The tags system, some words that require further explination have tags on them and the information will be further explained here.
Tags for High level stuff
1 meaing aproximatly, in the sence of something being close but not perfect “i want around 1000 cats” -> [in vut be’il ti’ines ka’alatas]
2 meaing a subject, “the book is about the ocean” -> [dal rimen pore dal sa’avalid]
3 used as a commandative verb modifier, not well marked in english. this directs and makes the verb a command. “help!” [fi mis]
4 used for location only, “he is from kotak” -> [sonir kisat kotak]
5 as wide and varried as in english, but its base form is assumed to be a noun so “to fuck” -> [la kut]
6 the formal hello and not hey.
7 used to tell about the current location, made up of the word “ilat” + “sir” this is in refence to the current location “here i stand, happy” -> [ilatir in gilanos, sa’ani]
8 exactly like ilatir, but for a further location. ilatir and alatir are like voila and voici in french. “i see you over there” -> [in lo’u na’i alatir]
9 used for being inside something, both in an objective sence, a metaphorical sence and ageneral sence. people would be considered in love, in an orginazation, in a building. “i’m in love” -> [inir nil ba’iv]
10 used to describe a possanility, and is once of the verb moods. see website for explination.
11 used to form two ideas togther, but is most commonly used for describing people “one who farms” -> [mun si la rilik]
12 to mean directly on or on top of, but if you are inside something then use [nil], for example “i am on the 3rd floor” would be -> [in nil dal tirek feka’ir], but an area with only the possability of being on top of and not inside would use [sur] for example “i am on the ocean” -> [inir sur dal sa’avalid]
13 usage can varry but either works, often used in casual speach “oh you are silly” -> [ee na’iri siline]
14 these three words mark an important system that is used to call back to parts of the previous sentence or paragraph, and in function work kinda like “that” in english or “que” in french. for this example we will need a more complex sentence “in want you to get bread, water, milk and corn, that is organic.” in english the word that can be confusing here, does organic refer to all of the foods? some of them? or just the last? in si’irin we can clear up some of this. for example our first idea that all these objects are organic would use [fos] to mean all objects. “in vut na’i en fen barilas, salad, la’it, at maiso fosir sanirev]. if we want to refer to the first object we would use [fa] and if we wanted to refer to the last object we would use [fo]. also note that all of these conjuate with sir.
15 used for emphasis when [a’av] wouldnt work and kinda like an explactitive “it was so so hard at work” -> [sirul val val nevutin kapara il fovu]
16 sorry is not a stong cultural idea, while the word exists it not said that often and an explination is much more likly than saying it
17 this is a verb mood, see the website.
18, this is mostly slang but would function like [val], ie “its so wet” -> [tu’ir va us salad]
19 exclusivly used as [en] currently, used to diffrenciate a verb if it trasative or not, kinda. [in da’ar la kut ti] -> “i said fuck it” vs [in da’ar en na’i, la kut ti] -> ‘i am saying to you, fuck it”
20 a singular version of this does not exist, ie [dal] works exactly like it would for “the” in english but if you wanted to say “i want an apple” then you would say -> [in vut pomira] with no word to indicate just one of something, you can use the direct word “one” -> [tin] if needed “i want one apple please” -> [in vut tin pomira pesa]
21 this is used to refer very generaly as a place but is now used much for planets and other celestial bodies and has fallen out of favor for general purposes.
22 the diffrence between [et] and [at], [et] is for when two objects are togther “water with salt’ -> [salad et elis] but [at] for for and “water and salt” -> [salad at elis]
23 used to sequence events, simiral to next or then in english “i ate then i slept” -> [in mi’inalu atal in do’irul]
24 this is the verb marker, see the website for “il us la”
25 a casual version of [san]
26 a verb mood, see website
27 used for actions done in conjection with another person “i ate with my friends” -> [in mi’inalu etil iniri mu’ina’as]
28 used for actions done with an object. “i eat with a fork” -> [in mi’ina enit fe’era’a]
29 used as a specific for without, like “sans” in french. “i want you without cloths” -> [in vut na’i nava ko’olakas]
30 these are the five special verbs, see the website for how they work.
31 general modifiers, see website for how they work.
32 the verb tences, see website for complete breakdown
33 used for certinity in future actions, but not specificly complete or progressive. “he will die” -> [son morera’i]
34 used a shortning for the question of “how are you” or “common ca va” -> [ka’id na]
35 used for asking a reason “why did you kill her?” -> [lonas na fe’isal se’in] (note that “did” is built in)
36 used for asking the method of something “how did you kill her” -> [kan na fe’isal se’in] (works like [lonas] in structure)
37 used to ask about an ammount, used like “combien” in french. “how many fish?” [le’ines fisit?]
38 used for asking about feelings. “why are you sad?” -> [lonasid na minid]
39 used for asking about when an event happened but also when telling about something temporaly. “when i was happy” -> [ki’is inir sa’ani]. “when did you eat?” -> [ki’is na mi’inalu?]
40 used as a verb mood, see website
41 used like the word “because” but also as “for”. “i want bread for the party” -> [in vut barilas kasa dal fetarin] “its wet because of the ocean” -> [ti’ir us salad kasa dal sa’avalid]
42, used to mean a verb with intent “i cut my self(on purpouse)” v “i cut my self(on accident)” -> [in sinip mun ina] v [in la’i sinip mun ina]
43, used kinda like a verb mood, meaning “must” or to be nessary
44, to make a word _self put [mun] before the objective pronoun “i hate my self” -> [in pa’it mun ina]
44-50 saved for future high level usages
Tags for regular words
51, said at the end of prayers or asking for blessings, coming from the words [amin] and [sir] meaning “to be good”
52 used in a very broad sence. [parava’ak] being the universe, so while it mean “all” it can be combines with many other things.
53 used for feild and forces as well as the personal idea “its an electric feild” -> [sira siludan urase’i]
54 [nale’is] is the modern version and [dilusan] is a poetic version
55 not used in world but only used when referaring to a word in english
56 diffrent then [parava’ak] this means something is in all places
57 [vakares] is used to refer to modern contries or empires where as [pasekar] is for old or former empires
58 refers to any being that origionates in vorpal space.
59 varries by region
60 the first two are old words meaning “city ruler” but [kasar] comes from the estian word for king.
61 [da’ara’av] is your native or prefered language and [daru’is] is any other language.
62 this does not become plural so [rimas] -> “money” isnt true, ie is like this. “i have 1 dollar” -> [init tin rim]. “i have the dollars” -> [init tiva rim]
63 used for, non-planet, non-star, non-moon spacial bodies such as astroids or rings.
64 this is an opiate like drug that is a pain killer, it is naturaly grown from the estian jungle but can also be synthisized.
65 a set of 5 sacrid words that break normal conventions for spelling, for an explination of magic see the website. the bond [kinse’i] is sorta like soul mates, people that are perfect for eachother, these are couples that are very rare and often when one dies the other will die within the same day. the book [irinsarad] is a sacrid text made by Sirus Vi’ironus and acts vaugly like a bible. the soul [ikfe’i] is a unique and special soul that some humans have, its a special awareness and wisdom about life. the messager [rintal] is like a prophet and a herild of religion and knowedge.
66 a blue stone used and made of magic
67 a person who can sue magic but often refers to someone who does magic as a profecion.
68 the dimention of dreams and death, like an afterlife but it also mirrows parts of reality and is where gods live. it uses diffrent universal laws.
69 a magical form of an einstin-rosen gate, or a wormhole that connects two points.
70 a device made with both tech and magic that uses magic, stores it, and can convert it to usable energy.
71 [ge’ilis] is used for any form of school or class. [le’ekolin] is a formal school instution.
72 a type of factory in which workers live as well, these exist in china and south korea.
73 [alekera] was first used for synthetic plastic, like bakolite but now [sovek] is much more used
74 a chinese styled bow instrument
75 a japinese styled stringed instrument
76 a multifaced metal drum
77 a guitar like instrument
78 [sore’i] is older style shorter swords and [a’iton] is a longer more finly crafted swords.
79 a tool roughtly larger than 1ft.
80 a tool roughtly small than 1ft.
81 generaly used for a still body of water smaller then an ocean, a lake or pond.
82 an alien species, a 6 leged furred creature around the size of deer.
83 a mythological being
84 a large bird bigger than an oustrich and ridden by the velngi people
85 a pet, typicaly cats and dogs but lizards, birds, horses or fish are also here sometimes. also used as a term of inderment for a pet
86 an octopus with a snail like shell, simiral to a nautalisk
87 a unique grain in world, this is like small potatoes in a cluster around the size of blueberries to cherry tomatos.
88 works for any liquid topping such as a gravy or dressing
89 young children dont have seperate gender words, and the words for “son” or “daughter” can be used, if you really want to specify use a maker ie “baby boy” -> [son munet]
90 pronucation diffrences
91 specific words of relatives based on gender exist, these dont always exist in english
92 often mother or father are used, and “parent” is a newer style of word.
93 informal word for a sybling or friend
94 this occures 4ish times a year and comes on the 43rd or a month
95 dialect diffrences.
96 a concept that doesnt have a word in english but isnt hard to exmplain. “today is monday, tommowor is tuesday” -> [nadirak tinadar, nasa’arir datalar]. “today is monday, the day after tommorow is wednesday” [nadirak tinadar, na’adara’ir tiradar]
97 the same as [na’adar] but for the reverse, ie “today is monday the day before yestuday was saturaday” -> [nadirak tinadar, na’idilu siladar]
98 dialect diffrences
99 meaning “tommorow morning”
100 used when meaning last_ ie “last night” “last morning” etc
101 used when telling about directions ie “ture north” -> [karu no’or]
102 when something is black and white, not wehn something is grey. a zebra and a holstine cow are black-white.
103 a special soup used to induce visions and haluciniations
104 used as the oppisit of a highlight, it the worst part of something
105 the type of being like in greek myth, also like the nephalim
106 this is the celestial motion of setting, ie “the sun sets” -> [dal parasol resal]
107 the first word means an assinged leader, the second is an elected leader.
108 to mean unspoiled or pure as well as one who hasnt had sex.
109 [Vosal] means smaller creeks and streams. [Salos] means all rivers in genral and [Si’i] means grand river such as the “river Si’i” on earth the mississippi or the amazon would be great rivers