Weapon Enhancement system.

This is a system that can modify the base weapons of 5th edition, players can use it to improve weapons and gear but is also a way to justify and explain magic items existing.

Two parts make up this system, first is the making of the weapon process, then is any enhancements.

A note: Any weapon with three slots or more used will require attunement to benefit from the enhancements.

When you forge a weapon you choose a metal type, and you may also spend time and effort to forge in a sharpness. if you do so it does not cost you a slot to use but still costs 75% the amount to forge it in.

+1 = 375g

+2 = 750g

+3 = 1500g

These are the common buffs to add to a weapon. For spells* you can only cast certain spells and the usage of permency dust is needed, the permency table is a good base line but talk to the DM about what is and isnt allowed.

Elemental damage is: Fire, Cold, Acid, Thunder, Lightning, Posien

Divine damage is: Necrotic, Radient Psychic