Second age, age of middle kingdoms
-the city of Sirinal finishes its renovations and is renamed Sirinala’av, meaning grand Sirinal. 850BM
-due to wanting to control their trade routes Sirinal starts to build up its military. 855-870BM
-The city of Saalo is built on big island trades with the upper central peninsula of Kest. 860BM
-the border lands of Estia start to adopt some of the Velng customs in the area. 865BM
-Sirinal moves its armies to the East branch, and works towards conquering its lands, however the armies are met with fierce resistance and so progress is slow and battles caked with blood. 870-875BM
-the northern area of Kotak feels it is too heavily controlled by the southern area, so it declares independence. 875BM
-in response to the north declaring independence, the south tightens control of its people by restricting movement and increasing internal military presence. 880BM
-Sirinal finally breaks the upper half of the eastern branch. 880BM
-Sirinal continues to attack the eastern branch, but is met with even harsher resistance. 880-895BM
-Sirinal finally defeats the second half of the eastern branch, this makes it so there are 4 kingdoms in the region of Sirinal. 895BM
-Sirinal works to establish presence in the eastern branch, and a large amount of military continue to reside there. 900-1000BM
-Vodras and Saalo ally with each other and various trade cities on the peninsula, this forms a trade union in the area. 915BM
-the kingdoms of the twins rivers form into an alliance and become one kingdom. 920BM
-northern Kotak is fully abandoned by southern Kotak, this leads to the north becoming less civilized but the people did get their wish. 925BM
-Sirinal needs to make its new lands in form and devises a system for tax collection as well as a writing system for better communications. 930BM
-Estia feels greater resentment over its loss of the border lands to the Velng tribes, it sees this as a wasted amount of money and the Velng people as a bunch of savages. 945BM
-The Soln sea federation is made, with Saalo, Vodras and Ketsi being founding members. 955BM
-Myantis joins the Soln Sea federation. 975BM
-the Velng tribes in the Border lands are mostly peaceful but only due to the tribute received. 980BM
-the kingdoms of river pass and the coastal river of Adrea form an alliance, one built on the ideals of internal improvement, this ends there trade across the desert. 985BM
-the eastern branch of Sirinal, now part of Sirinal grows to appreciate the systems and prosperity that Sirinal brings, it takes time but the violence of acquiring the land is forgotten over generations. 990BM
-the peace however is disrupted, first by the lack of trade goods coming from Warnek in Adrea, these often had medicinal properties as well as spices, the second thing was a minor plague that would have been fine on its own was made much worse by the lack of medical supplies from the west. 990BM
-the government requests to buy supplies from the southern split as well as Estia, but this effort is in vain as these area are struggling just as much, this causes the people to desire to take what is thiers, they wish to invade the southern split. 995BM
-the southern split sees the preparations for war and so blocks trade on the Sii river to the sea side ports, this simply angers the people even more and they choose to buy weapons and iron from Estia. 995BM
-the kingdom of Sirinal declares its self an Empire and seeks to conquer the southern split. 995BM
-the southern split has lost a lot of its economy from blocking trade and so does not have as much money to spend on military. 995BM
-the world continues to turn, at the present it looks like this. Kotak is split between the north and south. Sirinal has a kingdom to the north with the upper and lower river, a kingdom centered around the lake in the western plain, the kingdom of the southern split, and the newly proclaimed Empire of Sirinal. Estia has four kingdoms, with one making up the main river, small river and lower split also called the heartland kingdom. One kingdom based within the jungle, one that has taken parts of the coast from the jungle to the grass bowl and lastly the border state of the Velng tribes occupied borderlands. In Hinga there is one kingdom, in Velng the tribes remain disunited, although more organization happens near the border landsand eastgrass lands. In Kest, there is the kingdom of the Twins, the kingdom of the valley, the kingdom of Resh’har and the kingdom of the western grass lands, as well many cities on the peninsula are in the trade kingdom are part of The Soln Sea federation. In Adrea, the lower splits are a kingdom, the coastal river and river pass are currently one kingdom, although some their costal cities are part of the Soln sea federation. The sister river, is an independent kingdom, there are four kingdoms in the middle rivers and two kingdoms in the mountain river. As well Myantis is part of the Soln Sea federation. Thalia remains one united country, with a strong core in the trident, grand river and second river areas. Harash is still barren, Sintal and Grelor are still undiscovered. 1000BM
-The Sirinal Empire starts the first war, of what would be known as the first 50 years war. 1000-1055BM
-the plague that affected Sirinal and Estia has passed its course. 1005BM
-the Gulf river kingdom of Velng once again works to maintain its peace with the tribes of Velng, this is by increasing its output of trade goods, primarily by trading up and down the Untili coast, with cities such as Seldor and Satres. 1015BM
-the development of a Lateen sail allowed ships to move much faster, as they could both with and against the wind. 1025BM
-all of the big island and the Greater area of Myantis joins the Soln sea federation, making it a much larger and more important power. 1040BM
-most of the southern split has been conquered but the city of Disak is a fierce resistance and is put under siege to try and capture the final bastion. 1045-1055BM
-the Sirinal Empire sends diplomats to the kingdoms of Estia to work towards maintaining a peaceful relationship, this effort goes well and a mutual friendship pact is made. 1050BM
-the Velng tribes in the borderlands, conveen and a new leader is chosen, this is a minor Velng unification. 1055BM
-The Sirinal Empire has fully conquered the southern split and works to build up the trade cities on the newly acquired coast. 1060BM
-trade along the Rinvel sea experiences a new boom as the new Sirinal Empire introduces many more goods, and the Newly developed Lateen sail recently came into usage here. 1070BM
-the Soln sea federation continues to go and expand its influence pushing inland into the sister river kingdom. 1075BM
-with trade from the newly expanded Sirinal empire on their border, Estia works to expand its own empire. 1080BM
-with Estia moving it resources further north the Borderlands of Velng, who had long been settled by the Velng peoples are neglected and many of the services of Estia are lessened. 1085-1095BM
-Estia first moves across the grass bowl to capture the coastal kingdoms, however instead of a traditional military invasion they work with Sirinal and the local lords for a peaceful incorporation on the basis of better trade opportunities. 1090BM
-the Tribes in the border lands were displeased that Estia did not honor their old deal and so decided to start raiding cities again to “take what is rightfully ours”. 1095-1100BM
-Estia forms its army as well as getting aid from the Sirinal Empire to pacify the land, they work to form up and move in the area. 1100-1105BM
-The united armies go south to the border lands and work to drive out the tribes and kill those who are in resistance, while Sirinal is much more willing and Estia is much more willing to deal in the end they achieve the same goal. 1105-1110BM
-the united armies then work to set up permanent fortifications of there border, this is a wall that defines there southern border with Velng. 1110-1130BM
-the lower splits Kingdom in Adrea goes through a succession crisis and so experiences a civil war 1115-1130BM
-after the Sirinal army return home they continue to improve the areas of Sirinal, often by expanding the river and building up cities and making roads. 1130BM-1150BM
-the southern regions of Hinga experience a large amount of influence from Estia, slowly shifting its culture. 1135BM
-Resh’har and Lo’ra make a trade alliance, much like the Soln sea federation although lesser in scale. 1145BM
-Sirinal would have a long standing period of peace and work on internal improvement 1150-1220BM
-the older from of the Sirinal Script would be modified for usage in Estia as well as changed for more modern usage 1170BM
-the invention of the first modern compas is created in Thalia, a simple magnetic compas that points north. 1180BM
-a trader on the Untili coast gets swept away by a great storm. 1190BM
-the formerly lost trader returns, he tells tales of a set of faraway islands with strange animals, people however don’t believe him and so he sets sail once again. 1205BM
-the man returns with 2 “horses” from this far off set of islands, they are a forign wonder and many come to visit them in Kelexol. 1206-1214BM
-After much improvement in the Sirinal Empire, the people want more, long ago have they forgotten the horrors of war and have heard only tales of the great battles and the new land they have settled on. 1220BM
-Estia starts construction of a massive library and museum project taking quite a long time to finish. 1220-1435BM
-Sirinal forms its army and prepares to take its greatest rival, the northern kingdom. 1225BM
-the initial invasion is quite slow as the people are very resilient, the northern kingdoms mobilize almost all of the available population, but the victories did happen this would be considered the second 50 years war. 1230-1290BM
-a return voyage to the far off islands would be sponsored by a noble in the upper river region of Velng. 1235BM
-this voyage would be successful, and would prove the existence of these far away isles, in honor of the capitan these isles would be known as the Grelor isles. 1240BM
-the ever present job act would be passed in Grand Sirinal city, this made it so that a new person could always find work and would be helped by the state. 1240BM
-Kotak experiences a crop failure, this causes some of its people to move into the upper river regions of Sirinal, many of the people help The Sirinal Empire and many others help the current upper river kingdom, but the population of the north undergoes a slight change. 1245-1310BM
-the influx of people into Grand Sirinal would make the effective revenue for the empire much larger and Grand Sirinal would see steady growth. 1250BM
-Estia starts to build a roads initiative to connect their kingdom together. 1255-1280BM
-Thalia suffers a food shortage and crop failure, like the one in Kotak this causes people to flee south to the northern cities in Adrea. 1250-1265BM
-the modern day calendar is invented and first used in Sirinal, however its popularity makes sure it spreads quickly. 1255BM
-a more developed trade network with the unique resources on the Grelor islands would form. 1260BM
-the Soln sea federation continues to grow in influence, and is responsible for many of the technological developments in the area. 1265BM
-the economy of Thalia falls apart as there are not enough people and not enough food, people start to riot against the noble families for reform. 1270BM
-the introduction of horses does not affect Velng much as the Kale bird is central to their culture but horses are used in Estia and Sirinal to improve travel times throughout their lands, however they still remain expensive and rare. 1275BM
-the government of Thalia is overthrown by the people, long unable to have the city of Ipyèn join the Soln Sea federation. 1280BM
-The valley and the Twins or Kest form together into one single kingdom. 1285BM
-the inner lands of the mountain source river and the sister river kingdom of Adrea work to bring their nations together. 1290BM
-Prosperity is seen in the southern reaches of Thalia, now part of the Soln sea federation, 1295BM
-the eventual victory over the lower river split is made but the Sirinal Empire still faces resistance from the people and from the upper river. 1300BM
-the Sirinal Empire moves to capture the upper river kingdom to crush the resistance there. 1305BM
-the Sirinal Empire continues to move its army north, but when the supply lines are cut by rebelling people in the Lower river split region the Sirinal Army turns to a more harsh system of raiding the conquered people directly by taking their food and burning buildings. 1310BM
-the final siege of Shanental happens, it is fully burned from the ground. 1315BM
-the former city of Shanental is made into a mass grave and a new city is drafted up, Shasal would be built around 30km outside of the grave. 1315-1355BM
-The newly formed united kingdom of upper Adrea, is named Adrea, the first time this name is used. 1320BM
-Sirinal moves its armies into the Western plains 1325BM
-the swift capture of the Western Plains by the Sirinal army. 1330-1355BM
-the former leaders of the Northern Kingdoms work with the people of Kotak for help. 1330BM
-Hinga has a crisis of Succession and so goes into civil war. 1335-1355BM
-Kotak sends its help discreetly into the Northern kingdom. 1340BM
-The Kingdom of Southern Kest desires to merge with Resh’har and form a more stable nation to protect from outsiders. 1345BM
-Adrea merges with the kingdom in the river pass. 1350BM
-the war in Hinga slows down and one leader seems to be prominent. 1355BM
-the North of Sirinal experiences a food shortage due to more people coming in 1360BM
-it may look like there is peace in Hinga as a new king is crowned, and new policies are laid down. 1361BM
-the North of Sirinal requests food from the government of Grand Sirinal, and is denied. 1362BM
-the Northern Revolution starts. 1363BM
-the people of Hinga see the new policies of the new king and its limits on trade and move towards more illegal activity in spite of the law. 1364BM
-The Northern Revolution causes the people of the North to quickly build their own army to defend themselves. 1365BM
-Estia sees it trade hurt from the new Hinga ruler and so is willing to help the illegal activity 1367BM
-the Sirinal Empire tries to retake the north however with the added Kotak resistance and the weakened army it is unsuccessful. 1370-1385BM
-Hinga is thrown into war again as the coastal traders rebell and refuse to pay the taxes. 1370-1380BM
-The modern high powered Crossbow and ballista are invented in Sirinal. 1375BM
-The Sirinal Empire signs a peace treaty with the north that granted it independence. 1385BM
-Estia helps assist the traders of the coast in Hinga on their side of the war, however this is much more of a diplomatic war. 1387-1410BM
-Sirinal reformats its writing system and better unify the Empire. 1390BM
-the Sirinal Empire works to build up border fortifications along the new Sirinal-Northern kingdom border. 1390-1410BM
-a period of relative peace within Adrea and the Soln sea federation. 1395-1450BM
-full plate armor was invented in the Sirinal Empire. 1400BM
-The Northern kingdom of Sirinal, takes the historic mountain pass path and builds into a proper means of transportation between Kotak and the Northern Kingdom. 1400-1420BM
-the Velng stagnation occurs, due to the increased horse usage and more people moving through there lands they see an internal decline. 1405-1510BM
-burnpower, also known as black powder, an early form of gunpowder, was invented in Adrea. 1410BM
-the Kotak resurgence occurs, an increase in modernization and more international connections. 1415-1490BM
-the traders of Hinga “win” the diplomatic war and are allowed to trade as previously allowed, this allows Hinga to open up even more. 1420BM
-the northern reaches of Thalia have prospered despite the lack of its city Center in the south, this means that its northern region is a much more formidable kingdom. 1425BM
-the Soln sea federation starts a decline as mainland Adrea becomes more successful and less reliant on the Soln sea trade. 1430-1460BM
-the central library of Estia in finally finished and acts as a place of both Knowledge and a museum for historical artifacts 1435BM
-the fire lance was invented in mainland Andrea, a prototype of future firearms and guns. 1440BM
-Kotak works to reunify with its northern split, mostly by diplomatic means. 1445BM
-Sirinal puts more economic restrictions on the Northern kingdom to try and pressure them into coming back to Sirinal, but this simply drives the Northern kingdom to better relations with Kotak. 1450BM
-Kotak officially reunified with its northern regions, while the north remains quite independent in practice it starts to accept more infrastructure, people start more internal movement. 1455-1470BM
-Estia works on official connections between them and Hinga. 1460BM
-the first glasses were invented in Estia, made from experiments with glass art. 1465BM
-the quick development and refinement of the firelance into what would be a more modern firearm called the hand cannon, as well as the invention of the cannon properly. 1470BM
-kest retakes the grasslands. 1475BM
-the usage of Blackpowder in mining and fireworks is developed in Adrea. 1480BM
-Kest starts to build up its border defences along Velng. 1485-1505BM
-the first uses of pre modern guns would be developed in Adrea. 1495BM
-the handcannon makes its way across the grass sea of Velng and ends up in small numbers in Sirinal and Estia. 1500BM
-the long reigning king of Estia dies, however his three sons where triplets and so no clear hier was set aside. 1509BM
-the three brothers,Salra, Entlor, and Deleon make a “temporary” pact to divide the kingdom into three regions for administration. 1509BM
-with Salra controlling the Lower split, Small river and border lands of Estia. Entlor controlling the main branch of Estia. Deleon controlling the grass bowl and jungle of Estia, there is temporary truce but each of them declares himself the rightful ruler of all of Estia. 1510BM
-the official start of the Three Estia’s conflict starts as Entlor starts to build up an army, and then in response so does Salra build up an army as well. 1510BM
-the Sirinal Empire sees a slight decrease in trade due to Estia now focusing on what appears to be a looming war. 1510BM
-despite the trade loss and increased need for more diplomacy with the new Estian kingdoms, Sirinal manages and experiences peace. 1510-1570BM
-the first attack and battle of the Three Estia’s conflict happens, an attempted attack by Salra to the capital of Hotli, no significant gains for either side. 1512BM
-a formal invasion of the Salra’s kingdom is made by the army of Entlor, this results in them capturing Krass temporarily. 1520BM
-Salra gets the help of the Velngi warriors to recapture Kras, and it return offers them some expanded rights. 1522BM
-Salra recaptures Krass, however the Velngi warriors cause a lot of collateral damage to the city as well. 1523BM
-the kingdom of Entlor suffers heavy casualties and so retreats back to there borders. 1524BM
-the Sirinal Empire works to improve the newly made handcannon, and develops the first firearm, or a version of the musket, they then form an army regiment with these guns. 1525BM
-the city of Krass is rebuilt and fortified for more powerful defence, 1525-1540BM
-the kingdom of Deleon decides to formally integrate with the Kingdom of Hinga, for both added defence and for trade, thus both countries will mutually protect each other. 1530BM
-the Kingdom of Entlor starts to build up its borders, with guards and walls. 1530-1555BM
-the invention of Secret script is made to covertly send information to parts of Estia’s without getting caught. 1535BM
-the Sirinal Empire develops a message system with its borders making much faster communications. 1540BM
-the new northern kingdom of Adrea continues to expand its reach southwards and with the newly developed technology of guns is highly successful in moving southwards. 1550-1565BM
-Entlor dies and his kingdom passes to his one and only son. 1555BM
-Deleoom dies and passes his trade empire to his son. 1565BM
-the second Rin-Tal, first Seladin is born, Sirius Vi’ironet, he is born in Sirinala’av. 1568BM
-Adrea is united into one overarching mainland kingdom, with a few cities still belong to the Soln sea federation. 1570BM
-Adrea adopts a formal script for there new Empire, one based off of the traders symbols, the regional scripts and the loose ideas of the Sirinal and Thalian script. 1575BM
-the last Brother Salra dies, the kingdom passes to his son and the conflict continues. 1576BM
-the northern kingdom of Sirinal becomes restless as the people see a fall in growth and continue to hear rumors and stories about the growing success in the Sirinal Empire. 1580-1590BM
-Sirus has his first experience with Valan and decides on his mission to help spread the ideals of the gods throught the usage of magic. 1587BM
-Sirus heads to the north kingdom to help the people there, and spreads his message along the way. 1589BM
-Sirus Vi’ironet has his first child a son named Dalan Siruset. 1593BM