Arkos is made up of the Eyudom main island, the Xahan and Forho island chains near it. in the north are the Lavesa and the Mun island chains, to the north is the straight of Ma’la and the north ocean. To the east is the Arko-Aden ocean. To the south the Gerra sea and the west is the Lesser break sea.
The largest city is Kron but the capital is Limisium, another large city is Lasthold. Sor is a large city on the main island, smaller cities on the islands are Slavesa, Kodza, and Umendir. Arkos is a very urban country and so many people live in larger concentrated cities.
Arkos is a highly urban country and the city culture is present, large events and massive community meetings are common. Arkos did come from Thalia but very much developed their own culture. During the bleeding the response was taken to a very insular and rigid system of law and order. Arkos has a very brutalist style to the nation, imposing and cruel design and dark psychology is used. Arkos practices a form of the luminated pantheon, often called “the red light” this focuses very hard on ordered practices and law, very little variation and a strictness, mirroring fascist practices and exclusionary movements.
810AM Paradilus is landed on, Arkos quickly settled by people from Northern Thalia, and using the resources from Ruba and the other colonies it builds its cities. 834AM granted independence but governments still stayed close, the people however drifted apart in 838AM. A populist coup occurs and the government is overthrown 851AM, this starts off well meaning. 934AM, Arkos would survive but start to sway to being more insular and law based. 1010AM the full shift to a fascist dictatorship has occurred, the people being effectively trapped physically, socially and psychologically.
Arkos pioneered the “art” of dark psychology, that it using environmental and societal features to craft the perfect amount of misery, and effect. This system came to be known as the “red light” as it was seen by outsiders as a total corruption of the luminated pantheon values. This included elements such as hostile architecture, manipulation of light and sound to control people, signage to make people feel watched at all times, imagery and creation of conditioned patterns, a controlled amount of freedom had if needed. It would be seen as a dystopian nation in many ways, and all for a few people at the top, or perhaps for some other motive.

Comprising the Biltor and the Ladensol island groups. the Gerra sea and the inner sea to the north the south is the southern ocean and the lesser break sea to the west. Being more southern it has less of the all year tropical climate and does have seasonal variation than other nations.
The largest city is Kosen and is the capital, second is the city of Ladsol. These two city are the main centers on the whole of the nation, others living in small group settlements in the smaller islands. Sen is lightly populated nation.
Sen comes from the northern regions of Kotak, those who were adapted to the harshness of life going off to relax. Sen has what is called the quite culture, people say little and life is slow. Life is meant to be lived in the small moments each and every day, simply being together without spoken word and enjoying the moment is what is essential. Due to this Sen has done little of great work produced but is considered quite calm in nature. Kotak is quite fierce in Kotak Dualism, while it was almost dead in Kotak a large religious revival of practice for dualism of Sharatav and Oparis strong figures of note and the bringing back and development of new rituals and practices performed.
810AM discovery of Paradilus and settlement, Sen is considered a place for retirement and those who dislike the colder weather come here. 834AM Sen is granted independence from Kotak as if offers little economic benefit and a trade deal is made. Sen thrives and does little into the coming centuries but is seen as a quite corner of the world. 934AM Sen goes well into the bleeding, little change happens. 980AM the religious revival on Paradilus sweeps Kotak and the Dualist practices are spread across the world, large churches and shrines built in Sen.
Sen was what caused the gods Sharatav and Oparis to still be around, and so the people are blessed greatly with favor from these two gods as they provided a very real salvations, this added to the new godly pact that helped restore the portal travel in the unity.

Brildan is made up of the Strike, Scour and Slice island chain. To the north is the country of Adenskil and the run-off islands. The south is the Inner sea. The west is the Gerra sea and the north west is the Arko-Aden ocean. Brildan is equatorial and thus mild and regular in climate.
Kiri’a is the largest city and acts as an administrative capital for the nation, mostly dealing with trade deals. Ngadren is the second largest cities and Shthal follows it. Brildan lacks any major cities as much of the activity is done online and with independent work.
Brildan is a loose colony of Hinga, with Hinga laying claim to the land and using the islands as an investment, essentially renting all of islands out under long contracts to generate wealth, because of this the marketing of land ownership became top priority, often private islands owned by wealthy individuals, because of this loose ownership structure Brildan has little unified identity but is very wealthy in nature. Religion is practiced but is sparse and varied, the broken faith plays a special role and its closeness to Adenskil also leads to some cultural transition.
810AM settlement, with Hinga laying fast claim to the area and its territorial water in hopes of resources, in 834AM a separate legal entity gained de-facto ownership of the area from Hinga and the entity of Brildan was made, but it is more a statement than actual transfer of land, a technical switch of land but in the end all profits still ended up to Hinga. With the bleeding ownership would switch to Brildan but it was just who profits would funnel towards, thus the oligarchy would continue. Brildan would continue with private ownership into the far future.
Notable owners of Brildan and some islands would include: The Elimdir family, who would own a large estate and uses their island as a luxurious estate, they own a few small moons with their wealth. Kwalanu group, which also owned a large share in the Paramilen synth-oil company, their island estate would build artificial glass island. Yestran family, who would have a unique ecosystem of genetically made flora and fauna.

Adenskil is a series of many large island chains, the central chain is made of three major islands those being Aedia, Vasam and Mnaris. To the north and east are the Kwetels islands and the south are the Run-off islands. To the west is the Arko-Aden Ocean and to the north is the Strait of Ma’la and the north ocean.
The largest city is the self named Adenskil, which sits on an island in the middle of Aedia, this island is known as “god’s eye”. The neightboring island and Vasam has the large city of Va’il. The two minor cities of Ustro and Trelden play a minor part in this nation.
Culture and religion are almost one in the same in Adenskil, some aspects of Estian culture remain, such as an appreciation for art but mostly the culture is very focused around the Broken pantheon. The immortal Seladin being the political and religious ruler of the nation and bringing over very devout followers of the broken faith created a culture in which faith was such a central part of life that it overshadowed many other parts, work was less compared to other nations, leisure was often in religious expression and the country holds in many intuitions this extreme devotion. Yet freedom is still held, while not freedom to practice other religions people are free to enter and exit as they choose and persecution of others is not had.
810AM initial settlement, but even before this was occurring the broken faith had been in talks with various world governments to secure a large portion of land on this planet. By 812AM the full nation of Adenskil was made on paper and the initial construction and settlement was being started. With the backing of Estia it is held as a protectorate. In 834AM Adenskil worked to help negotiate settlement with many other nations and a peaceful transition to independence. 934AM a large meeting of important high priests would be called just before the Bleeding sun thus sparing them, during the bleeding sun times starting in the 950’s AM some people would develop cults around Seladin as a living god. The leadership and religious rise would continue. In 1100AM the eternal vigil would start, that would in turn lead to the rebirth of magic and the restoration of portal travel in 1115AM.
Adenskil was the long term project of Seladin and while he would never state if he had long term knowledge of this he was given messages from the broken gods about ways and rites to guide this nation. Adenskil, and the immortal Seladin lead to the deep religious revival of the planet Paradilus and many say the eventual return to a multiplanetary society.

Comprised of the two main island clusters, with Whos islands in the south and the Tarinda islands in the north. These are both island clusters with medium sized islands. To their north is the north ocean and they are surrounded by other nations, to the east is Tabin and Bilusav, the south is Brildan. The climate is seasonal and its north can set a bit cold relative to the rest of the planet.
The country of Danilen has no large cities like many other nations, two minor cities exist but this is one of the least urbanized nations. Is the south is Wōsu and in the north is Nilé. Because Danilen was planned to be another major colony of Thalia but instead Arkos was favored it caused an underdevelopment.
A culture of emptiness developed largely in Danilen, very low population and very low birth rate meant that the country had a large amount of initial work done yet most went unused, homes lay empty and roads seldom used. This lead to nature reclaiming much of the county, people could live better elsewhere so why stay. Those that stayed lived off the land but also built new communities, those that salvaged, those that traded and bartered, in many ways a traditional way of life. They would follow the luminated pantheon but often in a very traditional way, to mark times of year and seasons and the change of time.
810AM landing and discovery. Thalia got this land as a strong supporter of the recent Inado organization. Putting a large amount of incentive and resources into the area until 834AM independence and the shift in focus to fully helping Arkos. This would start the slow down until 934AM, the bleeding was the nail in the coffin for the old way of life but now this new way was pioneered, the cities as something only visited on rare occasion and living in the countryside. During the bleeding they would be a backwater area of the planet and occasional ecotourism location. In 1115AM the people were consulted on ways to survive the now long depopulated areas on Parahlitan.
Many in Danilen would live an insular and small community life, often like the old hunter gatherers or long term camping, but as freedom was wanted of choice when a person reached the age of 30 (local time, about 19 earth years ) they would go on a journey out of the nation for a year, they could either choose to return or choose to leave in grace, if left in grace they would be allowed to return to see family but were considered out of the community. If them came back and then left again this was leaving without grace and was considered abandonment of the people.

Tabin is a nation that is primarily focused on one large island, that being the island of Gratab. To its north is the North ocean and its south is the Upper drops islands of the nation of Bilusav. Tabin has a minor mountain range on the main island and so some of those areas do experience a cold climate but mostly it is a cooler norther Paradilus climate.
The largest and main city is that of Tabin, Tabin as a city is large and does enjoy a substantial population but the rest of the island is mostly baren, used for small farming settlement and occasional larger towns. Because of its one primary city center Tabin often acts as a city state in its politics.
Tabin is descended from the collaboration of Nirav (at the time Neta-Sirinal), and it was a part of the very large spanning “Third Sirinal” (also called Tirinal ). Because of this project both nations had larger pieces they were focused on, Sirinal was working on the long stretch of central islands which would form Dravanur and Bilusav where Nirav had placed its focus on Siela, these areas seen as simply being more valuable. Tabin thus developed a fusional culture but also one of being forgotten and a bit of resentment, that they had to work harder due to the neglect, this would build into long term frustration. Tabin was very focused on the elemental pantheon of the unified church, taking many settlers from the north of Sirinal in its founding.
Paradilus was landed on in 810AM, but settlement and development, acting as a passive development front for Sirinal and Nirav as a bit of a show off in terms of achievement. Tabin was mostly precluded from these development and so by 875AM when the war would breakout Tabin sent very few soldiers. Clashes in 929AM in all of Third Sirinal occur over colonial rule but in Tabin they are very inspired by the fight that Peldis made and so advocate in many ways for independence. 934AM the bleeding occurs and unity is held but regions gain more autonomy. 978AM when the nations are let go and Tabin is made its own nation. And continued well into the bleeding period.
Tabin was and is the forgotten nation in many aspects, but this has formed a strong national identity among its people, with in specific a dedication to the elemental gods and a revival of some pre unity practices, an embrace of the faith that skirted the line but would not become fully heretical until the early years of 1000AM. The church of restored elements would be formed, this signaling a trend towards high religiosity on Paradilus.

Bilusav is in the upper middle, to its north are the Upper drops islands the south and the Lower drops islands and in the middle to the east is the isle of Setrila, to the east as well is the Greak Break Ocean. To its south is the nation of large nation of Dravanur, and the Mak island and its islets.
Bilusav has two main cities, the largest is the city of Kasha, it commands most of the Drops islands and is an important sea route for trade. Second is the capital city of Otra which sits in the bay of the isle of Setrila, this is the administrative capital and is considered one of the most beautiful cities in all of Third Sirinal.
Bilusav is a nation of being well off, of minor luxury. It is considered one where the governmental structures in place, and the wealth created from natural resources and tourism was made to better the nation. Often this is the vacation spot, many people work in service. This all falls from a deep respect and almost fear of the Inflict gods, behind this paradise is a deep religious fervor, try and keep the Inflict gods away at all costs to maintain this great life, many citizens are extremely devout and the only people that are not expected to act this way are tourists.
Starting in 810AM with the discovery and the carving up of the land, by even as early as 815AM Sirinal was looking at preserving this land, a proverbial reward for those in power, and so Otra was built as a city that had everything, the climate is seasonal but all quite enjoyable. This role would continue in the region, with space population for a long while. By 875AM they sent no troops to fight in the conflict and this region was considered a free zone for those needing a break. After the bleeding and the rise nationalism in Third Sirinal Bilusav would be allowed to stay as a free nation, one apart from the rest of the working of the world and a place of rest, this would continue religious devotion and by 1000AM the worship of other gods outside of the Inflict pantheon would almost fully stop.
Much like a lower price and shorter term stay version of Brildan. The tourism industry and treatment was a top priority but as the desires, and wealth of the people shifted Bilusav became more insular, in many ways the laypeople would come to blame themselves for the Bleeding, it was punishment from not being devout enough. The culture of fear at the gods is deeply engrained.

Dravanur is the largest of the nations from Third Sirinal, in the south it has the large island of Naru and a few islets, the west holds the Sheme islands, the north west the Kazan archapelego and lastly in the island of Maz and its islets. To the esat it the Low Reach sea and south is the Southern Ocean. With a large country it varies in climate, the north is equatorial but the south has mild seasons.
The largest city is Drasik, with Kazan and Maklin being close. These all act as major cities for the nation. Also of note is the minor cities of Mastal, Sendil and Kstel. Kstel is the capital of the nation but has little function other than administrative. With all these major cities and many settlements on the other islands this leads to a very populace country.
Dravanur is an idealistic version of Sirinal, Sirinal having the largest influence over this region and putting the most effort into this region. This would develop an urban population but one that is less warlike and fervent than Sirinal. Due to the nations focused works industry and infrastructure is well built and the people have a sense of accomplishment, many of the modern city practices where followed and turned out well with strong urban themes. Religiously the unified church held a strong influence and still continues to hold a strong influence in the south, in the north a dedication to solely the prime gods occurred, with a counter measure to Bilusav in a sense, this would lead to a religious schism.
810AM with the discovery, the lands of Dravanur where scouted out and city development took a few extra years of planning but in the end was worth it, a grand idea was Sold to the people of Sirinal and it paid off. Starting in 823AM colonization started and it came in droves, attracting many of the middle class and average people at the time. by 875AM with the war Dravanur was still young but people felt proud enough to fight and many encouraged it, to continue fighting along brethren for the nation. 934AM after the bleeding the national spirit stayed strong but would continue into an identity of continuing the legacy but better, of being an own nation for betterment of the nation. After independence in 978AM Tensions would rise in the late 980’s and would lead to an eventual Civil war over religious differences, the north would become White Dravanur and the south Red Dravanur, both with differing ideas on religion. The civil war would last from 987-991AM and in the end an uneasy compromise was made that separated religion from the state fully. They would continue in relative peace until Unity, and when unity occurred were some of the seekers to rebuild Sirinal again.
The religious drift and division of the people of Dravanur is an interesting case, in the north a form of deep praise and worship of just the Prime gods occurred, very much like an opposite to what was occurring in Bilusav, but eventually this would lead to a total change in church structure and an abandonment of the unity part of the unified church, as miracle priestly confirmation was still occurring this was a sign of truth. In the south the traditional structure of the unified church continued, although stamping out the divisional structure of the thirteen churches and instead moving fully to only having an head priest of true unity. These differences would cause a civil war, one in which people did die for deeply, and as a conclusion the governments would come together and be mended but the churches totally separate, never to be reunited.

A smaller nation, comprising the well names Rhyme, Role and Right islands, these quite small islands. This would lead to artificial geography the first of the floating islands made and settled. the climate is southern and seasonal but not polar in nature and is well to do. To the north is the inner sea and the south is the Southern Ocean.
The largest city is Salen which acts as the capital, it functions from mostly inner management and development. The next city is Vazo which holds the large chunk of the urban population. These are the two major cities but many small communities exist alongside them.
Siela was settled almost exclusively by Nirav and picks up much of its traits, independence from Sirinal, self-reliance and it also picked up a monadic culture in a way with many boat owners being common. Often boat communities formed, people would trade what the sea gave them and in informal interpersonal code was formed. In religious manors this nation is deeply atheistic, and many are even anti-theist. This was developed as a growing reaction to the strong religious movements on the rest of Paradilus but also in turn as a self selection bias.
In 810AM the discovery was made and Siela was a carved away little section of the planet for the control of Nirav, knowing that land development was scarce they worked on technological and academic development. By 875AM they took no part in the war. With the bleeding in 934Am a quick desire for independence was had, mostly over religious differences, working with autonomous rules they restricted practice as much as possible. In 978AM when granted freedom they passed almost universal ban on religion, churches were destroyed and monuments taken down. Siela would continue well into the bleeding, if becoming a bit more insular and strange.
The technology, and more importantly the economic feasibility of artificial island or “ocean tiles” would cause a development of technology that allowed for settlement that floated, this was supported by the strong nomadic nautical culture and came to grow the nation far more than was expected. This technology would be used lightly by other nations for some project but the most use was in Siela.

Made up of the main large island of Znur and its surrounding islets. To the north is the North Ocean. To the East is Breaker Bay and the west is the Great Break. Skor is seasonal in climate, with the mountain range the north half is far colder than the southern populated half.
In the south is the city of Skor, it serves as the nation’s population center and has a large amount of trade with Kendress, it also serves as the capital. In the north is the city of Reksa, which is cooler and works more to govern the northern region. Both of these cities work together to manage the nation.
Skor descends from Estia, and as Adenskil was much more of a religious institution this acted as a more governmental colony. This created a culture of one that was still very much Estian in nature with a focus on creativity but also Skor cares deeply about individuality and the personalization, making custom books, one of a kind clothes, items that are uniquely made and tell a story are what hold status here, this means a lack of large term industrialization. Religiously this was a lot of the non broken faith, so a mix of some traditional Velngi practices and more spiritual worship, they would come to adopt the Neo-Spiritualism movement In time.
Discovery of the planet in 810AM, with substantial monetary gains from the Estian colony of Soltran Skor was seen as a secondary and so the people that moved here were more for smaller communities and so a relatively low population existed. By 834AM an easy independence was granted due to geopolitical pressure and an eclectic artistic deal. Skor would continue to have a slow drift away Estia and would be a mostly background figure in events. With the bleeding in 934AM Skor would use it mission and ideals to start large and precious collections of information. Growing cultural similarities would lead to a free movement pact in 977AM. In turn this would lead to closer relations and the eventual formation of the eastern confederation in 1102AM.
The art of unique crafting pervades the society, many schools of trade and craftsmanship exist. And techniques made to give objects a long history. Custom bound and written books, handmade clothes. Homes that are built, even keepsakes and metals are made. Yes mass market products still exist, mostly produced in other nations but the craft are care that are put into luxury items adds a large amount of value.

A very large island chain that is split into many sections, Kendress has to its north Breaker bay to its east is the Lesser Break Sea to its west is the Great Break Ocean. First in the main line of islands is Yovin and its surrounding clusters of islands that fade up into the Midpatch which tail off into the Kowen islands. To the south are the Kaol cluster islands and the Lyen islands also are the loose Scatter islands. A varied climate with the altitude but all tropical.
On the island of Yovin and facing the Great Break is the city of Yaran that acts as a major sea trade port. Going up the chain is Nisam a minor city, Mendul another minor city. Fes, the capital and largest city and a central area for the nation. Next the cities of Osfan, Owek and lastly Nomendul. These cities work up and down the main islands as traders, the other islands are sparkly populated.
Kendress is a decedent of Adrea, one that was populated in a time of great unity within the country. After the relative disconnect of Dotun and functional self rule, Kendress was made as almost a sister state, not a colony in the strict sense but one of helped development, in a way much like Adrea each city had a patron god (but for ones outside of the broken pantheon). Kendress also had a large almost friendship like relationship with Skor and Milsa, not holding long term debts and doing nice things for the sake of the niceness. Religiously they would be the first to the Neo-Spiritual movement, with ideas taken from Velngi practices and Geldic gods.
Founded in 811AM shortly after the discovery Kendress would grow and prosper well, even with Adrea struggled Kendress did well. by 834AM independence was a formal grant but help was still had until the 920’s AM when Adrea focused more internally. In 934AM with the bleeding Adrea was fully destroyed and so the practice of self rule would fully happen, good relationships made with Milsa and Skor and the three would continue well. in 977AM the free movement and trade pact was made and in 1102AM the three nations formed the eastern confederation. After the unity in 1115AM Kendress had little goal to reestablish the lands of Adrea and so only played a minor supportive role.
The Neo-Spiritual movement that developed. taking the ideas of Geldic apotheosis and the recognition of many more gods and divine figures, this combines with the Velngi spiritual ideas and some early Kesti practices made a very new fusional religion, one with a large lack of strictness and with a recognition of the Geldic gods but the idea that the Geldic gods are tied heavily to their patron cities and no longer have as much sway.

Made up of the main island of Michum, and the distinct Klash islands, and a very few from the scatteres islands. To the south is the South Ocean and the west is the Low Reach Ocean. Michum is the largest island without mountain range and so has the one relatively dry spot on the planet, a unique biome.
The largest city on the island of Michum is the city if Michum. On the Klash islands is the city of Valkash. Both of these cities see to their relative spheres of influence, still used for trade but a bit of a distance away from Kendress. Milsa is well populated but not very urban.
Milsa came from Kest, but a large percentage of the population on the peninsula and a heavy strictness over immigration means that Milsa avoided many of the fierceness of Kest and is much more stable and agreeable. Their culture is one of well community living, the block cities cover much of Michum and create a very welcoming atmosphere, if a bit stale. Religiously Kest gave a few things but little held belief, Kendress missionaries worked towards the Neo-Spiritual movement but also people from the Broken Faith and Unified Church did work, creature a heavy indifference and abundance of choice for options religiously.
Discovery in 810AM with granting of the area to Kest due to the loss of Ronlas. With more strict controls population was slow to grow and so some people from Harash were invited in and because a notable minority group in the more dry region. Granted independence later in 861AM due to a treaty previously signed. By 934AM Milsa would have integrated well with Kendress and Skor and in 977AM the free movement act was signed in. in 1102AM it joined the Eastern confederation.
The first mass system of city blocks was done here, evenly made blocks of mostly civilian housing with small shops and stores, green space and connecting rail and easy bike use. This easily scalable design was part of the new form of cities, it held a high amount of people and each block could be specialized for different needs. This was only sued extensively as while nice it lacked almost all real variety and was a bit boring.

The two islands chains that make up Ro are the Jormal islands to the east and the Hjomen islands to the west. To the north is the Low Reach Ocean and it is surrouned by the South Ocean. Sitting as the most southern nation on Paradilus it has the coldest climate, while snow is quite rare fog and low temperatures are common.
Ro has only one city, the capital and main hub called Hjolat. Much like Velng Ro has a large population of nomadic people and so has little permanent settlement. This pastoral life is much less suited to islands but those living here make due.
Ro was settled by Velng, while after the success of Feltor and its image Velng still desired some claim on Paradilus and so this area to the south was claimed, however this does not mean all or even most of the Velngi settlement on Paradilus. Velngi people live the pastoral life all around the world, on individual islands and on the larger islands as well, integrated by often separate from their surrounding nation. Most Velngi people are granted citizenship and legal status of Ro, and so while the landmass of Ro is small its geopolitical power is strong and the nomadic lifestyle continues. Religiously Ro keeps the spiritual ideas, and those of the Velngi Bird Pair and other spirits.
Discovered in 810AM and settled lightly so by 820AM few lived there. Independence was given in 834AM but with little power structure change, many simply felt that now they were Velngi and of Ro. Buildup on a proper capital of Hjolat was slow and so was finished in 853AM. 934AM the bleeding would shake Ro little but many of the Velngi people around the world would provide help to those in need.
Ro is a nation of smallness, almost functioning like a small city state. In a lot of ways it is like the island of Grelav. Ro acts more as an organization of cultural preservation and a home land for the many Velngi people, it just happens to have land and a nation. On the grand world stage Ro does little, but is content.

Third Sirinal “Tirinal”
Third Sirinal was a joint project started by both Sirinal and Neta Sirinal (Nirav) and would be a joint effort, this was the third major piece of what also be known as the tri-planet empire of Sirinal. Third Sirinal was settled in many different waves and fashions, most of the population came from Sirinal but some from Neta Sirinal. This economic union would begin in 812AM but real population movement started in the 820’s AM. Third Sirinal would not gain independence in 834AM like the many other nations at the time, this due to both a heavy amount of control that Sirinal retained but also due to agreements made between the three entities. During the Peldis independence wars Third Sirinal would stay mostly uninvolved, but the area that would become Dravanur did participate. Third Sirinal was also a participant in the Mana war that would occur. The advent of the Bleeding started to cause the drift apart and in 978AM the four nations would be born and Third Sirinal as an entity would be no more.
Eastern confederation
Following roughly two centuries of friendship and goodwill between the three nations of Skor, Kendress and Milsa the eastern confederation was born, some say that the idea was formed once the colonies were started, some say it started in 934AM with the bleeding and the need for help from each other, some say in started in 977AM with the free movement and trade pact. In reality it is hard to say, nations that all came together due to a close shared and developed cultural identity, ones that did not hold on to who colonized. People united by a loose but shared religious identity. The eastern confederation would officially occur in 1102AM and was widely celebrated, it would continue as a strong power into the unity era.
Inado, which stands for “Interplanetary negotiation and development organization” was and is a large interplanetary organization formed in 724AM and used to regulate and establish international and interplanetary relations. They exist to solve disputes, distribute land and at certain parts of time regulate human rights. They would propose the interstellar missions and lead to their launch in 734AM, Inado would lead to the efforts of space preservation in the 770’s AM. Inado would also claim some small islands on Parahalbras and Paradilus as well as having more control over the planet Parasirafat, with major efforts on Parakentus and its terraforming and life seeding. Post bleeding Inado would reform and with more technological development would act as an international and interplanetary keeper of human rights, the triple guarantee of “Clean energy, Clean air, clean water” this being free to all, so they worked to make atmosphere safe to breath and work spaces clean. They had universal access to clean drinking water, also they made large development in clean energy with the only non-clean energy being used for recreational or ceremonial uses. In all Inado would act as a guiding force for many nations.
The planet Paradilus
Made up of thousands and thousands of islands Paradilus has few large land masses, due to this scattered nature it enjoys a very tropical climate in form, it also has a large axial tilt that creatures large variation in day length, its chaotic but serine in a way. the day length is 18 hours long, the year is only 230.8 standard days long but 307.7 local days long. The surface temperature is 16C but much more even due the weather. The surface gravity is 1.19 times Parahlitan and so is notable but does not cause hindrance. Paradilus also lacks a proper moon, instead having two larger captured