Religions of the world

Kotak Dualism


Forming from the merging of many systems as Kotak came out of the collapse, coming into the first forms of modern practice in the early 300’s BM with the missions being to civilize the north. These beliefs would replace some of the old gods and worship practices.



With the main are of origin and practice being the north of Kotak, as the south started to become more loose with belief and adopt some ideas from the Unified Church. Kotak Dualism would also see a rise in the colony nation as Sen and a massive revival.


Core beliefs

The two gods worships are Oparis the god of light and humanity and Sharatav the god of nature and cold. These two gods form an oppositional set, where they are in battle with each other, Oparis to represent progress and the drive to take over what was before. Sharatav really represents the past and the collapse in many ways. The ideas of balance between the two are important. One must do actions to help the progress of Oparis, and actions to stave off the influence of Sharatav. Key to this is understanding that neither god is good or evil, but both have a place.



Worship ceremonies are mostly practiced in the home with personal alters or spaces set aside, while temples and religious building exist often ceremonies will take place in irregular locations such as a ritual for Sharatav to be placed deep in nature and something for Oparis to take place in a city square. Sacrifice is common, each god has foods and objects that they are said to enjoy being given, broadly Sharatav is to be given things from nature such as rocks, plants and animals. Oparis human made objects like coins, jewelry or other crafted items.



Oparis is said to be responsible for miracles of human triumph, this means if a human survives a disaster, like being trapped in the wilderness or extreme conditions it is attributed to the protection of Oparis. Sharatav, as working in many ways against miracles is rarely attributed to miracles of the person, it is said his miracles are the natural disasters like great storms or harsh winters.



Due to this religion being more on a personal scale there is no massive power structure even into the modern age, a group of elders for the community may exist but they are mostly a planning board. Marriages and funerals and other ceremonies of life are often performed by those available and no special person exists. This all to say that a “priest” in a rare vocation here and even those very involved will often do other work.



Monastic style orders exist, often those dedicated to preventing the influence of Sharatav, they take the suffering of humanity on themselves with exclusion into nature, hermitage and living in the woods as natural people. These people often wear clothes made of hide and are rarely seen by others, surviving off the land. Those dedicated to service to Oparis will also act to help communities, such as caring for the poor and hungry in society. They often wear bring orange and fire patterned garments with very decorated look.

The Unified Church


First formed in 640BM with Ka’inel Vu’in the first Rin-Tal in Sirinal, he would spread his message of the gods and he would strike a deal for the gods to be unified. This would make up the first section of the Irin-Sarad. In the next millennium various peoples and profits predicting a second Rin-Tal. In the year 1595BM the second Rin-Tal, Sirus Vi’ironus would share the gift to the world, magic. After his death in 62AM with the miraculous transformation of his text this would form the Second Irin-Sarad and become the basis for the modern form of the religion.



Primarily in Sirinal but also in the southern parts of Kotak, and along the Velngi colony. It also is semi practiced in Nirav and well-practiced in Third-Sirinal and what would become Tabin, Bilusav and Dravanur.


Core beliefs

The core belief is in the unity of godly power, this being the belief in the twelve gods. the four elemental gods, Fenasal, A’en, Saladusina, and Fonaris. The four prime gods, Valan, Mehain, Yarak, and Ulos. And the four inflict gods, Mornal, Anjar, Eletov, and Despal. These gods originally are from two separate pantheons but were joined together by the first Rin-Tal into one group were to worship one of these gods will give power to all of them. The Unified Church holds that the Irin-Sarad, which contains many smaller sections and books, writing from many important people and additional books of spiritual importance are important to read. The Unified Church also believes that each church follows a standard of belief but may have a theme or devotion of some kind.



Regular worship occurs on the seventh day of the week (Sunday) and will consist of the opening creed and profession of faith, a message, a ceremony in which everyone in the church get a circle symbol of ash made on their hand as an act of unity and a profession of other faith statements. Holidays exist for each of the gods but the most important is the day of Valan, the following period and then the day of lights triumph. The day of lights reborn, and the elemental dawn are also of great importance. On these days special hymns are sung in honor of the gods and service is more elaborate.



In the Unified Church for one to become a priest you must perform a visible transformative miracle to demonstrate that one or more of the gods shows favor. This often takes place is the transforming of materials, such as metal symbols being half turned to other metals, stone floors being transformed into other stones or the staff being changed in some other way. even common people are able to witness some of these miracles, each church is said to contain at least one example of a miracle somewhere. The miracle that Sirus Vi’ironus performed was that his written works, one his death were turned from paper and ink into a book made from sheets of silver and letters of gold, this preserved book is the holiest object in the broken faith



Each priest carries a large staff with at the top a symbol, and often adorned with other objects and symbols. This is called the Crozius, and is the living symbol of a priest, many times this is the object where the miracle occurred. The symbol is often associated with the church they belong to, so often one god’s symbol but it could also be another split.


Miscellaneous two

A key to understanding the Unified Church is that it is an overarching organization and set of rules that oversea and regulate the many churches. A council exist with thirteen members, one for each god and one that represents no god, but the total unity of the church, this group decides on big issues and any major topics. Now with this structure each church still has some standard procedure to follow, each half of the year it is required that each god is talked about at least once and a liturgical cycle exists for other standard practice, prescribed readings and songs are given and all must say the creed of unity during any church gathering.



There are many sects to the Unified Church, their exist the largest and most common thirteen churches are they are called but others exist as well. On Parahlitan a few subsects developed, The Desert flame which also worships the Harashi Dualism gods, The Rain Wilds Devotional Cut which worships exclusively Saladusina, The Fallen Skies who worship A’en and live in the sky spires mountains. On Paradilus the group splintered three ways, first into a sect strictly for elemental gods worship. A group that did fear based worship of only the Inflict gods and another counter group that choose to heavily favor the Prime gods.

The Broken Faith


Formed properly in the year 1065BM with the emergence of the Kari Seladin, ideas around the broken faith existed well before this and simply was a less formal organization. The council of the five Sirarches existed started in the year 732BM.



Primarily practiced in the lands of Estia, with a less pious but still devout following in Hinga as well as some mild practice into Velng on the border with Estia. It would take to the stars with the extreme devotion of the nation of Adenskil, the nation of Soltran would have a mild and lukewarm following as well.


Core beliefs

The Broken Faith believes that long ago god was not broken but whole, and the one god Alokin was broken by the corrupt energy of Anset that was a part of it, this caused god to be broken into the fiver parts. Adoni’a, Ahran, Adam, Arora, and Anset. Each of these gods broadly represents an aspect of life. When god broke their shards also filled down into humanity, all humans have a small shard of god within them and this the human soul that separates from animals, some people have greater shards and are more blessed by the divine. The goal of the Broken Faith is to some day bring back and reunite god together with the power of human souls and righteous action. The Broken Faith uses a set of core scriptures that have been selected by the Kari Seladin over time as sound advice, testimonies as well as practices and rituals.



Regular weekly services practiced on the sixth day of the week (Saturday) take place in which hymns are sung, messages given and delivered and stories told. These act as a moral basis for life and offer community. As well five major holidays exist, long extended celebrations, one for each god with the holiday for Anset being more centered around perseverance. Private worship also exists, direct prayers and mantras are said, often stone beads are used in these practices. As well some mystic longer ritual practices exist for specific desires from the gods.



Healing miracles are quite common, both in physical affliction and the needs of the flesh but also that of spiritual wounds or mental wounds. People have been cured from mental illness and cancer alike. It is said that on a few rare occasions even a few have been granted the miracle of resurrection.



In the Broken Faith it is seen as Anset being the source of evil, the originator of corruption and yet the hope is that when god is brought back whole as one that the stain of Anset will have bene cleansed, that all her evil efforts are thwarted and cast out so that her evil side has no power and that Alokin becomes greater then before.



While the religion may be called the Broken Faith it sees little sect, all the five gods contribute to worship and this does not cause division. However there are still areas, some in the practice choose to see the deepest and more mystical side of the faith, the long knowledge leading to deeper truths, this is the mystic side of the Broken Faith. Another practice was the development of cults to Seladin himself as actual god, this occurred shortly after the bleeding sun when he would take even more control over Adenskil.

The Velngi gods


Existing in a fluid state at many times, it was said that the original ideas existed long before the collapse, no formal or standard practice was made until the early 1300’s BM with a deeper exploration from Estia and missionaries. The modern practice was established in the 600’s AM after the last great war of the old age as a reclamation effort.



Having a strong presence in Velng and even being semi practiced in parts of Kest and Estia. The belief system took little touch in Feltor but on Paradilus the state of Ro and its diaspora practiced well, using an adapted system of belief around the other planet.


Core beliefs

Velngi gods are primarily the two bird gods. Blansira is the bird of the spiritual and immaterial world, the world of spirits, thoughts and all that is unable to be seen. Arkensol is the bird of the physical world, of mountains and grass and all the environment, also thought to be the progenitor of the Khale birds. One belief that presides is that the spiritual and physical worlds are linked, good action in one world leads to positive outcome in the other. To build the land well and use it as intended will lead to spiritual befit. To make the spiritual world better with prayer will lead to beauty and success in the material world. Other spiritual being are said to exist for specific places or feels but are not gods the same way that the birds are.



Meditative prayer is a very common practice in solitary use, or sometimes done as a family or small groups, chants and mantras to the spiritual or physical world are common. In a larger group setting with ceremonies of life the connection of land and spirit is essential, so scattering of dirt at a wedding, a sky burial for a funerial. Ties with animals are very common, the belief that bones hold spiritual power leads to the usage of skeletons for dedications of new buildings or ceremonies, but ancestor worship is not practiced. Celebrations often include large circle dances and chants, and the usage of Khale feathers.



The idea that bones retain spiritual power has led to many miracles, many attribute keeping a bone close to them leading to prosperity and success in life. it has been said that using bone dust to protect your home has saved the lives on many during the last great war of the old age, bones being used as spiritual conduits to banish evil spirits or people.



Even those outside of the religion will sometimes use bones for power, often Khale bones or even human bones, many people in Estia or Kest will carry or possess secret bones to aid in aspects of life, believing that they may help in spiritual guidance.



Some choose to reject the two bird gods all together and simply have places that holds spiritual power, mountains or special fields. Also with modern movements some choose to incorporate other gods or religious ideas to help with other aspects of life.


Old Keltain worship


Formed during the collapse from various beliefs of people, this religion was never as codified as others, and in very much apart as it worships no “god” like all other religions. It grew to popularity in the early 400’s BM in Kest, it would decline sharply after the rise of the eternal revolution in the 200’s AM, and would not see regular or wide spread practice after this.



Centered mostly in Kest, with more practice in the peninsulas of the nation. Some distribution would mix with Velng and some ideas would be spread to them. Post eternal revolution it would fade to the areas of text books and the rare practice of a few. Sometimes the rituals would be used in secret societies.


Core beliefs

Keltain worship is unique in that they worship no core gods, instead the primary ideas is that vorpal spirits inhabit things, places and even people and can affect the world. These spirits should be offered to, found out, and dedications given to them. But some of the notable spirits that were revered. Specific mountains and land features, and bodies of water. Birds and snakes play a key role in this mythology. A key set was also the animals of heaven, a set of twelve consultations. It is said that the world was formed from the egg of the mother snake which died and became the stars, her other eggs hatched into the sun and moon and one day this world will end when this planet hatches.



Due to the religion being functionally dead little is known about its active practice, but one practice know was the collection of Totems this was because some areas of spiritual presence of inhabitation are marked off, it is said that collecting an item for this place and keeping it will bestow those properties to the person or place it is relocated to. Totems or objects from natural places, items made for specific trades or items to help with human actions such as warding sickness or fertility. Also a common presence was certain words or incantations said to protect from spirits.



No miracles have been claimed on a day to day bases , it is said that the Red Paragon is a powerful spirit, and one that represents all of Kest, he has existed twice and will come again one day. Other powerful people are said to have a spirit living in them which grants them unique power or ability.



With the intentional destruction of the religion in the 200’s AM by the eternal revolution it faded quickly into obscurity, however one area that survived was what is called “the graveyard of sprits” this is a place in Velng where many of the destroyed shrines and parts of locations of spiritual power, as well as many Totems where placed, Velng over time retrieved them and this is a spiritual amalgamation confluence.



While no major groups in this religion exist, because as stated for the most part this religion no longer exists. Many secret societies and organization, both in and out of Kest claim to use secret knowledge from this religion to grant abilities and powers. In addition, many of the core ideas of Keltain worshiped would go on to influence the Neo-Spirtual movement on Paradilus.

The Geldic Pantheon


Coming to its modern form in the around the year 1200BM with the codification of the first canon set of Geldic books, this religion took its belief from the idea that the gods worshiped were once real people that walked the land (these people said to have existed during the 200’s BM and before ).



Focused mostly in Adrea and with each large city in Adrea having a patron god, but it would also take the city of Resh’har, Lo’ra and Oas as patron cities for gods expanding the reach beyond Adrea. The Geldic faith would not spread in its entirety in either Dotun or Kendress, Kendress would use the Geldic ideas and keep some parts of it.


Core beliefs

The Geldic pantheon worship eighteen gods, Geldos as the head god and given of divine power and seventeen other primary gods, but a number of other being are worshiped as well. The prime idea of the Geldic Pantheon is that the gods worshiped were once virtuous normal people, who when seen by Geldos rose to godhood, that with enough piety and good practice and fame, one to can have some divinity. While the idea of the eighteen gods highly stable a high number of important individuals have been recognized as on the path to godhood. This can be summed as the term apotheosis. The Geldic Pantheon also has a set of scriptures that tell stories and moral actions of the gods, these are the Geldic books a collection of eighteen books ( one for each god ), these texts are considered to be first canon and are the most true. Many other figures have books on their accomplishments and deeds, these are of varied canon and acceptance. One takes a Henotheistic approach to worship, in that one god is believed to have more power over specific situations and events.



Regular weekly worship is held each middle day of the week (Thursday) in the evening where songs are sung, praise is given and sermons are given. Each church has a large degree of freedom on what lessons taught or practices done in reverence for their patron god. While all gods are seen as deserving or worship, often a person will choose a patron god for specific situations or meaning and give offerings. Also of great importance is the Celebration days of each god, these are moments of great devotion to the god and a calling down of their powers. A deep tie with nature is also quite important and often nature is interwoven with faith practices.



The miracle of the Geldic Pantheon is that of apotheosis, that once can gain divine powers after death if they are seen as worthy, this comes down to a domain or area of focus for that divinized being but for the main gods it is said that miraculous events their domain are seen, such as an over abundant crop harvest, a healing, the win of a battle, special knowledge and many other possible examples. Often miracles are written down in text and preached as a canon part of sermons.



One area of balance within the Geldic Pantheon is the requirement for triple approval at many life events, a child cannot enter into the religion without priests representing three different gods one of which is from Geldos. This pattern follows for other events as well, weddings and funerals, coming of age ceremonies etc. for priestly ordination it requires those of seven different gods. this is meant to preserve the aspect of Geldos, he is the god of balance life and divinity



In a way each god is their own sect, each god represents a domain and area of specialty and people will often have one god they focus on and look to as their primary being worshiped, but when other domains are needed another god will be invoked and worshiped for aid. Some choose also to not worship any god but only those who are the path to divinity, seeking that if they cause a being to become fully divinized, they will in turn gain power and favor.

The Luminated Pantheon


Existing in some form for a long time even before the collapse , but coming into its modern practice in the late 1400’s BM. Its practice coming from the reclamation of the Thalian identity in the north of Thalia, as well as a set of miracles in the sky from the gods as a signal.



The Luminated Pantheon would be most spread in Thalia, more common in the north but all of the country quite devout. It would also extend into parts of the glass mountains at the border with Adrea. The Velngi colony of Thalia would also take hold with ideas from the luminated pantheon, its study would occur on Parahalbras in Ruba, but less of the faith, Arkos on Paradilus would also take the faith but shape and twist it.


Core beliefs

The Luminated Pantheon has a combined twenty two gods, six gods of special occasions (Aroura, Eclipse, starlight, Summer Solstice, Equinox, Winter Solstice ), four gods of the day ( Dawn, Dusk, Noon, Midnight ) and the twelve seasonal sisters that comprise parts of the year. All these gods are worshiped as a cyclical idea of the power of light, each god worshiped in its proper time and manor. The book of law and practice is a foundational text written in 1453BM and contains the essential practices for all the events of life in regard to worship, the focus on law and proper procedure is common, the idea that if one follows the laws in reality well enough that you will die and join the eternal light in vorpal state, a oneness with the gods.



The most common practice is a set of four daily prayers to the four gods of the day. Also special preparation for foods and meals is quite important. At the start of the season for the seasonal sisters a festival is held, as well special practice is held every 21 days at the start of a full moon in practice a service and ritual is held roughly every twelve weeks, often these take place at night. People will also be assigned special days, prayers and practices depending on times in their life and when they were born. The study of time and planning is essential. Because of this the worship building ( known as a luminated temple ) is frequented often as the priests have knowledge on proper procedure for specific events.



The most common miracle is to be “light kissed” and is said to be a sign of divine recognition, that if one upholds devotion well enough a small spot on their skin will be turned pale white. Very few are even said to be fully transformed and their whole skin turned pale, those born with albinism naturally are said to be destined born profits of the light and are put into the priesthood at once. Prophetic dreams and visions are also common miracles, such as those who see a celestial event before it occurs or something of the like.



Because the Luminated Pantheon is concerned greatly about practice and law, the moral prescription is much more individually based while this could lead to conflict it generally means that politics and personal attitudes are disconnected from religion and so the luminated pantheon is extremely unified in belief and idea, with almost universal exactness. In addition to this, due to the effect of the irregular holidays and festivals, the daily prayer and other practices much of Thalian society has been shaped around these times and practices.



The red light is a sect of the Luminated Pantheon that developed on Paradilus in the nation of Arkos, this would happen during the bleeding as Arkos slid into fascism and the government took control of the religion. This has many of the same tenants as the Luminated Pantheon but emphasizes that prayer and ritual is done in service of the state and not as devotion to the gods.

Harashi Dualism


Coming about from practices and beliefs from before the collapse this religion never became standard and so belief could be said to have formed around the year 200BM.



Practiced almost exclusively in Harash, in the northern and southern regions as the Trail region has been influenced by both the Geldic Pantheon and the Unified Church.


Core beliefs

Harashi Dualism believes in two competing gods. Mequestala who is the god of good things and Oremdansik who is the god of bad things. these two gods are working on humans often to sway the balance of life, one prays to Mequestala for guidance and help and one prays to Oremdansik to ward away evil. Offerings and gifts are given to both gods in this practice. Another core belief is that survival and persistence in the desert is a form of worship, knowing the ways of the desert and nature is key to survival and to the gods.



Burning of special spices and incense is common, as well devotional prayers and litanies. Offering up a portion of food and water to the desert is a requirement to satisfy the gods. little else is standard as this religion is passed almost fully with oral tradition until the 400’s AM when missionaries did actual scientific study and work.



The idea of desert forces are the miracles, with the scares bird or lizard pointing towards an oasis or shelter. People being able to survive without food or water for far longer then expected. People coming back from being deeply lost in the desert and many other things.



This is a small faith, with very few practitioners and while it does not ever go extinct like some other religions it does have very few adherents, being influenced by other religions the Geldic Pantheon makes the city of Oas the patron city of Tayos and in the Unified Church the sect of the desert flame exists.



No sects of this religion exist as it is already quite small, the form it takes on Paradilus in Milsa is close to the original, but it eventually works its way into the Neo-Spiritualism movement.

The Fundamental gods


Coming from discovery of ancient and fundamental ideas, new knowledge gained from other faiths has revealed the presence of these gods. This came together in the around the year 1400BM but would continue to evolve and grow over time.



In small pockets all around the world and the many worlds. Focused in between Sirinal and Estia. Also in the mountains and far forests of the world. It’s a solitary set of practices and faith.


Core beliefs

The fundamental gods are said in a way to be beyond the gods, that their power is greater and yet different. Tin is the god of connection and of all life and interactions between beings. Konol is the god of time and change, the inevitable march of the universe. Luno is and was the god of material, Luno was split into the realms of vorpal and real space. All of these gods do not act like other gods, they do not need worship or favor and largely are absent from the world. The idea with the fundamental gods is that due to their special nature they hold deep secrets to the universe that can be unlocked.



Practitioners of this faith often seek hidden knowledge and ideas from these gods, often solitude and self-discovered practices are common. Meditation and ritual silence as well as solitude are common. Practices that stretch human existence and experience happen as well, long starvation or insomnia. In addition taking of brain chemical altering substances is done by some in the faith. Due to the small number of people practicing little is standard or known or practices.



While the three fundamental gods are considered to be largely absent from interaction with humanity, it is also believed that their power is pervasive and always existing and so can be tapped into and used. This is how miracles are justified. Miracles relating to Tin are said to be knowledge of others, the ability to say the perfect words or know someone on the deepest truest level. Miracles relating to Konol are often visions of the past or future, esoteric in nature but rarely precognitive. Miracles relating to Luno are not know but guessed to be related to the fabric of reality such as space and vorpal energies.



These gods are known to exist to the worlds many religions, The Unified Church, The Broken Faith, The Geldic Pantheon, and The Luminated Pantheon all have their own knowledge of these gods. However, just because belief in these gods exists in other religions doesn’t mean worship is done and so those who do practice with the fundamental gods are considered outsiders of the mainline world religions.



No organized sects of groups exists. Some may devote themselves to the study of one particular god but that is the only division in this faith practice.

Other gods of the east


Coming from the old times often before the collapse, these gods all existed but now have faded for various reasons. From this and the variety of gods no single time can be placed down for the origin.



Found to be worshiped in the east of the world, Kotak, Sirinal, Estia and for some the island of Hinga. These gods mostly stayed on the planet of Parahlitan but some were incorporated into the neo-spiritual movement.


Core beliefs

The gods that make up this grouping of other gods are thusly. Banil, who is the god of bone and in many ways predates Yarak. Vonir who is the god of knowledge and record. Isirinal who is the god of judgment and an important figure in The Broken Faith. Queleshtorin who is the god of music art and beauty and a favorite in Pre-Broken Faith Estia. Astari, who is a child of Valan and said to be the god of magic and portals.  Delas who is the old god of water and storms. Veren who is the old god of forests and predates Fonaris. All of these gods are worshiped in means for former glory, those who believe that old gods hold more power.



Practices are varied and depend greatly on the god in question, often holy sites are had for these gods that are on the far of civilization. Some of the gods are acceptable figures in other faiths but often not to worship directly. This causes worship to be secretive and often only known from oral tradition and personal experience. Often old holidays and special days will be a time of celebration.



Attributed miracles do occur, often people are quiet about these as to not reveal that they worship other gods. Things that can happen are protection from others protection of persecution. Miracles that are proclaimed are sometimes said to be attributed to other gods by others. Often a believer will have an experience that they attribute as mystical and a personal miracle that convinced them of believe in other gods.



Due to the attitude of The Unified Church and The Broken Faith the worship of these other gods is discouraged and at times prosecuted. Some figures are accepted as existing but not deserving of worship, like those gods of other religions yet without the same institutional respect given to those other religions. It is said that more gods of this kind once existed and now are forgotten. Se’esaa, the star serpent, the mother serpent, Vesna, Livindis, The grand tiger, and Celest the golden eagle.



Each god is its own sect, form each small hidden group that practices worship to hidden sects in The Broken Faith or The Unified Church that worship some of these gods in secret. Secrecy is common here.

Other gods of the west


These gods all come from before the collapse, they have faded away from their importance or even out of godhood with time. no single time can be classified down, but starting as in the 800’s BM their worshiped started to heavily decline.



In the west of the world mostly centered in Adrea and Thalia but also the areas of Kest. These figures would mostly stay on Parahlitan but some would develop followings on other planets.


Core beliefs

The many gods and being that make up the other gods of the west are as follows. Shint’oku is the god of machines and technology and did see a rise in the 750’s AM with the rise of modern technology. Jwen who is said to be one of the reincarnations of the god of  secrets and mystery. Ezenkhel is the god of final death, and said to be the final end after all other gods. Aelosum who is a god of beauty and pleasure and often sexual devotion. Frontril is the god of ice and frost and said to be the bringer of the collapse. in this category are also the non-canonical Geldic gods, those gods that are outside of the accepted 18 gods, as well is the god darkness who is not considered to exist in the luminated pantheon but still worshiped by some.



As with these many gods many varied practices exist. Shint’oku is the most accepted of these gods and so prayers and incantations are said around technology, often sacred messages inscribed into the structure of devices. Jwen is practiced by those in mystery cults and so little information is known. Aelosum is used as a means for personal satisfaction of the self and the other, sex cults exist from their influence. The non-canonical Geldic gods are worshiped as the other Geldic gods are, with feast day and service but this is not practiced in Adrea due to its ban and so the churches exist in Kest and Thalia and outside of Parahlitan.



With each god an associated miracle. Shint’oku is the working of technology, things being perfectly made or discoveries made. Aelosum by miracles of conception, or of transformation of the body. Ezenkhel made miracle by the knowledge of a soul’s destruction to those still living. The non-canonical Geldic gods claim similar miracles as the Geldic pantheon, apotheosis and special knowledge. The god Darkness is said to hide those and protect those from harm.



The other gods of the west are still not fully accepted but less persecuted than in the east. The non-canonical Geldic gods such as Fanceil, Vesir, Prentil, Temura, Masha, and others are seen as weird and wrong by Adrea, and so only allowed to exist lightly in Kest and Thalia, but a sore point. Darkness in the luminated pantheon is considered evil and false and yet somehow unable to be stamped out fully. Lastly Jwen is almost fully unknown in practice, location or even much about Jwen herself.


The non-canonical Geldic gods all see their gods as legitimate but act very autonomously. the other gods often have followings of their own accord across the land. Darkness is considered an offshoot of the Luminated Pantheon.

The Chaos gods


It has been said that the chaos gods always existed in some form, and likewise their worship existed. Major tracings of direct worship and practice to the chaos gods started in the early 300’s BM with the emergence of more civilized areas and the development of small cults was made more possible. Serious recognition was known as early as the late 600’s BM with the original writings of the first Irinshrad containing warning over these forces.



Situated all over the world with the only lack of area being near Kest, it seems that the religious fervor and dedication to mainline religions and beliefs in turn inspires followers to straw away and start to follow the chaos gods.


Core beliefs

The core beliefs are few between the many forms of worship. All those who practice recognize the main gods in this set. Nalmori’a, Gzentlhi, Ak’ahra, Dzensla, and Vsnlagya. Theses five gods, as well as countless minor spirits and being exist, they also believe in the existence and power of other gods yet see it as illegitimate. All believers hold that they have true nature about the reality of the gods nature.  Outside of these few unifying ideas few unites the group at large, they often seek to disrupt and destroy religious institutions, they work in small close knit and secretive groups, many try and influence broader society at large. Little is known of exact practice, they have no central text or church leadership structure.



Each group of worshipers is organized into a coven, which can range anywhere in size from a lone worshiper to as large as around twenty. This group will meet together but not on a regular basis, not at a regular place. Informal leadership structure is made and practiced. Often the will of the gods is used to decide these things, rituals of divination, offerings made to the gods and things done in their name. in-fighting is common, stability is always lacking.



It is said that the chaos gods do not grant miracles, for all things that happen do so for a reason and abide by laws and forces not yet know. They claim no miracles simply that they get lucky and know the rules of the universe to a higher level than other groups. Despite this things of miraculous nature occur, people survive dangerous and impossible situation, locations seemingly never found, identities not able to stick and the like.



The chaos gods are the only gods seen as evil. While other religions have gods that have done negative acts it is understood that it is their nature, gods are not like humans in the degree of freewill and self-determination. Gods act in a specific way and purpose. The Chaos gods on the other hand follow no order, they give and take with impunity, they ally and betray with ease and are not predictable, they stand in opposition to all the other gods in this manner.



Each coven or group is said to be a sect in a way, and perhaps hundreds of these covens exist. Each with slightly different ideas and beliefs, each working to perhaps the same mission but in many different ways.

Neo-Spiritual movement


The Neo-Spiritual movement, also called the “Expanded Geldic faith”. Came about as a slow development starting in the early 900’s AM and grew into more organization in the 950’s AM after the collapse of interplanetary travel. Neo-Spiritualism formed for a merging of many beliefs and gods all together, it takes a large inspiration from the Geldic faith yet also pulls from many others.



The Neo-Spiritual movement is most common is Kendress but also widespread in Skor and Milsa on the planet Paradilus. After unification it would spread slightly but stay present in its home area.


Core beliefs

The main belief is that all religions and belief systems before had shards and kernels of truth, but only together can all these religions make sense. From this almost all gods are recognized and worshiped to some extent, but the most popular of these are the Geldic gods. Each practitioner, each family, each village has a god or gods it chooses to worship, thus a deep web of which god for which occasion is formed by each believer. The belief of apotheosis is also held, that proper practice and worship and piety will lead to favor in this life and the next, but instead of Geldos being the one to recognize the worthiness of divinity it is instead all the gods and spirits that all judge and decide, so one must be on the good side of all gods. The Neo-Spiritual movement also emphasizes a strong connection to the past, to be nostalgic of worship and ancestors.



Each practitioner will have many different types of practices done in different contexts, the most common is simple prayer and asking of the gods for help. Taking from the large influence of the Geldic Pantheon many will attend a church on regular intervals to worship together, often special ceremonies and celebrations and various times of year will happen. Various rituals at the many points in life such as birth, marriage, funerals and what not. also stressed is worship in small groups, not in an organized fashion but where each person contributes in their own way to the ceremony, creating a space of unique and shared devotion, this can involve setting up an alter to many different gods in your home, using icons and statues and many forms of devotion.



Signs from your god of choose are seen as miracles, often on an alter one will place ceremonial dust or salt and it is said that your god will form it into shapes and symbols over time and these can show miraculous power. Demonstration of divinity from those dead is considered a miracles and one that proves Apotheosis, that those of great faith will show their signs to the living faithful. Healing and protection are common forms of gods grace given.



Due to the nature of the incorporation of other gods the main line faiths consider it to be heretical and not in due practice, often not having churches of their own in Kendress, Skor or Milsa out of fear that people will stain their religion. The unified church on Paradilus showed strong dislike towards the new practices, those of the Geldic faith that remained became a small traditional minority with the nations. The Broken faith and Seladin speaks out for the disorganized nature of the religion and condemns those of non-exclusive faith. The red light does no action to prevent worship but does no action to help.



While not sects exist in this faith as the religion is quite individual there are large blocks that people would consider themselves a part of, some of these are “Harashi” for those who follow the gods of Harashi dualism. “True unifiers” who worship the gods of the unified church outside of the normal structure of the faith, or where they worship the unified gods in addition to others. “Reforgers” who worship the broken gods and others, who belief that worship of all gods will make god whole again. “Geldic mainline” who in practice worship mostly the Geldic gods but accept the other ideas of the Neo-Spiritual movement. “laminators” who worship the luminated gods and other, they are rare but some exist. Many other group and branches exist but no hard lines exist.