• Time

    Year 524AU, 1511NT, 4257AR. After unification, new time, after restoration.

    Sunday start. 37/3/1510. Wednesday start. 4/1/1511

    The format is day/month/year, see “calendar” section as well.

    Wednesday End, 28/4/1511

    Friday Start 34/6/1530

  • Maklin Ark


    Days +1, meet the crew and doge encounter with a shark, then get potions, slept the night

    Day +2 awoke in the morning


    Day +2 pick up cloud and gain vafir

    Day +2 fight pirates and loose jyn


    Day +2 see shadows in a weird fog

    Day +2 fight the “quacken”


    Level up to lv5


    Day +3 night sleep

    Day +3 go through puzzle dungeons, get questions answered


    Day +4 in Maklin

    Fizzle, Duncan meets Sir Caliban a the magic shop

    Oriah visits the statue

    Arathos and Vafir visit the food markets

    Cloud and Ko visit the noble house and rob stuff


    Day +5 group goes to church because it seems weird

    Day +5 group finds weird flesh cult and kills leader after discovering this

  • Pirate ark


    Day +5 steal pew from church and put it on boat

    Day +6 fight spirits from the storm


    Day +7 go to village and talk to people

    Day +7 kill displacer beast and get its cubs


    Day +8 finish at a small village, talk to people

    Day +8 fight shark and deliver the message and sell jewels


    Day +9 fight guardian serpent

    Day +9 get unique magical items.


    Level up to lv7


    Day +10 go to puzzle dungeon and solve stuff

    Day +10 get the magic items and leave the dungeon


    Day +11 talk as a group about plans and stuff

    Day +12 Ko and Cloud get married


    Day +15 delete water elemental

    Day +15 get some loot


    Day +16 fight small pirate scouting party

    Day +16 fight Roc


    Day +17 boat gets destroyed by Varif, players get to the base.

    Day +17 infiltrate base using invisibility

    Day +17 kill the pirate king and the Vafir the betrayer.


    Level up to 8th


    Day +17 Arathos kills that guy and become the new king, kilmak is freed

    Day +17 party gets magic items and loot kills lots of pirates with hellwing demon

    Day +17 pick new ship, meet new people, and decide what to do next

  • Journey to Kron


    Day +18 an initial attack of spirits

    Day +18 water elements joined in and fought the players

    Day +18 was a very hard fight but it was a victory


    Temple mini-series


    Day +19 go to village and sell stuff

    Day +20 snake temple start and plant fight


    Day +20 explore dungeon more and kill the basilisk, sleep the night

    Day +21 go to the next level, fight yuan-ti abomination and Oriah tells of backstory


    Day +21 explore the temple with the thing, fight tiefling wizard

    Day +21 split up loot, get in an argument over power ring


    End of temple/ start of Akros arc.

    Journey to Akros


    Day +22 land on an island with a giant

    Day +22 fight giant and win


    Level up to 9th


    Day +23 fight meme shark and find Waves

    Day +23 light sky Levithan

  • Kron adventures ark


    Day +24 go to magic shop and runecarver,

    Day +24 go to a bar and talk to kolea and hazel.


    People work, do tasks they want, and spend time in the city.


    Day +38 Go to magic shop and buy a deck, pulling things create lots of funny moments

    Day +39 go to church and talk to a priest, chaos happens but they get into the temple at some point


    Day +39 go into a dungeon, explore rooms

    Day +39 fight boss, kill it in one round, argue about treasure afterward.


    Level up to 10th


    Day +39 meet at a bar with Caleb and some people

    Day +39 cat crew and others go to the black market


    Fizzle home island ark


    Day +40 meet St clarity and go to fizzles island

    Day +40 meet people of the island and find out about their cult stuff, go to the church and start the fight


    Day +40 go into next room fight 4 Mydron

    Day +40 go fight water elemental and have a hard fight but banish it to Vorpal space.

  • Adenskil ark


    Day +41 arrive in Adenskil, go to old bronze god temple

    Day +41 visit the bar and hang out, get enchanted weapon for kilmak


    1 week downtime

    ~skipped a week IRL due to vacation


    Day +49 hear about the vampire issues in the other rim

    Day +49 they track down the house, fight the servants then fight the master, kilmak is charmed and almost dies.


    Day +49 discuss loot in the vampire house

    Downtime, 1 week.

    Day +56 during downtime, players visit church and worship gods. Ko and Cloud steal Paintings. Arathos talks to the Bronze god.


    Frozen north arc


    Day +57 scam guy in the market to get a boot to sail up north

    Day +58 fight dragon turtle and get the treasure


    Day +60 get to the frozen north

    Day +64 fight minor thralls a strange goose, and frozen king + dragon


    Day +64 loot fort, talk a bunch in character,

    Day +65 teleport to Kotak, reconnect with the tribe, travel to the tavern

    Day +84 arrive at the bar,

    Day +87 meet up with Viran

  • Limisum Ark


    Day +87 teleport back to Kron, get questioned by guards and go to magic shop

    Day +87 meet fizzle and Mikahau at magic shop and they join the crew, Arathos makes deal with fizzles patron


    Day +88 meet Aptewon and Thane and fight gold pile mimic argue

    Day +88 go festive of Ulos, get in minor arguments at festival


    Day +89 break into mansion by killing guards, then fight brother and sister

    Day +89 fight grandpa and parents + demi lichs


    Day +89 Get loot from house, buy magic items from shop

    Day +89 Visit the Zhentarim guild and talk about plans for the future


    downtime for 30 day, scession within the time


    day +110 mid downtime, water village tabaxi sails into Kron

    Day +110 speak to Fyrus and his leutients and eventualy fight them, Fyrus surrenders eventualy40—

    Limisium Arc


    Day +120 quickly talk to the Zhentarim, then teleport In, Cloud, Cality, Fizzle, and Oriah stay and deal with the guards.

    Day +120 Arathos Paralyzes 4 of the guards and the takes away the kings armor, Crown and sword. King dies and summon avatar of Fenasal, guards are killed, fight is won and General William talks to party 


    Day +120 decide jerry becomes the King of Akros and the queen & kidsand family is held hostage, cast wish and gain a level.

    Day +120 Arathos investigates Fyrus, Thane make a mansion, Fizzle talks to patron, Kilamk Jyn and St cality kill there family.


    level up to 13th

    2 weeks downtime

  • Endgame Arc


    Day +135 teleport into Sekaret are

    Day +135 beat Sekaret to death


    level up to 14th


    Day +135, rest after the Sekaret fight and plan ahead.

    Day +142 break into Thalian mage museum, fight the guards and win, get the spear.


    Day +143 go to Red Dravanur and fight & kill Nomarat, his wife Esfaran surrenders and flys kilmak away

    Day +143 the group gets a large amount of treasure and Arathos leaves for a week.


    Level up to 20th


    Day +150 group kills Malcador, and rescues Seladin

    Day +150 have Thalian world council

    formal end of game