Parakentus did not come at it appears, on initial discovery the planet was considered a mining world but upon the discovery of frozen atmosphere on its norther (cold) side a plan was put in place to terraform this planet. Inado and all the countries of the many worlds put a large amount of focus to this project, the creation of the solar array and space bound laser allowed for the reawakening of the atmosphere into a livable form. This produced a world that was breathable but no life, and so with some life seeding on the planet the terraforming process was well underway. The other main feature is that Parakentus is tidaly locked, meaning that life only thrives in a band on the surface, on the south side is hot and deadly wasteland, on the south side a fridged polar desolate zone, but the middle is were life can live. From this effect light in constant called “everlight”
Many cities popped up during the bleeding as civilization expanded, before the bleeding people lived in a few regions, one near what would become Isha, more near the south near Las-gat. People near the north at what would become Soramni. Of the new cities most notable would be the empire head of Lamara and the capital Lamara, a self-built city with dream. Kortil also notable as a powerful trade city. Over a dozen nations exist at the time of unity.
Parakentus lives in the shadow of memory of the old times, with a few but some remains of space bound human civilization the people are in amazement. The common idea is that lived here before and creatures humans recently, some even claim to be decedents of the divine. Due to the nature of how sunlight works only ony around half of the populace is needed to farm and meet the demands, thus a warlike and expansionist idea developed, much like ancient history with small nations and city states. The technological progress is around that of the iron age with very little if any of the pre-bleeding technology still working. With respect to religions a few images and idols have survived but many new gods have come up in place as well, ancestor worship is quite common.
The discovery in 882AM with an outlined 100 year terraforming process, the first fifty years to make the planet habitable and the second to develop and ecosystem. With the bleeding occurring in 934AM with only two years in the ecology establishment this planet had few species to work with. By 942AM some loose coalitions of survivors are made. By 980AM the idea of being from other planets is more mythological. By 1000AM the rise of minor city states and the first new growth occurs. The rise of the first new city states 1035AM. By 1050AM the idea of star-born is fully myth. By 1090AM the planet is well connected and the isolated city states are connected diplomatically, travel is still quite slow with walking or boat the fastest means of transport. The unity occurs in 1115AM
The concept of “Star-Born” develops, the idea of divinity and explanation for the past. This idea that at one point the gods made humans and these humans lived around the stars, other places and distant lands and as punishment these humans were put on this planet, but now it’s a test of worth and humanity must prove its self to be worth of the gods love again. Some noble houses claim to be decants of the star born directly, claiming a divine right to rule. When humans do eventually come back the concept of Star Born is a strange one, as in many ways post bleeding humans are god like.