With a mostly even surface of a mixture of water ice, frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) and other minerals. A mostly white and light blue surface is present. The average surface temperature is negative 52 degrees Celsius (-61F). the surface gravity is survivable but quite high at 1.64 times gravity of Parahlitan.
Parakolis has four cities in total. The first built was the city of Esperra, it is built within a large dome and then more domes over time. Vakol was built as the first open city, meaning that it is not self contained. Nwvul is built fully underground and so has protection for surface elements. Linado was built later on and so uses the open city model as well.
Parakolis is a planet of survivors, with the harsh temperature, the demand to survive and to provide resources to the other planets and the extreme gravity on the surface, those that choose to stay were tough. despite the tough nature a high degree of collectivism occurs, people work together and they give what little they have. While many religions have some hold on the planet, the Kotak Dualistic pantheon takes most shape with they ideas of Oparis and Sharatav being quite fitting for this icy landscape.
Parakolis was known through pre-modern history, sometimes thought of as a second star due to its color and brightness. By the 500’s AM serious scientific thought would be put forward and the proper planet status would be given. The initial interstellar probers were sent before the idea of landing on Parakolis was thought of, but in the late 740’s renewed interest was had and a manned mission conducted. In 750AM colonization starts, very little is done for surface operations at first but the moon Pilakolisin is used as a jumping off point for mining operations. By 793AM self sufficiency had been almost fully achieved. By 800AM a separate culture developed and some people had even been natively born on the surface of the planet. starting in 823AM the city of Esperra is built, made using pooled money and massive collective investment. In 864AM the atmosphere project is started and within the decade it is mildly breathable. Vakol is built in 879AM with Nwvul in 913AM. With the bleeding connection the outside world would change drastically, rail lines built and people connected. A coup would occur in 936AM. Contact would resume with Parahlitan in 937AM. A second coup would occur from a military backing in 947AM. Small missions sent between Parahlitan and Parakolis would happen from the 960’s AM onwards.
The first truly interstellar acts and projects started because of the Parakolis mining bases and stations. This world acted as a manufacturing juggernaut of power, those that lived here lived harsh lives, but they were also some of the richest civilians. originally it was deemed that a person would only work a few harsh years and then spend the rest of life in a semi-retirement, but those that stayed used these massive funds to reinvest into the planet and slowly make it a better place.
A very hot planet, but just within range of acceptable for human habitation with great assistance. Paramilen is the first planet in the Solahalbras system. Its surface is puckered with old dusty meteor marks and ancient planet formed features. With an average surface temperature of 97 degrees Celsius (206F). Due to its small size the surface gravity is also quite low at .57 times that of Parahlitan.
Paramilen has two main cities, at the north pole and the larger of the two cities is Greun. At the southern pole is Insyel. These two cities function as pretty much independent units, and each roughly lays claim to half the planet.
Paramilen is a place of heat, in deep contrast to Parakolis in many ways. The planets north is owned by Soltran and acts as an extension of the colonies efforts. The planets south is owned by Ruba and Thalia in joint. Some scientific experiments took place here and the crucial development of synth oil helped shape the planet. The cities were sometimes used as a penial colony, and a prison culture was had, few people stayed at Paramilen long term and so no major culture was held until the bleeding. Religiously the harken back to Harashi dualism was held, many believed that this was the home of Oremdansik.
Colonization and establishment was made in 775AM as a small side to the more important action occurring on Parahalbras. In 797AM the discovery of Synth oil is found and Paramilen transformed into its place of manufacture due to the high temperature and ease of energy gathering. With city of Greun is made by 803AM. By 859AM industry has been establish enough that Insyel is built up by Thalia and Ruba in collective work. With some local living being set up and other plants made to grow on the surface the planet has a very few long term inhabitants. With the bleeding contact was kept using old backups and old school rockets were made for transport of important goods across the system. Into the bleeding in 964AM the Soln Space confederation expands onto Paramilen and by 971AM takes control of the planet and works to revitalize the planet.
Synth oil, this is a complex step, using a genetically engineered plant which can quite easily convert carbon gas into hydrocarbons. This plant is then harvested and converted into an almost chemically identical oil. Using massive solar arrays as a power source, and huge warm greenhouses to grow said plant, with the gas being gathered from the surface atmosphere and from the planet Pararahjos. Even into the bleeding Synth oil was still produced and stockpiled for a number of years, until space growing space was repurposed for the expanding population.
Pilarusir is the third main moon orbiting around Pararahjos, in the Solahalbras system. its surface is brown in color and has some natural features, it experiences some tidal forces from Pararahjos and is protected in the magnetic field. Its surface gravity is .287 times that of Parahlitan.
The main and only city is named Fipla. This city colds all primary surface planet level trade, but it is relatively large. This city is the main ground presence for the Soln Space federation and so any activities that need ground to be done are conducted here or at embassies. Pilarusir also has a large population of space bound population in orbit.
While some parts of the Pilarusir area had been settled before the bleeding it really came into full effect after the bleeding. Technology and large investment from those on Parahalbras to save those stuck in space, with such a large investment why not then also stay in space once survival needs were meet. Portals no longer existed so movement was much harder. Still a “river” of trade and people would flow, from Paramilen to Parahalbras then out to Pilarusir and back. People will take this loop many times and transport cargo and people across the vastness of space. Religion wise some people continue specific practice. The god Shint’oku is followed due to the technological nature but no overarching practice.
First used for very minor mining operations from the years 793 to 853AM, when a that point more efficient stations of mining were found in the Parafovusa. But due to the magnetic field and relative safety some choose to stay. With the bleeding in 934AM a crisis was held, while a small amount of self-sufficiency was had the available resources demanded that the living population was cut in half, and drastic measures were taken. The rescuer in 940AM was a massive success. The Soln Space federation would take control of the moon in 959AM and found the city of Fipla.
The rocket race that was held on Parahlitan to save those trapped in space, both those on Paramilen and those in orbit around Pilarusir. The development and building of traditional chemical rockets was the best alternative, with a massive development of the rockets being constructed in two years, with the stifled economy of the bleeding, and launched and a rescue mission to Pilarusir in four years of travel time. One of the crowing achievements of the human spirit.
A light blue almost turquoise in color, this comes from a high content of surface iron and a very mild surface atmosphere of oxygen. It is the first main moon of Para’aendos in the Soladilus system. Its surface gravity is .3 times that of Parahlitan.
The one city on the surface of Pilagilos is called Munzar. It was started as a mining town but quickly moved to be self-sufficient and know for gravity tourism. This city would have small rail based outposts across the city for further mining operations but the main hub of Munzar would stay, it is also used as a processing site for many of the whole systems minerals and metals.
Pilagilos was a middle port for the many Parafovusa and other mining operations, much like that of Parakolis it was used as a stop to process. Because of this the residual wealth was greatly important and it almost supplanted Parakolis at one point due to the ease that low gravity allowed manufacturing and the even colder outside temperatures. Pilagilos was also settled and developed by Harash so some cultural bleed occurred. Those that settled on Pilagilos had far less health problems due to the weak gravity. Pilagilos would have no overall religion but it would lean into the spirit movements and a strong worship of plants even bringing back worship of Veren.
Pilagilos was divvied up alongside Paradilus, this area going to Harash, but with little direct involvement and the space bound culture more presiding over the city of Munzar was built In the year 821AM, progress would be slow but it grew with time as more work planets discovered. By the late 890’s AM Munzar would work to be self-sufficient, mostly on principal of the importance of plants and determinism, still relying on wealth to make this happen. Because of this in the year 934AM Pilagilos was positioned well to have no need to be “saved” the people would maintain contact with Paradilus but no reconnected until almost 1080AM. The unity would cause some reconnection and the intermixing of other low gravity humans but little change.
The human subspecies of Pilagilos and the other spaceborne, while mostly centered on Pilagilos they would also occur on Pilarusir and Paramilen in the Soln Space federation. Called “Spaceborne” they are taller humans, often with thinner bones and less mussel, short hair and pale skin, larger eyes and ears. They look mostly human but stretched, these people however cannot function well in normal gravity, but work well in low gravity. They developed just at the tale end of the bleeding with the result of multigenerational families in space.
The Work Planets/The Parafovusa
This is a set of four stellar bodies, often called planets for ease, one is a moon but all function like planets. First is Pilafovutin with a surface gravity of .47 and a temperature of -162C. Next is Parafovutir with a surface gravity of .658 and a temperature of -75C. Then is Parafovukate surface gravity of 1.17 and temperature of -207C. lastly Parafovusak with a surface gravity of 1.17 and a temperature of 20C.
These work planets have no cities, the largest settlements will have at most a few dozen people. A majority of the very few people that live here live in orbiting space settlements and will do rare visits to the surface. Unlike the other planets or moons these saw no long term habilitation, the latest and often only settlement in the entire system was a combines scientific observatory and portal train export depot.
Little culture is had in these planets, people often here without families turn to various vice to pass the time. Cards and games are common, virtual reality, drugs, indulgences of flesh and other forms of escapism. Few people live here for more than a few months at a time and often only do this for a couple of years before returning home. Religion is difficult to practice but individuals manage, bringing holy scripture and depictions of gods.
A boring and bland outset, with the launch of the interstellar probes in 734AM this was a monumental achievement, and while great hope was had and indeed found with many of the systems these four planets are the scraps. In 791AM Pilafovutin was discovered. In 847AM Parafovutir was discovered. In 862AM Parafovukate was discovered. Lastly in 867AM Parafovusak was discovered. Each planet took around a year for buildings and infrastructure to be set up for operation. Parafovusak was an interesting case and so intentional mining was done for the chance of future terraforming, but with its very elliptical orbit and its high temperature swing Parakentus was chosen instead.
These planets are the least developed and so the people the live their have little to do, often excess work is done but in the times of needed rest a version of the popular card game “Five color ante” was made with the short “Spacers rules”, a set of unique patterns and combinations existed with the main idea being that the rule set is not formalized, and it is held in memory, if you win a game you may make a new rule to follow.