16. 3/1/1531
Some of the group gets back together with Ryvok coming back to the village and practicing violin in the library, Faris comes back from a hunt and checks in with Ryvok. Faris gets a sending from the priest of Hyesal to come to Warnek. The two of them bring Sumitir along as well as he has business in Warnek as well. Along the way, Faris slays a massive spider on the way to Warnek.
The next morning the three arrive in Warnek, Ryvok performs at the treetop tavern and Faris tries to counter perform in a music battle with bagpipes. The group goes to the prince of Warnek to talk about Silverhold. A brief conversation occurs where they are instructed to go to the tax offices and pay some of their taxes while not mentioning others. Next, they get a steward for Silverhold, a single man named Torun. Next up Sumitir visits the priest of Mishai and tells her of his dealings with Thalia, she informs him of a little more on the undercity of Myantis and advises him to go to Sonet geldos for connections and further information. Ryvok decides to perform again at the treetop tavern and has an excellent show with stunning visuals and fantastic sounds. His skill is deeply loved by the people of Warnek.
17. 10/1/1531
The group finally reassembles after the long break. The first order of business is that terry wishes to go to Dravanur, contacting Selentos Rilmai they meet with him.
In Warnek they meet him and go to the law offices then Selentos teleports the group to Drasik, the spital of Dravanur. Being advised to the group stays at the inn and bar Nation’s fire
A peaceful night’s sleep and in the morning, they head to the palace. Thornak has his grand entrances and the group in disbelief. Talking with them briefly he flies the group to the church of the mother dragon. They venture down into the dragon trials. This old stone dungeon deep in the earth. Firstly, they encounter a stone room with the numbers 1,3,4,5,7,8 on the walls and a stone fount. Through trial and error, they use one rock, 3 hands, 4 heads, 5 feet, 7 gold coins and 8 leaves of pipeweed. Next, they cross the chasm by climbing down then back up the other side, quickly solving the elemental vial trial they go fight the hydra. Terry summons a great ring of fire and greatly burning the hydra. Then the group gets splashed with acid taking a large amount of damage. Metabelle distracts the hydra with a. powerful illusion leading to it burning to death and turning back into stone.
18. 12/1/1531
The trial continues, right where we left off the group takes a short rest before continuing onwards. They firstly go down to a flight of spiral stairs and start to fight illusionary spiders, quickly realizing the truth behind the illusions they simply run past. Getting to the second level they try and get to various doors and end up going to the last door. They first fight a small set of fairy dragons which they quickly defeat. Progressing to the next room they discover a destroyed puzzle of glass. immediately in the next room the puller of fire transforms into 2 fire Nagas, Faris feels the fire and the close Naga strikes and terry transmutes a coldball to exploit their weakness. Using her special vision Metabelle sees into the least room and the group teleports there, quickly solving the puzzle then continuing to the arena. A cheering crowd awaits them, Thornak congratulates them and issues one final challenge, summoning a spirit dragon. The group springs into the fight. The dragon lunges to attack and is blocked by magical shield. Then Faris lets off a barrage of arrows. Terry and Sumitir teleport on top of the dragon, Sumitir brings it to the ground while Metabelle creates an illusion to distract it. Working together they bring down the beast. Thornak breaths on terry and awakens his power, he transforms into a. Dragon and flies to the place, Thornak gives the group some treasure.
19. 12/1/1531
The group exchanges the newly acquired treasure and starts a spending spree, visiting the house of grandeur many buy permency dust and create new items out of it. Terry also buys cloths. Then Terry contacts Selentos and the group go to Myantis in the morning.
Quickly once in Myantis terry and the group meet with Zahak the serpent sage to confirm Terry being the sage. Terry also chooses to the name Hanna as her title and declares herself a girl. The group continues to celebrate, many letters are sent to sages and friends for the party on the 21st. the group also goes and continues to shop and prepare, Sumitir buys supplies for the undercity exploration. Some of the group go to the mystic casino and enjoy gambling. Some making quite a lot and others making or losing some. Sumitir scopes out a girl names alexia and quickly befriends her, eventually getting a room and enjoying each other company. Undenounced to him, she fell pregnant. While this was happening Faris set a con to scope out rick folk after summoning a snake while invisible he used as a distraction to steel money, his snake alerted the guards, killing one and being out the owner, a blue sphynx, he wasn’t spotted but a close call. Metabelle communed with the hat and gave away the serpents pendent to get her pact neckless to activate.
20. 14/1/1531
The group journeys onwards and downwards into the undercity they start. A slight warning from the sewer attended and then they set off, in the first hub room they investigated the stone and discovered it to be the same as the pentagon in Silverhold, also discovering old druidic plant magic, a grey pair of vestments and 2 sets of 5 silver trinkets used to form a pentagon. Then they opened the iron door to the next section, discovering the footprints with sand. When the invisible footprints vanish Ryvok sends sand to the ceiling and briefly sees the outline of a being with ten legs. In the second hub they see the water pool, Faris investigates and discovers a sigil, upon throwing a rock at it a water elemental is summoned. Quickly defeating it as then the group stakes a piton on top of the falls and climb down. The cave seems to get to Ryvok and Metabelle who both see the 6th group member Nicholas, a red dragonborn cleric of the dragon mother. With Hanna, Sumitir and Faris being highly suspicious they attempt to kill him, he is damaged by Faris and Sumitir’s armor/hand. When Faris kills him, they semi calm down and attempt to understand the situation. Ryvok brings up a sand board to start explanations and them all being confused and angry. Even the Hat is unsure what is happening.
21. 14/1/1531
We continue at where we left off, at the sandboard of Ryvok. Continuing to discuss, and after realizing that Nicholas never took a portion of the treasure, they more fully determined that he didn’t exist. Sumitir casts speak with dead on the area of the corpse. Its spirit formed, it identified itself as “one who scours” and when asked it also told of how there are more of its kind, and they are vicious. Then the group starts to be attacked by a cave mongrel spider. It uses its mind powers to attack as well as its claws. Defeating it with normal strategies the monstrosity is brough down. The group goes back up the falls to take a long rest and recover.
Finishing the reset but not sleeping the night within the portable draconic hut. The group continues down. Faris sees three shadows and shoot one, killing it. One of the shadows uses an ability to switch the groups minds to different bodies. Faris becomes Hanna, Hanna becomes Sumitir, Sumitir becomes Metabelle, Metabelle becoming Ryvok, and Ryvok becomes Faris. Quickly feeling the abilities and bodies of their new forms they slaw the other two shadows, after this they switch back to their original bodies. Faris explores the level while Hanna sends her dragons to the lower levels. Snow discovers the summoning room and quicky alerts Hanna. Faris fights two cave-mongrel spiders and finds a bloodstone. The group continues to talk about plans and the cave.
22. 14/1/1531
Ryvok, Sumitir and Faris split off from Metabelle and Hanna. They are having a loud discussion while looking at the mongrel spider corpse, Chairy eats its brain and gains magic resistance. They are interrupted by Faris and Sumitir seeing a cave mongrel xenotic, this hideous beast has its first shot by the invisible Faris, then Sumitir tries to hide and goes invisible as well, Ryvok sand blasts it, seeming to make it angrier. It drops from the ceiling and its spines burst out and damage Sumitir greatly, while also attack with its tail and arms. Sumitir manages a lucky shot with his sword and beheads it. Faris harvests its corpse and gathers its spines. Looking into the many stones homes in the cave they discover a multitude of things. Faris finds and ever burning candle in one home, behind one home Ryvok finds a box containing 3 weird brass coins from a long time ago. Faris also takes various farming tools, while believing an ordinary house is a shrine to the white bird. Sumitir finds 4 silver bars. Faris finds the ring of Kazar. Ryvok finds and empty magic ship and an arcane focus orb. While talking Sumitir and Faris find the rings of the crown and glass cutting. Ryvok sees strange writing on the walls.
23. 14/1/1531
After a short recovery the group decides to take on the fight and head into the summoning room. With a short questioning the main figure says “begin” and the ritual commences. The 8 cultists work to further the circle. Faris opens with a. devastating volley of attack, and Metabelle traps the second in command in a mental illusion. Hanna creates a wall of ice to segment the battlefield, Ryvok uses sand to form protective shield are Sumitir and Sumitir attacks as well. The other cultists attack with cross bows. Rapid strikes happen at all times in the chaos. The main guy is hard to damage. Continuing forward the ritual is halfway done. Hanna gains her draconic form, Sumitir uses lightning bolts and spells to deal damage. Ryvok sends a torrent of sand at the various foes. Metabelle continues to assail the mind, eventually breaking it. Faris flurries his attacks and wears the skin off the main guy but in doing so further progresses the ritual. Sumitir does a lightning bolt and Hanna a blast of fire to fill the remaining cultists, Stopping the ritual just in time. Searching the bodies and the rest of the area Sumitir and Faris find the eye man, the crucified man and then save him, also finding the wildfire, and the partial orb, with mild arguing following.
24. 14/1/1531
Our group leaves the cursed undercity to return to the surface. Talks and discussions happening along the way out. Hanna tries to “prove” that Metabelle is once again not a wizard, as wall Hanna talks to Sumitir about the taxation of Silverhold. Heading to a bar to cool down after the undercity, Faris buys an expensive win that brings back fond memories, Metabelle acquires some regional teas as well for herself.
Sumitir spend his time with Alexia and feeding Chairy, Faris at the casino while undercover, Hanna planning for the Sages party and Metabelle studying. Messages are sent to friends and family as well.
The day of the party arrives, with an initial mingling of people at first, then the introductions happen, All sages arrive along with Hanna’s parents, Kark, and even the Emperor of Adrea. As well each group member, Faris trying to out snake the serpent sage Zahak, Metabelle using illusions and Grandeur to make an entrance. Sumitir wearing a suit of gold. Thane bringing a whole entourage and Arathos crashing the party. Metabelle learns of a Velngi tea from the barkeep, Thane talks with Sumitir about the sword, and with Metabelle about the Hat a little bit. Hanna gives a short speech to the sages; the group of all minds burn talk to Faris about his potential journey to enlightenment and Some members take the Burning mind powder drug. A night of fun and great joy.
25. 21/1/1531
The sage party continues, with the group interactions of many guests, Sumitir gets drunk from a boiled away Liquor made by Ottus Rass the fire Genasi bartender. Trying to climb up a pillar Sumitir is carried out of the party by two “guards” and into another small building. Quickly noticing that he is gone the rest of the group go outside and at once see a lightning bolt from a side building. Ryvok sand teleports to the building with Metabelle, Hanna turns into a black dragon and unleashes acid over both two of the assassins and Sumitir, him almost dying at this point so he retreats. Metabelle finishes the job and kills two of the three assassins, the last remaining assassin sees the situation and stabs himself with a poison dagger, Sumitir puts a death ward on him and when he dies, he comes back. Hanna uses suggestion to get him too corporate. Ryvok goes into the party to seek healing. Metabelle goes to the hotel to get the Hat. Sumitir goes to steal a cart so that the group can get out of town, Deciding to travel to Volantai and then Thalia. Sumitir askes the leader assassin corpse questions about Girk, the corpse speaks, and the group concludes that they need the help of Thalia.
They also see a large salamander on their way out of town.
26. 22/1/1531
The group continues in their cart on the wat to Volantai, Hanna making a short breakfast in the morning and talking to their prisoner Angelo Corris. Shortly after breakfast a large Roc appears and tries to fight them, it takes a hit at Metabelle and tearing the roof off the cart. Sumitir teleports on the back of the bird , then Hanna causes it to fly away, Sumitir drops in time and is safe. Hanna and Metabelle fight again about the fight with the Roc and whom would be stronger. Sumitir speaks to The Hat and wishes to trade/deal with it. After some discussion The Hat trades Sumitir’s eye for the casting of summon elemental, it being an invisible stalker. Sumitir orders it to find the orb and it will find it on Salad 5th. His new vision also sees strange things. Hanna is very concerned at this point with The Hat, believing that it is hiding some secret with malicious intent. The Hat offers a few possible options for her to deal but she doesn’t take any. In a fit of resting, she asks The Hat “if you are so powerful, than kill me, strike me down” and at once the hat speaks allowed “Fi Nale’is” and she falls over dead. The group is shocked, Sumitir speaks with her corpse a little taking fingers and a hand for possible resurrection later. They burn the rest of her body in the sunset.
27. 22/1/1531
As the sun sets and the group look to the skies, they see that around 25% of the stars are missing. Concerned about this and many other things they talk before going to bed
The next morning, they arrive at a familiar place for Faris, his old town of Koroth. They meet at the cross roads with Sir Godric who is a priest for a holy relic and a disciple of Ulos. Ryvok and Faris meet Kyra the nymph and she leads them away from the main village to a small hut. Out steps a man, the thought to be dead brother of Faris. Embracing the two cries in remembrance. Meeting Varis’s son Siris who was named after Faris’s original name. Varis advises Faris to deeply meditate to find his feeling. The rest of the group catches up and sees Faris is ok, making camp near Koroth for the night. Faris enters into vorpal space via deep meditation and the connection to this place. He appears in the grand forest and meets his dead village members including his parents. Reconnecting with those lost and rebuilding lost memories. His thoughts than drift to the dead Hanna. She is in the city with Nikanji, she talks with Faris about her plans and her ideas before she heads to speak with the dragon mother.
28. 23/1/1531
Faris remain in vorpal space for a majority of the night, he is pulled towards the mountains where he meets the great moon serpent God. She thanks him for his help with her children and blesses him. He then feels a current towards the Underchaos where he meets a weird being. He gives up small portions of his power and abilities for small parts of enlightenment.
When he wakes up the group sets out for Volantai, taking about ½ a day to reach the small costal city. The group talks to Godric a great deal along the way there. At Volantai Sumitir arranges passage on a ship towards Ipyèn. The group boards the SS-Soln 138 and meet Capitan Alzina and shipmate Koso. Alzina meets with Sumitir very briefly to discuss killing Godric and joining his side against Girk. Godric suspects something and casts zone of truth to get Sumitir to talk. Learning of the plan people tense up and get ready to fight. Alzina asks Sumitir who to spare and casts twinned chain-lightning, targeting all but Ryvok, instantly downing Godric and Metabelle. Ryvok leaves with Faris to the side boat and Sumitir and Metabelle quickly follow. Godric Is healed and comes up and strikes Alzina down, killing him. The group boat to land and split ways.