Solahalbras, The Solar system of Parahalbras
Star, Soladihja
Mass 1.05
Radius 1.0282
Luminosity 1.2115
Density .965
Type G
Solar coordinates (1.74, -2.8, -0.56) 3.34LY

Planet one, Paramilen
Distance .64Au
Mass .12
Density 6.84
Orbital period .499 Years, 182.49 Days
Axial tilt 3.2º
Radius .459
Gravity .57
Average surface temperature 91C
Planet two, Parahalbras
Distance 1.07Au
Mass 1.27
Density 4.85
Orbital period 1.11 years, 405.63 days
Axial tilt 34.3º
Rotational period 29 hours
Radius 1.13
Gravity .995G
Average surface temperature 13C
Moon, Pilahalbi
Mass 1.5 Lunar masses
Radius 1.092 Lunar masses
Density 3.85
Gravity .21G
Distance 587,652Km
Orbital period 51.93 days
A larger and slower moon for this planet and it is further away. It only provides .5 meters of tide.
Asteroid belt
Distance 3.65Au
Object one, Palahidset
Radius 1650Km
Object two, Pala’ares
Radius 750Km
Object three, Palathin
Radius 500Km

Planet three, Pararahjos
Distance 7.09Au
Mass 15.4
Density 1.65
Orbital period 18.423 years, 6729.03 days
Axial tilt 33.5º
Radius 3.719
Gravity 1.113G
A small remanent gas giant, a reddish color. It has four major moons
Moon one, Pilayantil
Radius 700Km
Moon two, Pilawven
Radius 1000Km
Moon three, Pilarusir
Radius 3100Km
Density 3.2
Mass .07
Gravity .287G
Moon four, Pilakoven
Radius 1100Km
Kuiper belt
Distance 13.97Au
Object one, Palameva’in
Radius 1350Km
Co-Object one, Pilatentiri
Radius 750Km
Sub-co-Object one, Pilaselem
Radius 600Km
Object two, Palanetos
Radius 450Km
Object three, Palanespa
Radius 950Km
Object four, Paladari’iv
Radius 700km