Soltran has two main areas, a more populated southland which borders Nirav with the little mountains, has the Minder ocean to its east and the great ocean to the west, comprised of the midlands and the thin forests. Above that is the arctic region, the main island cluster called the reach and the reason islands, these also border the minder ocean. It has a Mediterranean climate for its shores, the thin forests being mostly evergreen pine. The arctic areas have no natural tree cover but instead moss and grasses.
The largest city is Pral which sits on a river, the capital however is Merdo, and was chosen to be a more humble and small city roll. Tlain is a city right next to Nirav and so has a large deal of trade with them. Glasi is the largest city in the arctic region and acts as a central hub and export zone.
Soltran is a descendent of Estia, but with a high degree of intention, the cities were built around certain artistic movement and used many radical and new design principals, this however left the people living there feeling neglected. A hardened ideal of self-reliance and need to do stuff without guidance was done, an escape from the opulence of Estia. Also working to preserve a large amount of the natural beauty. Quickly making a identity of their own, and one that was more isolationist. They did pick up some religious affiliation from Estia of the broken faith but were very light practicing and many where non devout or even atheist, some also choose to worship new gods like Shint’oku or Astari.
Discovery in 772AM and the parsing out of land and settlement by 783AM, smaller settlement but the key regions of the reach and the reason islands would provide many resources to fund the extravagance of Estian life style. By the year 800AM Soltran as an identity would be formed, while one that wanted independence it really just wanted less oversight. Peaceful independent is had with 834AM. A period of stability and peace would occur, the people living simple lives. After the bleeding Soltran would stay mostly the same, having some exports of important food crops and materials.
Soltran is a very quiet nation, its people don’t want to get involved in outside affairs but it has a strong internal community, family gatherings and games are common but they are slow to accept outsiders. Also because of this relative isolation and peace it has made for some of the greatest artists, writers and poets.

With two mains parts, a large island named “New Shasal” that connects to the great southern shelf, this area separated by Gez sea. The Little mountains form a border with Soltran to the north. The white sands desert lies at the center of the main land, the jungle, islets and Lakeland as well, with the notable Lake Valan. The former Pearl islands also were once their territory. Climate varies greatly with latitude, New Shasal is like a tundra where the jungle is a temperate rainforest.
Nenir is the largest and capital city of Nirav, Rokal lies in the north, Suse’il in the south. Sodir is on the island of New Shasal and serves as its main port. Nirinalili is a city made to copy the historic cities of old sirinal and is almost a parody. Lisar-Tin is the first and only successful large scale organic city, it is grown from a series of interconnected genetically modified plants and animals. Inasen and Datina were former cities of Nirav.
Nirav is a direct descendent of Sirinal, started as a colony but one with good intentions and relationships, not to conquer but to expand. Called “Neta-Sirinal” or “New sirinal” optimism and hope were driving factors that still prevail, hard work and dedication to work. A sense of healthy independence, self sufficiency grew. From the large expanse of new land the idea of openness and wilderness was really done. The more militaristic culture carried over a little but mostly for tradition itself, no external threat was faced and no need for a standing army was held so the requirement was adapted after a while. The religion carried over with the unified church making a huge effort and celebration to continue the will of the gods on another planet.
The first landing of 772AM, with the division of the planet being made large populations of people from Sirinal or Sahven moved here, and cultural identity started to form around the year 800. Sirinal taking a direct approach and organized settlement of the area, planned cities and lots of oversight, but some regional autonomy is given. In 834AM with the schism the colony of “Neta-Sirinal” is made, but as representatives are folded into existing government on Sirinal tensions are low. Lisar-Tin is made in 849AM. 873AM, the pearl islands of Neta-Sirinal would join into the nation of Peldis, this leading the outbreak of war with the tri-planet empire of Sirinal quite split. Tensions increase after this, the Sirinal Neta-Sirinal civil war would start 929AM, no large conflict but lots of political moves and turmoil. 934AM, the bleeding and the end to the civil war, Neta-Sirinal would shortly rename itself Nirav and would develop into the bleeding.
The cultural shift from Sirinal and Neta-Sirinal is a complicated one, still feeling like brother nations yet with conflict caused. Many of the people feel still connected yet also hurt but the actions of the other. The Peldis conflict was a perfect example of differing opinions, Sirinal was leaning more traditional and wanting strict unity and Neta-Sirinal wanted to adapt and accept the leaving of the islands. In the end Nirav shares a direct heritage with Sirinal, but so is distinct.

Sharing a border with Dotun with the blind mountains, it surrounds the inner red sea, to the north is the narrow strait, and the Gez sea to the west. The basin and Lakeland make up a majority of the land and the new twin rives region also supporting a wide area. the small desert to the south and further south is the rump and the portion of the great southern shelf. Much like the rest of the world a gradient of climate exists from warm and wet to frigid and cold. The Korta islands were former territories.
Yérù is the largest capital city and acts much like Ipyèn, being a capital and cultural center. Lônè is another major city, with its two supporting cities Māshā and Ywi. In the south Zisèn is on the colder region. These cities still follow an intentional and distinct Thalian style and economic model.
Ruba was and still is good standing with Thalia, a supportive mother nation Thalia spent a lot of money working to make Ruba a conferrable area, in many ways Ruba became just as much a part of Thalia as other regions. The slow and intentional development, Thalia was one of the few nations that really limited immigration, and so prevented many of the issues faced in other colonies. Independence was in talks but more a need of function, both nations still stayed in close contact and were in good standing. The development of religion was a more scientific study, with new celestial environment changing a lot of the gods, with Parahlitan and the other colonies the luminated pantheon changed and adapted, but in a less faith driven way.
Like all other nations discovery of the planet in 772AM, Thalia got this piece of land but waited until almost 798AM to start large scale settlement. Because of this a regional identity had barely formed by the year 834AM when the independence movements occurs, Independence was given but more a trade pact was made to help both nations flourish. In 872AM Ruba would make a rather complex deal with the newly forming Peldis to give away the Korta islands. During the Peldis war Ruba would stay fiercely neutral in its position. In 934AM the bleeding would strike and sad loss of Thalia but Ruba would stay strong and continue well into the bleeding, even being responsible for helping restore identity to Alia and Nōru.
Ruba, like the other constituent nations on Parahalbras saw a general decline in religious belief and practice both before and during the bleeding. For Ruba this was a detailed scientific approach towards divinity, with understanding of the stars, and in many ways doing a part of them this caused the traditional practices such as regular prayer to fall more to the wayside. This also was helped by the initial settlement being mostly academic and quite busy in making the way for settlement.

Dotun lies inbetween the Blind and the Blue mountains, its three main areas are the bay, which has many small rivers, many of which feed into the large lake Tun. Which also borders the inner red sea. The dry desert which is quite cold, and lies in the middle of the nation. The south end is the rail islands and their portion of the great southern shelf. Formerly held the Imbral islands.
The north holds six major cities in the bay region Ladran is the largest and lies on the river going between lake Tun and the inner red sea. Rosel is also quite large. The supporting cities are Enwis, Loksi, Mendra, and Solvin. On the opposite side of the country to its south lies the only major southern population center with Othos along the ocean.
Dotun was settled by Adrea, but very loosely as Adrea did a tasteful minimum to settle the area, focusing those who did settle on a conferrable and stable life. thus, the culture that emerged was one focused on simple living, and reduction of effort and work, large usage of automation was done and standards of work highly lowered, a human happiness first model developed, the people are quite leisurely and lax. Because of this attitude religion never caught on, the church was focused on its main presence in main Adrea and so built little, plus the system of patron gods for specific cities fell apart with new cities, this lead to little desire for religion overall.
Discovery of the area in 772AM, with a slow settlement as Adrea was still working to unify itself, when in time it did unify culturally Adrea was only able to bargain for the relatively less valuable and small amount of land it received. Dotun in the year 800AM was a grand effort made but one that was largely not supported by the people, a good idea but not much in practice. By 810AM Dotun is functionally independent as it has little focus placed on it, in 834AM it declares independence with many other nations, and causing a sadness over the lack of unity cause minor conflict but no direct fighting with Adrea. Dotun was the first to give away the Imbral islands to the Peldis movement. Dotun would do little In the coming years but some tourism opportunities would expand. Even into the bleeding and past the years it would continue to stay on the sidelines and do little.
Dotun was the first culture to really develop the “2 and” system of parenting, where in often the two parents of a child will invite at least one or two other adults of similar age to help in raising the child, these can be close friends, their parents or those who have children of their own. This system helps take off some of the hard work and responsibility of child raising and leaves more leisure time for new parents. This system would soon spread to be a solid minority of parent child relationships.

Bordering Dotun in the south with the blue mountains, in the middle is a dry arid land called the drought, on the east is the east coast and the west is the red coast which touches the outer red see. Lake Moraak is a prominent feature of the northern region as well as the Islets. Feltor enjoys a relatively mild and steady climate.
Only featuring three large cities Feltor is very spread out country. The largest city is Pultar which lies on the red coast, this city acts for oceanic trade. Hjodra is a city in the north and sits near lake Moraak. In the south is Vasnem which is a hub for devlopment of the south and the great southern shelf.
Feltor is a nation that descended from Velng, but one shaped with intention of preservation of the old culture. This means that large cities do not much exist and the nomadic way of life is quite common, often small buildings and wells will exist in the countryside to support the nomadic lifestyle. Because of this central government is very lite and only exists to manage large affairs. Feltor is not very actively religious but some are spiritual, many people feel that the land does not yet have a spirit to it.
In 772AM Parahlitan was landed on, and the region of Feltor was seen as an area of great potential. People from Velng moved in to escape the long changed landscape of Velng, Velng was able to get this large area of land as reparations from the last great war of the old age and in exchange for some changes made to Velng. In 834AM Feltor became independent, but open movement ties existed between the two nations. Feltor does little in history but does well into the bleeding in 934AM and beyond.
Feltor as a nation is very much what one would consider an old version of Velng, people live a very traditional life, this lifestyle is supported by large initiatives. The building of wells to get fresh water, the planting of fruit trees to feed people and animals. Also a large amount of work was done to restore native ecosystems, such as the wild Khale bird population

Rogor occupies one large landmass divided by the unity mountains, in the north is Ronlas off the east is Haem island. In the south are the wetlands, The grand coast and the Savin basis. To the north are the grand ocean and the minder ocean with the south the outer red sea. They also formerly owned the pigeon islands.
In the north is the large city of Rolsa with the most northern city of Nresta and on the island of Haem is Morodin. In the south the largest city and capital is Keldra with Solkav being a main hub for trade as well. Thastal and Fotse are big cities as well. the former city of Spretra on the Pigeon islands belonged at one point as well.
Rogor is a fusion of culture from Kest and Kotak, but often the colder and more mountainous parts, for this the appreciation of the outdoors is key, also is a desire for freedom and self-determination. Rogor got a good share of land and so many people choose to grow their own food and live outside of large cities. The religion of Rogor, following in the ideas of Kest religion was not very focused on and at the time Kotak was not very devout and so Rogor really never had any main religion. All of this makes for a very humble but fierce people.
In 772AM when Parahalbras was discovered both Kest and Kotak laid claims to land, and separated by the mountains they quickly found that people did not much treat these as functional borders. In the north was Ronlas, founded by Kest and with the fierce energy of independence they declared themselves early and became independent in 803AM, but suffering from a lack of trade and sanctions they made deals with the Kotak colony, which at the time was informally known as Kelgor. By 820AM the economic problems had faded and the newly made Ronlas found itself in a highly favorable position. Ronlas would do small settlement of Paradilus with Ro in 827AM. Ronlas advocated heavily for the independence of nations in 834AM. Kelgor and Ronlas stayed close allies until 832AM when the two formerly joined into Rogor. Rogor would stand the bleeding well and help out the other nations of Parahalbras.
Rogor was largely responsible for the independence movement of 834AM, with large support politically and culturally, the ideas of “self-determination” “making your own destiny” and “freedom” carried many nations. In reality while the 834AM independence acts did free many nations, some were still tied to their home nations by economic need, some didn’t yet want that degree of freedom and the transition process was rather peaceful.

Spread across the waves of the Peldic sea, Peldis consists of many island chains and groups. to the north are the Pigeon islands, the west the Pearl islands, and to the east are the Korta and Imblar islands. To the east and south and the inner and outer red sea and to the north is the Minder Ocean. It’s a warm island climate with regular rains and little seasonal variation.
Banmi is the largest city and was first gotten from Ruba. Spetra comes from the pigeon islands and was originally from Rogor. The pearl islands have the second largest city of Inasen and Datina. These cities, all from different nations and cultures have a shared identity of trade desire for freedom on the waves.
Peldis is a culture that was born of many others, of people who wanted to set sail and really live. It was gotten from the inspiration of the Kesti and Ronlas revolutions, a grassroots movement that started in Banmi, was able to raise enough money are carve out a deal. A culture of telling stories and making a name for yourself. The religion of Peldis, many religions are practices and often worship of many gods in many pantheons will be done, so no single dominate religion is had. This being said, a lack of faith is still rather common as it is in the rest of Parahalbras.
All the islands were colonized by their various powers, and each nation gained levels of independence. During the 830’s AM island culture would start to develop, a small shared identity with the other islands rather than their home nations. Starting in 850AM identity would start to develop and grow with the idea of a nation their own, not made from any former nations. In 870AM Peldis would be formed, and its first act was to buy the Korta islands from Ruba, then the other islands and ideas would form into place by 872AM. In 873AM the pearl islands of Neta-Sirinal would try and breakaway, the Peldis war would be fought with the might of the tri-planet empire of Sirinal and an alliance of powers on the side of Peldis. This would end with Peldis victory in 876AM. Peldis would fare solidly into the bleeding, being more at peace with the other nations on Parahlitan.
As time would pass many people would point to the Peldis independence wars as the starter for Sirin civil war. With more countries joining in this eventually led to the mana war, the various conflicts and it culminated in the bleeding sun event and then the 181 year period of bleeding. Those of religious inclination would come to blame the decline in religion on Parahalbras combined with the mixing of beliefs as a justification but in reality the mana war was as much a political conflict as it was over religious beliefs.

Soln Space Federation
The Soln Space Federation takes its name sake from the old Soln Sea Federation of Parahlitan and the Soln Sea. The space federation differs in that it comes from space. Being founded in 959AM after the bleeding on the moon of Pilarusir they would make a name for them selves first as a company that would be responsible for transportation and delivery of goods in the new post portal age. Using opportunity for power they would completely take over and own Paramilen in 971AM. They also build a large space born fleet that would in time turn into a fully-fledged permanent living situation for many of the nation. In the coming bleeding they would rise to power and on equal level with the nations of Parahalbras.
The Planet of Parahalbras
Made up of five main contents and a number of islands this planet is much more scattered than Parahlitan. The planet is larger is size and heavier in mass but due to a lower density it has an almost identical surface gravity to Parahlitan. Its temperature is lower at an average of 13C, this means both Arctic and Antarctic are frozen year round and snowfall is common. Its day is longer at 29 hours long and its year is 405.6 standard days long but 335.7 days long.