The sky above Parahlitan

Without constellations

Group 1 constellations

1 the man, a time for spending time in the long daylight

2 the scythe, to clear the fields of weeds and brush

3 the crab, a time to catch crabs in rivers

4 the snake, the last alive great serpent placed into the stars

5 the fish, many younger fish to catch up

6 the hook, a hook to used to catch the fish 

7 the dead serpent, killed by the hero 

8 the sword, this killed the serpent 

9 the hero, the hero who liked the last serpent

10 the cross, the cross of there hero 

11 the oxen, mother ox she gives birth to animals in the spring

12 the plow, to start to to plow the feilds for crops

13 the great bird, birds coming and going 

14 the leaf, the changing leafs in both color and location

15 the cup, to make stews of the stored goods

Group 2 constellations

1 the scorpion, a warning about going to far exploring

2 the snake, killed by the man

3 the sword, used to kill the serpent

4 the shield, used to protect against the serpent

5 the man, he who killed the serpent

6 the manta ray, the one who watches the whale 

7 the whale, he who eats the fish 

8 the fish, he who is to be eaten by the whale

9 the tree, the tree to protect the sparrow 

10 the sparrow, the sparrow to lay eggs in the tree

11 the crown, to give blessings to many

12 the bucket, a signal to water and a sign of coming rain

13 the cross, a signal of destiny in the upcoming life