Solahlitan, The solar system of the planet Parahlitan

Star, Parasol

Mass .975

Age 5.5

Radius .979

Luminosity .903

Density 1.036

Type G

Solar coordinates (0,0,0) 0LY

Planet one, Paraveltin

Distance .35Au

Mass .43

Density 6.61

Orbital period .209 years, 76.59 days

Axial tilt 3.2º

Radius .71

Gravity .85G

Average surface temperature 237C

Planet two, Parahlitan

Distance .95832Au

Mass .9

Density 5.51

Orbital period .949 years, 346.83556 days

Axial tilt 15.6º

Rotational period 24 hours

Radius .97, 6188.8Km

Gravity .96G

Average surface temperature 16C


This is the home planet for humans, all its information could not be contained here but is found elsewhere.


Mass .78 lunar masses

Radius .87 Lunar radius, ~1450Km

Density 3.34

Distance from Planet 298,785Km

Orbital period 21.02 days

Due to the differences in the moon the tides are on average 1.14 meters, with earth having .82 meters for reference. In addition, Parahlitan does still experience solar eclipses but they are smaller in size.

Planet three, Parakolis

Distance 1.78Au

Mass 5.73

Density 4.79

Orbital period 2.405 years, 878.42 days

Axial tilt 38º

Radius 1.87

Gravity 1.64G

Average surface temperature  -52C


This is a “super earth” with a light bluish white color on its surface. This is due to a large amount of surface ice. This is an ocean world and so under this great ice is a large deep ocean. The surface contains minerals from asteroids but is still barren.


Moon one, Pilakolisin

Radius 850Km

Moon two, Pilakolisat

Radius 1100Km

Asteroid belt

Distance 2.85Au

Object one, Palatin

Radius 550Km

Object two, Palavan

Radius 900Km

Planet four, Paranoshal

Distance 5.27Au

Mass 328.7

Density .82

Orbital period 12.2521 years, 4474,98 days

Axial tilt 74.2º

Radius 12.99

Gravity 1.95G


This is a large gas giant and is comprised of a larger amount of ammonia giving It a reddish orange color. It has three primary moons and many other smaller moons. It is also notable for its main and distinct rings.


Moon one, Pilavaradin

Radius 800Km 

Moon two, Pilanasat

Radius 1400Km

Moon three, Pilatiros

Radius 900Km


Planet five, Paranatil

Distance 10.23

Mass 217.65

Density 1.26

Orbital period 33.136 years, 12,120.89 days

Axial tilt 78.3º

Radius 9.82

Gravity 2.26


This is a smaller but still large gas giant, its denser gas atmosphere gives it a yellowish color as its clouds are mostly water based, this is due to the heating of the planet with internal geological forces. It has six large moons but also very faint rings.


Moon one, Pilabildar

Radius 1250Km

Moon two, Pilasekin

Radius 650Km

Moon three, Pilatren

Radius 1150Km

Co-orbital moon three, Pilapilan

Radius 400Km 

Moon four, PIlamantor

Radius 800Km

Moon five, Pila’ili

Radius 550Km

Planet six, Parawakin

Distance 18.75Au

Mass 28.33

Density 1.59

Orbital period 82.2241 Years, 30031.56 days

Axial tilt 6.8º

Radius 4.61

Gravity 1.33


This is a much smaller gas giant, also known as an ice giant. It has a water based atmosphere. It has one main moon but also a few smaller moons.

Moon, Pilawakus

Radius 750Km

Kuiper belt

Distance 40.34Au

Object one, Paladagil

Radius 800Km

Co-orbital object one, Pilasenta

Radius 400Km

Object two, Palavagil

Radius 600Km