Broad rules and world information
Before any technical rule changes here are some explanations of my ideas around what Dungeons and Dragons should look like at my table, this is not the only or best way to run a game but it my preferred way.
Character driven narrative and control of the world. You, the players are able to shape this world and control it, while there are times where we do encounter the rail road a little more ( mostly due to a lack of preparation for something ) you in general have complete control over the game and its direction. You can run away from a fight, side with the bad guys, go to a random city, granted the world moves on its own so your action or inaction may have consequences but those are the natural outcome.
Flavor and fun first. I encourage all to build and make characters with lives, personality and flavor, nuance and beauty. No one should be one note, every character should have flaws, and every character came from somewhere. I believe that mechanics should exist to support character vision, even if something is not a part of your class or race often the idea of ability is important, a simple suggestion of this is for a specific spell to be added to your characters list.
Information is ever-present. Everything in this game has meaning, lore is scattered to all aspects and if your character looks for the lore it can be found. But I wont always prompt you to make a check to find this out, some investigative action on your own is required. Asking questions can be above table as well, your character will almost certainly know things you the player doesn’t and its perfectly acceptable to ask these questions.
Ask the dungeon master. I oversee this game, but we are all a part of it, the goal of Dungeon and Dragons is to have fun, if we are not having fun than please work with me to address that. And if you are wanting to change something about your class or build please message me.
Potion drinking. You may drink a health potion as a bonus action, if you do so you roll the dice. If you drink the potion as an action you regain the maximum amount. You can feed a health potion to another character as an action and in this case you roll the dice.
Fall damage. My game does not have maximum fall damage, for every 10ft you fall you take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Drugs. Each drug works in a similar way. When you take one dose of a drug you roll a con save = to the DC listed, if you roll below this you gain the overdose effect in addition to effects of the drug. If you take multiple of doses of the drug the save will increase each time equal to the number listed to the side of it. if the drug has no second number than the DC will stay the same.
Common: English Dwarfish: German
Elvish: French Draconic: Russian
Gnomish: Portuguese Halfling: Spanish
Primordial: Thai Deep speech: Maori
Avian: Swahili Tabaxi: Welsh
Orcish: Arabic Sylvin: Swedish
Giant: Hindi Infernal: Chinese
Abyssal: Japanese Undercommon: Basque
Celestial: Si’irin
Permency dust table
Present across the planet, only area of rarity is in Kest
Half elf.
The race between humans and elves, spread across the planet but common is Thalia and Sirinal and Estia.
Found in the north of Kotak, by the three lakes region, little interaction with broader society, a rivalry with the goliaths.
Children of Men and Orc, they live between world, found in the southern region of Kotak most often, have created their own community and identity.
Found in the north of kotak, the highlands region of it. a rivalry with the Orcs.
It is unknown were they come from, and due to their abilities they are mysterious.
These are bunny or rabbit folk of the world, they live on the northern part of the Kesti, the island of Saalo and parts of southern Thalia. They are a very quiet community and have great suspicion of outsiders.
These are the cat folk of the world, few in number they are common in the peninsula of Kest and the island of Saalo. They are often like house cats but lions and tigers as a pattern are common, they often stick to them selves and are seen little in broad society.
Races of the world
Found in distinct pockets across the planet. The various sub species of elf are found in insular communities. The largest elf population is in Thalia. Also an elven community exists in Sirinal and northern Adrea.
Dragon born.
Found largely in Kest, but migrant people are found around the world, the five chromatic colors exist.
Tiefling, Aasimar, Genasi.
These are creatures with the blood of vorpal space within them, often born of humanoid parents that had some connection to a being in vorpal space. Tieflings are thought to be with more negative or evil aspects but their heritage does not define them. Like wise Aasimar are thought to be divine in nature, from the gods or their servants. Lastly Genasi, they are elemental recognitions of this spirit and from connections to spirits of the land or elemental gods or beings. All of these come in unique forms and flavors, attitudes in society are dependent on culture, but in general active persecution is quite rare. Many of these people are sterile but not always. They are found across the world and are often born of human parents.
These are the smallest of the draconic peoples, they are the weakest of draconic society are considered lesser, but they hold a vibrant but scattered culture in draconic society. Almost exclusively found in Kest.
Lizard folk.
Considered middle members of draconic society, they are a proud people and very rigid, some are able to mate with dragonborn and produce offspring, but the offspring is always lizard folk. They live in Kest with the draconic races.
Found in mountains, the glass mountains, the sky spires, and the shattered peaks, the world spine. Also some in the highlands of Hinga and the mountains of Kest. Many sub species are found.
Found in smaller groups integrated with human society, living in bigger cites in Adrea and Thalia mostly.
Found in smaller group on the edged of society, a day or two from town. Often making their own local communities. Found in Kotak, Sirinal, Estia and Hinga.
Found in Velng, the vast open plains of it. many bird like forms exist, Owlin are considered a quite distinct sub species.
Found on the eastern region of Velng towards Estia, able to interbreed with other Aarokocra but produce sterile children.
These are serpentine folk, like the mythical Naga and the great serpents of old. Said to be the children of an alliance of man and the last great serpents. They are often solitary in nature and form very small groups or live alone.