
This is one of the pillers of modern civilazation, discovered by Sirus Vi’ironus in 1587 and shared with the world in 1595.

Magic here refers to the system revolving around magic, called Aran-ta’in in Sirinal, it also comprises the magic stone called Lasotep and the portals called To’apil, and last but not least a magic user is called a Munari.

Almost all people can make magic, and the only real limitation is that one must be able to imagine stuff that doesnt exist as this is the catalist for inital creation, roughtly 80% of people are able to do magic and those that can would start to do it around 9 or 10.

But what is magic?

Magic is a diffrent type of matter, it interacts with normal matter in some ways but doesnt follow all the same laws. it appears as a blueish light substance like a liquid that floats and flows within the air. to create this you need 3 things: A you need open skin for the magic to come out of, most often your hands. B you need movment form when the magic will come from. C you need to have magic in your body.

break down of each thing

A, you need open skin. while any open skin works hands is the primary site to work with but feet are also known to work. while magic cant pass through matter it can pass through Lasotep, so if a skin tight suit wanted to be used it would need Lasotep on the gloves.

B, you need movment, while the exact amount of movment needed depends in general the more movment the more magic, so the movment of just a single finger would only create a 5-10 millaleters moving the whole body and arms would creature a 1-3 liters.

C, you need to have magic within your body, each person has an interal resivoir or mussle that controls how much magic a person creature among other things. this resivoir does refil over time at a steady rate, but the amount this resivoir holds is diffrent for each person as well as how fast it recharges.

So what can magic do?

magic is can do many unique things but all are fairly simple. A, it can be used to push or pull an object. B,it can be made into lasopet. C, for some people they can make portals.

A, push and pull. to push an object simply imvolves moving the magic at the surface of the object, pulling an object works the samd way but from the other direction. the shape of the magic you are pushing or pulling with and the force at which you push or pull can effect the result, for example pushing a sharp but of magic very hard can pierce skin or other materials. as well you can “float” small peices of maretial such as a small stone, bypushing adgains the force of gravity. this is the most basic and easierst form of magic

B, make Lasotep, a lasotep crystal is compressed solid magic, and this stone can act as a storage device as well, however putting magic into the stone and keeping it thoer for an entended amount of time causes the stone to grow slighty as it “radiates” the magic inside it. as well because lasotep can have magic go through it it allows the Lasotep to be manapulated very percicly.

C, make portals. to make a portal you need a very large amount of magic as well as an even greater ability for large scale spacial awareness and goegraphy. to make a portal you make a torus of magic and then need to imagen the exact path from your portal to the area where you want to put the other end, when this is sussusful the two sides are linked togther as long as magic is in a complete torus and the consentration of the person who createted it is maintained. portals do not have a known upper limit for distance but it seems the longer the distance the more skilled you need to be to make it. people who can make portals are known as portal masters.

Terms to know

Storage amount, the amount your inner resivoir can control

Active amount, the amount you have activly out in the world

Controlable amount, the total amount you can control at once

Magic density, the density of the magic you can create

Maximum speed, the maximum speed you cna have your magic go

Maximum acceleration, the maxamun asseleeration you magic can go

Maximum distance, the maximum distance you can manapulate and control your magic at

Movment needed, the amount of movment needed to produce X amount of magic

Total focus, the total focus and concentration you have for portals

Total time, the total time you have spend manapulating and practicing with magic

Storage amount

This is the amount that your body “holds” within its resivoir, this isnt a physical area and you dont actualy carry the weight its more of a spiritual resivoir. the amount you can hold is measured in grams. this amount is determined throught total time practiced, and the amount practiced in the past week + past month+ past year, messured in hours. this means that their is a certin base line that you will always have but that active practice is greatly benificical.

A = past week

B = past month

C = past year

D = all time

(A·16 + B·8+ C·2 + D·75 )= base

[(base)^2]/4 = storage amount

Active amount

This is the amount that you can have active at a single time, it doesnt have any limit but you do need to have all the magic to at least pass through you to count. active amount incudes magic that you dont have control over but still created recently, ie if you shot a bolt of magic at someone its not controled anymore but is still active. this messuremnt is used for determing total time, meaning you dont have to be controling magic for it to count towards your storage amount.

Controlable amount

This is that amount that you can have active and in the world that you can still manapluale and control, this can varry from 20% of your storager amount to 50% of your storage amount but usualy hovers around 33%.

Magic density

The density of magic is at base level around .1g per millaliter. however this can get quite high and can be made liquid to about 1g per millaliter. or about as dence as water. the dencity of Lasopet is 3.57g per Cm^3 and is a static density.

Maximum speed

This is the maximum speed that magic can reach, to be clear this is the maximum speed that can be acheved without mechanical help. this maximum speed is about 50 killomters per hours (31 mph ). but for most people its much slower at about 10-20 Killomters per hour (6-12 mph). this speed is independs varable and is trained by getting Magic up to your peak speed.

Maximum acceleration

This is the maximun acceleration, without help mechanical help. this starts off at a slow 1 meter per second^2 but can get as fast as 10 meters per second^2. this can be trained by practice.

Maximum distance

This is the maximum distance where you user is still able to control thier magic, this is based off of the storage amount. this doesnt varry that much and so the skill grows very slowly over, however even begninner students can move about 1.5 meters in distance, where as someone breaking a distance of 10 meters is an impressive achevement. the exact equasion is (√base number /15). an average sits between 2 and 5 meters.

Movment needed

This is how much movment is needed to create an amount of magic, genraly when starting off you will use your whole body or whole upper body to create, this isnt an exact amount but can be broadly deffined by calories expended to generate mana, as this varries greatly depending on skill nothing exact is listed here.

Total focus

This takes practice and cant be messures that well but a person can loose control or normal magic if they loose focus, ie they go unconcious or a loud sound happens, this is vauly messured by numbers.

1 you can talk while doing magic

2 can you perform some other basic activty such as walking while doing magic

3 you can person a moderate activy while doing magic, such as difficult hiking or driving. you can also resist mild pain and sill maintain magic

4 you can perform a difficult activty while doing magic such as very focused video games. you can aslo resist sudden noices.

5 you can have a portal up for a contry wide distance and holdmit open until you run out of mana

6 you can have a portal up for a planet wide distance with effore or a portal within nation and still be able to have mild distraction

7 you can creatre a portal within the planet with ease.

8, you can make a portal to another planet

9, you can easly make a portal to another planet.


Magic is mesured in metric volumetric messuremnts, millalaters and liters. a fairly normal density is about .1g per millaliter. ie it would take 10 liters to have 1kg of magic.

Almost all of the magic system is messured in metric units and imperal units are only used for refrence