Bounded by the world spine, the skyspires and the shattered peak mountain ranges on its western and southern border. The Rinvel sea on the east and the Kotak Plateau on its north. The three lakes provide a good balance in the northern region and the main river feeds the southern areas of the country. Kotak is a land of colder climate, with a distinct four seasons, winter in in the months of Livera and Komenas and a warm summer with the months of Solovem and Araves.
With Kotisur being the capital of the country and the long historic city it sits as a main seat of the country. Kilrim acts as the major port city and has a large degree of trade with both Sirinal and Estia. Mindor and Tholas both sit in the northern region and are colder cities, Mindor more specializes in mining. Rokan is known for its extensive farming and exporting of goods to both Kotisur and Kilrim.
The people of Kotak are proud, they survive in the more harsh weather and consider themselves tough. But quite friendly and insular communities. A long standing divide was held between the north and south of Kotak but overtime a common identity has been formed. They make quality and lasting goods that are very functional. Their traditional clothes incorporate animal furs and natural colors. They long worshiped the Kotak Dualism pantheon, focused around Sharatav and Oparis, but the unified church has made successful efforts to spread worship into Kotak, although Kotak takes more to the inflict gods of the church more than the other eight gods.
The north and the south of Kotak first merged into one government in 875BM and came back together in the year 1455BM, this time caused some cultural divergence but overtime they have become closer together. Kotak also went into a period of peace and isolation until around 170AM. Thalia and Velng signed a pact to divide up parts of Velng in 463AM, and Kotak was an active participant in the last war of the old age. Kotak would go on to found the Colony of Ronlas on Parahalbras in 805AM and Sen on Paradilus in 815AM. During the bleeding Kotak manages to survive and have some continuity.
A tradition of Kotak is the memory beads. This are beads that one accumulates throughout your life, often at major celebrations or accomplishments. When someone dies some of their beads are given to the family and friends, all beads tell a story and often a person has dozens at a time stored on a necklace of chord.
Defined by the great sky river, a small access to the Rinvel sea. To its north are the shattered peaks and its west is the Harash desert. Sirinal also has the small lake Nahes in its western region. To its south lies Esita. Its climate is mild, with four seasons but with warm long summers and a short dry season as winter, no proper snow fall occurs.
The capital is Sirinala’av and serves as the main and largest city, it has two “tributary” cities in Sirili and Sinasa’in. on the coast is Enasi’i, and the large city that meets the branches of the great sky river is Disak. In the north is Shasal and Sorad as its northern most main city.
Sirinal is defined by a militaristic culture, one rather war like and strict. It has many practices that relate to service within and around the military. It also has a long tradition of Magic as the second Rin-Tal, Sirus Vi’ironus was born there and passed on his knowledge first. Sirinal also has deep ties between the state and the church, with them supporting each other. The unified church was born in Sirinal and ahs great power over society and a very large majority are adherents to the unified church faith and its gods, the elemental gods are preferred in the north and the influence gods in the south but all are worshiped in kind.
Sirinal is made into an empire in 955BM. Northern Sirinal splits from the empire in 1385BM and lasts until 32AM. The eternal flame of sirinal is lit in 5AM as the coming of a new ag and the demonstration of magic occurs. Portals are presented to the government in 167AM. Sirinal is the first nation to start industrialization. Sirinal meddles in the last great war of the old age, loosing all gained lands and their control over Sirin-Estia in the unification of Estia in 567AM. Sirinal helps to build the interstellar probes and the lunar observatory. Sirinal forms Neta-Sirinal on Parahalbras and the two of them work to make Third-Sirinal on Paradilus. The independence war of Peldis causes division in the people of the tri-planet empire, which leads to interplanetary war and the mana war. Sirinal is completely wiped out on Parahlitan during the bleeding sun in 934AM.
Sirinal has a government that uses the rank system in the military, if you rise up in rank you eventually get to be on the advisor council of the warmaster general and then warmaster general yourself, this person co-rules with the civil side of government which is elected by the people.
Estia has a long coast on the Rinvel Sea, the strait of crossing with Hinga and to its east lies the Untili coast. Its largest and central river is known as the Kelta. The jungle in its northern region has many sub climates within the region. To its south lie sparce forest grass lands. Its climate is mild most of the year round. A wet season occurs in Sulisa and Seno’al with tropical storms being common coming from the Untili coast.
No central capital exists, Hotli manages the central region but Krass holds strong power in the southern region. Unsel is smaller in scale but often the center of power in the north. Lizett is seated on the great lake and has had on and off habitation. Seldor is the main ocean trade hub up and down the Untili coast.
Estia is a culture defined by style and class, the desire for personal beauty and also appreciation of the natural world take priority. Often decadence is held and a long held old money upper class exists. While in modern times elections occur they also stay in family lines and political power builds up, an elected monarchy of sorts. The Broken faith is the dominate religion here, started in its modern form by the Kari Seladin and he continues as a leader of the church to this day. The four gods, Adoni’a, Ahran, Adam, Arora, are worshiped and Anset is feared and acknowledged.
Estia was only loosely unified by its monarchy that ran from 653 to 1510BM, but this was a very soft power with little country wide influence. The Kari Seladin came down in 1065BM and established the broken faith. In 1510 the start of the three Estia conflict broke out with the area separated into three zones. Salra, Entlor and Deleon. Salra in the south with Krass. Entrol in the middle with Hotli, which would later turn into Sirin-Estia with the influence of Sirinal. Deleon in the north would establish ties with Hinga. This state of different nations lasted until 572AM, but talks of unification started and were put down starting as early as the 200’s AM. Estia participated a little in the last great war of the old age. Estia established the colony of Soltran on Parahalbras and Arkos on Paradilus. Estia did not survive the bleeding, but some of its coastal cities would form into Eselset.
The Estian jungles are home to many unique species of flora and fauna and have a wide range of biodiversity. These resources have been used to find many medicines, materials such as rubber and many unique foods as well. This area was recognized early and has been protected.
Situated on an island Hinga shares no land borders with any other nations. It has the strait of crossing on its south with Estia. In its north is a mountainous plateau and its south is fertile farm and forest land. To its north and east is the East ocean. Its climate is mild and wet, many day of lite rain and overcast but having warm bright summers for growing season.
Hinga has two main cities. Ngasa as its main city, which is a frequent port city trading with Osest. It also has a smaller city of Rashali that is a center of business and comers and administration. Hinga historically was very city focused even before the industrial revolution and imported food even in its early history.
Hinga is very central and competitive, it has a strong business culture that focuses on innovation and was historically very focused in its cities. Hinga also was the second nation to industrialize and made long reaching shipping lanes across the world. Helping in the three Estia’s conflict to support Deleon, it helped colonize the islands of Grelor and spread its mercantile culture. Religiously they are very mild but those that do practice often adhere to the Broken faith or the unified church, or both. Hinga Cultural dress will often have small badges and tokens, symbols of loyalty and wealth.
Hinga was ruled by a loose oligarchical council from the 900’s BM onward and it’s a self-regulating council. Hinga did have an internal civil war from 1335-1355BM. In the three Estia’s conflict Hinga helped Deleon a lot, assimilating culture with some success but taking a large amount of economic value from those lands. Hinga opens up colonies in Velng but rather then land it specializes in the new product markets available and so large companies, in the last great war of the old age Hinga provided help and munitions to both sides. The global recession of the 735AM hit Hinga very hard. Hinga invests in the Parakolis cities, helps manage Brildan on Paradilus and helps Peldis during the independence movement. Hinga goes into total collapse during the bleeding and goes not manage to hold continuity.
Hinga has a rich history from before it became more mercantile and so across the land many historical castles can be found and old ruins and relics. This because Hinga was more developed before the collapse and suffered little during the collapse.
Made of sprawling grasslands and a savannah, this is a wide and open land. On its eastern and southern side lay the Untili coast and the south coast. The gulf river and upper river act as points of centering. To the north is the desert Harash to its west are the lands of Kest. It experiences a distinct four seasons but has more mild winters than the north. Winter occurs during Solovem and Araves and summer during Livera and Komenas, snow is rare but happens on occasion.
Before the colonization of Velng very few cities existed. Vas-Velnga was a moving nomadic city and the cultural center of the region where Kelaxol was stationary and the connection to the outside world. With the advent of outside powers many more cities were built and Vas-Velnga became stationary Sèvu and Nasko play a key role in history as does Xavi.
Velng is a region more than a country in the modern sense, a people live their but are far less then united. Traditional pastoral and nomadic life style is very common and even into the modern time traveling is common. The way of life is often built around the Khale bird. Colonization attempted to erase many parts of local culture, and has some success but the people held on. The people of Velng have had many religions pressed on them over the years, with initial spiritual practices of early Kest and broken faith missionaries to modern times of the Geldic pantheon and the unified church. Before all of this spirits of the land and spiritual world were and still are worshiped, often made into the gods Arkensol and Blansira but they are more amorphism concepts then distinct gods.
Velng had border disputes with Kest from the 700’s BM onwards until it was solidified in the last great war of the old age. Velng also had disputes on the Estian border in 945BM. Some Velngi forces are used in the three Estia’s conflict and so a minority people is had in Estia, Velngi forces are also used in the Adrean civil war with the call of the red paragon. A Velngi priest first discovers Lasotep in 313AM. Colonies start to occur in the 440’s AM. Two pre-wars happen from 458-464AM and 506-507AM. The last great war of the old age occurs from 536-572AM. Sahven territory is brought back into Velng in 625AM. Velng adapts well to the climate change and global recession in the 740’s AM. Velng founds Feltor in 834AM. Velng does not survive the bleeding but the ideas of the people remain and change.
The Khale bird is a central pillar of Velngi culture, these are large birds that have been domesticated and are ridden, they act much like horses in our history. Khale birds have colorful plumage and feathers are often worn in attire. A Khale bird dying is like a family member and funerals will be held, to ride a Khale for the first time or be bonded to one is a unique moment. Often married couples will have their Khale birds mate together and produce offspring.
With the grass bowl in its north east region, the two twin rivers in the south. The upper and lower peninsula, the red river and Adrea to its north Kest is a diverse geographical area. The two peninsula and the red river lead into the Bahren Sea and the upper peninsula is also on the Soln Sea. It has five distinct mountain ranges on the peninsulas. The climate is Winter in Solovem and Araves and Summer in Livera and Komenas, the mountains provide some mildness to this and the upper peninsula is much more mild and Mediterranean in climate.
On the twin rivers Satres and Aranti’an are the two main cities in the south. Rokash is the largest city on the lower peninsula. Resh’har is more in the north of main Kest and acts as a passing between the two peninsulas. Lo’ra is the largest city on the upper peninsula. These many cities and the smaller ones all help connect the economy of the country together.
The culture of Kest has long been focused around change and development. This has often resulted in expansion and the testing of bold ideas. One key example of this was the development of the eternal revolution, which sought to continually reshape society for the benefit of the people. One key figure is also the Red Paragon, a semi-mythological figure and or title that is used to lead the people. Kest has faced incursions and trails in the time but kept its vibrant culture as a first. The religion of Kest was focused around worship of land forms and pervasive spirits, then it got assimilated into the Geldic pantheon over time and lastly abandoned many spiritual practices as a wave of anti-religious fervor hit the country.
The first Red paragon would save Kest from the Adrean invasion in 340-355BM. Adrea invaded Kest again and pushes out Velngi occupiers from the area in 760BM. By the 1480’s most of mainland Kest is united under one rule but the peninsulas are still different. Kest would support the southern kingdom in the Adrean civil war in 131-143, with the Second red paragon making a return and helping to put a stop to the Adrean civil war. Kest develops slowly into the industrial revolution and starts a colony in Velng, the invasion of the Kesti colony by Velngi forces causes the breakout of the last great war of the old age in 536AM. The green red revolution from 551-556AM would cause a fracturing of the country and the split off of the island of Saalo. Kest sets up the colony of Ronlas on Parahalbras, and Ronlas is the first colony to gain independent in 803AM. Kest founds Milsa on Paradilus. The quiet revolution occurs during the bleeding and so the ideas of Kest survive and thrive during the bleeding.
The Red paragon is a figure, and a title. One that is said to bring salvation and prosperity for the people of Kest, he has appeared twice but is said that will come again in a time of need. Often prayed to like a god or worshiped as a figure this status is a unique respect for authority and worship even in the godless day of the eternal revolution.
With six main rivers and many water sheds leading into the Soln sea. The north of Adrea is very wet and more a tamed jungle climate to its north are the glass mountains and Thalia. The east is called the ridge as it’s a border to the Harash desert. The south is a continued forest that leads into the grass land of Kest. Having a mild climate the entire year, a dry season in Ro’enas and Sulisa with a dry season in Seno’al and Menori.
With six main city centers across the country, the capital has historically Myantis but Warnek and Vodras also hold great amount of power. Rimetos, Ketsi, and Kalim. Tiros as the northern most city holds cross mountain trade with Thalia. Nashel is a popular cross stop on the Soln sea Trade routes.
Adrea is a country that has been divided and at times also quite united. The people are ruled by a central emperor, who is elected from local city leader who are often kings, this known as the emperor cycle. Its culture also has strong nautical influence with much of its lands and cities being a part of the Soln sea federation at one point. A deep reverence for nature and a communal nature, with a loyalty to your city or local people being placed over the country. The Geldic pantheon is the primary religion, each god has a main patron city but each person worships often one or a few gods of their choosing. No city lays claim to Geldos himself, as he is the primal god of all the others.
The southern regions of Adrea have often had conflict with Kest and first invaded in the 330’s BM. More conflict with Kest in 740BM. The development of the main Geldic pantheon occurs around 760BM. The cross Harash route is formed 985BM, and trade with Sirinal starts. Lower Adrean civil war 1115-1130BM. The northern area uses the name Adrea 1320BM, the Emperor cycle also forms 1355BM. Adrea reaches its modern unification but distinct statehood in 1570’s BM. Adrea is still unified but with many cities belonging to the Soln Sea federation. The Adrean Civil war 110-140AM. Regional power distribution happen 221AM. Adrean colonies in Velng 448AM. Adrea enters into a defensive pact 531AM, Last great war of the old age 536-575AM. Long recovery post war but eventual rise into the modern age. Founding the colony of Dotun on Parahalbras in 800’s AM. Founds Kendress on Parahlitan in 834AM. Adrea does not survive the bleeding.
The Geldic pantheon often dictates large amount of where people live, with moving to another city for their patron god being very understandable, the development and expansion of the pantheon caused the cities of Oas, Resh’has and Lo’ra taking up patron gods as well, and Adrea having a very vested interest in protecting religious interests in these cities, thus when the religious revolution occurred in Kest, these cities were aided greatly by Adrea.
Thalia is bordered on its east and south by mountain ranges, the world spine forms the border with Kotak. The sky spires in the south east and the border with Harash, and the glass mountains makes the border with Adrea. Thalia also has a peninsula. Its main river system is two rivers meeting up into the Soln sea with the grand river having a three way split called the trident. In the north the great lakes are called the nine sisters. To its north is the north coast. Thalia has cold but not harsh winters, winter lasting all of Livera and Komenas and often into Ro’enad. Summer as well starts in Solovem and moves into early Seno’al.
The largest and capital city is Ipyèn which is at the shores of the grand river, Gzási lies at the convergence of the trident and Réù is on one of the nine sisters. As well kotūsèn is the most norther of the major cities. Renmi and Rôl are cities on the second river that feeds into. The south is far more populated but the north provides beauty and resources.
Thalia is a country that is largely defined by its religious atmosphere, its relative isolationism and its long history. Thalia did little intervention in the world and so kept largely to its self. A culture of knowledge and school is focused and so it has historically held many scholars. Thalia, despite being in the path of the many glaciers during the collapse preserved much of its culture from before the collapse and so carries many long and ancient and strange practices into the modern day. Lastly is the luminated pantheon, the worship of light and the various times during the day, the idea of cycles are very important and so rare events like an eclipse or aurora are life defining.
Thalia has history stretching back to over 1500 years before 0BM, with many loose kingdoms, the rise and fall of many states and empires but much of that came to a close during the collapse, a few sea side settlement like Ipyèn and Rôl carried much of the cultural information. After the collapse Thalia would expand outwards slowly and the south would become Thalia in 320BM, the people move back into the north by 430BM. The country is properly unified in 770BM. Royalty overthrown in 1280BM. Parts are taken by the Soln Sea federation 1295, this lasts for hundreds of years with southern Thalia being semi-autonomous but still part of the Soln Sea federation. The federation falls in 43AM, and Thalia reunifies. Thalia supports the north in the Adrean civil war and holds some of the monarchy after the north looses. Thalia works with Kotak to colonies Velng 463AM. Thalia allies and enters the last great war of the old age with Kotak 537-572AM. Thalia has the colony of Ruba on Parahalbras but does little with it. Thalia does not survive the bleeding, but the ideas and people remain and reorganize.
Thalia, because it is set apart from the world in many ways has a wealth of cultural layers, it did take on many modern cultures but its language and writing system for a long time were very unique. As well its government is a triple section of citizens, religious representatives and government interests, this causes a balance of power.
The desert of Harash sits at the middle of the great continent, it borders all nations but Estia and Hinga. To the north is the canyons, which have some of the oldest geology of the world. The middle and most populated area is known as the trail as it crosses from Adrea to Sirinal and has an oasis in the middle. Above sits the wastes, an area that gets almost no rainfall and is the driest and least hospitable. To the south lies the Kiln, this area gets the hottest during the day. Area its edges Harash contains some areas of grass and forest but these are more culturally tied to the closer nation and not Harash.
The largest city is Oas, which sits on top of the middle oasis, it acts as a midpoint in the great desert and a key stop on the trade route that goes from Sirinala’av to Warnek. The minor city of Blaroh. This feeds off of the native desert people but comes to be more populated once the development of portals is made.
Harash is one that has been steeped in the inculturation of those outside, with the trade path making the people open to the world and thus culture flowed in, but the native respect for the desert, the importance of water and shade and values to not waste anything go far. The city is the patron city of the Adrean god Tayos and also home to the Desert flame sect of the unified church. It also worshiped the Harashi duelist pantheon, these the gods of Mequestala and Oremdansik.
Trade started to pick up progress starting around 500’s BM. Harash is a sparce but inhabited and recognized state 105AM. The grand path is made across Harash in 367AM, a massive railroad of development. Oil is discovered in parts of Harash in 411AM. Harash sells off land during the last great war of the old age in 567AM. Harash does not survive the bleeding sun, being hit the hardest all that remains is the desert and memories, and soon even memory is buried by the sand.
Harash may play little part in the broad event of the world but Oas is a universal peaceful city, many international councils have occurred here from the first council that banned slavery in 88AM, the settlement of the Adrean civil and the peace treaties for the last great war of the old age.
The Soln Sea Federation
The Soln Sea Federation was a country that controlled varying territories at times centered around the Soln Sea, often it owned a large percentage of a city and its surrounding lands, this collection of working cities was based around oceanic trade. Being formed in 955BM and officially ending in 41AM it had a lasting impact on the surrounding countries of Adrea, Kest and Thalia. The Soln Sea federation comes into its peak of economic prosperity at around 1250-1400BM.
The island of Saalo
Saalo, also called the great island lies in-between the Thalian and Kesti peninsulas, it has thus been in various states of ownership and development over the centuries, its largest city of the name sake Saalo has most of the populace. Saalo has been known to export goods all across the Soln sea and produces some unique agricultural goods and a rare red silk. It acts a bridge of culture between Thalia and Adrea. During the Red-Green revolution the red’s acquire the island wholesale from the Thalian monarchy in the year 556AM.
The islands of Grelor
This is a small island chain off the Untili coast from Velng, Discovered in 1240BM and slowly inhabited its unique cut off biodiversity was long studied, the islands remain sparce in population due to their lack of commercial ability. Hinga would take these islands for a time but they would be a small independent nation after a while.
The island of Sintal
This large island is discovered in 71AM and like the island of Grelor it makes new trade routes, however the land has very little value and long term large settlement does not occur. In 831AM a seed vault is built here to store specimens and act as a museum. Its climate is quite cold and wet compared to the mainland, it also gets many deep ocean storms.
The planet of Parahlitan
Comprising of one large single super continent Parahlitan has broad and mild cross planet climates. It is rare for snowfall to occur outside of the artic or mountains but possible. The year is 347 days long. The day is 24 hours and the surface gravity is 1 times the gravity of Parahlitan, the same as earth gravity. Average surface temperature is 16C