The known universe consists of the 40 closest star systems the birthplace of humanity, the planet of Parahlitan.

During the 730’s probes where launched into space that took detailed pictures of many other systems and this allowed people to use magic to travel into stellar.

The usage of the spell Wish made it so that the spell Gate could be cast at 3rd level and this greatly boosted interstellar travel.

The planet of Parahalbras would be settled in 772, Paradilus in 813 and Parasirafat in 833.

On Paradilus the draconians would be found, dragon born, lizard folk and kobolds as well as classical dragons. Other animalistic races would be found here as well such as Tabaxi and Aarockra. These races seemed to be advanced species of humanoids as interbreeding was possible. These species along with the few on Parahlitan would be considered together in the distinction of “humanoids”.

The planet of Parasirafat would be where truly alien life was discovered, the slivers. These are large creatures that live in hunter gatherer communities. Mostly life to their own some of them do live in main society for the purposes of exchange programs.

Among other notable planets Parakolis is the neighbor of Parahlitan and is on the cusp of habitable. With it having a surface gravity of 1.64G’s or 16.08M/s its hard to adjust, an ambient surface temperature of -52C will kill you ( compare to Antarctica ) many people here live in vast structures and life is hard.

In the year 934 an event called “the bleeding sun” occurred. For reasons still somewhat unknown the sun around Parahlitan emitted a far greater quantity of energy which caused a great burning across the surface, devastating cities and killing many instantly. This caused society to collapse on Parahlitan, this was responsible for an estimated 13 billion deaths. At the same time the spell gate stopped to function and magic in general saw a decline, contact between worlds was almost fully shut off. This period would be known as the bleeding. People on other planets where confused, scared and at times struggled but they survived for this time. This time would cause a development in space craft and special habitats and stations.

In the year 1115 the unity occurred, interstellar gates were possible and society stated to rebuild its self, the rediscovery of many lost places and planets.


The year is 1137, society is rebuilding its self yet it still faces challenges of rebuilding and reconnecting its people. Magic is starting to regain a foothold and the gods seem more active than they have in centuries.

Here is a relative map of the star systems in this interstellar world, while 40 star systems have been discovered only 9 are able to be settled and of those 9 only 3 planets have a significant human presence on them.