Game 7. Into the Cyber City
In the shining neon lights of Linado this story takes place. A mass of grey concrete and harsh steel towers rises above the stark white icy landscape below, Parakolis. We meet our four characters here, who come together for a mission, to help a friend out. First is the viral streamer Edward “Pian zi” Johnson, commonly just called his streamer name Pian Zi or Pi. He has mastered the way of digital spaces and the force that is a live stream chat, this has even granted him some magical abilities and with the sway of a ask toward his chat great things can happen. Next is Cassius Blackburn, a man of the firearm, he worked with Inado in the past as security but with the restrictions in place he took his services to the privet and sometimes even the underground sector. We have Enot, whose last name privileges were never purchased, he was raised in a poorer area, but having a talent for scrapping guns together and having tough skin buys a man a place in this time and so he succeeds on his own merit. Lastly is Ribot who studied the ethernet spells and worked to build this city from the ground up long ago, he now works on much smaller scale electrical projects but still knows the city very well. All these people live in the same apartment block and all share a neighbor, the wonderful Ms Larkin Omina. She is a good friend of all the people in this block of apartments. So when Larkin was arrested at her teaching job these four came together to come up with a plan. The four of them came together at a noodle shop near the block and chatted a plan to try and help their friend.
Having come together and gathered some information beforehand they talked it out Pian had gotten some info form his chat, specifically the employment records of those at the police station where she was being held, they identified who would be on staff. Cassius had figured out the room she was being held in for the time being to make an easy escape plan. Ribot found plans on the layout of the data center were the criminal charges were stored. The plan is simple to start, break Larkin out of the police station, take the train over to the data center, break into the center and remove the data on her file to get her out of the eye of the law and then fade back into the city to avoid charges. But to do this they needed to plan a lot of details, Ribot hacked into some cameras at the police station and started a screen capture to try and figure out routines of the workers. The group briefly considers using an air taxi to get from the police station to the data center but decides that the trains will be better, as they run on time and cant much be stopped. They talk about hacking the camera systems to erase their movement and cover their tracks, they also mention some of their powers and how they could be used to assist in the plan, such as creating magical locks, teleporting, and skills in firearms. Pian asks his chat again for an employment log on the Data center and is able to get a record of sorts on it to determine what type of guard presence will be there. They mention how data erasure will work, what method they may use to erase the files but leave that up to a decision in the moment. Then they move on to ideas of how to get into the police center, first talking about a heater issue but settling on hacking and disabling the cameras, then having Ribot go to “fix” them while he sneaks the rest of the group in. they also discuss how to get into the data center once arrived, they figure that the best plan for success to building cross outside, that breaking a window from a cross apartment, and using grappling hooks to cross into the blisteringly cold air for a brief second is the best plan. Then once there and finished up they will teleport out to an adjacent building and wait out for a good escape. The last part of the their plan is securing Larkin, they contact the Mahjong group she plays with and they will meet them on the subway to disguise her and lead her away. Happy with this plan they break off for the evening and plan to meet up tomorrow to put the plan in motion.
General music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xDzrJKXOOY
Main theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2ECgOhoDGs
Game 8. The Linado plan
The group meets up at the coffee shop to review the plans that they have, meeting times at the data center and break times and other personal routines at the police station. After confirming various plans and procedures they go out and give it a try. Ribot hacks into the cameras of the Police center at 12:20 and makes them freeze, then he taps the phone lines to intercept the call they make to the electrician guild. He arrives to the police station at 12:37, and upon being meet by a rather lazy and put out receptionist he is easily granted access to the building. going into the secured area he goes over to the mechanical room and lets in the rest of the people in there using a simple spell to turn off the alarm, then speaking past the camera room a little bit, Cassius sneaks past but Ribot is seen by the people in the camera room and is brought in, very luckily Enot and Pian were not seen and so once Ribot goes in the camera room and closes the door the three are able to sneak past. While the three go to the upper floors and break Larkin out Ribot talks to the guards and buys time on fixing the cameras. Ribot asks about any potential interfering signals and the two guards think that it might be the other guard Ladinum who has an illegal VPN to watch five color anti tournaments from outside the city. So getting him to stop and bringing him into the camera room to try and teach some skills. Ribot redownloads the program and that takes around 5 minutes in total. While this is happening the three sneak up the stairs and past the person cleaning up the kitchen from the lunch up to Larkin’s room. Seeing her through the door but unable to hear her, they think for a little bit about how to get through the door, such as an electronic hack or just breaking into the door but when Ribot subtly tries to hack the door and isn’t able, and running out of time as well Pian simply uses a bit of magic to teleport into the cell, then to teleport himself and Larkin safely out on the street. Now just Cassium and Enot have to get out. The two sneak back into the mechanical room before Ribot finishes up the download, and sneakily resets the cameras to their regular way, and quickly leaves as well. Enot leaves a little surprise in the mechanical room with a mobile claymore proximity mine attacked to the breaker switch. They pull their mask disguises on and head towards the train station, getting there with a little wait time until their trains arrive. The Mahjong group arrives and brings a disguise for Larkin and they take the outer anti clockwise blue line away while our main group takes the south spoke north line lime green line northwards to the data center to clear their name and records of both themselves and for Larkin. They leave the station at exactly 1:00.
Over in the police station the proper electrician that was called arrives but a minute after Ribot had “fixed” the issue. This causes a bit of a problem, with the secretary being confused about who was legit and the people in the back wondering what happened. no one is paid enough to really care or look into it and so the actual union electrician is sent away. With anger and frustration he goes back to the station and has a call with his supervisor, complaining about the coordination on the job and having sent someone else to take his place. The group see the tail end of this interaction and briefly wonder If this was the man that was actually sent for. Back at the police station the Synth guard goes and does his rounds and notices that Larkin is in fact missing, but with no visual record of anyone that came in or out its hard to tell, they are able to determine that a group of three people entered into the building and got her at about the time of the camera fix, but audio only is not the most to relay on and so they do the best to a bruit force search and run a government level vocal recognition scan on the entire city in the past hour, this process will take over 5 hours to complete and so little is done about the matter in the short term.
Our group taking the train to the city core region is fine for the first section, they watch on Ribot’s tablet at the police centers cameras and are able to see that they won’t be sent after for a long while. After the first stop people go on and people go off and a group enters in to the next car connected. A few minutes in these people stand up and proclaim a “good old fashioned train robbery” and bring out a pair of flight drones equipped with small arms, a single larger robotic combat dog and then the three of the men have arms on them as well. before the fighting starts Cassius uses his injectors to give him a boost of focus for the fight. He opens the fight and lays a man unconscious with rubber bullets from his assault rifle, then the men fire back, the drones do puck shots and the combat dog runs in and shocks Cassius with a prod, then one of the men fires a flare gun into the train car, causing a firey explosion, the group takes some damage and the civilians are harmed but none fall. Ribot channels the power of electricity and brings down a lightning bolt to the combat dog, the man and a drone. Instantly shattering the drone and dealing serious damage to the man and dog. Pian tries his gun but fails to hit and so instead invokes the power of the live chat for some energy, in this he receives a subscriber and gains back some of his well of power. Cassius strikes out at the combat dog and it minorly explodes at the destruction of the battery. He then teleports to the second car to get closer to the remaining men and he shoots at one of them. One of the still standing men pulls out a thumper and shoots a grenade in the direction of Cassius but instead shoots a hole thought the window and the grenade destroys a section of the outside glass tube when it explodes. While the train is moving to fast to be effected by the cold air this will cause disruption later. Ribot creates a miniature fire ball to deal minor damage to one of the men. Enot runs forward and charges at one of the men, then carrying him, throws him out of the window that was just broken. Thus the man will succumb to the frost of the air and die. Pian has his imp Emo sprint forward and string the last man and he end up dying from the deep poison. Cassius shoots the last drone and the combat is over. The people greatly confused and afraid ask “is this a movie” and to the quick thinking they respond with a yes. However once at the station the police call everyone off due to investigation matters and briefly question those leaving about the event. they slip past the police with out to much suspicion.
Arriving near the destination of the Data center they instead go into an adjacent apartment building, creating a plan on the way up with the window layout and making some last minute adjustments due to a meeting in progress they first go to the 73rd floor of the apartment building, dawn the parkas and masks, break one of the windows and then use the spell fly to simply magically fly over to the building, then using a rocket launcher the break into the window of the data center. Then quickly leave the office and take control of the floor. Ribot goes into the server room and starts hacking away at the files. Cassius puts down the meeting with some easy threats, Pian and Enot work to secure the area for a possible fire fight. Within a quick short three minutes Ribot is able to erase the data on Larkin and her arrest. But the task or erasing the data and making programs to cover their trail for the data center is harder and will take around 14 minutes. Pain and Enot have moved tabled and desks to block the stair cases, and Enot cut the elevator cables to prevent people from entering that way. in the meeting room one of the people stealthily calls the police and uses a system of typed in codes for signals. In a few short minutes the police arrive in an auto flying car, three heavily armored police come into the building. seeing the combat the prepared for Cassius uses his injector again, Enot also sees an opportunity for a little jump on the police and signaling Cassius and Pain around to gain the advantage. Enot uses his grappling gun to punch a hole into the wall, and throws a flashbang into the office room, then Cassius breaks down the door and using his chemical powered stimulant abilities he guns down one of the police in the volley or fire from his assault rifle. the police officer that wasn’t blinding as hard from the flash bang leaves the room for an offensive but still misses his shots because of the table that Cassius had set up as a barricade. Then the police ducks behind a table of his own. Enot uses another shot from his rocket launcher to destroy the table and explose the officer when in Emo comes in and stabs them with poison again. The other officer takes a shot prone from within the office room outwards at Pain and does manage to hit dealing some damage. Cassius shoots the poisoned officer and brings him unconscious before laying down the fire even more on the last standing one. Enot also follows suit with a rain of bullets, before the last shot Cassius would make the last man surrenders and so is left conscious. Emo sees an opportunity and goes into the auto flying car and looks around, seeing no driver and just that it’s an AI based car. Cassius and Enot use duct tape to secure the police officers in an adjacent room before using a rocket launcher to destroy the auto flying car and also throwing off the firearms of the officers to clean the evidence. Once Ribot finishes screening the records from the data center and deleting files the group leaves in a rather peaceful way using longer range teleportation magic to go to an adjacent building, to change cloths and outfits, to ride the train around the city and to law low. They make it back to the apartment block later in that evening and Larkin invites them over for a part of celebration. An excellent three tier cake is made, beautify neon blue frosting with red lettering. Saying on one tier “thank you for saving me” and on another “Down with Inado” In the next weeks the train attack as well as the data center breach make news and are blamed on the same group of terrorists. Because of their good planning and measures of security they are left unharmed and not caught, greatly successful at saving a friend.
Hacking theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z69T1yUzn44
Atmosphere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmphkCD8b_w
Battle music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5VsgMRttvQ
Server room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kEMzXw7P2A
Count down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G3jgJots3I