First age, age of the old times
-The People are where Sirinal and Estia have mastered fire and basic bronze weapons but not much more to that. 0BC
-the tribes in where will be Velng for the first time start to be united by a great leader, his name will be lost to history but he is simply the conqueror. 100BC
-the United Tribes would have a long campaign to the northern areas, as their grassland became colder and drier, they raid and pillage the many farming groups, temples are destroyed and buildings burned, very little would survive this long invasion. 120-160BC
-The whole world grew even colder as Parahlitan was entering a glacial period. 200BC
-the great cold would cause crop failures and many would starve, leaving few People. 300BC
-the great cold expands even more and drowns any parts of remaining great civilizations, the death would be slow and collapse would leave little in its wake. 500BC
-the great cold reaches its peak and few People hold on, most that are left have survived on returning to a hunter-gathering lifestyle and very small villages. 700BC
-The great cold recedes and allows civilization to slowly come back, People start to grow kingdoms again and People start to travel to other villages again. 850BC
-due to the time spent apart new plagues have developed among the People, when travel became more prominent so did the sickness that came with it, while the people where not all killed outright it took a while for people to become immune to these diseases. 850-1000BC
-the collapse has ended and civilization has come back from the brink of a cold and icy death. 0BM
-a period of slow recovery and the formation of modern kingdoms in their various areas. 100BM
-the state of the world at the present moment. The area of Sirinal would be filled with 8 kingdoms, two that control each of the lower branches of the Sii river, one that controls the lower branch’s meeting point, the location of the city Sirinal. One that would control the southern split of Sii, one that controls the lake and western plains, one that controls the lower river, and two that control the upper river splits. The area of Estia would have 7 kingdoms, two that control the Main branch of the river, one that controls the small river, one that controls the lower split, one that controls the jungle, one that controls the coast of the grass bowl. The last kingdom was a border realm with the great grass plains. Kotak had only one kingdom in its south that controlled the coast, the rest would be tribes still living like they did during the collapse. Hinga had two kingdoms, one on its southern coast and river and one in the highlands to its north. The Great Plains of Velng would have many smaller tribes, and even the areas that would be good for kingdoms like the upper river of the Gulf river were constantly invaded and so never had kingdoms form. In Kest, there would be 6 main kingdoms, one for each of the Twins in the Twin rivers, One in the valley, One based around the city Resh’har. One that would control the Central peninsula and one that would control the upper Peninsula. To say Adrea had kingdoms would be an understatement, there was an almost constant amount of war for the land, after the 6 Major rivers were taken by a larger power, a series of kingdom splits and unification would take place for many many years to come and so for any given year a different number might exist. Thalia had 5 major kingdoms, one controlled the grand river, one controlled the second river, one controlled each point of the trident, and lastly one controlled the upper peninsula. At this time the Big island would be in dispute between Thalia and Kest. As for Sintal and the Grelor isles, neither have been discovered yet. 200BM
-the unification of the kings controlling the lower splits and coast river form an alliance, they conquered north wards into the river pass. 210-220BM
-the middle rivers and mountain source river kingdoms see this alliance and so form together to make a counter alliance. 220BM
-the two alliances clash together to fight for the Sister river, the fighting takes quite a long time and in the end no one wins. 220-230BM
-the alliance of the mountain source and middle river kingdoms break up over disagreements, and separate into 8 smaller kingdoms, each controlling sections of various rivers in the mountain source and middle rivers. 250BM
-the coastal people of Kotak continue to civilize the people to their north, expanding their power and influence. 250BM
-the Kingdom of the Three lakes forms in Northern Kotak to act as a regional governing state, it's in alliance with the coastal kingdoms of Kotak. 260BM
-the two upper river kingdoms in Sirinal merge together. 270BM
-the second river kingdom and the eastern and middle trident all form a unified alliance to expand northwards, they create the city of Réù on a lake side in middle Thalia and set up a new Kingdom that all 3 of the kingdoms have power in, this is based on the four lakes of middle Thalia. 300BM
-the coastal kingdom of Estia increased trade and cultural exchange with the southern coastal kingdom of Hinga. 310BM
-the once four separate kingdoms formally merge with “the unification marriage” where a member from each royal family would marry each other in a formal 4 way marriage, they would go on to create one ruling family for what would officially become the “kingdom of Thalia”. 320BM
-the alliance that controlled the lower splits and coast river get back together, but this time they invade into Kest. 310-325BM
-the western grasslands and Resh’har are occupied by the kingdom of lower united Adrea, this force then invades into the twins. 325-330BC
-the first journeys across Harash occur, they discover the oasis and set up a small city there. 330BM
-after a long series of battles and a large amount of losses on both sides Lower Adrea controls the Twins as well. 335BM
-the important People in Kest, the parts that were controlled by Lower Adrea, these People would flee into the mountains to grow resistance. 335BM
-the resistance in the Peninsula and Valley of Kest would grow, they would form a temporary alliance with the help of “the Red paragon” who would lead and inspire the People of the area. 340BM
-the resistance would start its liberating journey in the Twins, eventually moving to Resh’har and the western grasslands. Led by the “Red paragon” in battle and his inspiring world of rebellion and freedom. 340-355BM
-the port city Kelaxol arranges a deal with the Velng tribes for freedom from their raids and will provide a place to trade various goods to all tribes. 360BM
-the two kingdoms of Hinga go to war over who controls the midlands, ending in a stalemate. 360-380BM
-a time of relative peace in the world for a time. 380-425BM
-the kingdom of Thalia wishes to continue its expansion, it moves northward and settles Northern Thalia. 430BM
-the kingdom of Thalia continues its expansion, however this time peacefully and takes over the the last branch of the trident and the grand river, with marriages and promises of remained autonomy 435BM
-the kingdom that controls the river pass has grown wealthy from the trade passing through its borders, its kings live lives of extravagance. 440BM
-after the war over the midlands in Hinga, the middle kingdom is formed to protect itself from outside invaders. 450BM
-the People of the River pass revolt on their kings and form the first representative government, this will eventually turn back into royalty but for time it's a success. 460BM.
-the people of Kest build the city of Lo’ra, this will acs as a secondary capital for the northern regions. 480BM
-the increased trade across Harash, this often goes from Warnek to Sirina, making each of these cities more powerful. 500BM
-the moving city of Vas-Velnga is founded as a spiritual center and a place of peace among the plains tribes. 520BM
-the main Kingdom of Thalia has finally built up enough power to move over the Mountains into the upper peninsula. 525BM
-a series of colder winters occurs lasting, this doesn't have major impacts on the people but it means that expansion isn't feasible as there isn't enough food. 530-540BM
-due to the previous cold winters an area of peace occurs across the world, where only quite small conflicts happen. 540-610BM
-the peace will not last forever, as conflict is always bound to happen, the coastal and Northern kingdoms of Hinga have been communicating with each other, and are preparing for war. 620-625BM
-the combined Hinga kingdoms work to crush out the historic Middle kingdom, in this they split the country from 3 to 2 kingdoms. 625-630BM
-the long separated kingdoms of Estia are brought together by a single man, Kinal the First Unifier, he was born in Hotli in 597BM, at the age of 35 he would start his rise to power within the upper main river kingdom. 632-635
-the first Rin-Tal would begin his message of the gods in Sirinal, he was a messenger of Valan as well as many of the other gods that would be practiced in modern Sirinal. 640BM
-Kinal the First Unifier would assume control of the general and lead the military, first his campaign would conquer the kingdom of the Lower split. 645-650BM
-Kinal would place his first son in charge of that area and move on to conquer more land, he would go to the other kingdom on the main river, quickly defeating them. 650-653BM
-the first Rin-Tal would go on to collect his experiences and interactions with the various peoples of Sirinal and begin to write a book, The first forms of the Irin-Sarad. 652BM
-finaly Kinal would move to the smaller river, and swiftly conquer it as well, he would place his second son in charge of the Small river area. 653-655BM
-the first Rin-Tal then goes off and disappears, it is said he went off to the west. 654BM
-with the First unified Estia’n Kingdom he would return to Hotli and take place as king, his remaining reign would have greater prosperity for the people of all regions. 655-675BM
-apon the death of Kinal the first he would be replaced by his Grandson Faen Elsen, who would continue to rule the Estian Kingdom. 675BM
-a man called the “man from the west” would come and study the religions of the Adrea’s, from the quiet new worship of the Seven in Northern Adrea and the still prominent worship of Plants and Animals in the southern portions. 678-691BM
-the long standing upper kingdom of Sirinal goes to expand into the lower river. 680BM
-the battle of Disak and then its long lasting siege and its eventual defeat is the final part of the conquest war 680-685BM
-the new kingdom of expanded northern Sirinal basks in the glory of its conquest and the new resources that come from it, leading to greater prosperity for the people there. 685-720BM
-on the grasslands of Velng, based in the midgrass lands. And formed at a meeting in Vas-Velnga a collection of various tribes around the area gather forces to work together. 695BM
-it started as a small group but as it expanded more and more where drawn to the cause of the midgrass lands, this caused it to be a formidable force. 705BM
-the trident tries to declare its independence in Thalia, and it does at first, but it takes a lot of work from the rest of the countries military to quash the rebellion 705-715BM
-the midgrass lands move their great horde of Kale birds and men westwards into the western grass lands of Kest. 710BM
-the initial invasion of the westgrass lands wasn't met with resistance as many Velng tribes already lived there, however this new one is raiding cities in the Twins and the Rash’har river valley. 715BM
-the various rulers of the Kesti Kingdoms Meet in Resh’har to make a plan on how to defeat the Velng tribes, they decide that war is needed. 720BM
-the war does not go well at first, as the different tactics of the Velng tribes simply foil the Kesti warriors, and so it's largely a loss of life for the Unified Kest. 725BM
-the lack of success leads to instability within the alliance and so it's disbanded, with each kingdom working to protect itself. 730BM
-when Resh’har is fully destroyed and burned by the raids, the survivors of the Resh’har leave to the Lower split kingdom of Adrea. 735BM
-the worship of the seven would spread throught Adrea. 740BM
-after Adrea learns of this instability in Kest it forms an alliance to raid them self, many survivors help with this effort as promises of allowing them to reclaim their land are made. 745BM
-the reconquest of Kest is made by the lower splits of Adrea and a lot of help from the survivors of invasions. 745-755BM
-the promised land for the survivors is partly givin out, allowing the historic kingdoms to come back, however they do have leaders sympathetic to the cause of Adrea. 760BM
-the kingdom of the western grasslands is formally established to protect from further Velng raiders. 760BM
-the tribes from the midgrass lands that previously invaded Kest, were defeated. 760BM
-Thalia creates a constitution that will more strongly unify and bind the country together. 770BM
-the Thalian constitution that holds the country together focuses power in the south with the trident, grand river and second river. 775BM
-the midgrass tribes are reformed and instead of invading the west they journey east. 780BM
-the midgrass tribes take a slower approach to building allies while moving there way easy 785-800BM
-the coastal region of Hinga increases its trade with the coastal regions, the grass bowl of Estia and the jungle, as well as the southern split and lower river regions, this increased trade between the area creates a region of coastal trade and prosperity along the coast. 790-815BM
-the midgrass tribes move towards the border lands of Estia, and easily settle in the area and raid it. 805BM
-with the increased trade flowing on the coastal regions, these kingdoms gain more power and coastal Hinga decides to use its power to more strongly invade the northern kingdom. 810BM
-coastal Hinga hires sellswords and mercenaries from the jungle region of Estia, then they move to take the highlands of the north. 815-820BM
-coastal Hinga conquers the northern reaches but are met with resistance so it takes a while to fully conquer it. 820-835BM
-the city of Sirinal undergoes renovations 825-850BM
-Estia makes a deal with the current chieftain to hand over the border lands to the tribes, in exchange for no longer attacking the cities. 830BM
-Estia sets us a series of scattered fortifications on its newly established border. 835-845BM