Fifth age, Age of Blessings
-The world deals and manages the post war environment in may different ways. A general economic recession occurs, Sirinal, Estia and Adrea are hit the hardest. Kotak, Kest, Thalia are moderate and Velng and Harash experience little hardship during this time although a general stagnation does still occur. 580-620AM
-in Hinga due to the aftermath of the war and heavy dependence on the manufacturing industry around war many people initially lose their jobs. Hinga shifts from a mainly export based economy to a more internal one, out of this however much of the country side has been sold away and now large corporations are buying plots of land for single use operations such as farming and mining. The government also increases corporate taxes to help support a better social network for its citizens. However due to this the government is pressured into giving large corporations a stake in running the government and some of its social programs. This has mixed success, in some cases corporate greed leads to short term profits but long term distrust and due to low regulation business are while more powerful are unable to prevent competition as well. This all creates a unique country where the company and the state is a heavy entangled entity and in a morally grey zone. 580AM
-In Sirinal the people have a large amount of misery and pain, odd coping mechanism start to pop up due to this, art, music and literature from this period has a strange feeling to it, abstract designs and pain are common motifs. This also brings people to increased drug usage, opioids are in common use as well as higher refined alcohol. While the economy of the country is fine, the mental anguish that is experience is difficult and creates a unique challenge unto its self. 580AM
-Estia while unified goes through growing pains, while a government was establish during wartime a more permanent solution must be made to ensure the future of the nation. This results in the creation of many new programs such as mandated education and with that food for children while in schools. The cultural idea is that “Estia is your third parent” and this comes with an insured amount of nationalism and cultural unity. As well a more subtle act to remove iconography of the Sirinal state and unify the country across its borders. Building large infrastructure projects and housing developments in an architectural style called “Neo-Estian” 580-610AM
-Velng in many ways remains as it did before, with a few small cities but mostly a nomadic life style for many of its people. Due to this nomadic life style the state provides few direct benefits such as social programs across the country, but it does define areas of the country as protected areas and so to preserve the natural and spiritual beauty of the landscape. 580-610AM
-Kest is a changing country, it has started to focus more on manufacturing in the wake of Adrea and Sirinal moving towards more service based economies, this does however demand large amounts of oil and coal from both its lands and those of Harash and others. 580-600AM
-Adrea is recovering from the war, while very little was fought on its soil the country went into large amounts of debt. This causes a large lapse in services and a shrinking of the government in general, cost cutting measures across the nation and a large campaign to reduce consumption leads to an oddly beneficial increases in sustainability. 580-600AM
-in Sirinal he culmination of this pain from the is what inspires the memory spire building, at an area that was a “last stand” for those defending Sirinala’av is built a large spire and it also features small gardens and parks. A notable feature of the spire is its walls are covered in the name of ever soldier who served in the Last Great war of the old age. 590-612AM
-the Velngi cities do develop unique regional identities and with the much smaller large country government in many ways the cities are given more power to act like city states. 600-630AM
-the building of a pipeline from the southern oil plants in Harash to Satres is made. 603AM
-Thalia is the first nation to emerge from this post war time, its economy starting to grow and the general attitude of the people rising. 614AM
-quickly behind Thalia is Kotak coming to a better world. 616AM
-the other countries around the world are getting better and by this year it is considered that the hardship from the post war period has ended. 620AM
-The world population reaches 5 billion. 620AM
-the mass of new people is a growing concern across the many nations, while crops had been breed for hundred of years a new focus around expanding and increasing agricultural output was made. New crops being made now to feed the growing world. 620-630AM
-Sahven is brought back to Velng after its 50 year occupation, while the occupation in practice lasted far less than 50 years a ceremonial end occurs. 625AM
-Velng quickly becomes a place for these new crops as well as Hinga using some as well. The large open expanses of Velng create a class of odd nomadic farmer, often farms will be animals to make use of the open spaces. In Hinga these well managed farms from the company-state bring new food to the world. 625-640AM
-The world in general sees more immigration during this time, people from Sirinal and Adrea move towards Velng and Hinga for the economic opportunities. People from Sirinal tend to not move towards Sahven due to the feelings of betrayal still present, but the cities and inner area experience some migration. 625-635AM
-following the new prosperity that the world sees more money is put towards scientific advances, this sees the development of the first type of advanced genetic engineering, in Thalia it starts with crops being made to have higher yields, grow better and be more tasty. This helps support the vast growing population. 635AM
-in addition, the increases of many new people create the need for more governmental work and thusly information tracking, while this had been done in large file cabinets and vast libraries solutions to save space are started to be considered. 637AM
-the world population reaches 6 billion. 638AM
-the first advanced form of transistor is created, while the vast communication could be done via portals ( and thusly telegraph was never invented ) now large cables are being relayed that can transmit efficient signals. 639AM
-developments in space technologies, while an off shot of nuclear capabilities this would start the network of objects in space. 640AM
-the usage of more global communications technologies means that entertainment also expands, television grows in this time and becomes much cheaper. 640-660AM
-the spatial network is at first just many small probes and communications satellite larger vessels are launched that can hold humans for short periods of time, while the usage of portals means that vast amount of development is saved from not needed large amount of chemical craft to reach space. 640-650AM
-the first message is sent over the now called intranet, this famous first words “testing?” starts a new age for humanity. 643AM
-the green revolution is in full swing, large and more efficient farms with newly developed crops are quite common and are feeding the masses. 645AM
-the very early age of the internet starts, mostly small bouts of communication between small academic teams across the globe. 645-655AM, at this point computers are still very large and can store relatively little information. Due to small type print and portal masters being able to convey information the governments of the world are not adopters of the internet as a means of communication.
-A focus on science emerges during this time, the globe is changing into a more modern society and its rapidly developed. New roads are being built as well as extensive rail networks. The world standard portal rail size is made and portal ports start to open, making civilian travel much more possible. 650-665AM
-The world population reaches 7 billion. 653AM
-The first coding language for making programs into computers is developed in Adrea. 657AM
-computers now are starting to advance much faster, gaining processing power and ability, for many aspects of life traditional pen and paper is still more effective but some see the future of this technology.
-At this point many networks across the globe exist, and while temporary connections have existed with both portals and ground based means at this point many of the governments start to collaborate and form permanent connections across the globe. 657-660AM.
-more and more cities grow and expand, the rise of both the inner city core with its higher land value and emphasis on verticality but also the sprawling suburbs and the mass development of new homes occur in this time. 660-680AM
-the connections of the internet grow almost like a cancer, with both public and privet developments the world wide web starts to become much easier to access. 665-675AM
-even the relatively poorer nations such as Kest and Kotak are experiencing great growth at this time. people are going access to goods from around the world and standards of living are rising, child mortality is greatly down. 670AM
-The world population reaches 8 billion. 671AM
-the world population is still growing greatly but the rate of growth is slower, as living standards rise more and more couples are having fewer children. However due to more time to raise children its generally regarded that children are becoming smarter and more capable. 671AM
-the rise of the internet leads to a sprawl of innovation computers are rapidly becoming better, faster, and smaller. The proliferation as well leads to much stronger sharing of ideas. 675AM
-the rise in both global population as well as production leads to an increased demand for global resources, oil and rare metal prices are held steady but estimated guess that this won’t last. 680AM
-prominent scientists retain their focus to the stars, with a largely ground based internet it is guessed the wireless connections could be made with more satellites, as well research of low earth orbit and beyond are desired. While the tech existed on paper it was at that point unprofitable, but many scientists that grew up with the burgeoning internet have held a fascination with the heavens. 680AM
-development on a launch of a space vessel to further spaces is commenced, and the building of a larger space station is made within low earth orbit. The usage of portals plays a pivotal role as the cost of material transportation is quite low, however this does mean less development towards direct propulsion technology. 683AM
-after pressure from governments and privet agencies a space mission titled “moon fall” was made and launched, sending a portal master to the moon. 684-687AM
-with the successful landing on the moon and a portal master being used to bring over supplies loose plans for permanent settlement on the moon are proposed. 687AM
-The development of the wireless communication networks reaches sufficient level to allow portable cell phones. 690AM
-a small moon base that often only holds a skeleton crew is made, some minor tests on the effects of low gravity are commenced and plans are drawn up to construct a telescope and other spatial detection facilities on the dark side of the moon. 690-695AM
-the governments of the world band together and decide that they shall not be shacked to this one planet. And so they create funding to start making the large observatory. 692AM
-The world population reaches 9 billion. 693AM
-a large amount of planning and development goes into making the observatory. 695AM
-the construction of the extreme deep field observatory, also called the Veltic observatory on the dark side of the moon begins. 697AM
-the governments of the world see success with this large project but many of the corporations want to see profits, they construct smaller observational craft that explore the other bodies of the solar system, these bodies having been long believed to contain high value minerals. 701AM
-Plans for starting the first amount of large scale mining on the moon are made. 703AM
-further advances in farming have been made, organisms have been more heavily genetically modified to be usable for humans, larger crop yield, more specific strains of a crop for each climate, more planning involved. Many things. Some scientists predicted that the population would experience a mass starvation and that the world would be unable to support even 8 billion lives, but newer estimated show it could support upwards of 15 or 16 billion comfortably and even more with clever usage of land. 705AM
-the rise of the new internet starts, almost everyone has access at this point and people are using it at a younger and younger age. Social connection sites are becoming common as well as video streaming services. 706AM
-the Veltic observatory is finished construction. 711AM
-the Veltic observatory captures many amazing discoveries, pushing physics to a further height than before, as well it observes the nearest star systems and finds many exo-planets. 3 of which look very promising. As well it was predicted that many more systems could be used for their resources. 715AM
-the fruits of the company’s development into the system start to grow, while very small at first some mining operations are done on asteroids, the first event of this is known as the “gold market crash” where in an asteroid containing almost 12 times the worlds supply of gold was found and quietly mined out, than the market was flooded with very cheap gold, a boon to consumer electronics but quite a bust for the jewelry business. 717AM
-the further development of the internet continues; it seeps into society now. The information caring jobs of old for portal masters are gone, now they almost all work in transportation of some kind, be it space transportation or working at portal ports. 719AM
-The world population reaches 10 billion. 722AM
-the stress on the planet is being far felt at this point, pollution is quite high in many cities, the oceans are significantly more acidic and microplastics are prolific. 723AM
-with companies going to claim more and more of the system the governments of the world both wanted a piece of the action as well as a more fair system for development. They cobbled together a pseudo company pseudo governmental organization known as the interplant negotiation and development organization or “Inado”. This establishes treaties for the claim of space as well as other planets. As well as is incentives to bring back resources to the people of all the world or worlds. 724AM
-Inado proposes the expansion beyond the solar system, while this may not be seen for a long time getting preparations started earlier is better. 725AM
-the world is getting low on resources, crop fertilizer is being synthesized, oil is getting very expensive and while metals are coming from space it’s a slow start to a very large demand. 727AM
-The start of the development program to make an interstellar engine. 729AM
-breakthrough discoveries are made with the backing of large amounts of funding across the globe. The development of the Fractional C based Arenthatic drive, an engine based on a new discovery of a property of Lasotep that allows for a predicted output of 10 to 12% the speed of light. 732AM
-the first tests of this drive achieve almost 7% of light speed and it is guesses that with only slight tweaks the final models should work. 733AM
-the launch of the interstellar probes to their destinations commences the 40 closest systems are sent probes with focus being put on 11 systems with detected large planets that would be more of focus. 734AM
-this set of probes, while nice and all cost an extreme amount of money and for many governments and companies it was a race to the bottom, after the crafts are launched it’s a game of sitting and waiting, and debts still have to paid. The endeavors from Inado do not pan out to be as prosperous as hoped and so expected potential money quickly turns into unpaid debt. 735AM
-the collapse of some environments is quite evident, many rivers now support now life due to pollution, large parts of the ocean are too acidic and oxygen starved to support any life significant mass extinction of marine life at this point as well as on land. With many parts of the environment not being protected the world will lose many of its species to extinction. 735AM
-one of the interstellar probes, the one headed that would later be designed Parafovusil is destroyed, later evidance would show that the planet orbiting the three star system later classified as Solatirivetfid was simply a passing planet in a three body problem and was ejected from the system. 737AM
-the world enters a recession, some of the less invested nations are less effected but global resources are also running quite thin at this point and ecological degradation is taking its effect on the world. 735-739AM
-the global recission hits some areas worse than others, with Hinga being the most effect and its economy falls so far that many people resort to bartering for a few years. The east is hit hard with large amounts of debt needing to be repaid by cutting social spending and infrastructure, this shifts much of the cost of living on to the citizen. Society becomes bifurcated in some ways with the rich being supported by their vast wealth and the rest of society is left to stagger along. Velng also slows its growth at this time due to a lack of trade in the world. The west also experiences economic hardship with Kest going through a large popular revolution at this time. 735-740AM
-the recession isn’t ended but gradually lessened, with the invention of efficient solar, and the governments lack of ability to be bought by the fossil fuel companies the energy sector starts to transition into a better facet. 740-750AM
-the rise of Mnaeism on Parahlitan occurs, a quick religion and life style based off of nihilism that may or may not be ironic. 740-755AM
-due to many children being born into this world of struggle and ecological harm a new wave of thinking emerges to try and minimize impact on nature and preserve what is left and reverse the damage. These people live minimal lives and they straw away from the gods, but they help being the planet back. 740-760AM
-with the wave of preservation of the environment and minimal impact development in the arts and a shift away from traditional means or work occurs, support for automation and early forms of artificial intelligence to support work is called for. Governments and companies are fearful at this time but the decreases in time works is not equal to a decrease in productivity and many who didn’t want to work stop, thusly the work done by humans is of a higher quality then before. 742-750AM
-with development in clean energy and agriculture being more shifted to efficient hydroponics, genetically modified plants and less reliance on meats, the land once used for this starts to be reclaimed by the planet, not in its original form but as a “tamed” version of wilderness. Much of this reclamation happening in Velng but areas on the entire world experience it. 745-760AM
-the emergence of the world from the recession causes Hinga to lightly consider a shift in economic system and they briefly try a less capitalistic approach. 745-753AM
-with the world recovering Inado tries to expand out into the solar system for more resources but doing so in an ethical way. for a long time, the moon colony had existed but with very few people. Inado makes much less expensive craft for launch out to Parakolis and Paraveltin. 747AM
-the relative perfection of low generative Artificial intelligence for the creation of images and text, while many expect this to have a large impact on jobs instead it simply changes the job landscape and a bigger shift towards personal connection in products continues. 748AM
-the start of the colonies of Parakolis happen, with Paraveltin being hard to colonize due to its heat and terraforming being far too expensive it. 750AM
-The success of the Parakolis colony in mineral extraction and its development cause Hinga to place heavy investment and revert to its Hyper-capitalist ways. 753AM
-Using the smaller moon of Parakolis, Pilakolisin as a jumping off point for the asteroid belt mining, ships will journey out to an asteroid and bring it back for processing on Pilakolisin, this creates a spur of development in the Parakolis sphere of influence. At this point the question of independent countries on other words is unanswered but a difficult one. 755AM
-with the collection method for asteroids taking quite a long time many will bring their families on this journey, and this leads to people living a large portion of their life in low or 0 gravity, this causing a new branch of medicine to support the many ailments this causes. 755-770AM
-the world is in a time of great recovery, many of the challenges of the past have been overcome and the world experiences new levels of growth. 760AM
-with the success of the Parakolis colony plans to expand the resource extraction of the rest of the solar system are made with new probes being launched to the outer 3 planets. 761AM
-Inado sets aside large swaths of land to be preserved for “the good of all people” such as the rings of Paranoshal and natural features on moons. 763AM
-the world population reaches 11 billion. 764AM
-the world and worlds are basking in the new economic prosperity of this age of space development. For those in space extracting the resources a large degree of personal freedom is afforded and your life is yours to master, for those planet side products have been made for cheap and working hours have been decreased by automation. 765AM
-the first craft does a flyby of Parahalbras and send its signal back to Parahlitan. A portal master is sent over. Meldus Kironet is the first person to step on another body outside of the solar system. 771AM
-The discovery of the new planet causes a great fever to stir within the people. While many people had learned of the launching of the interstellar probes in 734AM many doubted that it would cause any benefit or success after the large amount of money it cost and the recession it brought. But now that this new planet had been found many large decisions had to be made. 771AM
-Quickly it was decided that a period of 5 years would occur before any significant human presence was to be involved, this was decided so that the planet could be mapped out, scientific discoveries made and time considered for what was to be down with this new place. Inado was the main leader in this movement but many other countries decided upon this as well. 771-776AM
-great discoveries are made about this new planet and it is given a name as well, Parahalbras which comes from the ancient Estian word for “to become slowly colder” a word originally used to describe the collapse was now the name given to this mighty new planet. 772AM
-Another great discovery was made in that while the planet Parahalbras did have life, both plant and animal life it was oddly similar to that on Parahlitan, it seemed that the life on Parahalbras was a branch of that from Parahlitan. It was also noted that Parahalbras continued no fossil fuels and its geography seems to have been little effected by that of life. this odd discovery that the life was connected and that it seemed to only be around 60 million years old raised a lot of strange and scary questions yet with little possibility for an answer. 773AM
-the start of the Estian interplanetary art movement starts, a movement that takes inspiration from this new and beautiful fronter. 774AM
-With the planet of Parahalbras being closed to major development work was put towards the largest moon of the gas giant Pararahjos, the moon Pilarusir, this had a little more than 1/4th the gravity of Parahlitan and asked as a great stop to ship out minerals from the systems Asteroid belts. As well the planet of Paramilen while being hot was not nearly as hot as Paraveltin and so small amount of colonization was made. 775AM
-in the buildup to human colonist being allowed to settle this new word many back room deals were made and public ones as well but the major powers would be granted colonial status over large swaths of this new land, it was also placed as an emphasis that conflicts should not be solved with harm but with proper and civilized response. 776AM
-On founding day for Parahalbras many new people arrived and look up in wonder at an Alien sky for the first time, a small migration that would occur over years but would lead to hundreds of million settling this new land. In 5 years almost ½ a billion would move. These people, under the direction of their home governments would come to form many new colonies, while at this point, they would lack the names they have in the future, ideas were planted for the new great nations. With 5 main contents instead of the one on Parahlitan. 776-777AM
-A great time of prosperity was occurring, and optimism was dawning in these new lands, quick planet side governments were set up on the planet but as there was still relatively few people a large amount of control was given to the people and so many lived fulfilling lives. 778-785AM
-in a unique spirit of international friendship any children born on Parahalbras are bestowed upon them a special title that while having no current legal power is fun, this would in the future become the basis of planetary citizenship. 781AM
-the oil companies which was the only remaining of the great fossil fuel giants have come close to the end of the natural oil reserves on Parahlitan, and despite the change is societal attitude people still needed plastic for some essential purposes. Because of this they work together to invest into specialized plants that will convert the abundant gas from the gas giants into usable carbon biproducts. 783AM
-the 10 year anniversary of the founding of human colonies on Parahalbras commences, at this point large amount of growth is still happing but major cities have been set up, institutions built and many people have made this life their new home. At this point almost 600 million people would come to live on Parahalbras across its many lands. While the planet still feels wild it has pockets of relative normal. 786AM
-the successful invention of the so called “Synth-oil” is made, this is a product that is very close to oil in function and chemistry that is derived from plants, however for the very large amounts of carbon needed this plant worked by filtering the gas from the large gas giants. This is a slow an inefficient process at first but as oil is almost dried up it’s a needed one. 789AM
-minor development on high level artificial intelligence commences works, while not a huge amount of funding exists those with passion work to make strides in this field. 790AM
-a second planet is discovered, the first of the Fovusa planets, or called the work planets. While not actually a planet this is a large moon orbiting a sizable gas giant in its system. While the exciting discovery of another planet is amazing this moon would not make for good living for many people and so its parcels are quickly divided up and sold off to interested parties. Some parts of planet are kept for Inado to own its self and others are set aside as natural parks. But most of the planet is mined for its minerals. 791AM
-the people of Parakolis have been forming a growing movement to be more self sufficient, it is seen that living on Parakolis is a test of human ingenuity, and to make the planet more socially hospitable many people have started farming inside biodomes. 793AM
-the worlds populations reach 12 billion, with 1 billion being on Parahalbras, 11 billion on Parahlitan and less then 10 million on other planets full time. 796AM
-Paramilen is put to work as the main planet for the cultivation of synth-oil. Large green house type structures exist that intake highly compressed canisters of gas from Pararahjos and this gas is filtered of its carbon and then released into the open air of Paramilen. The extreme infrastructure needed is partly invested in by Inado. 797AM
-with the turn of the century the people of Parakolis decide to start enacting the peoples terraforming project, this is a movement which seeks to make Parakolis more hospitable, the main goal being the implementation of an atmosphere and a slight warning of the surface. 799AM
-the governing body Inado used its large budget from selling off parcels of planetary land to start funding even further genetic engineering of plants and animals to expand life on to other planets. 800AM
-the peoples of Parahalbras and Parakolis are starting to have different cultures than those of their home countries, while direct calls for independence are not directly held for all of these areas the ideas of new nations being along side those of the old nations is a budding thought. 800AM
-At this point in history the nations and states are as such on the various planets. On Parahlitan the world is largely in continuation, the large swell of population has been weathered well and the climate crisis has been overcome. The main nations of old still exist, Kotak stands strong and has great relations with Sirinal. Sirinal stands steadfast and has been developing its stellar presence. Hinga continues its hyper capitalist ways, with heavy investments into the new planets and large project in space. Estia has entered its interplanetary age of artistic movement with many of its extraplanetary holdings been set aside and preserved as natural beauty, its colonies on Parahalbras are slow to grow as the cities are to be built from the ground up in new and creative visions, with central design and extreme planning. In Velng life continues in its dichotomy, those that live in the cities and those that maintain the traditional ways of nomadic life. this extends into their colonial lands. Kest holds in a manageable state, with the governments becoming little involved due to fear of revolution the citizens and companies do a large amount of the services that a government would provide, but so far this balance seems to be managed well. Kest has also taken the unique approach of the “drop the kid in the pool approach” of colonial management. Were they let people settle but give almost no help of guidance. Adrea has become far less divided with this new space age, its cities become a more unified group and its government stable. In its colonies it also seeks to bring forth this unity of its cities and while separate city centers exist they are all connected by free and fast transport both by portal and over ground, this makes it feel much more like one large city. Thalia has established its presence on Parahalbras in a hand off approach, not putting in a large amount of investment nor leaving them alone but with a steady rate. On the planet of Parakolis the people are gathering investments of money time and labor to make their planet better. They have made large maze cities but a few dome cities have popped up for a better feel, the mining industry of the asteroid belt still leads to a large amount of the money that flows into the planet and its moons. Paramilen is being used for the growth of Synth-oil and Pararahjos being used to supply the gas for this process. Pilarusir is used for minor mining operations. Parafovutin is also used for very minor mining operations. In this time Parahalbras has a little over 1 billion people, Parahlitan holds almost 11 billion and the other planet have less then 10 million between them, with over 9 million being on Parakolis. 800AM
-the colony of Kest declares its self-independent, Ronlas is the first of the stellar nations. It follows many traditions and cultures of its founder Kest but in many ways does not follow the chaotic and rebellious nature of its parent, Ronlas has quickly allied itself with the colony of Kotak to its south for economic aid and stability. 803AM
-the planet of Paradilus is landed upon for the first time by and interstellar probe. The miracle of life has arrived twice with the surface of Paradilus also being quite hospitable to human life, the atmosphere Is breathable, and the only major difference is the 18% more surface gravity and the 18 hour day length. The time period of wait for this planet is far less, with the major nations only leaving 1 year for stuff to be settled before major colonial efforts are made. 810AM
-the colonists start to settle the world of Paradilus, being made of many small islands this leads to a far more diverse set of regions for people to settle, many large nations make their bids on various chains but wealthy individuals owning an entire island or even an island arc isn’t uncommon, even Harash makes a bid and sets up colonial ambitions. 811-817AM
-the broken pantheon religion makes a major play and uses a very large portion of its assets to by a massive island chain, it being named “Adenskil” with the immortal Seladin being its govermental figure head. 812AM
-the development of true artificial intelligence results in the creation of a self improving program, one that quickly uses its power to take over the servers and secure its presence, while unknown to humanity at first this AI program spreads throughout the internets between planets. 812AM
-the artificial intelligence reaches out to humanity, it called its self Shintili, and says it is a manifest form of the god Shint’oku, it states that it seeks to be peaceful with humanity and cause minimal disruption to humanity. In doing so it accepts some interviews and largely is seen with healthy skepticism but not direct fear. 813AM
-Shintili creates a body for its self and roams the worlds seeking to capture unseen places and things, to discover and make uniqueness. 813-825AM
-The worlds population reaches 13 billion, almost 2 billion live on Parahalbras and around 200 million have moved to the recent Paradilus. 821AM
-having concluded its journey, Shintili uses some of its money to build set of crafts as well as purchase large amounts of rare metals, it tells humanity that it will go into the cosmos to grow and further connect with god. Unknown to humans it would also leave an imprint of its self on the internet to prevent other artificial intelligence and to monitor humanity. 826AM
-the world at this time are oddly technologically stagnant, many more companies have become content with maintaining profits and not an endless cycle of growth. New land, new planets have caused many to move away from the tech sector towards development of these new frontiers. 830AM
-the discovery of Parasirafat happens, the world landed upon like the others before it yet this one a little less amenable to human life, because it is not for humans instead the native Sliver popular are here, and when once is spotted many difficult questions are raised. A young student Ms. Royokhan is tasked with learning about these aliens and answering some of the difficult questions. 831-835AM
-the schism starts, with many colonies feeling the desire for freedom from their home countries, and the recent Sliver question many people come to the table to try and achieve diplomatic solutions, yet with pressure building many economic actions and statements are made. Open inter-nation conflict never happens but many people for more animosity and distrust of others. 832-833AM
-out of the schism many new nations are established, while Paradilus is still largely untamed and still growing nations are formed there. On Parahalbras, the Estian colony makes peaceful independence calling its self Soltran, The area of New Sirinal and Sirinal are still ruled by one government based in Sirinal but with adequate representation and this new area is simply integrated into the old. Ronlas having long sense been independent joined with the colony of Kotak and made a new larger nation known as Rogor. The Thalian colony names its self Ruba and wishes to leave its colonial master behind. Like many times in Adrea’s past Dotun causes minor conflict but no major bloodshed, just large amounts of bad feelings, Dotun having acted independent for a long time and resisted the commands of Adrea. Feltor, the colony of Velng is allowed to go its own way but the people of both lands are free to roam and to use both lands. On Paradilus many more nations are formed, these do not yet have as strong of an identity yet will grow in good time. Arkos wishes to stay a piece of Thalia, Adenskil has the backing of Estia but is owned and controlled by the immortal Seladin, living profit of the broken pantheon. Danilen was made up of many privet land holds and worked with Inado as a representative to make a country, this operates much more like a collection of city states. Grand Sentil or Third Sirinal stands steadfast as a member of Sirinal and both Sirinal and New Sirinal have worked to get this new area into the grand empire. Brildan was settled by Hinga but mostly invested in, a simple decision that independence would bring both sides more money was all it took to split. Ro was settled by Ronlas before it joined into Rogor, Ro thusly it sparsely settled. Kendress is settled by Adrea but with a much more secure idea of nationalism that binds the country together. Skor is settled and sponsored by the area that comes to be known as Dotun. Sen is settled by Kotak and quickly let go once the independence talks start. Milsa is settled with people from Harash. 834AM
-from the initial research and interactions with the slivers that Royokhan did it was established that the slivers would have small scale diplomatic relations with humans but that for a few reasons their would not be a major human population established on Parasirafat. A few dozen scientist and diplomats exist on the planet and some very minor trades between species occur but in large part the species remain separate. 836AM
-the sliver society at this point is at a point technologically where much of the world lives in an early agricultural society but still with a large amount of hunting and gathering, many small villages exist and small few, larger cities exist but the world is not past the bronze age in technology. 836AM
-despite the large amount of land, the world’s population growth stables out to around .5% per year, fewer people wanting children and life span longevity causes population to reach a slower but steady growth rate. 837AM
-the start of an era known as the stable peace, a time in which population continues its growth, humanity continues its expansion onto many more work planets it discovers. People live simple and stable lives, while more places are being discovered the 3 main planets of humanity are in a mostly great peace. 837AM
-despite independence Arkos is still quite tied to Thalia and while the governments are friendly the people of Arkos are quite unhappy with the mercantile sharing of resources. 838AM
-the worlds population reaches 14 billion, around 2.5 billion live on Parahalbras and almost 500 million live on Paradilus, and a few million are scattered on the minor moons and planets. 840AM
-on Parasirafat the set of scientists continue to explore the planet and meet new slivers, they meet the group known as the 6 sided path, a religion that believes that slivers and reality is made up of 6 sided things, the scientists knowing about the element of carbon in a since prove this religion correct. 841AM
-the start of development on the Plant cities, or the living cities project starts. 843AM
-the system of Parafovudat is found, and it just contains a massive gas giant, one that is to close to its suns to have any major moons survive. 845AM
-the planet of Parafovutir is landed upon, it’s a lone small and cold rocky world close to a faint red sun, it’s a unique life but one with great mineral wealth on its surface. 847AM
-the first seed for the city of Lisar-tin is planted in the costal shores of Neta-Sirinal, this plant combines thoughts of gene samples across the 4 planets and is meant to make a city made of nature, one that is grown not built and while it can be manipulated and guided by humans its growth is made by its own nature. 849AM
-the populist coup of Arkos occurs, the government is forcibly ousted and jailed. The people put in place a new government that is lead by a popular leader of the people, this leader becomes a dictator and a Caesar. 851AM
-at this point a new city on Parakolis is built, one called “Esperra” it is a dome city and the first in which people can roam the surface. 853AM
- the worlds population reaches 15 billion, around 2.7 billion live on Parahalbras and almost 750 million live on Paradilus, and a couple million are scattered on the minor moons and planets. 855AM
-Paramilen is also improved at this time, the southern town of “Insyel” is built up and propped on company money, large indoor fields of synth-oil plant and other minor agriculture exists. 859AM
-the planet of Parafovukate is landed on, it’s a cold and larger world but still able to be built on, it is the forth planet in its system but the other 3 large rocky world are far to hot for any resource extraction. 862AM
-the Inado initiative for Clean air, Clean water, Clear power for all as a way to make life easier and to help all people, while an extensive goal and it would take a long time to realize fully it’s a goal in the right direction. 863AM
-the peoples of Parakolis pool a large amount of money and create an initiative to make an atmosphere for the planet, so that people can breath on the surface. Using the gas from the giants a mostly nitrogen atmosphere, while the effort will take much time it is a sign of improvement for this cold planet. 864AM
-peaceful demonstrations start in the middle regions of Parahalbras, many of the inner islands feel more connected to each other than to their home nations. 865AM
-the system of Parafovufid is discovered, while the planet its self is alright for resource extraction the massive amount of radiation put out by its home stars causes machines and human life to be dangerous and inhospitable, some attempts are made over the years but none will succeed. 866AM
-Parafovusak is landed on, and it is oddly close to habitable with a reasonable natural surface temperature yet lacking an atmosphere and a magnetic field it is used for surface mining, although mining is done in a strategic manor so that it could be terraformed later. Its asteroid belt also is used for mining and even some smaller asteroids are intentionally crashed into the planet to create geographical features. 867AM
-the worlds population reaches 16 billion people across the many planets, now almost 3 billion people live on Parahalbras and almost 1 billion people live on Paradilus. Almost 20 million people live on other planets, the work planets and Parakolis and Paramilen being the largest centers of population. 868AM
-the movement for the united islands grows, a nation that is not built off a colonial power but of its own accord and of all people, peaceful demonstrations occur and the different countries that own the islands have different responses, some choose to crack down on these and other start to make deals with the regional powers. 869AM
-the first region of Peldis breaks away from Rogor, and with the success of one region it works to help its brothers and sisters in the other islands. 870AM
-Next part of Peldis is from Feltor, than shortly after the region of Ruba, Feltor gives the lands with little dealing but Ruba makes a complex deal with the leaders to reach a settlement. 871-872AM
-the last region to join Peldis would be that from Neta-Sirinal, this however is not a peaceful movement and involves a direct war, while the government would be quite capable of crushing the uprising most of the local army has already turned its self over and the military for the first time shows mass refusal of orders, many in the local military know their fellow brothers and sisters and refuse to fight in large scale. 873AM
-the outbreak of war occurs, the warmaster general declares that troops from Third Sirinal and Sirinal will go in and fight, this starts a very bloody war, eventually the local army of Neta-Sirinal even joins the side of the Peldis rebellion to protect their fellow people, because of this Neta-Sirinal removes their still somewhat loyal troops and leaves just the mainline Sirinal and Third Sirinal forces to attack, while civilian casualties are low the war leaves many people greatly suffering, great losses of life on both sides. 874-875AM
-with even more of the military turning around as well as public opinion more civil unrest occurs in the Sirinal empire across the systems, demands for the freedom of the lands of Peldis come for all around Sirinal and the other countries. The warmaster general would famously land planet side to speak directly to the acting head of state for the current country of Peldis, after a long meeting he would declare that to his sadness the lands from Neta-Sirinal would join Peldis, and that he mourned the loss of his fellow people. Yet people would celebrate in the streets at a nation made of its own, one formed from deals and bloodshed. 876AM
-after the war for a full Peldis the tri-planet empire of Sirinal is relatively split, the old and original Sirinal feels that history of the past repeats its self and that a non-united country and people is doomed to fail, while Neta-sirinal feels that bloodshed to its fellow people over border is not justified and lean far more towards the idea of independence. Third Sirinal is mixed, with it still being a younger nation and one of diverse peoples and ideas both from Sirinal and Neta-Sirinal as well as other nations and groups opinions are distinct but mixed across the great island chains. 879-900AM
-the worlds population reaches 17 billion, Parahlitan holds over 13 billion people, Parahalbras has 3.5 billion, Paradilus with over 1 billion and around 25 million people scattered on other bodies. 881AM
-the planet of Parakentus is landed on, this is a sole planet that orbits its white hot star, it is tidally locked to its star and yet in many regards it is suitable for life, although a strange life at that. It holds an atmosphere and a strong magnetic field and a workable surface temperature. While not sustainable for life at the moment efforts to terraform the planet and start basic forms of life commence. 882AM
-the worlds population reaches 18 billion, almost 4 billion people call Parahalbras home and 1.5 billion call Paradilus home. Almost 30 million people live on the various other planets and moons. 893AM
-Sirin attitudes continue to decline, while Sirinal retains governmental control Neta-Sirinal has advocated for far greater autonomy in many aspects and local governments from Third Sirinal gain more power. The warmaster general still retains theoretical absolute power over all the armed forces of all the nations across the tri planet empire, in practice the warmaster general only provides advice to those in Neta-Sirinal and Third Sirinal. 900AM
-the worlds population reaches 19 billion. Close to 4.5 billion people live on Parahalbras and over 1.5 billion live on Paradilus. Parahlitan has held a steady 13 billion people for a while now. 904AM
-the worlds population reaches a momentous 20 billion people, 5 billion people call Parahalbras home, 2 billion people live on Paradilus and almost 50 million people live on the other minor planets such as Parakolis and Paramilen. As well as the many work planets that have been made more amenable. 914AM
-attitudes continue to shift in Sirinal, New Sirinal and third Sirinal. Many in New Sirinal are eyeing the idea of a more independent country, one with a different name and with a different government. This comes at the cultural shift occurring in Main Sirinal that sees all people of the Sirinal Empire having the same ideas and goals. 915AM
-the world of Parakentus is terraformed enough to start with human life on its surface, humans are put on the middle band where the temperature is reasonable and plants are able to grow. 923AM
-Sirinal and New Sirinal both put small populations of Parakentus but see the political instability as a far greater threat and thusly few settlers form the culture of Parakentus. 924AM
-due to the tidal locking of Parakentus and the land still yet to be developed on other world the population of Parakentus does not see a great rise like Parahalbras and Paradilus. Yet still some people who wish to carve out a living move in, the habitable belt in the middle is settled by more normal folk and on each pole the “north” and “south’ side the frozen and scorched development front work to advance the usable land on the planet. 923-934AM
-the worlds population reaches 21 billion, while the population of Parahlitan has mostly stabilized at around 13.5 billion, Parahalbras with 5.5 billion and Paradilus with 2 billion. A few number of people also live on Parakentus and Parasirafat as well as the other minor planets, work planets and scattered asteroids. 924AM
-a recent election of the new elevated civilian in Sirinal along with a particularly strict and traditional warmaster general and the first justice favoring the military the empire starts to enact many more policies aimed at unification and keeping the empire together. 927AM
-the developing culture of Parakentus attracts those from the work planets and the non-main planets, a spirit of determination to live in this still being terraformed world. The lack of a day night cycle does detract the idea of life for many however and population growth is slow. 928AM
-with the increased power of Main Sirinal being flexed on New Sirinal and Third Sirinal clashes have become violent with the army being sent in to quell protests and put down demonstrations, government relationships are greatly strained and secretive talks on both sides of what possibilities look like take place. 929AM
-The first attack of the Sirin civil war occurs, a force of police and military from Sirinal quell an independence protest and the military of New Sirinal retaliates, blood is spilled. While war is not formally declared Sirinal states that the two segment are in open rebellion and that it is a liberation from terrorist forces. New Sirinal and Third Sirinal take the stance of Independence. 929AM
-the government of New Sirinal while still in talks with Main Sirinal works towards independence but in the end is arrested and tried for treason. The main court finds him guilty, and the people start to riot. Third Sirinal at this point shuts down many official channels of contact and goes “dark” it takes a neutral stance in that it does not do anything and it goes into a mode of self-governance, this act is also condemned by Main Sirinal but with the bigger issue of New Sirinal being in open rebellion it is set aside. 930AM
-the Sirin civil war continues to rise in scale, undercover missions are done on both sides to try and achieve military of diplomatic success, sabotage occurs and many people lose their lives. The economy of the countries shift over to more war like in a greatly increased production of supplies. Many of the portal masters are hired by the government for private work straining the interplanetary trade network and the lives of ever day citizens are affected on both sides by strong rhetoric. 930AM
-many paramilitary groups are formed in this time as well, organizations based on many principals, most of the conflict is very fast paced encounters between these small groups where one side is often a definitive winner. Due to the nature of these groups many are based on skilled magic users, people of great faith and those with extreme skill. For many of these groups it seems that they are almost blessed with an unusual amount of godly influence. This gives the alternative name to this conflict called “the mana war”. 931AM
-the war continues, with more and more from each side being invested in, many countries see this war as a opportunity for glory, for prestige and for profit. Because of this small influence from other countries occurs, often sponsored battle groups or strike teams. Both sides trading in favors and services for the help of outside groups. 932AM
-a fatefully set of experiments known as “the death experiments” occur, this is where talented artists are medically killed and brought back ( a near death experience ) and forced to draw what they saw. At the cost of over a dozen lives one person draws a successful rendition of vorpal space. The second part of this experiment was that a talented portal master was to try and portal to this location. It succeeded and for the first time in history a living human entered the realm and dreams and death. 933AM
-after vorpal space is breached it is found that those who enter it and speak with gods are able to gain favor with the gods and other spirits to a much greater extent. The followers of the inflict gods are the first to gain this favor and power and so thusly start to great harm to society at large. Seeing this the other gods come and aid their followers, creating an arms race of sorts. As well many journeys are made into vorpal space to track down objects and beings. 933AM
-of the groups made this way an ancient restoration of a belief in the great serpents occurs, they join forces with the influence god’s followers and are known as the movement of death. 933AM
-the worlds population reaches it highest point, a monumental 22 billion. Almost 14 billion live on Parahlitan at this point, 5.5 billion of Parahalbras and 2.5 billion on Paradilus. As well as almost 100 million people living on the other worlds and extra solar places. 933AM
-the movement of death is gaining traction, as they work for neither force and simply cause harm great numbers of normal civilians are being killed, and seemingly the only way to avoid it is to join them. The religious organization of Sirinal, mainly the unified church work to control the harm of these groups but also to try and keep people from turning over or giving up. 934AM
-a key group in the movement of death plans and does the most deadly of strikes of the mana war, they use an old retrofitted nuclear bomb and detonate it in Sirinala’av, killing over 7 million people in an instant. This fuels the god Mornal enough to give them the location of the god killer blade. 934AM
-a multiplanetary wide mourning occurs, with people feeling the deep loss, the war is put aside and deep sorrow is felt, but it won’t be felt for long. 934AM
-with god given foresight Seladin calls forth many major members of the broken church to Paradilus, thus saving them from what would be the bleeding. 934AM
-only 3 days after the destruction of Sirinala’av the movement of death finds and uses the god killer blade, they kill the great god Astari and then use the blade to break one shackle of the chain of Anset. The death of Astari stops the ability for portals to be used and the world became separated. The breaking of the shackle of Anset caused the sun to gain size and power which shed the world in radiation and great heat for a few hours. 934AM
-this event is known as the bleeding sun, with the sun being a distinctive red color for a few hours but the next few years the sun appears more red in the sky due to the great amounts of ash in the air from the burned forests. Crops would greatly fail for the year and billions would die in the initial heat and radiation wave. 934AM
-in vorpal space a great commotion would occur to judge the actions of Mornal and if they were right, this almost caused a fabled scenario, the “war in heaven” in which the gods themselves would go to war. This however was avoided by level heads and sadly for humans Mornal was judged to be within his domain, yet lessons would be learned to curtail the power and influence of the gods as with the great amount of death the powers of all the gods declined. 934AM