Episode 1, 18/4/1137AMST
Near the Parahlitan interstellar gate, on the main space station of Solapol in the Solahlitan system we meet our crew. This a wide tasked group of people that have been brought in for a special task, given very little direction but with the promise of great money in only a few days. They have arrived in this and meet with a low level claim agent who lightly briefs this team on what the mission is. Mr. Angelo Corris has stollen a famous painting of the warmaster general Lekaten, this painting being insured by a subset of Solapol and being quite old and valuable, however Angelo Corris is in effect holding the painting hostage and demanded that a non-biased group of unique individuals of place and faith. Thusly our group was assembled. Quickly sent on their way with rather little information and only a goal in mind. Giving usage of a rather poor example of a ship with many flaws and quicks they set off. Getting slightly acquainted with each other on the long ship ride there, we are introduced to our crew for this mission. Firstly Sullivan, a far variant of human with Cervidae (deer) like features they are a bard from Bilusav. Next is Aster, the elven druid from Dotun. The pair of Vangelo and Aidan, both from Eselset the former is a gunslinger and the latter a blood hunter, both are humans. On the journey over the team briefly discusses potential strategies and makes not of just how little they have been given in preparation for this. A small informal meal of chicken sandwiches are made and light conversation is had as well.
Arriving at the base, they receive comms from Janvir giving them permission to land, they dock their ship and talk to him for a little bit before he leads them over to Angelo, he appears uncomfortable and nervous at all times. Meeting Mr. Angelo Corris he invites the group to sit down, he starts with a little bit of small talk and personal complaints, also asking Janvir 3 times on the precision of water for our group. Once the initial amount of small talk is over some more open discussion occurs with Vangelo stating the intentions of the group and Angelo sharing his, the group is allowed to inspect the painting and can see its legitimacy. The group goes to the side for a short while and discusses potential plans, eventually they settle on pretending to have held a fight where Sullivan died, taking Angelo hostage with the winning of the fight and returning to base, where than Sullivan will use their magical abilities to appear like Angelo, the original Angelo will stay on the ship and be dropped off planet side and Sullivan will pretend to be charmed when their spell ends. With this Angelo agrees this would work and demands of Janvir to pack up the fridge box, on the way out Sullivan casts a zone of truth to try and gleam information, Angelo states that he is currently affected by it. Vangelo scenes that Janvir may let slip what happened even though he promised not to. Vangelo allows him to quickly pray before executing him in the hallway.
The journey back is a somber one, rest is had, and little is said. Getting back to the station the plan seems to go well, Sullivan disguised as Angelo is escorted away, the painting is returned and the group chooses to keep the ship, the SS Carsis and they also receive 100,000 credits for appearing to bring back Angelo alive. Aster, Aidan, and Vangelo fly away.
https://youtu.be/8aJw4chksqM music theme for Angelo Corris
Episode 2, 19/4/1137AMST
We are returning back planet side to Lizett in Eselset, Now that the mission is done Vangelo and Aidan are returning home to the Trussle Estate. Aster leave the group at the space port to go her separate way. Arriving home Aidan is sent away to be talked to later and Vangelo is given an errand to run off planet by Ms. Julina, She requests that they go to Paradilus and meet with The Hari Seladin to inquire about some old Estian coins, artifacts form long ago that would add a great deal of prestige to their home collection. They will also stop to check up on the small mining investment on Parakentus afterwards. Julina says that she will be sending a new hire of theirs, Mr. Vibrio with him to help on this. In the mean time Vangelo and Angelo go to Gandril’s a local mechanic shop to inquire about fixing up the ship that Vangelo had recently received. Here they meet Ms. Ren Lark, a human mechanic who has a fascination with technology both big and small scale, she goes with this group to look at the space ship and quickly notices the many many issues, she gets right to work on re-aligning the coils of the deuterium fusion engine. Vangelo has been keeping his eye on Angelo and keeping him in his sight this whole time, the two of them Arrive back at the Estate where they meet Vibrio as well as his companion Kalma, Vibrio is a shorter human who dresses a little fancy and Kalma is an eight foot tall flesh being straight from Vorpal space, Kalma has 6 eyes but lacks a mouth and many internal organs as well. These two travel as a pair and Kalma is a devotion to the worship of Yarak that Vibrio holds. They all make there introductions and Angelo seems undisturbed by Kalma even reciting a typical greeting of those who follow Yarak. Vangelo, Angelo, and now Vibrio and Kalma return to their ship at the space port. Ren has been hard at work and fixed the coils. Ren is quite shocked by Kalma, as are many but quickly return to work on this hunk of juke of a space ship.
Before setting off on their departure Ren goes back to the shop to grab a few parts and tools and Vangelo takes a moment to take a smoke break, unfortunately in this time Angelo sneaks away and in unable to be found anywhere within the ship. Quite angry and letting this criminal go Vangelo decides to take off anyways as he has a mission to do. On the way up Vibrio takes a look at Vangelo and notices his yellow eye rings and general sickliness, commenting on this and being quite worried. Vangelo has a small minor stroke that leaves his right side paralyzed for around 20 minutes and Ren takes over driving the ship up to the gate. The gate is a massive structure that is used to connect the systems, after a quick scan and some waiting they are able to cross into the Soladilus system. Landing on Paradilus in the city of Adenskil they make note of the difference in design as well as the around 20% stronger gravity on the surface of Paradilus. Ren goes off to a shop to buy even more supplies and Vangelo and Vibrio wonder town a little bit before their scheduled meeting with The Hari Seladin. Vangelo is disinterested in spending some fun money around town but Vibrio want to buy some souvenirs. Vibrio purchases a small glass figure of a Millaviathen, a large creature native to the oceans of Paradilus. Vangelo is persuaded into getting a stuffed animal or a pink dolphin. Vangelo and Vibrio fight in the store about this. After this they go to a small food stand near by and bicker some more Infront of the salesman, in the end Vangelo gets a bowl filled with lightly seasoned ground beef. Vibrio gets ground lamb with a light raspberry Sause wrapped in grape leaves.
Going to the Trussle estate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyI635o2pmk
Lizett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URxC75G3nJI
Space port https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vQUthSxKxI
Space ambience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wLwxmjrZj8
Adenskil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPZiC-TJYI4
Julina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuU9q2VKOyc&feature=youtu.be
The space between planets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLIUhQIfmsU
Episode 3, 19/4/1137AMST
We continue where we left off, Vibrio and Vangelo where finishing their meal before their meeting with The Hari Seladin. Ren was fixing the ship and choose not to join them. On their way up to the council chambers they continued to admire the architecture of the city. While waiting in the lobby they briefly talked to two other people who were meeting with The Hari that day, Efran, a elvan man who is a diplomat sent by the Sentili unification faction to make a proposal to the government of Adenskil on providing support to the movement, while initially nervous he re ran his pitch to Vibrio and Vangelo, calming his nerves he was quite successful and the Sentili unification movement how has a strong backing. They also briefly spoke to a young elven girl named Gergo Ladric who was doing a school project on the Hari, while she did enjoy speaking to him, and him speaking to her she got a lot of information just not on what was needed for the assignment, however the memory that was created is far more valuable than a grade on a paper. It was time for Vangelo and Vibrio to talk to the Hari him self, the entered into the main chambers, white marble pilers went towards the roof in a gothic archway dome, the ceiling painted with depictions of the life of Seladin. He addresses them by first and last name, Vangelo Nazari, Vibrio Frost, and Kalama Yarakusili. Vangelo mentioned to Seladin about his Estian coin collection and he formally invited them over to his home to see them, on their way out they saw a mechanical looking man who spoke to Seladin as well. Before their dinner Vangelo and Vibrio talked a bit and got a gift of seven interwoven white glove flowers as a gift to Seladin. Arriving at his home they again see the strange mechanical man waiting, when greeted inside they sit down at the table for dinner. Rebis brough a mechanical device which shows the position of the stars and planets in the Soladilus system, and the flowers are given and placed into a sapphire glass. 6 diamond plates at the table, one for each member of this crew, the primary servant Dakil and one for Seladin. Seladin and Rebis do not eat them selves the others are served a food of their preference. Light conversation is held a the table, Rebis is introduced to Vangelo and Vibrio. Seladin is asked about his origin, it being from that nation of Iritory in another universe and he being transported to this one to spread his gods message when that world was about to die. Vibrio and Rebis talk about religion a small amount, Rebis being a devout follower of Shint’oku and Vibrio being a follower of Yarak, these two gods on opposite sides of the spectrum. Rebis and Vangelo talked about their next destination and Rebis also wished to venture to Parakentus. After dinner they each look at their respective objects, Vangelo strikes a deal with Seladin for the coins, they would set up a foreign exchange program between the nations of Adenskil and Eselset. As for Rebis they were able to look at and gain advice from Seladin about the faith crystal. All four of them leave the house and venture their way to the ship, headed to Parakentus.
Seladin #1 https://youtu.be/PuQDWf8JA04
Tales of the starfold manifest

Episode 4, 20/4/1137AMST
The group now travels back to the ship on which they will continue their journey out to Parakentus, Ren has fixed the speaker system and, on the take-off, uses this opportunity to play some music. Ren also meets Rebis. The group goes through the interstellar portal out to Parakentus. Landing on Parakentus they pass by the Green band and make land planet side onto the scorched front, with the Trussle holdings mine. They talk to commander Luka briefly about the current problems that the base is facing, with the more recent bug incursions, the loss of life of the previous commander John and 2 other souls, John also having the only means of fast communication with Julina. In the middle of this explanation the overhead alarms go off signaling another attack. The group quickly rushes out the doors back into the scorching heat to help fend of the bug menace. Vibrio gets into Kalma and enters battle mode, going in for both protection as well as combat advantage. 2 of the miners join them in specialized vanguard suits to help, and many others have taken to shooting from the walls. Rebis engages their combat protocols and get ready. The bugs start their attack, Vangelo quickly using his marksmen skills to fend them off at a short distance, Rebis goes and activates his electronic great axe to slice and dice through them. Ren uses her blade dance to get them at medium range, Vibrio and Kalma pummel them with spells and physical might. Ren being swarmed by the bugs and partly covered in their acidic blood falls unconscious but is healed by the nano swarm of Rebis. The two vanguard suits attack with their machine guns as well as missiles, the miners on the wall hitting the occasional shot at these bugs. Ren continues with her returning throwing knifes and Vangelo uses bullet after bullet to pierce through the bugs. After a good number of casualties, it seems the larger swarm leaves and only a few scattered bugs remain. After killing the last of them Vibrio exits Kalma to look at the internals of these bugs, his background being in biochemistry he is quickly able to figure out that the bugs seem to have some sort of mass communication array, and guessing this is some sort of hive mind. They group goes back into base and continues the talk with Luka, now understanding better the situation. Vangelo finishes his questions and ascertains that the export of Cadmium, Osmium and other PGM’s is still going well, but does recognize that more help will be needed or else that may stop. Ren goes with Luka to take a little look at the machines that help run this mine, Vibrio tries to talk to the miners while they are playing a game of 5 color-reverse-anti, using spacer rules. As well he looks around the meagre facility a bit.
Ren’s grunge https://youtu.be/epr9tL4XP5U
Cant of the Shint’oku https://youtu.be/ztzq05IzYds
Parakentus entrance https://youtu.be/CbGjCkUFby0
Scorched zone entrance https://youtu.be/ggY60LPgEFU
Miner’s theme https://youtu.be/D0j3FAu2M3A
Battle with the bugs https://youtu.be/K5VsgMRttvQ
Scorched zone ambiance https://youtu.be/uxf1FUU8mk0
Episode 5, 20/4/1137AMST
The group takes their leave and boards the ship once again, but not to go back home to Parahlitan at once, they make a quick stop at the green part of the world, a lone standing concrete pad that has a trail leading to the peoples living commune group. Rebis leaves the group and goes to this place to seek spiritual fulfillment. In this place he is a little thrown off at the different dialect of speech, the strange ways of live but eventually find a good way to serve, over the course of many years he gathers a small following of people and is integrated into the peoples living commune, a strange man but one that in many ways fits with their values. He eventually builds a church to Shint’oku and life continues for him for a long time. Vibrio and Vangelo return into space, through the grand portal and back into Lizett in Eselset. Ren lark returns to her home and shop after the extensive work done on the ship, a lengthy and detailed invoice left to the Trussle estate for a substantial amount. It was a quick and spontaneous journey for her but certainly one well paid and not regretful. Vangelo and Vibrio go to the Trussle manor proper and at the doorway Julina talks to them both, telling Vibrio that he will be paid more for this outing and then implying that he is to be off, Julina seems rather hasty to spend time with Vangelo. Vibrio arrives at his home and has been left the gift of a small corpse flower plant in her home, it carries the note “unbound, unbroken, unburdened, Thank you”. He is a little weirded out but not concerned about a free gift, he does keep the note with himself however. Julina seems very eager to spend time with Vangelo, they both go to a local hotel were she booked a room, the whole time making cutesy comments. Vangelo gives Julina the pink dolphin stuffed animal. As they go to the room Julina undresses slightly more but Vangelo takes a shower first, he does seem slightly off at her rather forward behavior. After Vangelo exits the shower Julina seems fully ready to “reward” Vangelo for his mission but Vangelo notices a strange color in her eyes and she makes an off comment, he is suspicious of her at this point but puts it aside a little for the obvious opportunity at what may transpire. As the two lay together Julina shifts entirely, swinging at Vangelo with a knife getting his towel off, Vangelo quickly runs to the bathroom for his gun. Julina, who now has the face and voice of Angelo Corris follows him and tries to corner him in the bathroom. Vangelo is able to take the knife out of his hands after he is slashed across the chest. The two of the talk just a slight bit, Angelo wants to intact revenge for holding him and so demands that Vangelo pay a price, Vangelo asks what happened to the real Julina and upon assurance she lets him take his tole. The symbol of Anjar is carved into his chest and Vangelo is marked, Angelo now transforms once more and leaves the hotel, to go back into the fold of the city and be unseen once more. Vangelo returns to the Trussle estate and desperately finds the real Julina in her bed, in a deep sleep he uses restorative magic to wake her up. She seems confused and worried at the bleeding, Vangelo refuses to go to the hospital but he does self-medicate with many cigarettes and a bottle of brandy, Julina calls over Vibrio to help and while Vibrio is able to help a little it’s a religious matter and so he leaves. Vangelo passes out from pain, alcohol and lack of sleep. It is unknown where this fine cast of characters will go, how they will continue or what will happen, but it is the end of this section.
Angelo theme https://youtu.be/8aJw4chksqM
Angelo fight https://youtu.be/HkWuS4ZOuHQ
Episode 6, 22/4/1137AMST
Our story bring us back once again, with faces both new and old. In the grand city of Lisar-Tin three individuals are on a mission each of their own. Aster, the druid whom was a part of the first crew that captured Angelo Corris, she is here to do some vital shopping and research with her newly acquired funds. Ren is here as she was sent by Julina so get a rare flower that is said to have medicinal properties, this flower is for the still suffering Vangelo. Richard is a new face, a man born of Milsa, he was a firm believer in Ahran but feeling that Ahran’s justice was not being put forth decided to devote him self to Ezenkhel to find a different path to divine justice, he now works with a league to take down dangerous criminals, he is here to apprehend Kenna So’iret. We start at a simple coffee shop inside the great city of Lisar-Tin where Ren and Aster are sitting together and talking about what plants are needed for Vangelo, Ren has been sent to retrieve this flower and Aster to give guidance on getting the proper one. While doing this they encounter a strange man who talks to birds, Richard talks to one bird Omno, who would quite enjoy getting some crumbs but when he says he is unable Omno and the other birds fly away. Richard introduces himself to Ren and Aster and explains his mission to them, He is seeking out Kenna So’iret, a member of the druidic circle of the black fire which is a deadly organization intent on destroying nature and returning the planet to their pure rocky form. Aster knows of this organization and the bad reputation they have and so is interested in potentially stopping them. Ren explains that because Vangelo is currently hurt it would also be great if Richard could help be a sorta body guard for Ms. Julina and so with these he decides to follow them and help along. While Ren and Aster talk about plans Richard talks to a second bird, willy. Willy like other birds enquires about crumbs and with a bit of passionate debate and conversation Richard tells Willy that if he brings back a credit card he can get them both a muffin. This rag tag group makes their way to a close by shop and one that specializes in specific flowers. Talking the light blue, two tailed Tiefling, Maha, the store owner about the flowers he is able to get the Orange Rengal flowers they require, and those with 3 and 2 flowers respectively. Aster uses he natural druidic magic to talk to the plants and inquire about how they were raised and confident that it was well she tell Ren who decided to buy them. Soon after this Aster and Ren smell smoke in the air and Richard gets a vague sense of dread and danger. Turning around they see the women, pale skin and long black hair, she wears loose black robes and small fires have been set around her. She makes the first move of seeing Ren’s blade and heating it up with a spell, Aster quickly casts a circle of entangling vines and growth to keep her in place and Richard Hexes her with cursed energy. She yells and asks him “The black tentacles that encircle us, keeping us in silent prison of stagnation, are you one that works with them?” to which Richard replies with a simple “yes” and She in turn torts back “Then die my holy fire!” Ren lark uses the delate plant cover around them to gain good positions and to throw her blades out at her, Richard fires holy beams of crackling light at her, Aster uses searing moon light and an icy blade to keep her in place as well. Kenna summons a large fire elemental by her side to help the fight, this elemental going after Richard, but Richard keeps up his devastating fire and Ren continues with her blade storm. Aster transforms into a black bear, leaps across a partly burnt bridge and quickly distracts Kenna, in this moment Richard is able to get a key shot at her, striking her eyeballs out of her skull with devastating magical force of his eldritch blasts. With her fall her fire elemental vanishes back into the ether. Aster, as a black bear mauls Kenna’s corpse and Richard quickly goes over to investigate the body as well, he gets a neckless of White ash powder and a belt of fire immunity. Ren is putting out the flames around her when she discovers a small mote of energy left over from the fire elemental, keeping this mote with her she will gain its power later. Aster is tearing the body apart but gathers Kenna’s spell components as well as her credit stick, it containing 12,000 credits. After a short bit the guards arrive and help to put out the fires around as well as take peoples story, while they knew some sort of attack would happen they did not know were and our hero’s beat them to it. Willy returns to Richard after finding the credit stick of Rouso Koli with 3,128 credits on it.
Lisar-Tin https://youtu.be/xNN7iTA57jM
Richard ambiance https://youtu.be/m4oZZhpMXP4
Kenna theme https://youtu.be/ublchJYzhao
Elemental theme https://youtu.be/U76HoYWMBI0
General battle music https://youtu.be/zN9IrXQ5Yuk

Episode 7, Part 1. 23/4/1137AMST
We return again to a familiar place, many are convening and coming together at the Trussle estate. Aidan was summoned by his dad to have a quick family meeting where in Julina apologized for this extended punished and lightly illuded to the fact that the parents had far differing opinions. After this family meeting in which Aidan was told about the Sliver press event as well as their vacation the next day He was visited by a good school friend of his, A female red dragon born from Dravanur, named Faekira Fordolas she is also at the school he is at but studies a sorcerous power instead of blood hunter abilities. We also get to see Vibrio once again who is here to check up on Vangelo, Vibrio does what he has before by pleading but in the end can do little to persuade. Aidan and Faekira meet up a little bit to chat about what has been happening and to catch up, Fae is certainly interested in his sword that was begotten by Angelo. Ren and Aster also return from their mission to Lisar-Tin to get the orange Rengal flower in an attempt to help Vangelo, while Aster prepared a perfect balm of it Vangelo again refuses this and says that he wants to be fully present. Vangelo instead continues to suffer the pain and simply wears another shirt to try and cover up the bandages, Vangelo will act as a body guard from Julina on stage at the sliver press event and Aster and Vibrio will also be able to have the floor and ask question to the sliver human pair. With many preparations for the event being made such as Julina wearing a dress that mimics the style of a sliver body and Julina helping Aster be slightly less chaotic and plant like in her look. Chet pulls Vangelo aside for a quick second and gives him a single annihilation round for his pistol, this is a bullet that is made out of compressed active Lasotep that will violently explode upon contact with the target, he gives this to him in hopes that it isn’t needed, but if it is to use it well. Julina pulls Ren aside and asks a difficult request that she build a device which will on the surface look like a place to mount jet engines but in reality will act as a set of holding devices to drop 2 thermos nuclear bombs. She is paid quite well both over and under the table for this but is sworn to secrecy, Ren agrees but is a little worried about the intent but decides to not ask very many questions. At the press event we briefly see the governor of Eselset who gives a small speech about the intent of cooperation between species and how they will extend the olive branch that was gracious extended to them. We meet our two speakers here, a human man in his late 30’s ish with light brown hair dressed in loose fitting monastic style robes named Brother Solomon and the sliver named Jil, she wears no clothes as it the natural order with slivers but her head crown does bear the symbol of her people’s religion being a white hexagonal outline. At this event Julina receives a neckless as a gift of friendship between species, a golden flex-chord of gold and a charm of carved diamond in the shape of the religious symbol. Julina asks a few questions such as mineral possibilities, Aster asks about the botanical possibilities, Solomon answers with the very real possibility of trading foods between worlds as well as potential for a Lisar-Dat ( a second Lisar-tin style city ). Julina also inquires a bit about religious beliefs here and what the 6 fold path entails. Solomon acts as a speaker for Jil here directly and talks about how she grew up being a member of this religion and because this religion is true, that the fundamental shape of the universe and building block of life was hexagonal that this religion has become much more of a life style and it does not in itself, have much faith. Aidan and Faekira sneak off to go chat a little bit as well as get some different vantage points. Also at this time Ren goes to her old mentor in Lizett a greyed man named Brom Malakai who is well known for his unique but perfect solutions to complex mechanical problems. He advises her to still build the device but to build in a kill switch of failsafe to make the device intentional fail if needed. He recommend the classic 3 pin build for this piece and she ends up finishing this as well as sneaking a small tracker into the design of the ship. Back at the press conference Vibrio and Kalma are invited on stage to give a bio-chemical scientific approach to the slivers. Vibrio is fascinated with the mechanics of how the slivers and humans communicate and Solomon explains briefly the connection that had to be made to make it possible. After the main event wraps up our crew join Solomon and Jil backstage for some further minor questions purely out of interest. Vibrio asks more about the process of integrating the sliver part into a human spinal column as well as Kalma connects with the sliver and experiences a small sample of what a sliver’s communication is like. Solomon also tries a Kumquat and neither likes nor dislikes it. While members of the press are cleaning up Aidan tries his luck at charming a young pretty girl named Owen, he opens with a rather silly line about birds and tries to flirt but fails hard, than Faekira gives it a try and for some reason her line sticks far harder and Faekira receives Ms. Owen’s business card and an invitation for an interview some time. After this event we go back to the Trussle estate and a larger than normal family dinner is had, with many of the guests of the day being invited over for dinner. They have an Estian stylized version of Adrean cuisine, a soybean hash meal on top of leaves. That evening Kalma explains what connecting to a sliver was like to Vibrio. The night comes to a normal end with many more people than normal staying at the Trussle estate but Chet and Julina are nothing if not good hosts.
Episode 7, part 2, 25/4/1137AMST
We awaken the next morning with larger than life plans for the day, a so called family vaction to Mos Vegas with some friends invited along. Ren lark stays planet side and enjoys a bit of the break in the work having completed the mission set forth before. For the vacation this will be the first time off planet for Julina or Chet and so Julina is quite nervous. While Vangelo greatly wants to take the wheel and drive the ship Vibrio manages to get it out of his control and He drives the ship, Vangelo is quite angry and is the only one standing while they are entering the space and going to the near planet portal, on the way a small amount of turbulence throws Vangelo off balance and he sadly cracks his shoulder bone. Julina also being quite sick most of the ship ride pukes 3 times. Arriving to the portal around Pararahjos they see the brilliant cream colored red that is the mighty gas giant’s surface. The converted asteroid that is Mos Vegas present a different feeling than other planet side places, its not a lawless place but one were their own laws are made, and a think drenching of sex, drugs and gambling covers the entire place. It’s a timeless place that is meant to separate people from their money with pretty but fake displays, with expensive drinks and with glamorous but classless entertainment. Entering the main Casino floor Chet goes his own way to the high rollers area, Vangelo accountancies Julina to the bar to drink. Aidan and Faekira go and do a little gambling them self. Aster and Vibrio go to the one place that is spared for the debauchery of this place and go towards a traveling museum exabit. Vangelo and Julina enjoy a few drinks together and Julina gets some subpar bar food to poke at and eat a little, Vangelo indulges in a drink or two but combined with his other stuff doesn’t push it to far and is able to hold his liquor alright, Julina pretends to spill the drink on her self to try and save face about not wanting to finish it, Vangelo is concerned but Julina is only buzzed and not yet drunk. The two of them go off towards the Bunnies Delight, an ice cream parlor in which the employees wear bunny styled costumes. The ice cream is fine, Chocolate for Julina and Vanilla for Vangelo. At this point Vangelo is not doing very well, the pain and alcohol are getting to him and he starts to see strange minor visons, a third eye on a man, fanged teeth, a 6th finger and many other mutations. Concerned Vangelo askes Julina for confirmation and Julina is quite concerned that Vangelo is seeing things. Julina highly advises Vangelo to get a hotel room but his protection instincts save this from happening right away. Aidan and Faekira make good success gambling through a series on intense poker games both end up coming out on top and winning money to celebrate they drink at one of the many bars, Aidan has a few drinks before Faekira uses subtle and minor magic to make the drinks look and taste slightly different so as to make them seem weaker. This causes Aidan to have 7 drinks of strong alcohol and when the alcohol hits he is very drunk, because of this Faekira goes to the ship and gets Kalma to help out with Aidan, Aidan in the few minutes he is left alone tries to hit on the bartender with a soft and sweet line about the stars, she disinterested turns him down with a cryptic line about the stars and recommends one of the performing associates if he so desires romantic connection. Aidan just tries again and gets a guard on his to not so subtly suggest he move away, at this point Fae and Kalma come back and get Aidan off the hook where they then promptly take him to the bathroom to puke his guts out and try to feel better, after a solid 1/2th hour he got all the alcohol out of his system but is still feeling the effects of being very drunk. At this point Julina and Vangelo meet up with these three to try and get people safe, Vangelo is ordered to accompany Aidan to a hotel room and Vangelo is assured that Julina well be alright as she calls Chet back from his winning spree of gambling. Faekira and Kalma also go to the hotel room to try and help Aidan but also potential Vangelo. In the hotel room Aidan is drunk but a casting of lessor restoration reverses some of the effect. In the bathroom Vangelo examens his own chest to see that the symbol of Anjar is still bleeding as always but now appears to be slightly glowing, he is also able to see the symbol of Yarak on the head of Kalma. Vangelo is also able to see some strange writing on the inner cavity of Kalma, using his bloodhunter magical skills Aidan is able to get that it reads Yarakusili but not the meaning. Deeply concerned at this point Vangelo wishes to stay with Aidan for the night but Aidan is not having it and he wishes to be left alone. A verbal fight breaks out along the barriers of respect and being a father, Aidan perhaps swayed towards his true feeling or having them corrupted by the alcohol says that he doesn’t respect Vangelo, at which point Vangelo slams the door and locks his out of the room. Aidan gets his own room for the night and falls asleep in a drunken and angry state. Vangelo continues into madness with a strange dream, a great human like structure made out of flesh being transformed into a formless man of writhing worm like tendrils, a red mist filled sky and a certain horror at what is seen. Aster and Vibrio experience a far more pleasant night, or at least one with less conflict. They go visit the museum of remembrance, it is split into 3 main segments, “war” “was” and “rebirth”. War covers the time from 441AM to 575AM in which Velng was split up and colonized, its culture sundered and changed. The great war breaking out and its 4 distinct phases, the Estian unification and the final conclusion to the war with the atomic bombing of 5 great cities, the invasion of Sirinal and the martyr the warmaster general Lekaten. The section Was covers the best guesses about what the bleeding was and what was lost because of it, the loss of the great nations of Sirinal and Adrea, the many far flung asteroids or planet bases where people could not survive the disconnect. The vivid depictions of great loss in this time are said well, this also talks about the ending of the bleeding with the help of the Hari Seladin. The last section that is Rebirth, this tells of ways that hope is still alive, that people have come together after the bleeding and made the world better, the Eselset imitative to restore that extra solar national parks, the new musical movements, and how people have reconnected after such a long time. these two enjoy their museum journey and sleep a peaceful night in their rooms. After Julina and Chet where by them selves they went and did the actual purpose of the visit here, they trailed down a set of hallways into unmarked rooms, meet a man without a name and quickly and effectively exchanged 50 kilograms of Rhodium worth around 10 million credits for 2 150 megaton thermonuclear bombs, these being stored in highly expensive bags of holding. After this important business expense is conducted they can let their hair down and actually enjoy the rest of this short outing, although with Aidan their son and Vangelo a longtime family friend both having issues and disputes this may prove difficult.
General Sci-fi background https://www.youtube.com/live/MVPTGNGiI-4?feature=share
Mos Vegas theme https://youtu.be/UbQgXeY_zi4
Chet being rich https://youtu.be/jM9nZKfcQf8
Mos Vegas background #1 https://youtu.be/nJL-4Ft-_j8
Mos Vegas background #2 https://youtu.be/hIbasU4uixY
Museum theme https://youtu.be/VMsjlEft0K0
Flesh dream theme https://youtu.be/D47tTtZhRp0
Bunny’s Delight theme https://youtu.be/P3QS83ubhHE
Mos Vegas theme #2 https://youtu.be/AWblwl-rcH8
Mos Vegas theme #3 https://youtu.be/6pP93HHiV0Y
Episode 8, 26/4/1137AMST
The conclusion to our narrative here in this time, in this space. We arrive at where we left off, the hotel rooms of Mos Vegas many members waking up after the unique events of the previous night. Vangelo does the bare minimum of morning routine and sets his bandages, exiting his room he sees a small note left for him, it contains instructions to meet at the Utrek peak, in the west veil mountains of the shattered Peaks. It also contained a threat that if not “she” would be taken again, Vangelo knowing full well that Angelo was guiding him he made note of this paper. He also saw Julina take a small pill and by the time the group leaves the for the space port Julina has fallen asleep and is being carried by Chet. Within the bounds of the ship Vibrio takes the wheel at Chet’s demand and Vangelo sits in a strange silence, he makes one stop to check on Vibrio and to inquire about the nature of the pill that Julina took, he learns that this pill was most likely daybreak, a drug used to reset circadian rhythm and in doing so puts one into a deep sleep. Arriving back at the Trussle estate in the morning Julina wakes up slowly but peacefully, Vangelo and Vibrio take a short range space taxi to the west veil mountains due to the main space ship being used by Ren for a special mission form the Trussle family. Arriving at the place an air of apprehension, this place being a very small mountain valley town long aged from the lack of activity of the bleeding, an abundant lack of animals in the space causing mild concern. Climbing the long set of trail stairs to the chapel atop the mountain taking them a brisk hour, however as they approach unease sets in more fully. Vibrio smells it first a smell of flesh and apron visual inspection this building is a chapel of flesh and skin, its exterior a light tan color of the people of Kotak. Vibrio feels a powerful fear and disgust at the sinful corruption of flesh yet continues forward with Vangelo out of desire of necessity. Inside the chapel in a prophetic visage stands the man Angelo Corris, he makes his speeches of a great meeting yet flows around the true meaning, asking but a simple question of if our hero Vangelo will give in or if he needs to be taken and forced. Compelled by a godly power and force Vangelo joins Angelo in a ballroom dance or sorts, a perversion of traditional celebration in a church and a twisted reflection of it. Vibrio and Kalma both in stunned horror and shock so unable to move to help their trapped friend. And yet the enduring willpower of Vangelo remains and after but a brief set of dances he breaks free for Angelo’s spell, a flourish of Angelo sword raised as if to start a dramatic duel, and yet vastly interrupted by the fast hand of Vangelo. In this house of god, or Anjar even the mighty corruption of flesh is of little defense of the raw might of an exploding Lasotep core shot from a gun, an Annihilation round is shot forth and in one bullet, the only bullet that matters Angelo falls over dead his head being completely exploded. The small cloud of refined hyper gunpower passes and the corpse lies bare, a man so strange defeated. His outer chameleon like shell gone and instead replaced by a quartz white skin form, his blood a chromatic trickle like that of a metallic tinted rainbow. Vangelo goes over in cold reflection and inspects the body, kicking away the sword and inspecting the pockets, the unholy symbol of Anjar cast in shadow steel in one pocket and a simple credit stick in the other. After finishing the job a strange feeling washes over the sense of “its done” that in one aspect the obligation is done but in another life mattered so much on the obligation that one must change after it. Vibrio unfrozen from this great fear investigates the chapel, going to the great hear and the lungs, touching and feeling this strange being a conflicted desire to tear down and destroy this unholy monstrosity and a perfect preservation and desire for life to continue and that even this so twisted of being could and should be saved. Yet for now many different feeling across the still present disgust at this place and a almost muffled call of plea from the god, as if he was trying to be talked to yet unable to hear it well. Taking this muffled call as a sign he leaves, outside Vangelo lies on the ground with a cigarette and a small pile of ash, the weight of this deeply shaking him to the core. upon leaving the chapel with Angelo’s sword Vibrio hears one of the clearest calls and commands to Yarak to “leave this place at once”, taking head he gets in Kalma and swiftly departs down the mountain. Vangelo with a slow reflective and shambling pace makes his way down as well, trying to not think of the events trying so desperately to stay sane and yet some small part escapes and the deep well of bottled emotions yield a wellspring of emotion, one that comes in small bursts but is still greatly felt. Kalma arrives back at the taxi to find the driver watching the same mundane movie, a simple romcom. Vangelo too arrives in time, deleting the planned out message of “I love you” on this day he prepared to die and yet scraped away with his life. the simple movie provides a little noise, a basic thing to occupy the tumultuous thought for a glimpse. The taxi driver being tipped with the credit stick of the dead man Angelo Corris. Vangelo heads for the Trussle estate and Vibrio heads home. Vibrio arrives at the quiet home and quickly finds his corpse flower to be dead, its leaves turned to an ash, the corpse flower became a corpse. The sword of Angelo Corris is hung on the wall, a curious reminder of the unique events of the past few days. Vangelo stumbles into the Trussle estate, quickly finding Julina and not taking time to clean up yet appears as a blood covered mess, yet it is not his own blood. Talking briefly to Julina she is once again greatly worried for Vangelo and yet can only comfort so much, Vangelo goes to bed, a changed man and yet in many ways this scare is simply one more that he must bear for his life. Julina seeing that Aidan having inadvertently gained skills from these misadventures decided that Aidan no longer needs the same body guard role, and seeing the strained relationship as well, his long term future is uncertain but for now Vangelo remain with the Trussle family. At the chapel an event unseen by our characters transpires, in a privet and untraceable craft a singular man approaches this place, Issac Noset, he who seeks to rebuild Sirinal and is succeeding, while Angelo was a minor servant here he retrieves a cognitive drive disk from the back of his spine, one that contains memories and experiences of the corpse.
A few days after Vibrio receives a rare physical letter in the mail informing him that the Hari Seladin wishes to speak with him directly and to journey to Adenskil to do so. Taking but a small amount of time to pack Vibrio heads out on the next large passenger flight to Paradilus, using this letter quickly gets him and audience with the Hari Seladin. Seladin takes Vibrio down into the central palace into a strange black sphere, this being one that Kalma is unable to enter but having to vague about the reasoning on why. Inside the sphere Seladin comes out and spills deep truths of the universe onto Vibrio, that the gods are 4th dimension beings made alive via the beliefs on humans and that this is one of the few things protecting human civilization for total destruction by the watchers in the stars, that the universe has a large amount of black domains used to seal off an area from outside influence but in the process preventing growth within. Vibrio also feels the lack of the ever present spiritual wind while within this space known as “gods blind spot” in addition to illustrate his point of black domains Vibrio is shows the heart of the universe and the large central and obvious black domain that is known as the “Boötes void”. Having been told the secrets of the universe and just how In danger it is Seladin asks, not as a servant of his god but as a human for the help of Vibrio, that he join the group called “Then Faith Makers” who will work to increases the presence of the gods as well as protect humanity, and he accepts Seladin lets down his hair for just the smallest of moments and his human side of being relived at the weight being shouldered but one more person, it’s a hard responsibility but one that must be done. For our other character that flitted in an out of this small story, for Aster she went on to succeed in her journey to craft plants for the great deserts of the many worlds, making a new habitat and biome that integrates into the old and barren environment. Aidan continued to go to school, a semi capable warrior but one who’s destiny was unmade. Ren lark was offered a compensation of 1 million credits for completing this final mission and she picked her self up a fine new starship of her own. Our ship was returned to the Trussle estate and on rare occasion used for the expanded off world enterprises but mostly unused.
Approaching the chapel https://youtu.be/D47tTtZhRp0
Angelo theme https://youtu.be/8aJw4chksqM
Angelo theme #2 https://youtu.be/Q3Kvu6Kgp88
The end of the flight https://youtu.be/6vQUthSxKxI
Vangelo ending theme https://youtu.be/DL_KyJpRuKU
Vangelo ending theme #2 https://youtu.be/DybCZvW1mBo
Seladin theme https://youtu.be/PuQDWf8JA04
Issac Noset theme https://youtu.be/oiKj0Z_Xnjc
Gods blind spot theme https://youtu.be/ou6JNQwPWE0