second “”To fulfil my density” to in a way get closer to god, gods or divinity. Daren comments “it can be dangerous to think this is a worth presumption, that one can approach the divine”. Alar responds with a cold “If I was really ready and worthy right now to be a god, I would be”. Daren thanks Alar for the honesty and the two make their way back. Daren agrees to keep quiet, as long as it doesn’t cause any problems, laying the statements that “If it does get bad, may fate guide us”. Alar asks his own counter questions, Can Daren give up being the dark one? That perhaps his symbol being small does not mean diminished but instead it is more concentrated and potent.

Back at the hotel, the tavern first floor Libra lets it be known that his ability has let him do a small bit of new magic, so he can disguise self like Daren is able to. Flynnic has been drinking the night over, an impressive thirteen drinks before he sets himself in the corner and lets the night take his sleep. Daren tries to beat that as well, ordering this fine mulberry wine that the tavern has.

Greta goes upstairs to address the situation with Mura. Opening the door Demor sees himself out and goes downstairs to wait. Greta enters the room with Alar, she is closed off, still and clearly uncomfortable, she looks concerned as if the two people coming in means something bad for her. Greta opens with the basics, asking of mood and situation, if anything feels different, she responds with plain and short answers. Alar sees this and uses message to tell her in her mind to “Tell the truth” she looks quite scared at this and folds, telling those two at once that she “would like to go up north” she doesn’t know why or how or anything but she feels called to this, Alar notices the mood and decides to see himself out for now so that Mura can trust just Greta. Greta explains that she and the group all understand how it feels to think and feel weird things, that no matter what it is they want to help her. Greta feels an odd sensation on her mind, something familiar but different. Like a cat scratching at a door, she mentally accepts this and hears in her mind “I am not sure what I a or where this came from” as Greta hears the mental connection from Mura, not a new feeling for her but one still not great. Greta asks when this started and Mura notes that it is quite new, she comments that “I don’t always feels like I am the only one in my head”. Greta asks if it speaks to her and Mura nods. Greta asks how this other thing makes her feel she responds “its not good or bad, but it makes me feel small”. Greta asks more if this other voice told her to go north, Mura isn’t sure but she known that she feels like she must go somehow, she doesn’t know the details or where or if she should go with anyone else but she is called to go north. Greta asks if she can ask this “other” if it has a name or title, something to attach itself with, Mura sits and breaths, meditation like a trance but after a few minutes she opens her eyes and looks back saying “why would you listen to an ant?”Greta is starting to put the pieces together and asks if Mura would like to speak to Daren about this. Mura accepts, but tells Greta to not tell Demor about this, she doesn’t want to worry him. Greta goes down and gets Daren and he goes up to speak with Mura. Daren sits down and says “So, you can communicate in without words?” in her mind he directs “So can I” she is again unnerved by this but nods her head. Daren reassures her that everything she is experiencing is fine, that she still has control in who she is and what she does, and that the power she holds can be used for good. He tells her also yet that life will change, yet it will change in accordance with her will, that she can make her life how she wants it to be. Daren asks questions about when this started, Mura tells how when she was in isolation she felt like she was the only thing present but that once she got out it feels more like her original self is coming back and the way she felt in that chamber has stayed, that something didn’t leave her. Daren is getting a sort of Déjà vu, that he remembers his own life in this way. when he was lost in the deep desert, trying to find meaning at the bottom of long buried monuments and structures, when he first found the weapon, that blade of fine shadowsteel, how his life changed. He surmises that like him, Mura is a warlock of some kind, a magic user for the gods or spirits on the other side but one with less organization that comes with a priest or cleric. He tells her that her feelings of going north, she should follow them, that she needs to learn about herself out there in the world, that running from your problems doesn’t lead to growth, confrontation does. He tells her that great power can come her way, he tells of the spells he can do, and even shows off some illusion spells. Mura, being put in a better mood now is warming up, she feels less worried about her state now that she doesn’t feel trapped and alone. She asks Daren “what happen to you when you followed the calling?” he responds in a simple way he got control, he found his friends, he found wonder and adventure, and he found purpose. He removes his black bow from around his neck, “here, I want you to have this” she looks at the bow with confusion. “it lets you focus your power, to keep it bound and regular, it organizes” Daren says. Mura gives it back to him and turns her head, indicating to tie it in her hair, he does so. Daren also pulls out a dagger from the bag of holding, a decorative knife and sheath and gives it to her “you can use magic, but you also may need this”. He also gives her one of the bag of platinum they had, twenty inside, a small fortune. Daren asks what next, she says she needs time to think this over, he tells her to carefully consider everything, make sure she really want to do what she wants to do. She agrees and tells Daren to once again not tell Demor and that she will come down when she is ready. Daren leaves and goes back downstairs, stealing himself and keeping calm despite the emotions, deep words where said, some to Mura and some perhaps also to himself.

Continuing down in the hotel bar the group lays low, card games played out, Daren tells Demor that Mura just wants the night alone and that they will get him a room. After sometimes Daren heads outside and goes invisible, going in front of the window of Mura, knowing perhaps that she may choose to leave. Late but not too late her window opens, she jumps down from the second floor to the street and cautiously makes her way out of the city. Daren follows in pursuit, keeping invisible. As she is just to the wall gate he drops the invisibility and confronts her, a slight panic in her face as she sees him, thinking she may be caught. Instead Daren pulls out a travelers sack filled with a variety of things needed for adventuring: food, clothes, tent and sleeping supplies, waterskins, fifty feet of hempen rope, thing of that nature. He also gives her one of the magical ion stones that they got, the one that prevents death, he also places one of the bands of lost and found in the bag bottom, knowing that she may yet need to be sought out. He gives her a final “Good luck” as she leaves, an adventurer is born.

Back at the bar Demor eventually goes to his room and the hand of fate is down here, Daren tells Greta the hard news that Mura choose to leave, Greta obviously is quite worried about this but Daren assures her that he has power and ability and is not forsaken, he gave her supplies. Still worried yet Greta starts a tab of her own and drinks, the odd connections in her mind, those children from the lair of Igdye, where they like Mura, what happened to them? Libra commends this action, that he helped someone saying “You are a good friend, and a good man”. The group go to bed, a more than full day and stressful indeed.


Greta and Joenes go out on a walk in the morning, clearing their mind from the trails of last night. Daren, left at the bar is the one who has to give the news to Demor as he walks out to the main area. “you should sit down” Daren says to Demor, worried but fine enough Demor sits. “You sister, she choose to leave last night” Daren tells Demor about what happened, not going into extreme detail but enough for Demor to get the idea, Demor is unsurprisingly quite angry at this. “You let her leave?” he asks, anger in his voice. “She choose to go alone, she didn’t want to worry you” Daren responds. Demor says, strained in his voice “You let a young girl go out into this world alone, one who has been struggling?” Daren tells him about the band of lost and found and shows him the paired ring. She looks at it strangely. “what is this?” he demands. “it’s a ring, that points to another ring which is with Mura at the moment. She wanted to go at this alone, following her would be against her wishes” Daren says. Demor snatches the ring, stands up “you come in here to this town and you tear down our family and now you take what I had left? If I was not without a weapon, I would strike you” Daren pulls out a short sword and offers it to him. “no I do not want anything to do with you” and Demor leaves the hotel. Daren thinks these moments over in his head for a few moments, Greta and Joenes coming back and wondering what happened. Daren tells them, and the other members of the hand of fate. Daren decides to use sending to Mura saying “Your brother Is coming after you, if you do not wish him to find you, take the ring from your pack and throw it out” she responds with “ahh, fine, ok” in an exasperated tone. Greta lets her anger boil over, she is understandably quite mad at Daren for how he mishandled the situation, now both of the kids are gone and on their own, Demor with nothing to his name. she remarks that in giving the choice of freedom to Mura in a way it was taken away from Demor. The group is left angry and hurt at the situation. The group decides to head out for the day, that it would be good for Joenes to see his family, his church and his paladin order. Walking out of the city and along the road to Shasal. The rest of the day goes without issue and they stop at the same encampment they did on the way here, sleeping well under the stars.


The day goes well, pace is made and they get to Shasal mid afternoon, getting a simple enough room for the night and dinner at separate places, they decide that they will not stay long in Shasal and may visit stuff on the way back.


Further north they head, the large built up Sirin roads well paved and marked and easy for travel, good places to rest on the whole of the way. At night the group goes their ways, Greta goes off on her own to the woods, telling Joenes that she is going of to try and prayer. She heads off and starts to play with the bones in a way, a ritual building of sorts, that makes shapes and forms, she avoids some of the symbols she made last time, knowing that this is an odd method for contact. She makes a symbol with a triangle and a circle and a line crossing both, odd but interesting. Her vision cuts out, blindness and if her eyes are closed yet unable to be opened. She is worried but not greatly so, the dark of it starts to fade into a sea of swirling red, oil like slick. She hears odd words that sounds almost slurred “fhgi vwur ehn hina largaathi” she feels pain, eyes opening up a pool of her own blood, her skin cut by thousands of small lacerations quite close to the door of death but Joenes and the other stand around her, his healing hands keeping her. They say she was laying like this, the bone symbol having been destroyed. She recounters her vision and what she did, the other worried but unsure. Joenes and Alar are able to pick up on this guess, red, physical pain and the symbol, signs point of Anjar, the inflict god of physical pain. He is one of the Unified Church gods. Daren gets an idea, that perhaps this is the way he is meant to communicate, he makes the symbol of Mornal on the ground. In a similar state he is blinded and passes out, his vision shows a women, wrapped in dark cloth and in a pale gray background of sorts, she turns her hand and shows a list of names, taking a finger and crossing the name “Gabriel Uluntai” out before he is sent back. Daren feels a deep pain from his check, checking it a deep scar exists, it looks as if someone took a knife and opened up his stomach, and while not seen his organs have suffered damage as well. Libra heals it with a greater restoration and the scar fades, pain fading as well but the mind being left hurt. Alar tries as well, these strange bones from a pufferfish being of use, he makes the scorpion symbol of Keldwin. Alar’s skin turns gray and then patches of red, his whole body and things he was holding turn to bloodstone, he is petrified. Libra at once goes greater restoration and the stone fades back. Alar’s vision quick he sees an area of gray stone and empty sky, pools on the ground of water that all reflect in them the desert. Alar recovers but is left disoriented. The group leaves the bones alone, Greta choosing to smash them apart with her hammer into fine dust and burry them away. Joenes uses a more traditional means of contact for his god, having a nice bright bonfire, leaving him with a pleasant heady feeling of joy. Another day of strangeness and so the group falls asleep, memories of injury still vivid.



Rainy city music

Mura warlock theme

Bones ritual theme

Session 36



The journey continues, traveling along the northern pass road out from Shasal, most of the day is still spent in lite conversation, the little nothings to fill the vocal space. Greta tries to draw a mustache on Libra, and on the second time succeeds greatly. This because Libra continues to practice with disguise self and voice changing. Daren practices his flute, delivering a very solid performance at night. Alar studies his star map at night.



As they are traveling by the river they take the midday lunch break to catch some fish. Pascal having a fun time, Alar using shape water to manipulate the fish right out of the river. Then making water into hoops in the air in which pascal flies through, who knew having a dragon would be so much fun. Libra continues with disguise self and Daren quips off the line “Look, just don’t be yourself”, this oddly causes Libra to go into another vision of his, one in which he sees himself with a walking stick and traveling like this, but the world doesn’t feel as aged. He sort of freezes up and the others notice Greta “Oh look he is dissociating” Flynnic says “Yippie!”



Joenes takes this evening to make a large bonfire, it is the traditional day of church and so he makes an effort. The group takes down a number of trees and makes their own clearing, this right besides the already made clearing of the Sirinal military camps, but as only two other groups are present they don’t mind, some even join in to sing songs with Joenes and practice like this. Joenes prays and asks Fenasal if this is the right way, the smoke of the fire points northward all night long, he takes this as a sign of affirmation.



Greta and Libra are both looking out and see some notable flora and fauna changes, Alar in turn helps point these out and explain what they are, the forest is starting to have some conifers mixed in with the trees, the summer climate getting more mild as they continue to travel up north. Squirrels are becoming more commonly red instead of gray here. Daren wears Alar’s grandfather’s gray coat cloak, Alar telling some stories but Daren responding “Those are the actions of a dead man, not of his coat” and continues on.



Into the late afternoon, normal as the sights have been on the trail so far they encounter an odd sight. An ambush of sorts, three men in leather armor with some small metal plates, hardened and battle worn skin. Looking like perhaps former soldiers. The group recognizes them as bandits right away. Instead of violence they just feel pity. These bandits are so below them. Joenes just walks up, full resplendent armor shining in the sun. Daren says “yeah so cant you see who we are? This is a bad idea even trying to harm us”. Joenes walks closer and approaches without fear saying, hushed in a way that his speech means little to the bandits “You have a lot of never for someone within marauding distance”. Behind him Flynnic takes out his pan and moves in across his neck, looking at another bandit, an odd scare tactic but it works. Pascal now seen inspires yet more dread. Daren “and let me guess, its you three and some guys in the woods and behind us that are going to try and rub us right?” the leader in a shaky voice says “Uh, yeah I guess” Greta simply sits down to watch this show down. Joenes gets even closer still to the leader of the group, who now has pulled out a knife. Joenes whispers in his ear “Are you sure this is what you want?” the leader gulps “This wasn’t part of the plan”. The group takes their surrender and collects their weapons, more daggers and spears, a pike and a sword. Alar looks at the three bandits behind him and casting a sleep spell completely takes them out sleeping in an instant, not dead but quite like it looking. Setting them all up to the side of the woods they give them each a set of leatherworkers tools, an attempt to let them start their lives better. The bandits are left to their own, hope that they make yet change. As they are leaving Joenes takes off his helmet and says to the leader “Tell all those around you that The Scourge returns to his hunting grounds” the rest of the day goes well, who gets the collected weapons is decided and done with.



The conversation of today is that of the whale in the jar and other curious magical items they have picked up along the way. the bag of badgers which yes still works well in fashion, an angry spitting badger coming out right when opened. Greta practices with a whip that one of the bandits had, getting good at it.



They encounter a couple today on the road, while they will sometimes see single travelers or a carriage these folk stop to make conversation. Large travelers packs on their back. They comment on the group and all their fancy looking attire. These travelers tell how they are pilgriming down to Sinasa’in for the midsummer week to spend time with family, and it is the first time in years, the journey is about another thirty days out but they are hopefully, having already came from just near the border of Kotak. Nice conversation is made, food is given and traded and it’s a good talk all around. Also of the whole group plays a lot of bolder parchment sheers, a classic kids game but still fun.



More of the off topic conversations occure, they have now branched off the main path onto a much smaller and less maintained road, still about as good as the ones in Adrea but different. The forest is much closer as well and they do not see anyone else the whole day. They talk about the process of wizard names and everyone makes up what they would be called if they became a master wizard. Alar goes into a long list about some famous wizards and their deeds. The nine current archimages of the magical school in Thalia: Omeprazol, Doxorubicin, Dextromephetamine, Balclofen, Amoxillin, Levothroxine, Clonidine, Narcan, and lisinopril. Odd, they note that the Kari does not have a name like this. They make a clearing and sleep in their tents like they are more accustomed to, bumpy ground but still doable.



It is mid afternoon that Joenes turns down another path, and in about twenty minutes they arrive at his village. It is small and doesn’t have a proper name, he guesses that there are twenty homes and about 120 people here, if needed it is “the village 2 hours east of the church”. The sounds of rural life fill the air, a fire crackling, smoke from a few chimineas, a goat in a pen, some scant chickens. He sees a person after a few minutes, helmet taken off so as to be recognized. Sarilla looks up at him, confusion but yet recognition in her eyes “Joenes, your back! Its been so long sense we have seen you” she exclaims, brushing herself up she looks at the group “I see you brought equality fancy friends” they catch up on some of the basic town gossip before Joenes insists that he needs to be getting to see his family. Entering into his home, knocking on the door his mother is starting to make dinner, a small pot over a fire, not turning around she says “Oh well Felgra I didn’t think I would see you over until tomorrow” she turns and sees Joenes at the door, aghast for a second but catching herself “Joenes! It is so good to see you!” she exclaims, the voice that only a mother can tell. “You are certainly looking better than when we sent you off” she exclaims, looking at his armor. She explains how she was making up dinner but that she will need to make room for a good deal more, now paying attention to the rest of the group, with Pascal staying outside for the time being but sticking his head in the doorway. Joenes’s mother now quite shocked at the whole group. They each introduce themselves in turn to her, Faelis is a wood elven women who looks to be in about her thirties equivalent human age. She was originally expecting that for dinner it would be the four of them, Faelis and Davian Joenes’s mother and father, and Venesa and Samwise, Joenes’s older sister and her husband. Joenes also now getting the news that his sister got married just over a year ago, oh how things change. At this moment Joenes’s dad Davian comes in and sees the commotion. This burley man tall and strong looking, he takes no miss to go and hug Joenes, both catching up and remaking on how they have changed yet stared the same. A second round of introductions goes on, the hand of fate talking themselves even more. Davian goes to get some chairs from the neighbor, news quickly spreads that Joenes is back after a long three years. Joenes explains his journey, trying to stay humble, telling both how he wandered around Sirinal and then into Harash before meeting the hand of fate and going to Adrea and Kest, into briefly Thalia. A renowned world traveler, some short gossip about the village happens but largely they want to hear about adventures, the other members happy to add to the story when Joenes is being to humble. Before long another knock is heard on the door, Venesa and Samwin. Joenes rushes up to greet the two at the door, a genuine and heartfelt “How’s it going” catching up the two of them like no time is passed, only a two year difference between them in age and so always been close. Venesa introduces her husband Samwin, who remarks how much he has heard of Joenes and glad he gets to meet the man. They tell of their wedding and then now their current life, living out about three hours away with Samwin’s parents for now until they can get a place of their own. Joenes feeling sad about missing the wedding takes out a platinum coin along with a nice golden bracelet, gifts as a form of trying to make it up. Shocked at this generosity but quite accepting. Venesa, as well is pregnant asking politely “How far along are you” she guesses to be about three months. Eventually sitting down at the dinner table and joining the rest of the group a wonderful family gathering occurs, a time to get together. the night goes long, a simple potato and pork stews is made but the seasoning of family makes it all the better. the group recounts their major events. About meeting in the desert village, then traveling across to Adrea and helping the houses in Warnek, to going south and saving Vodras form the chaos sisters, then to Kest to meet the mother of Pascal and defeat a bone dragon, then spending good time in Nashel and now visiting here after dealing with Alar’s family. Faelis asks about which house Alar comes from, he finally taking off his mask, the blood shot eyes a bit unnerving but telling of him from House Istraia. All manor of details are shared, for owning a sandwich shop, to running into old friends. The night goes quite late, but not so late to draw from sleep. Tomorrow is Sunday and so off to church it is, with the plan to join. Alar sneaks off and makes the journey to go to the home where Venesa and Samwin are staying, he casts the long ritual version of plant growth, shaping the very soil with vigor and strength.



The dawn of the morning light feels like and is home. Waking up and getting ready a good portion of the village makes their way along a well worn path to the church that acts as a hub between many of the small town and villages within the area. it’s a two hour trek but many people are chatting up about the new guests and the return of Joenes, talk of the whole town you would say. Flynnic riding on Pascal the way, and the group dressing in their nicer green hand of fate cloaks. Oddly no one has heard of them, this area gets very little news, people continue to be fascinated with Libra and even Greta. Getting to the church it is an impressive structure, for a moment Joenes remembers the words of that dragonborn mystic down in Kest, that this church will burn. Yet he pays it little mind. This church hold to the classic unified church style, a tall central spire with stained glass, the picture a bright flame shaped like a man, symbols around him in gold for the first ten names of Fenasal. Going inside he meets briefly his priest Desavo, a welcome home as well and an acknowledgment of the others. saying “ah Joenes, it is good to have you seen well, I hope that your time in the world has only brightened the light within you of Fenasal” “The world has been well to me, I have found and discovered much”. inside the church a warm glow of the fire illuminates the interior. The symbol of the elemental gods displayed above the stage, four glass bowls and in each the element, at the top is right and bottom is water, to the right is an empty bowl for air and the left one filled with dirt for earth. Desavo in time begins to preach, hymns are sung and a light accompaniment from a harp is heard. The church service goes on well, Desavo giving a message about hope and return, with some less than subtle words directed at Joenes with praise. When the alter plate is passed around our line sees it filled with a few pieces of silver and copper and decide to poor out their generosity, each putting in ten gold into the basket, Greta secretly slipping in an eleventh gold to try some favor for the gods here. The unification ceremony occurs, with Desavo telling the crowd, but more the guests that those in the unified church are bound together as one each Sunday but for those outside please come down and get a blessing. Joenes gets the binding, which is a paste of mixed ash and oil that is drawn into a circle on the top of your hand, Daren sees this and thinks himself a member of the church, he is the champion of Mornal of course, so he receives as well. as service ends he whispers off a prayer to Mornal “alright, we will see what happens” hope in a way. After the service Joenes talks more to Desavo, about his journey but also his spiritual and religious growth, a rare theological side of Joenes is seen with merits and also Joenes tells about his time when agents of the water god Delas attacked and killed him, how he saw a wet and oceanic vorpal space. Desavo reassures that often when you die the thing with the most recent pull has your destination but that all light leads to Fenasal. Joenes also recounts the dream in which he say two of the names of Fenasal and the priest is overjoyed, this the most special of places. The rest of the group hangs back, interacting with the people of the crowd but listening in as able. Joenes asks if there is a wax seal/emblem of Fenasal that can be added to his armor, getting them out and conducting a ritual in the church, one with hot coal flame and temperature the metal is made moldable and pressed into shape of this new symbol. It is not as if the armor felt incomplete before but not it wells more complete, perfect. Walking back to village the group entertains the children along the way, Daren using scient image and prestigitation to make colorful scenes. For these kids this is their first exposer to magic and may be one of the few they see in their life. Daren and Greta recount other common stories such as “The halfling of back and their again” and other fun works. The group chooses to stay the night, another long conversation into the evening over lunch and dinner.



The group stays another day, more time to talk and catch up and share. Taking away chores and responsibilities from his family. Greta and Flynnic are chiefs in the kitchen and make away the meals for the day and for many around the village. Alar works to restore and remake the local forests and repair any plant caused damaged to homes. Daren works well to chop wood, gathering a many weeks supply ready. Alar also teaches people to write their names, giving out paper but also making a small alphabet book for the whole village.



Getting ready to leave and making all the last minute preparations, saying goodbye to darn well most of the village that has gathered to do a sendoff of our hand of fate. Daren makes his teleportation circle to the great city, some would say the greatest city of Sirinala’av. In a moment they vanish as the circle erupts in light.



Travel ambience

Daren practicing the flute

Bandit fight

Angry badger theme

Church of Fenesal


Session 37


 We enter into the teleportation room of the city of Sirinala’av. Two figures stand in front of them, one dressed is cream colored priestly garments, staff in hand with the pointed symbol of Valan on top, the other in a dark green military robe, arm exposed revealing his rank as a seven. The priest is speaking and caught up in the middle of his sentence “no, I know that my magical reserves could be used for food but at the moment it must be kept for any possible intrusion” as he gestures towards the group, the general in turn says “Well fine enough, but my orders where to at least ask”. Our group, always the mixed sight is greeted by the priest “Welcome, what city do you come from and what news do you hold?” he asks, Daren responds “we come from the far north, a good few days out of Shasal, why would we bring news?” the priest in turn asks “well what’s the situation up there then?” Greta asks “Situation?”. The priest sighs and starts to explain the state of the city. In short, Sirinala’av is under attack from a large army of skeletons that came from the north, they are seven days into the siege and while no massive damage has been done it seems the army grows, reinforcements for Sirili to the south have arrived and those from Sinasa’in to come shortly. The group asks more questions and the eventually makes their way out, strange as always with a dragon and their stand out nature in general, but their goal is to see the situation on the group. Seems their wishful holiday has once again been taken over by fate, destiny handed to them if you will. Making their way outside of the central area of the city they go to the gates to get into the middle city ring, passing through a check point the group is told, like others in line to set aside weapons and armor, cloaks and other means of concealment. While our heroes are well capable to get past this if they wanted it does little to not comply, but they might as well try to get out of it. So, when stopped at the point they talk and try to get past without the need , Flynnic activates his natural charm and says “General Korris Pelmor sent us, we need to pass the gate at once”. the guards look at Flynnic, his dragon and the rest of the group and promptly let them pass, going into the middle lair they see the more open vast city, large and dense city blocks, often four or five stories tall, they cross the great river and then go to the north bank, crossing the second wall crossing and this time trying to get past, but the guards seem less willing to let them pass and so they do the second best option, malicious compliance, the whole groups takes out their weapons, all of their weapons even those from the bag of holding, portable hole and everything else, dozens of blades, weapons and other implements of war are brought out as show. While in line they hear from behind “I think its them, five elves, and a blue dragon, it must be” rumors of the group do spread over the desert. Finally allowed to cross once passed through the basic security the go to the third wall, seeing large amount of troop movement they eventually find someone in charge, Enter general Helves Krisnal. Seeing the group, he looks at them “You don’t look like my standard men, wait, are you those ones from Adrea, helped steady Warnek, saved Vodras?”. Alar “that we are, the Hand of Fate at your service”. Helves says “well it’s an honor to be in your presence, lets get you a look at the situation” he guides them up to looking at the top of the outer wall. Getting to the top of it they look out and see the scene of their attackers. A ravaged field, and a few men patrolling out near a trench. Asking about the situation they learn from Helves that its been seven days since the Skeletons arrived, they seem very much like those Skeltons encountered a good few days ago up north, reports of moss and ability to reconstitute from the bones are happening, but the current prevailing theory is that these are from restless spirits, and so churches are holding vigils and prayer ceremonies. Daren and Joenes both ask questions on strategy and situation, learning that while the skeletons are quite manageable at the moment it seems only so because they have not attacked in mass, he also tells them about the food ability of the city, how northern food imports have greatly fallen. The group speculates that based on evidence the Ossuary, taking a good view of the situation the group heads out to the city, planning on getting rooms and finding an inn called Marvin’s, three rooms are gotten and they buy them for a few gold, now having a place to stay the group is able to break for the day and go about what they want it. Flynnic goes and explores the city, on the back of Pascal he spreads joy and positivity, many people see the two and rejoice. Joenes goes and reports to the military, learning more in depth about the cities situation and logistics, good news is that at the moment it seems steady and the city is holding fast, but they guess that if the entire army present attacked a large section of the city would fall, and if the army crossed the river who knows what would happen, also the continual reinforcement is concerning.  Ideas for a preemptive attack with a gathering of powerful allies is in the works, but the hand of fate could take the action further out. Alar went out and used his magic to create good berries and talked to people, giving hope and some subtle messages that align with the ideas of Keldwin.

Libra and Greta head to the grand unified church, it being the head of the of the whole Unified Church. A large basilica, pale and tan in color with decorated carved designs on the outside, a grand structure in its right. Inside they enter, a congregation of those worshiping, this church being made up of twelve smaller chapels and then a large central chapel, many priest standing on the dais. Libra and Greta look around, trying to find an open priest to talk about, a man dressed in a vibrant green, long white and wise beard adorned, Libra asks if he is or knows any of the pilgrim priest who go to the ossuary, this priest Liam Tresad says that he personally isn’t but he points out a women on the lower dais and recommends speaking with her, Kilon Jemma. So going down and waiting patiently at the foot of the stage until they are addressed, then Kilon comes over and asks of their need. Kilon is wearing a pink robe and hold a Crozius staff, with a symbol on top of a triangle and a line, but not knowing which god it follows. She tells them about the ossuary and her experience with it, that she would take pilgrims and sometimes the dead, how it is a massive city, perhaps four or five times as large as Sirinala’av but not very vertical, it’s a mass graveyard in form strewn head stones and monuments to the forgotten lie in the place, underground mausoleums and caverns. They also ask her about any spiritual disturbances or things or the sort and she hasn’t had experience with any but that the place does have a very unique feeling about it. The two are more satisfied on the information gained, now at least aware of the situation.

Daren feels a tug at his soul, not an external one but internal, knowing that he must do something he doesn’t want to. To visit the church of Mornal, for clarity and for understanding. Making his way close he approaches, undisguised in his true self. The flow of people into the church coming and going, wearing his royal Adrean cloak. Entering in the atmosphere is unique, dark and yet candlelit, the stained glass shedding multipart shadows, many of those parishioners inside area wearing all black and almost look like mourners. Looking out he sees above the stage a large painted depiction of Mornal, Mornal of the confluence as the specific epithet. Also he sees large stone tablets on the wall, gold words written in celestial reading on one each tablet “the dark one will be created from greatness”, “the dark one gather the shadows”, “the dark one will grow in power”, “the dark one travel with true light”, “the dark one will save the faith”, “the dark one will embrace the truth”, “the dark one will topple kingdoms”, and lastly “the dark one defeat death”. These eight truths about the dark one, a figure hidden and yet now revealed in Daren Stormraven. Two of the head priests at the front come up to the circle on the dais and speak loudly “Brothers and sisters, our prayers are answered, the one we have predicted has arrived!” the crowd starts to murmur among themselves he continues “you know who you are, step down, him looking at Daren”. Daren, under his breath “well, here goes” as he walks down with projected confidence. Getting to the stage the head priest greets him and takes him aside and behind a door, now Daren, the head priest and the other top priest are gathered. “So, you here are out answer, you are the dark one” the head priest remarks. Daren “yeah I guess, to be honest I don’t know that much, I found out about this from a book off in Adrea”. The other priest, she says “But he has spoken to you yes, Mornal has made you, his champion?” Daren says in turn “Yes he has, I was told of this and know it, but I don’t know what it means”. The head priest, introduces himself as Mark Verki and the other priest introduces herself as Kara Verki. They talk as they go down to the chamber of sacred artifacts, telling him about the faith and being excited, just because he is unknowing doesn’t mean he isn’t destined for greatness. Going into the chamber, it seems this stone is quite old and sacred in a way, Daren sees a few objects, a black book, two tablets of stone that are the original prophetic depictions of the dark one prophecy, an ornamental knife in a glass box and of note, the Crozius of Mornal, the original staff that was used by the first high priest. Black ebony wood as its handle and the symbol of Mornal in dark metal atop the staff. An object of deep reverence. Accepting this position, and feeling with it he takes up the Crozius, and putting on ink black vestments he puts on the decorations of priesthood and walking in a solum way behind the other two walks up and out of the chamber into the main church. Moving on the stage a hush falls over the crowd and he moves to the center circle of the dais, saying “I have seen the power of Mornal wielded within me” and he slams the Crozius down on the floor, a bright circle of radiant light fills the space, an almost halo of sorts, the floor is transmuted, a ring of gold almost burned into the stone stage, further accenting it. all are witness to the miraculous power of Mornal, god’s decision to identify Daren. The high priest mark raises his hands and chants “for he who has come on high, bound in darkness and power, to be a witness to light, in saving the faith with the spirit of truth. To topple kingdoms and defeat death, that is our dark one” he exclaims, the crowd falling to their knees in almost posturing worship. Daren has been made champion, in the eyes of god and man. Daren does feel something different; he sees the symbol of Mornal behind the priests present, Mark telling him that he now carries the priestly vision. The crowd, their prophecy fulfilled, and prayers answered stays and praises for quite a while, Daren mostly standing and thanking people for a while, after many few hours he goes back, taking on the mantle of his old life again in his clothes and going back to meet up with the group. Passing the wall check point he again empties out his weapons and also the Crozius to the guard’s astonishment. Daren sharing the news with the group on him now being the official dark one and telling the group some but still processing his feelings. Going to bed down for the night the group goes into their rooms, Pascal outside in the stables and Alar finding a place on the streets so that Greta can have her own room. Out in a small corner Alar uses the seaside spear and his blood pendent to try and craft a Crozius of his own, seeing Daren’s has inspired him and his religious devotion.

In their rooms at night few things happen, Daren seeing the change of his day once again uses his spell bound energy to cast commune, yet it feels different like the struggle that was present is passing, his vision changes into that of a stone room, simple and plane with a man standing to the side, dressed in black fine clothes of a suit. Daren says “I guess we are more on speaking terms then?” Mornal “Yes you could say that” he chuckles a bit, “well ask away, lets talk” he says. Daren asks “tell me about the skeletons of the city” “well they come from the ossuary, that you figured out easily enough, but their purpose and reason, hard to say”. Daren a bit confused “Don’t you know almost everything because you’re a god?” “you could say so, but my knowledge has some limits on it, thing I can’t see or know”. “well where is the source of this, where do the skeletons come from?”. Mornal, chewing on the words a bit “they come from the center of the ossuary, the deep caverns below” “how do we get there?” “the path is something that changes often, I cant give you a map but I know you will find it”. Daren ponders then asks “So what is the source, what caused this?” “a threat long sealed away, beings that had been cast out from this world, things called the Fae”, he continues “You faced one recently, Alar’s false cousin the thing that took skin shape”. Daren asks “Will killing this Fae stop the problem?” responding Mornal Says “Honestly I don’t know, but its certainly a possibility”. Daren, knowing that his normal five questions are long dried up continues to talk. “So, it seem this is a more chill relationship now, and I do prefer this form over the others I have seen, no offence”. Mornal responds “you can’t offend me, each form a side of myself, one part of the broad truth”. Both sitting in a small silence Mornal asks “So, anything else while you’re here?”. Daren thinks for a second, but not wanting to overstay “No, but this was better, keep it like this please” Mornal smiles “think well” as Daren’s vision fades back to the awake world. He gathers the rest of the crew and tells them about this problem, and now the goal is set, get to the ossuary and kill the Fae, they plan out how to get there, using magic and spells, ability and the like and figure that they should be able to fly the entire way as giant eagles. Their idea set the head off to bed. Flynnic dreams of a beautiful island cliff side landscape, a place in the vorpal realms that is a calm sea, a peaceful black sand beach, it’s a relaxing break from the real. Greta dreams of great forests, the mighty and ancient trees, she spends time climbing one of them, a multi hundred feet tall beast, and reaching the top is surrounded in a sea of green and mist. Tranquil in its own right.



Sirinala’av city

Unified church ambience

Mornal church ambience

Dark one theme

Daren theme

Island ocean dream

Forest dream  

Session 38


The plans have been set, Alar and libra transform into giant eagles and carry the other members, Pascal flying along side. It was a fast journey with a dashing pace the entire way but after a good few hours they arrived in the afternoon. Taking an initial scout of the city they set up their first base a few miles out of the city, well beyond the influence of roaming skeletons. When flying over the city it is a sight to behold, a metropolises but not one for the living, massive strewn fields for the buried dead, towers of stone older than this age and a feelings of stillness about the place, little vegetation grows here, seemingly the soil has been drained and covered. Overcast weather covers the sky making it a matching gray to the landscape.

Setting up a small and inconspicuous camp Daren decides to scout ahead directly into the city. He walks a good ways until seeing a few skeletons roaming about, using his ability to disguise himself he tests the theory that he may be able to blend in, unfortunately getting closer the skeletons can seemingly sniff out life and he takes out the four skeletons close by. Testing more to see if it is his presence or his sight he finds another small group and goes invisible, this time they too can almost feel his presence when he approaches, maybe around sixty feet. killing three he then moves on, more to be done. the third experiment he approaches a skeleton and uses the spell command to have it halt, then he uses the spell suggestion to get it to sit still for the duration, knowing they can be effected by the mind he is satisfied. At this time Alar has also been scouting out the city in closer detail, he discovers a definitive center and that area seems to have far more skeletons, a termite like hive of buildings. He also discovers that a barrier exists, not a hard one like glass but more like tough air, the further you try and push the harder it pushes back. He also spots some of the larger towers, and scouting out he finds five towers that seem to be the origin of this field, five in total hold up the barrier.

Once both Daren and Alar are back at the group they make plans, its late into the evening and so a small dinner is made and they know that they need all of their magical potential for whatever this mission will be. They guess that getting to the center is their goal, and that potentially the thing they need to stop lies underground there.

They sleep with risk, knowing that its an unsafe place they decide to not have a fire and to sleep in the trees. Libra and Alar trade off shifts for covering the watch. It is during the first shift that Libra takes that he notices a strange force, not a shadow, but a patch of darkness cast off from the deep ink of the sky, humanoid in form but massive. Scale at this time of night is very hard to tell, it could be fifty feet tall it could be one hundred. He feels an odd response, one that doesn’t feel like its Libra, like the other visions he has he doesn’t know what this thing is. He feels a desire to have it removed. He uses message to pull Alar out of meditation, Alar wakes up and looks out, able to spot the thing as well. Libra feels targeted but no pain or effect. Alar wakes up the rest of the group and the being vanishes, the others seeing only a faint mist of a shape. It reappears off to the west. Able to spot and see it in the deep of night, the group quiet and uneasy. Flynnic draws his bow and aims at it, a crack into the night, it hits but unable to tell if any harm happened. A black tentacle of night slithers from the ground and grasps Flynnic, clutching him and draining the life of his. Greta hits it with her hammer while Flynnic tries to escape, Daren and Joenes on pensive guard. Joenes lets out a badger to try and chase the thing but it goes for Daren in a blind rage, Daren no problem kills the angry as fuck badger, it was worth a try. Daren feels that same targeting and feels a deep unnatural fear, moving backwards into the protective aura of Joenes, he overcomes it but still takes some harm of necrotic form. Greta bashes at the tentacle and Flynnic crawls his way out. The being fades into the night once more. Alar goes to the spot it stood but find no marking of its place, and using druidic magic is able to tell that the close area is clear. The group goes back to sleep, Flynnic unable to sleep well gets a poor rest.


They awake in the morning, a small cold breakfast is had. The plan is for Daren and Flynnic to ride on the back of Eagle Alar and go to a tower and investigate, then Alar will go back and get Joenes, then the third round will be Greta and Libra. Flying out Daren and Flynnic are dropped off atop the tower, an old crumbling stone ruin but someone still standing an impressive six stories tall. They can feel this barrier, feeling confident but still cautious they go down the stairs, seeing a few skeletons but easily crushing them, pan and eldritch blast working in combination. At the bottom of the tower they see a glowing crystal, assumed to be the origin of this field, Flynnic tries to touch it but his hand is burred by the heat, Daren attempts to blast it but the blast is reflected back at him, hot hurt greatly but still. The two see a small stone map, pointing towards another tower, and a hole that looks shaped for a key. Going to the top of the tower they spot Alar flying in with Joenes, giving a thumb up Joenes goes to the second of five towers. Joenes goes to the bottom floor, not seeing any signs of other unlife he proceeds to put explosives around the tower, hoping to damage the crystal inside. Seeing Libra and Greta close to him in the air on the back of Giant Eagle Alar to sets off the explosives, a massive quaking boom goes off, rumbling the ground. It seems the guardians of this tower are awakened. The gound continues to move and shake as three large beasts emerge, creatures draconic like in form but more sharp and twisted, Bone Devils. Three bone devils emerge and Joenes is ready for the fight, his aura of holy protection from good and evil emanating making him hard to hit with blinding light, all three devils attack yet only few of their claws manage to pass his armor. Joenes knowing that Libra and Greta are soon to arrive but still confident in his might, he calls out to the devils “Turn you unholy abominations!” and with fear one is driven away but the sheer power of his voice. Greta and Libra are dropped by Alar right to the battle ready to fight, the devils ready as well. Two remain here, the larger one of the two remaining hits Greta with its stinging barbed tail, a poison running into her veins. Greta goes and hits it back with her hammer, Libra using his classic fire bolts but seeming the fire has no effect on these devils so he uses a radiant sacred flame to damage them. Joenes aims for the bigger one with his lance and cleaves downwards striking with divine energy. Flynnic and Daren heard the boom, and spotting the scene Daren uses a dimension door to close the distance between the towers and they start running to join the fight. Libra hits again with his sacred flame, Joenes does another large blow to the larger devil. Greta clenching her teeth through the poison hits the devil with a reckless attack and hits hard in turn. The devils lash out and hit Greta and Joenes but doing little damage in this tornado of weapons. Joenes does another charged smite attack on the larger one and fells it, bone crushing beneath the might steel of the lance. Still one remaining, Flynnic using his low bow misses the devil twice as it slithers rapidly to the side, Daren moving in close with sword brandished, The devil gets the first strike on Daren. Greta Moves in and hits the bone devil, teleporting with her magical rage aura. Libra continues to light them up with sacred flames. Daren moves and stabs the devil twice, targeting a weak spot and putting in his own smites he cuts the devil nearly in half with a ripple of dark energy. Thinking themselves safe it seems the third devil has cast off its fear and has come back. Greta runs to meet it getting the first hit with a hammer blow to the face, Libra’s flame continues to burn the devilish monsters. Joenes moves in and stabs in turn, cutting the third to pieces, it almost falling to pieces.

Looking around and making sure the surroundings are clear they breathe easy, and tend to wounds. Daren and Flynnic both look inside and see the crystal still standing, blowing up the tower did destroy the structure but not the magic within, still yet seeing a similar map and key hole. Alar at this time investigated the other three towers, doing a touch on the ground and fly off as his giant eagle form, none of the towers have creatures come from the soil but still they feel varying levels of full. One he can tell things lie near the bottom floor with the crystal, one he sees three large tall skeletons, these with almost two many bones, as if three skeletons had been merged together, standing maybe eight feet fall. The last he lands on top and after a few seconds get hit with a mind shock, he does not suffer the hard effect but flies away, seeing only a pale shite face and red eyes on the stair. The group makes their way from the second tower to its key location, finding a key trapped within its own magical force, but using a mage hand removes it from the barrier and takes it back to the tower, inserting it the crystal goes dark. Flynnic touching it again, is safe this time, and like they always do pocketing the crystal. Walking to the first tower they do the same, finding the key for the first tower, but not without a good church of skeletons, but for the five of them it is no match, cutting through dozens at a time the group works like a farmer at harvest, slices down the horde. Getting the key and bringing it back the second of the towers goes dark, the barrier still holding but weakened.



The Ossuary

The bone devil fight

Session #39

Outside of the first tower they continue their fast progress forward, trying to make as quick of the time as they can for getting these towers down. Walking to the third tower, the one in which Alar saw just a glimpse of another being, the thing that was white with red eyes. On the way to the tower they pass by some rather large structures, much like a massive rib cage, being careful to avoid of obvious fear, yet passing close enough it seems the traps of this area still have effect. Large spikes of bone erupt from the ground and trap all but Flynnic inside, Alar very close on his feet uses ghost to have them all be teleported out to safety, which evident by the approaching mysterious and thick cloud of green fog was a good idea, so now with more caution they continue forward. The plan for this tower is to use the dynamite to fell it again, so Joenes will run up and place it, sprint away and Libra will light up the sticks from afar. Approaching the tower the rest of the group stays back, Joenes as planned runs up, loosely places the sticks of explosive and begins running back, he does feel an odd sense, like an attempt at instilling fear, but no matter, libra blasts with firebolts and a large boom occurs, the tower falls forward and this strange creature falls out from it. like the body of a man yet with no legs and six arms that crawls likes a spider on its hands, its face thin and pointed and on its head it has three faces, one to the front, and one on each side, a horrifying mask of twisted existence. This being hisses and around the group standing away a wash of illusion surrounds them; Greta and Libra are transfixed in a frightful yet captivated stare by this hypnotizing pattern. The rest un effected fight on, Flynnic loads up and hits the creature with his bow, Daren hits the one with his eldritch blast as he runs closer towards it to fight. A second creature of the same form emerges and blasts off magical energy towards the group by misses. Joenes turns around now to face the new foes, stabbing the one with his lance. Daren gets hit by some invisible force near to his, Alar seeing this comes up and goes a wide sweep burning hands and a third creature is revealed out from its invisible state. The pattern drops and Libra and Greta shake themselves out, Libra aims and fires off a powerful blast of fire at one of the creatures. Greta rages and magical vines appear around her making the area hard to traverse for the enemy, she runs up to the one besides Daren and smashes with her hammer, a second blow coming forward and she pummels it into the ground, killing the first of the three retched creatures. One of the creatures uses its magical blast and hits Pascal, Pascal taking some psychic damage as his nose bleeds, now its personal. Flynnic uses his bow on that one and hits with two thunderous hits. Daren moving forward eldritch blasts on his way to the one that hit Pascal. The creature he approaches moves a hand and casts out a spell, Libra just missing the ability to counter it foul magic, Daren promptly disappears and, in his place, an oddly Daren looking mule is present. The first time Daren has had this effect done to him, but he understands the animal nature and simply sits down and waits. Joenes moves forward to the one that hit Pascal and sheaths his lance to get right at the beast, tearing off its arms one by one for a fast, but still slower and more painful death, a lavender colored blood like substance falls from its wounds. Alar moves and hurts the last remaining one, a blast of fire out to burn the creature to a crisp. Daren turns back from being a mule at this point, a left heading feeling of somehow being more wise in that form than his formal human self, but fine. Taking a few breaths they move in understanding a clear pattern at this point they go inside, see the luminated crystal and find the map. Alar runs off quickly to the tower, sprinting with an unnatural speed, gets the key and dashes back, the key enters into the hole and the third of five towers are taken down and the darkened crystal goes in the bag and is saved for later. Knowing that they are rather tired and still have two more towers, likely with danger present they decide to take a short rest, Greta makes some of her brownies ( with the help of Alar to bake the pan ), and these give the hand of fate some needed vitality and moral boost. They choose to stay in a random tower to avoid suspicion, libra and Joenes keeping good watch.

Moving to the forth tower, one in which Alar did not see anything on his first scout they go with optimism, hopefully its just empty. Approaching they find out in fact it is not. A floating pale grey orb, with eight thin tentacles coming from it, a single large pale red eye in its center. They see three of these beasts inside the bottom level of the tower. Flynnic opens up with a bow shot at the closest one, running close to get as much advantage on the creatures as possible, their usual tactic of focus on one at a time in play. The first one comes out from the doorway and attacks them outside, its tentacles swishing out and hitting Daren, Flynnic and Joenes, the small teeth sticking into the skin, they are each held in place by the force of these appendages. Daren runs forward out of this and attacks hits, Alar uses ghosts teleportation again to get people from out of the bind, then setting off a wall of fire on the inside of the tower to roast the two inside.  then he continues the boil and casts a fireball inside, moving behind cover. A lighting like static flows between the creatures and causes some of our hero’s to take damage. The second being comes out from inside and flies up. Libra casts haste on Daren and Joenes, boosting them with speed and dexterity, Joenes activates his cloak of flying and goes up to meet the one above, hitting twice hard at this thing. Flynnic uses a hunters mark to hit the first one, bashing it with his trusty pan, Daren restrained cuts at the tentacle and frees himself, lunging forward and stabbing the eye of the creature in front of him. Alar and ghost continue to work their way in, Ghost teleporting just alar this time inside to face the third beast here, Greta runs inside and hits that one with her hammer, Libra uses a firebolt to get the flying one in the air. The flying one continues to attack hitting Flynnic and pascal, Joenes hits hard with retributive strikes back, his divine smites flowing energy into his blade. Daren is hit by the third one inside as its tentacles reach out. The lightning static continues and minor electric shocks are felt. Flynnic aims and fires his bow and the flying one, Pascal matching with a lightning attack and biting the tentacle. Daren cuts off the tentacle and stabs again in front of him at the creature. Alar uses ghost to flame blast and uses a thorn whip to hit the one in the air and bring it to the ground, giving Joenes an opportunity to slash forward. Greta still strong hits the one in front of her, locked together in combat they are. Libra staying in cover cant get a good angle to hit anything. Flynnic and Pascal who both have a tentacle feel a jolt of electricity flow to them, but it doesn’t hurt as bad as expected, the blood of blue dragons flows through them both, and electric is no match for tenacity. Joenes falls to the ground and stabs the one below him, hand out stretched divine energy in his gauntlets he tears they eye of the beast right from its socket, killing it. the lightning connection between the two continues and a shock wave erupts but is little felt. Inspired by this Flynnic lunges forward and slams the pan down on the one in front of him Pascal helping with jaws of hunger, crushing in into a pump and putting it down. The last one still inside but trapped between, Greta and Daren both lash out stabbing and diving at the best they slaw it together. Alar at this point knows what to do, he sees the map and in a quick few second, before even all the blood can be wiped off and viscera cleaned, returns with the key, inserts it and the crystal goes dark. Four towers down, one to go. Having seen three large skeletons, with density of bone and now noticing small almost baby skeletons inside of their chest cavity the group tries to think of other solutions, these seem the toughest yet and they still have what ever lies within the inner city, and perhaps the things that lie below to deal with. Alar, as their designed sprinter feels like perhaps he can simply look into all the tall towers to find the key, so the group hunkers down and lets Alar and ghost search the city to find it, about a half hour later he returns, last key in hand. But how to get it in without a fight? Ghost again providing help, the idea is to try and lure the skeletons our or at least away from the tower so that they can teleport in and out and deactivate the crystal. Ghost sneaks forward but is seen, the tall bone figures away of Ghost and smart thinking, ghost tries to flame blast and a small chance happens but ghost can move just slightly faster with teleports, these bone creatures smarter seeming drop the purist and stay. They hide in the tower to not be exposed, Ghost casts a wall of fire inside and they quickly move up to the second floor, these are some crafty bones. Daren and Joenes enough away to see this, get a message from Alar and both teleport in with dimension door, Daren puts the key in and Joenes grabs the crystal and then Daren teleports away again far away. Ghost stays to keep watch as the group meets back up and walks their way over to the middle of the city, crossing what once was the border into this more dense part of the city. For a good few minutes the tall bone men stay but in time they move into the city, perhaps in a pursuit but not the kind of rapid danger. Ducking in-between walls and old structures they slowing come closer to the cities true center, fighting off dozens of skeletons, often in small groups and easily taken care of without the need to expend spell energy, Daren throwing in a quip of “I respect the dead when they stay dead” with a quick addition of ‘No offence Joenes” which earns him only a side eyed look. They eventually find some houses that look more proper, going in they find a basement, then a cellar, then tunnels below that. Quite dark yet all with Darkvision they can navigate their way around. Its smooth stone yet also graves, markers made in languages long sense past, the memory of the memory long faded. Libra gets one of his visions, walking like this but down the familiar grey stone hallways of the old civilization that came before. But this passes from his mind. Walking down hall ways the graves become much more open, skeletons, these one seemingly not animated by the same moss, hang from the walls, positioned in open and vertical tombs. Bones are also stacked in ornamental ways, arches of skulls and pillars of bound femurs. The air is stale and thin, breath is possible but unpleasant. Yet the feeling of purpose draws them close. At last them come upon a might, a large and massive underground cave, an open cavern of sorts, perhaps a few hundred feet below the surface above. In the middle resides it, a structure so old looking it came perhaps before time was written down, before any current empire. A structure that is part of the world, a large basilica of bone built but also grown, a shape seen from a distance with gasps by Greta and Daren, a mystic sight. Greta, a memory of her meddling’s with bone looks in a strange horror. But something this large and important surly must be the seat of the corruption caused, all signs point to this place, it must be done, the gods will it, fate wills it.



Dead city

Death kiss fight

Big skeletons fight

Session #40


A last few moments outside of the basilica, a marvel an unsightly marvel, they know that somehow the thing that they came here to do lies inside. Daren pulls out the yellow globe, the globe of energetic possibilities, one that when broken peels back time and allows them to have the day be done again, Daren reminding them of what it does and that if it needs to broken to do so. A few spells are cast outside of the doors getting ready for final preparation, Greta is turned into an ape and they burst through the door into the inner chamber. Inside it is spectacularly horrifying, the structure made of woven bone fused together in places, large pillars hold up a high lofted ceiling, diffuse pale green light comes from open magical flames on the walls. In front of them are two creatures, first is a man, almost stretched in proportion, being unnaturally tall and slender, pale white skin as the rest and bright green eyes, a wicked smile that looks as if could cut, and dressed in an odd attire a fitted black suit, one that looks almost too modern or advanced to have been made in this time, yet not magical in nature or construction, even his dress is strange. Black ritual marks cover his face like tattoos. A crown atop his head, one that shines with a green and grown appearance of leaves dipped in fresh sunlight.  Beside him is a large hulking beast, one perhaps the size of a three of four full carriages. It is an assembly of living bone and moss together, three heads with green flamed eyes, looking much like the dragon Argenta’is they fought before this beast is lumbering, the man in front of them working with magic on the beast looks up at them.

“Good lord, do you only know how to break stuff, this city is in shambles and yet you make it worse with each moment of your passing” the man says, the group stares silent at him for a moment, he continues “oh sorry, common isn’t my first tongue I really haven’t been around for a while” “I was waiting for you people for a while, your not very well hidden you know, but I am glad you are here non the less” he walks forward a bit, almost in a presenting fashion “you must have noticed the army I sent your way” Daren speaks up “we haven’t tried to stay hidden and if you wanted a message why not send it yourself”. The man responds “oh please, kings don’t send messages, I was looking for attention and perhaps your help, yes even you humans can be useful in helping me, King Oberon of the Fae” he announces. Daren “oh we help you or else what?” Oberon “oh simple, I kill you” “you see the original humanity, true human lived in harmony with the Fae, you had you small cities and villages and we had our wilds and open lands, each their own space and even area where we meet together, but then with the building and the expanding of it all you took over our realms, our place. I am here to set the balance of the world right again, and if you help me I can let you rule over the little pockets of humanity that will still exist, you can help keep the order to the new world” he extends his arms out as if the offer is presented. Alar tries to message him but finds a hard mental barrier that hurts to even be approached. “Humanity was good, you had no praise of the gods, no need to support and uphold the divine, but that was long ago, see we tried to set the world right, once humanity reached too far we the Fae tried to restore the balance but no, we were captured and put away for this, trapped for three thousand years, but now we are back!” he yells the last part in anger “I have been stopped once, but will not be again, so I extend this offer to you, be on the right side of a new history”. Alar “Can we have a moment to discuss?” Oberon scoffs, taken a back at their request but respecting the boldness of it “take a few moments sure, but the choice should be easy”. The group huddles up and exchanges a few words, Libra taking note of needing to support the gods, the group having a mixed past with the divine, this idea holds some potential, even Daren with his new commitment is on the fence. Greta doesn’t see her self much in care with the gods, only real interaction is during sleep. The group exchanges a few words but are not persuaded, they will fight to stop this force, like they have so many other times in the past. They notice the doors behind them have reformed and sealed themselves shut, bone coming back together. They are in this for real now. Joenes lights up the last stick of dynamite and throws it at Oberon “we have made our decision!”

Oberon looks at the dynamite, a bit confused before kicking it back “ah I see you don’t want to join me” a dark black sphere forms around the whole group a crushing sensation of deep pull from the ground, unable to see and walking made quite difficult. Alar suffers the effect first and moves out both himself and ghost, using a scorching ray on Oberon once he sees him. Flynnic storms out just barely by casting long strider, inside and out of sight or sound Pascal is reduced to a fine gray dust as he is crushed by the weight of this deep magic. The bone creations, a mauler fiend by its looks, moves toward the edge of the sphere where Daren is and stares with his gazing beam, a look of transfixion but Daren resists it from his elvish heritage. Oberon raises his hand and these gnarly gray trees sprout up out of the ground around the church, creating even more distraction and barrier. Daren moves forward and almost crashes into Oberon with his blade, even the high defense of Oberon is broken by Daren’s ability, a crackling eldritch smite lashes at Oberon’s skin, he looses his concentration on the magic effect and the sphere of deep darkness fades away. Greta rages and flowery vines sprout up here, she slams into the mauler fiend, being hit with pounding giant ape fists. The mauler fiend attacks back, its massive pummeling first hitting in turn, even reducing the lifeforce of Greta in her ape form. Joenes runs in with his lance, Oberon using a magical shield to block the hits incoming. Libra pulls out one of the curse wands, mutters a small phrase and points it at Oberon, despite his high Fae nature he fails at resisting it. his connection to the native magics is cut off and he can no longer cast his spells to the same degree. “what is the desecration of science, how far do you claim that the ends go to justify the means?” he yells out, frustrated at how he is being thwarted. Libra then uses dimension door to move off to the side. Oberon goes again and uses his blade and misses at Daren, both being quite skilled sword users. Alar sees his friends hurt around him and uses his healing ability to mass cure wounds. Flynnic, now out of the spell looks around for Pascal and see but only a pile of ash in the dragons place, roaring with anger and sadness he cries out “Fae! Do you know where my dragon is? Oberon replies with a smirk “Am I it’s keeper?” Flynnic angered at the loss yells “Do you know what it is like to have the one closest to you taken away, to have the last shred of family gone!” he replies “I do in a way” in a bit of a solemn tone. Flynnic replies “I will take this fiend of yours and tear it to shreds, I will make you go away for another three thousands years” Oberon responds “I don’t die, do you?” then continuing “hmm, I don’t think what happened to that dragon will happen to you” Flynnic shouts out “I would rather be with him than you!” Oberon playfully “We can do that” Oberon throws his spear at Flynnic hitting him then teleporting right to his side. Daren pulls out a scroll of dimension door and gestures to for Joenes and they use the spell to teleport right over to Oberon “oh” he says Daren replies “we can teleport too” Oberon muses “something must be off then” he says. Oberon pushes his hands out and a last of frozen energy sprays out knowing Daren and Joenes and Flynnic all back plus taking icy cold damage. “tell me, do you feel colder? I have been working on that one for a little bit” “now watch this” and his arms move more, the pillars of bone move with force to life but all our heroes are able to stay out of the way. Greta and the Mauler fiend are locked in combat, two massive creature with enough stamina and anger to sustain themselves in a duel. Exchanging hits and bouts of fists. Joenes moves forward and shield bashes Oberon then tries to stab him but fails again. Libra pulls out a second wand, deadly shadowsteel core and casts it again at Oberon, unsure of the effect working but Oberon speaks no more, hopefully all his verbal components will be put to rest now, then a few scorching rays aimed at him. Oberon goes again, stabbing Flynnic with the sword, using his own magic of silence to cut the words out of Flynnic’s mouth by the blades power, Flynnic spitting the blood from his mouth into the face of Oberon, the stab quite powerful, enough that it breaks the ion stone around his head. Alar uses a targeting bolt of healing to help Flynnic and then a mote of fire outwards to hit Oberon again. Flynnic pulls out his gift, a jar of the captured lightning of Zyres. He opens it and a blade made of shining pure lightning is formed, he slashes out but the new form is not yet honed in so Oberon dodges out of the way, then he swigs back a healing potion to recover some more. Greta is punched hard, her transformed ape form taking some serious damage but she continues onwards, Daren moves back away from this as he is hurt as well. Oberon moves in on Daren and slashes with his sword, getting him down, he too is cast in silence, Oberon smiling and moving his hands about while Daren does the same. Understanding of being pissed is still carried if only with a single middle finger. The bone pillars continue to move and do hit Flynnic. The group is bloody but still in this fight, Oberon has in turn taken some cuts and wounds, his blood a pale lavender color and his clothes greatly damaged. Greta punches out, upper cutting the mauler fiend with a massive critical attack, knocking on of its heads clean off. Joenes tries to knock Oberon away with his shield again but oddly Oberon is stronger this time and is not swayed. Libra uses a plane and simple fireball around Oberon which hits the others but not with much force, then trying to follow it with a sacred flame he unfortunately misses. Oberon goes out and attacks in on Daren, hitting once but knowing he would fall dead if he stayed, he does a light bow “well this has been fun, I do hope for more like this” he passes off a small blank white card lined with silver to Daren, who looking at it oddly takes it from him. Oberon throws his spear at libra, and as the other look towards Libra Oberon vanishes. Alar yells out “Where did he go” Joenes “Who cares, lets kill that thing first” pointing to the locked combat of Greta and the mauler fiend. Alar uses some healing from Ghost and then uses locate creature to try and see if Oberon is close by, but he is not. Flynnic moves toward with his blade of captured lightning and stabs into the fiend, crackling with immense force, but he left his own defenses open and the mauler fiend attacks back, knocking him down once then continuing to pummel the air out of his lungs and the life out of his body. He did not fall like Pascal but in a sense he did go to the same place. Flynnic died, the last thing through his head the voice from Oberon “we can do that” as he falls into the land of dreams and death that is vorpal space. Daren filled with rage at this swings out at the mauler fiend hitting and then running back, not wanting to get hit with the powerful fists. Greta grabs the lightning sword from near the body of Flynnic and uses it herself, slicing into the bone plate with great force. In Daren’s head he hears a familiar voice, king Oberon “can I use one of your eyes to see this? I sadly had to go” Daren feels odd “One eye is already made strange use but do not take my right one, and don’t worry I will be contacting you soon enough” Greta throws up the lightning blade and. A flying Joenes catches it, moving along the back spine of the fiend splitting apart the segments along the way then a final crack into the skull plunging it deep down. The body almost explodes with energy as the life energy is dissipated. No time to waste Alar rushes forward and uses his diamond to bring the body of Flynnic back to life again. In vorpal space, for but a few moment Flynnic wakes up, a gray cliff face and baren stone around his, standing up he looks and sees Pascal, a worry on his face as Pascal looks out, They both see the massive army of Fae creatures, white pale skin twisted forms of humanoid appearance, speechless for a moment before being shunted back to the land of the living. Flynnic goes over to the pile of ash that was Pascal, not even his saddle remaining and hunches down, the other leaving him some space. Tears rolling down the side of his face, the pain of the loss of a best friend, a brother, it all comes out in agony of sadness. He closes his eyes and remembers, remembers all that came before with Pascal, the sea side, the flights, the battles they have survived, all of it and it comes to this, a pile of gray ash. He weeps, for the tragedy of it all. “I can’t keep going on without you” he says in a quiet tone “I can’t be who I am without you by my side” “I need to you be here and now, to fly free in the sky once again” he says this, not as an ask to any god but as a plea to the universe. A gust of wind forms, the ash blown around and Flynnic continues to weep, embroiled in sadness and despair. Pascal from the ash his body is reconstituted, a deep magic of connection is brought out from some unknown source and Pascal is back from the grave. He licks Flynnic face, a charming but personal gesture. “Pascal” he cries out, with excitement “I thought I lost you, thank you for being back” Pascal continues to cuddles up to Flynnic, the two embracing. The group behind letting this moment rest, but aghast in their own right at having not seen this type of resurrection magic. Daren takes one of the heads from the mauler fiend, hoping to use it for study and perhaps a trophy. Looking around Libra starts to use his fire to burn down the creatures forest, getting a glint of memory of doing something like this is his other life, these disturbances more and more common. The group looks around a bit while Libra is making the teleportation circle back to Sirinala’av. Greta sees the large symbol above the stage and takes note of it, she has seen the power work here, maybe for good but maybe it can yet be used, still yet she goes up and breaks the symbol. Joenes spots a carved jewel, one much like their scrying ball, Daren identifies it as a “Palentitri” which as it looks allows scrying. Alar leaves the mark of himself and Keldwin on a pillar. Libra bring everyone together and they vanish in a flash of light from this accursed place.



Oberon theme

Combat music

Combat music second

Session #41

Right before they go a few last minute things are done, Daren breaks off some of the trees and collects a nice branch of Fae wood, a piece he deems will be used for his Crozius. Joseph also takes to planting a seed and growing it, why not let life anew be made in the place? Then teleporting off into the capital of Sirnala’av room, they see a very familiar sight, the same priest but more haggard and tired looking. He sits up asking them “you’re here again, but why are you all covered in blood?” Daren “We fought the king of the Fae and now are back” the priest, not even asking the question lets them all pass out into the city. Wanting to check on the situation at the gates they make their way out of the city once again, past the inner wall they encounter the guards who are resistant to their past passing but again their fame and prestige get them past. The second wall is much the same, they overhear a conversation between two guards in which one of them saw the hand of fate the first time and tells the other to just not push the issue of else they will make to look over dozens of weapons. Making their way to the third wall they look around and access the situation, even in the single day they have been here it seems to have changed, the city is worn down, and quite busy with soldiers, people all about and activity seems fast. Making their way and looking for general Helves and they find him but they also see a much more commanding looking man, he wears eight bands on his arm in deep black ink, this denotes him as a master general, in effect the highest rank for normal soldiers, they approach and speak between each other, General Ilros is the leader for the armed forces of Sinasa’in and arrived last night, currently he is preparing for what looks like a large mass mobilization of all the skeletons, maybe one million strong. While the gathered forces present number a bit over two hundred and seventy thousand men this still puts them at a great need for tactics and any help they can get. The Hand of fate informs him of the Fae situation and how to take down and get rid of the skeletons, how it seems magic and fire work to kill the animating moss. Ilros using a magical piece of bronze to record these details downA messenger informs the master general that the skeletons have frozen, the group guesses this an aftershock of Oberon being teleported away, never the less Ilros wishes to continue and make use of the opportunity, Greta and Joenes both volunteer to help in the fight, they still being at good strength. Libra turning Greta into an ape for the first hour of the battle. After that interaction the group splits for a bit, Alar, Libra and Daren sit atop the third fall and look over the battle, resting and planning. Joenes and Greta fight in the battle, Flynnic and Pascal return back to the hotel, still reeling from the trauma of death. The battle is well fought and very long, soldiers in formed lines push away at the forces of bone, wave after wave of attack. The first two hours for Greta and Libra are quite enjoyable, in their element and having fun just taking down enemies. Also seen is master general Ilros, he fights along side his soldiers, instead of wielding a sword he has a set of twelve daggers that he directs and waves around him in an almost dance like fashion, division general Denso rides atop a unicorn and leads the cavalry division, also seen are some other figures of renown, the mighty rouge Sufantheil, division general Jrelen who is a blind fighter yet better than most with eyes, special fighting squads like the flying air Genasi legion and many more forces. the battle lasts a total of six hours, Greta and Joenes are quite tired and sweaty by the end of it, having worked hard and taking down literal thousands of enemies each, they each as powerful forces in the battlefield, Joenes getting some skill in leading large forces of soldiers and felling deep in his element in the army.

In the middle of this battle Daren and Libra go a spare barracks so that Daren can better rest and also so that he can try and use magic to talk to Oberon. Sitting down on the floor and pulling out his components, the scraped off blood of Oberon and his silver card, he uses the spell contact other plane to connect to this Fae entity. Breaking past the mental barrier he goes inside and sees a scene before him, pale pink walls and him looking out, perhaps he is inside a bowl looking through the eyes of another entity, Oberon is sitting at a desk and building a small castle like structure out of what looks like teeth. Oberon looks over and slyly says “I see you decided to burrow the eyes of a friend of my own” Daren, able to speak says “its only been an hour but I was not sure it would work” Daren continues “I just want to talk, your offer was interesting but I can’t decide on it without being more well informed, was what you said a legitimate offer? Letting us be rulers of the few cities left? To destroy the gods and remake the rules of this world” Oberon looks over, pleasantly surprised at this but also knowing that it is compelled magic that makes him speak. “ah, now I see what you are doing here” he pauses “It is still in the works” as he smirk. Daren again wanting to pry for information, and knowing he only gets five questions asks “How do you control it all, the mass of moss and bones?” Oberon standing up and moving over to the vantage point “I am very smart” he answers in a playful manor. Daren says “I am not using this for information, I just want to hear you out” Oberon holds up his hand and we see three pale white fingers, a reminder of the three questions left. Daren asks “Are all your mind returning, we meet some others” “many are many aren’t” Oberon responds. Daren then asking “you called yourself a king, yet emphasized the lack of civilization, do you rule as one or one of many?” he looks over and says the word “Powers” emphasizing the s sound at the end. Daren also slyly comments “if you talked to me better we might have something here” Oberon shrugs his shoulders in response Daren continues “this is the best method I know for getting ahold of being like this.” he continues “do you really think you can beat the gods? they sealed you away, why would we join a loosing side?” Oberon responds, confident in his words “we came close the first time and our position has improved”. Daren looks and speaks his final words “We will see your kind on field of battle”. Waking up from the spell Alar had been trying to spot into his mind to gather information, but it seems he was not able to see it, only a blurry lavender cloud was shown. Daren looking around, a small chuckle “they think they have a chance at winning” he says allowed, he shakes his head. Then deciding to contact his patron Mornal about these things he goes again, and casts contact other plane, slipping seamlessly into speaking with Mornal. A dark hallway that he walks down, hearing the sounds of piano music, he come to the end of it and sees a stage from the side, a man in suit sits there and plays, fingers tapping on the keys, beautiful sounds, looking out he sees darkened shadow filled seats, it is filled definitively with nothing. Daren stands at his side, not wanting to interrupt and so pulls out his flute and joins in the performance, while Daren is quite skilled it is nothing for a god, while it does not take away or offend it goes still shine of the pure skill of the piano alone. after some time Mornal lifts his hands and the show stops Mornal starts off “Ah Daren” he responds “Hello sir” continuing “we have problems” Mornal sighs “Lots of death and pain recently, I know of it”. Daren explains the battle, how they forced the retreat of Oberon, how also Daren talked to Oberon after to gain more information, Mornal worried at their direct contact, he tells him about the entrance of the Fae into the world and how they seem more confident of the ability to cause havoc, to wage a war on man and the gods, he tells of him being three thousand years trapped to which Mornal chuckles “I was younger then” Daren then says “I do suppose that is how time works” Mornal replies “for you”. Daren continues to explain before asking the important question “Do we need to fight this?” Mornal responds “yes” coldly, he looks at Daren with a confident stare here “I willing to rally the gods, I am sure I can get a few to help with this”. Daren asks if Mornal can tell him any information about the Fae to which Mornal gives some information “they are a threat to our kind, and the Fae find it easy to sway others” Daren chides in that Oberon offered for the group to let them have their cities in the new world order, and confides that perhaps a week ago Daren would have said yes to that easy power hungry deal, it would have been nice but now he chooses to live this way. Mornal responds “I would not have trusted the you of one week ago to be my champion but I knew and saw who you could be” Daren is reassured of this information. Daren then asks important questions of if the Fae even can be defeated or if they will just come back, and if they can be taken down if Mornal knows a way to do so. Mornal face goes nervous, very concerning to see for a god. He speaks with hesitation “I am not of information, so I am not sure of the approach but I have an idea from memory”. He continues telling hard information “It is a tricky place, Aevel, the crashed site of the once flying city, it contains what may be needed” he continues pacing on the stage “but what happened there, what they did in those cities it caused them to fall, they tried to be what they were not, and the Fae toppled them” Daren thinks in his own head, “this is something that makes the gods nervous what else could be hiding in those ruins?” he keeps a steady face. Mornal continues with a warning “You are not the person to go and take from that city, to use anything in there but that is for working to take down the Fae” Daren nods, Mornal continues “Put down this plight of borne bone, make it into the past” he finishes “Daren, if you are to make your staff, you have my mighty blessing” Daren looks at him before nodding again “Your excellency” and ending the spell. Libra and Alar open their usual questions and a retelling of the story, when Daren mentions Aevel Libra gets a vision, one he is starting to get to familiar with. He is walking in the grassy step of thalia and sees in the distance, a large rock island flying in the sky, he a pilgrim to it. shaking himself out he tells Daren what the city was, how it largely is responsible for Archaeotech and perhaps his origin. When speaking of how the gods are nervous and of the people in Aevel reaching for more Daren looks over to Alar, knowing his plans. They decide to call it for now and head off to bed earlier than normal, for them it has been quite a full day. Back at the Inn the guy behind the counter sees them, still yet uncleaned of their wounds and asks a simple “the hell happened?” Daren responds, without care, “Killed the Fae” before heading up stares with Libra and Alar. Libra powers down for the night and takes rest. Alar goes out and find a bird, bring it close and then uses animal messenger to send it off and across the desert to inform Kortor, he tells of the fight and the need to implement plan Gaelbulg, meaning “the spear” to which is about trade across the desert and expansion of their situation.

Later into the evening once the battle has been won, and the celebrations have been well had Greta and Joenes stumble into the inn, haggard and worn down from a full day, mussels sore and worm and their bodies well used. A quick nod to each other that conveys that they will catch up with the group in the morning is enough, they both go off to their rooms for the evening. Greta, always the uncertain around the gods tries once again, honest and try asking and prayer. She also being rather hungry makes some food, a grain rich breakfast for dinner, making it with intention, offering it up to the gods for “whoever answers” she sits looking at the prepared food out loud she says “Look I know we don’t have the best relationship, but I want a world with you more than I want a world without, so if there is any time to start that relation it is now” she eats it, looking out of the window and catching glimpses of the sun set, bright color over the walls of Sirinal. She does not hear any words at the moment, but gods rarely work so easily, she goes to bed with hope. Joenes much more knowing in his rituals pulls out some of equipment, a sacred candle and some incense burning it together, chanting the mantras of Fenasal he prays, this with fast results, he does not enter into vorpal space but hears the voice clearly. What is often a calm and collected fire, one that burns clearly is now sporadic and angry, bright and dangerous, Joenes asks for guidance on what to do of the Fae and Fenasal responds in a yelling anger “Burn them, burn them all and make their askes scatter!” Joenes a bit scared at this turn in voice says a simple “It will be done” Fenasal is heard as well “they are being gathered, we will take down this deep and disgusting evil!”. Flynnic and Pascal both sleep, seeming that the bond that was made from death persists, when they dream both of their spirits are free and together, they wade and wash around in the great oceans. Libra in his state dreams of him again in the past life, down a light gray stone hall way, Aevel like in look he goes down and moves into a room, seeing a massive set of golden machinery, flowing lines of raw magical power into it, the machine moves slowly, almost like a pump. His buried memories recognizing it as main part of the magical foundation of the city, Libra reaches out his hand and plucks at the lines of raw mana, taking in some of it for but a brief bit, grasping at older and more powerful magics. Greta has her dream, and one again where the gods seem to have plans. She appears in a small wooden boat, on top of a deep black water, the white point in it like stars that are also in the sky, like a mirrored landscape between sky and firmament. And breaking of color as Greta looks forward, deep swirling purples and pinks, navy blue and red, all manor of color and form across, and in the middle is the figure of a women, in her hands an orb that when coming closer appears to be the world, the first globe that Greta has seen of Parahlitan. This being looks at Greta getting close and alongside the boat she floats, “well your interesting” the being says, a calm feminine voice, like that of a mother. Greta, a bit baffled “Thanks I guess” feeling silly at her verbal slip up Greta shakes it off and asks “so who are you?” the being responds “I am the light that fades but does not die, the one that continues the cycle, I am Dämmerung, I am dusk” the dwarvish word ringing more true in Greta’s mind. “and why am I here, why are you here, why are we here?” Dusk smiles “To dance” and she extends out a hand to Greta. A long and beautiful dance, swirls and flourishes, like wind and water and cloth they move with each other in beauty and grace, floating in-between the heaves above and the depth below, this done for a length that is lost to time, until finally Greta is set back down in her boat. Dusk smiling and saying “I knew you would be fun but your here for something”. Greta stammers a bit trying to pick her words, looking up at Dusk in the face “I don’t know exactly, I called and you are here, I would rather live in a world with gods than not relationships with them are something I want”. Dusk chuckles “well of course you want the gods, that is how it is supposed to be, an order to these things”. Greta asks with confidence “you know a lot about order, so what is the next step?” Dusk responds “simple, take down the dethroners” Greta asks “do they have any weaknesses?” Dusk tells in one word “Faith” Greta furrows her brow “Ok, well how exactly does one go about practicing their faith?” Dusk says “At each sunset, a prayer. Yet faith is had at all hours, it is in the heart and mind and that is the powerful of all” Greta nods “Thank you” Dusk mutters to herself a phrase in celestial that Greta hears something like “Fhi talosen na I lisel winir ngeta mwuinas” not knowing it but hearing her name, her actual given game of Liesel, it chills her a bit, but she rests in the knowledge that for once she reached out and was meet with a calm hand and not swatted away.

Alar also reaches out to Keldwin, offering her the blood of Oberon, for surly the uniqueness of it will be a suitable offering, he does this on a plate with her symbol inscribed within it. He is in a set of gardens, wonderful irrigated pathways in blocked limestone and sand colored walls. He admires the plants of this garden before he hears out the fast feet of someone approaching, those large and predictably like a god, he feels like as if he is a child in trouble from a parent. Keldwin stands well above him and looks down, they stare for a long few seconds finally she breaks the silence “Do  not try to feed me that vial stuff again” she sternly tells Alar, he responds in an apologetic tone “if you had said something-“ before he looks up and sees her anger, switching he finishes “It will not happen again” he bows. Keldwin tells Alar “we would not be where we were if that did not work, take it down” alar confused by this looks with confusion, Keldwin sighs, explaining further “The binding, the things that kept them away” alar says “it seems they aren’t working now as we fought them”. Keldwin, not happy with the pushback continues “Work to fix this, we both have a part to play” Alar says “I sent off a message” Keldwin cutting him off “I know the message was just went, I am working to help the cause, I just don’t know now worthy it is, my champion thinks otherwise” she looks at Alar before further speaking “If this does not get fixed none of what you wanted is possible” and she walks away in an angry storm, frustrated at Alar. Alar says after her “I will bring better gifts” Alar under his breath says “another hard day’s work” and he passes into the deep sleep again.



Come the morning the group meets up in the inn and catches a quick breakfast talking about their plans for the day, they all know that at noon sharp they have a meeting with the warmaster general talking about information on the Fae, Greta and Libra plan to go back to Thalia and talk with the Kari once again, Daren also will be going to the church to speak to other priests. Flynnic and Pascal are still in consideration for what exactly they will do and their role in this upcoming Fae war. Splitting for the day and agreeing to meet up at the palace later they go about their various activities. Alar goes and catches another bird, sending off a message to the Barron Harkonnen in Myantis, potential plans that had been discussed seem to be getting much closer, a man of such experience would be needed. Greta and Libra both plan and discuss ideas for Thalia, not sure of the length of their stay and so doing lots of preparation work. Daren goes off to the church of Mornal, for he has a proclamation to make. Going into the church it is not during any service so he looks around until he finds a priest, one identifiable but not known, the priest, who is named Renma knows Daren quite well, what with it being only two days ago that he was made the Dark One. Daren, in a strict but needed tone tells Renma that he must gather the other priests at once for a critical announcement. He does in the back and finds one more Priest, a younger women named Charlie. Mark and Kara not present Daren uses sending to tell them. soon the five main priest for this church of Mornal are present: Mark, Kara, Charlie, Renma, Liam, and Dest. Gathered around a smaller table in the back, a sight to behold of such a concentration of holy power. Mark opens and asks “Dark one, what is this you speak of with such urgency?” Daren apologizes for the rushed nature of this but insists that it was needed, he opens an elegant speech, one that would be fit for a crowd of thousands in its persuasion.

“Fae are among us, they are coming, they seek the dissolution of civilization, the death of the very gods themselves. And they can do it. They have waged war on all mortals, a war that we are not guaranteed to win. Should we not stand back, all the world will be shrouded in a new dark age, forced to bow before immortal usurpers who care nothing for us. This shall not be! They can be killed and they can feel fear. So we will make them fear us. They want to declare war on us! The church will declare war on them. Send word to the rest of the Unified Churches, tell them of this threat and tell them to gather their forces. we will not wait for the Fae to form a foothold before acting. I will hunt them down as they enter this world, they will be slain or flee before me and all who join me. We will fight them in the field in the mountains, under the earth or on the sea. We will fight until we have victory and have destroyed this threat once and for all!” finishing that speech the priest are shocked for a bit, both at the news but also the quality and force behind his voice. Dest the first to speak in a hushed voice “He will topple kingdoms” as a full realization of prophecy sets in. Mark takes hold of the situation “Let us go then, to the unified temple and proclaim this, gathering all the priests in the cities for this.” a procession occurs, the pure force of seven dark robed priests of Mornal, Croziuses bear, to the unified temple. Arriving they see a similar delegation of holy men and women, dressed in the cream colored robes of Valan, the head priest Kress speaks “Valan has called us here” Daren speaks out “You know of the threat?” he responds “We have heard it spoken” so coming inside they gather around and for almost an hour priests and priestesses are gathered, those wishing to behold the sight. Daren gives the speech again as all are gathered, the same passion as before but with visuals of their Fae menace, and with a tone that emphasizes unity between the churches in the need for this victory. Joenes is present in this meeting, having been at the temple for worship and prayer to Fenasal. For another hour or preparations are made, but much work is still to be done. Daren and Joenes eventually go off to the palace and meet the others. Having brought their hand of fate cloaks for a unified front. General Ilros is present to show them in, they area treated with respect but it is known that here in this place enough guards exist that nothing is sipping past. Down some hall ways into finally the grand council chambers. There are around two dozen men and women, all dressed in very formal military garbs, bright red and decorated with medals and honors, the sleeves short to display the tattoos of ten lines of rank, and for one man sitting in the middle eleven bands. This man, Sainor Elanet is the warmaster general of Sirinal, leader of the military and the citizenry. He welcomes them “So I hear you are the hand of fate, and you played a pivotal role in all of this” Daren talks with a nice response “We fought well but we simply cut off the head of the snake”. Sainor gestures out “Tell me of this” Joenes gives a very military style report, one that conveys dense and accurate information but in a very militaristic format and hard to understand for those outside of the trained dialect.  He gives all the information on the city, their foes, guesses on ability and all the various creatures, weaknesses and what not. after this initial report rounds of questions are asked and the group answers in turn, what their thoughts and predictions are, best guesses on the Fae and their presence and goals. Daren tells on his plans to rally the church to this war and make it holy, Greta and Libra talk of getting the Kari and other forces outside of Sirinal involved. After a long report and the Warmaster general feeling satisfied enough they move to more fun talk. “well I wish to repay for you this great service that you all have done and to help you better in this upcoming war we seem to face, ask of what you wish and I will do my best to grant it” Daren steps forward and asks for funding for a set of special magical armor, one that resists mental magics and charming. He also asks for a ceremonial cloak, one he sees the other high council members wear, in which Sainor tells him a plane no, that for that cloak one must earn it as a high council members, that if Daren truly wanted it he could work his way up like others, or perhaps something close in color and style if he just likes the look. Joenes asks for a new blade, something to further devastate this new menace. The warmaster general asks him about ranking, and perhaps a promotion but Joenes never has gotten rank tattoos, so the general asks a few questions and determines that he would be suitable to be a general, six lines.  Flynnic and Pascal step forward, Flynnic telling a story of their deaths and wishing for protection he wonders if armor could be made for him and Pascal, light and flexible but highly protective in nature, and needing to be able to be expanded. The Warmaster general remarks that it should be possible. Next Alar steps forward and makes a simple but powerful request, that at the bargaining table for supplies he be given first space and priority and favor, Sainor takes note of his ambition, that logistics and trade keep a war flowing as much as good soldiers, he does make an initial statement about a lack of need for simple weapons as Sirinal has its magic blade. Libra steps forward and wishes to hold knowledge, he asks for unrestricted access to the knowledge base of Sirinal and perhaps for assistance in this. The warmaster general says that he will talk to top scholars and see from the university but can do his best to grant this request. Greta last in line here but not sure of exactly what she wants, having to search her mind for some time, Sainor offering some ideas, a powerful weapon, command of an army block, special rights or titles, but none of this interest Greta. After considering it she describes the form of her being polymorphed into a giant ape my Libra, and wishes for that power in some form, Sainor not sure exactly as magic is not his knowledge cannot speak on this but promises his best. While the hand of fate is still present Sainor discusses some initial plans and battle strategy, with master general Ilros and others present, and taking suggestions from the hand. After this meeting ends they go about their day, the group sees off Libra and Greta as they use teleportation circle to Thalia. Daren uses message to contact the man named Kembra, who was a magic item dealer for Osuma, he messages about wanting help for enchantment and mind altering protection. Kembra messages back about being deep in Harash at the moment but he is willing to help.

Teleporting into Ipyèn they notice the time difference, where it was midafternoon it now is the earlier morning, but all the more time to complete their tasks. After going past security they wake their way to the university, getting to his office they approach and knock on the door a voice from inside says in a polite manor “Sorry, but I am not in my office at the moment, please come later” Libra assumes it to be a magical incantation and so they look next to the door for his schedule they see that he teaches a morning classes called Evocation IV from 9:30 to 11:30, then a class in the afternoon called Movements of Religion in the afternoon from 12:30 to 3:30. Seeing the current time they wait at the office for a bit hoping to catch him before class, but no dice. So they go out and do another part of their plan, to informed the luminated inquisition. They go into the main governmental building to the inquisition wing, and enter. The feeling of anti magic washes over them as they enter, familiar but still strange. They both talk to the receptionist who is a little sassy and not willing to give in, hearing their case but doing through paper work first, she gets finger prints from Greta and just a smear from Libra. Taking names and records etc. Finaly they are allowed to speak to an actual person, going into her office they meet Ms Salendrina Lumto, she is a pale blue skinned Genasi with longer elven ears, she stands up and greets them both, shaking hands. She puts away a map that she was copying and introduces herself and her station before letting Greta and Libra do the same. Libra stars “we are the hand of fate, we come with a message from Sirinala’av the Fae challenge the gods, the warmaster general and the unified church will fight back” Greta adds on “They intend to destroy it all and now we have orders seen from the gods” Salendrina takes not and asks a few questions, but that she specializes in the other worldly and dealing with odd things, asking as many have before about specifics for the Fae, and providing a list of knowledge back it goes quite well. Libra also inquires about Aevel, and how it may be a part in helping their quest, Salendrina tells what she can, its location as an island off the north coast, and the popular understanding of it being a fallen ancient civilization. They have a good conversation around these issues but wish to make it back in time for that lunch break for the Kari, they do wish that the Luminated inquisition informs out the church in this matter to which Salendrina says “his order would not be without their support, we will inform them at once” Going back to the university they return to the Kari’s office but see a sign posted about his lunch study hour. They go to the room and see four university students sitting with the Kari. The Kari stands up and is happy to see Greta and Libra, he introduces his students and tells them about each other, the students of course are quite interesting in those with field magic experience. The students also preparing for an upcoming examination with the usage of both a magical and a physical changer of fire. Libra and Greta indicate the need for an important meeting and sensing its severity he tells them to meet at the fountain at 7:00 and they can go to his home to discuss it.  the lunch hour goes well, he gets Greta the dish they are having, it is a bowl of mashed chickpea human with vegetables mixed in and on top. The students enjoy hearing all from Libra about his mastery of magics and from Greta about her being effected by said magics at times. The lunch is enjoyable. The two of them go out to the city afterwards and Greta wishes to visit the luminated church here, going up to the temple they are greeted nicely and given star cloaks, a ritual cloth that covers the shoulder, back and most importantly any head hair. They enter inside and stand, looking up and around at the ornate design of this place, light and darkness and pastel colors abound, few direct images but flowing patterns. Above a high balcony is where the priest preaches from, the service seems to be a daily call and is held all in elvish, Libra acting as translator. The sounds of a new instrument to Greta, a mega harp, one in which its main strings so big that they make no sounds themselves but instead resonate sympathetic strings around the church, it’s a sound to behold. The priest is a human man with shaved bald head and he has spots of pure white on his skin, vitiligo as we would call it. translated to Greta he says “Int his world the laws of man shall reign, but do not say that the laws of man are above the laws of the gods. for the gods created man, and so too the laws of the gods create the laws of man. In this way the laws of the gods are first” the service has various bits of music, a performance and call of prayer. He reads a verse of the day as well saying “For it is known, non on this world will have dominion over what was not made on this world, thus none are to claim the moon or the sun, the stars of the heavens above” he gives a talk on the importance of what ownership is, stressing as always the following of the law. The service ends and Greta enjoyed it but wishes more so she and Libra stick around hoping to catch the priest. In time he comes down and mills about with the people and in turn they get to speak to him. Greta bravely says “hello, I am new to all of this, please tell me about the church I guess” the priest, named Yôré responds in a thick rolling northern elvish accent, but speaking in common, he tells her about the cosmic dance, the pattern of the gods and how they inform us, the need for following of law and practice and the very basics of the religion, that to follow the law brings us closer to the gods in the cosmic dance of order. She asks if she can get a copy of this book of the law they keep referencing, he politely explains that no as the full “book” of the law is actually a set of books with dozens of tomes, original laws, commentary and commentary on the commentary, discussion and the like, he says he can get her a short version. Libra knowing this gives her a look once the priest departs, “what prompted this?” he asks in her head with a message. She very briefly tells him that she had a dream last night with one of their gods Dusk and so wants to follow up on that. Libra uses detect thought to try and see this scene but its blurry, they agree to talk more of it later. Yôré comes back and gives her a short booked called “the short book of the luminated law” in common. She thanks him greatly and he wishes her luck on her spiritual journey. At this point now it is only Flynnic that is not connected to a god or some form or another. Before their evening meet up with the Kari the two of them go to the markets, picking up some fun touristy trinkets and getting Greta some dinner. Then they return back to the colorful fountain at the school. The Kari in wait, he greets them and they talk for a few moments before he says, “Let us go elsewhere for a matter of this deep importance” he casts a spell of some sort making a circular blue portal and they all step through. Greeted with a different environment at once, the air is warmer and more humid, the breeze that Thalia in the spring holds no longer present. The space is almost made of a picture frame, ornate golden and metallic walls, looking out of a window they see a honey colored sky. Its quiet as well, little ambient sounds of nature or creatures around them. The Kari directs them inwards, explaining that this is his house, his proper home. A number of display tables hold all sorts of objects, a strange glass sculpted shape with patterned blue glass, a clock that is in a glass box and appears to be made of Archaeotech, a small tree, a bonsai shape. A large quartz prism. A set of tuning forks all labeled, but not in a language that they can read. A collection of platinum coins of cities and landmarks. And a number of other strange yet beautiful objects and items. He sits them down and offers food and drink, bringing out a set for making tea. He gives Greta a cup, it is a unique flavor, but not in the way of out their or special, this is one of a kind, it is something she will never taste again. As they have done a few times by now Greta and Libra tell the Kari about the situation with the Fae and the gods, how they told others like the government or Sirinal, the Unified Church, the luminated inquisition etc. he tells them that the gods hold a unique position, Greta asks what type of aid can the hand of fate provide, and the Kari muses a bit before telling them he will get back on that. Libra and Greta say they will stay in Ipyèn for a bit longer so can follow up. The Kari reassures the two that this in a very secure location and not to fear consequence before he asks them a tough question “how would you feel if the gods where gone?” Greta responds “Wobbly” that “Fait is interesting, entering to it deeply is not how I thought it would be this close” she pauses and continues “There are some parts that would be better without but not all of it should be gone, there are parts that are for the best” her words spilled out but getting the idea across. The Kari, Seladin, responds to this “I think that is a healthy outlook” Libra asks a less topical question “where are we?” The Kari responds “Somewhere else.” Libra follows up “Like in vorpal space?” he repeats “somewhere else” this gives Libra something to think about. They ask the Kari about his knowledge of the Fae, he the first person that knows of what is going on, even if vaguely that it “Has been a while sense I have seen them but I have interacted with Fae before” again an answer that demands more questions. He explains that they are powerful but most can be killed, Libra asking why they cannot all be killed. The Kari explains that only mortals are impermanent, everything else is like a stain on the fabric of the universe, it can fade but it sticks around. He talks about how the Fae do battle and war fair, practice with sabotage and deception on many front, that there is not as much of an easy way out. He does tell that they are chaotic creatures, that silver cuts well and that “Logic” beats them, plans and ideas are what takes down an unpredictable foe. To not leave things to odds or chance, he makes a strange remark about putting planes down in steel for “anything else cannot be trusted to stay”. Libra asks about what kinda of favors the Kari can call in to help with this, maybe a dozen or so, some governments. He tells them that this will be a war of smoke and mirrors, that while it may start in Sirinala’av it will likely not stay contained there. He talks about some other members and their parts, he tells Greta to pass a warning to Alar that “tell him its not so fun at the top” he suggests well that Greta works in the way she has been, a master of the brutal battle. He tells them both to hold strong to belief, for the Fae win if they can dismantle hope. Libra to become a beacon or salvation and sanctity. He gives advice for to be given to Daren that he continues with his efforts to unify the churches and put up a front of War. He gives them a warning of being careful about who they speak around, and that perhaps he may yet see them on the battlefield. He asks if they have other thoughts or questions, Libra asks about his past and Aevel, the Kari gives advice to tread lightly for it is a dangerous place and he is right to hold fear. Libra also asks for the spell part for an old type of transformative magic, an other worldly guise. It is a circle that is made of bronze, with detailed complex shapes in a eight fold symmetry, the closer that it is looked at no sacrifice of detail is made, like a magic in its creation of the object. Greta known not what to ask for so the Kari guesses and hand her a stone, one of a pair of sending stone, but telling her they won’t work if he is at home. Libra also asks about the powerful magic that they saw Oberon use, The Kari knows this spell and speaks of its power, that three thousand years does change things, a few times at least. They there are many ways to pluck the strings of the universe. He also gives Greta a odd looking fruit, something that he says “You don’t have on your world anymore” He opens up a gate again and leaves them at the fountain where they started, seemingly no time having passed.  Back in the city Greta and Libra look for an Inn for the evening. Back in Sirinala’av the rest of the hand of fate sleeps, it seems they have a lot of time in front of them ahead.



Sirinala’av theme

Oberon tower theme 

Mornal piano man 

Luminated church opening

Luminated church closing

The Kari theme