Third age, age of renaissance
-the proclament of a new age is declared as Sirus would reveal his magical powers to the government of the Sirinal Empire. 1595BM, 0AM
-the world continues to turn, into a new age the world emerges. Kotak is United into one country, and it also provides a lot of resources to the north or Sirinal. In Sirinal it is still divided between its northern split kingdom and the Empire to the south and west. In Estia it is divided between the 3 brothers, with Deleon in a mutual trade relationship with Hinga and Salra and Entlor in a tense situation. In Hinga it is United together as one with a strong mutual relationship with the kingdom of Deleon. In Velng it still remains in a tribal state however there are four main groups are generally formed on a basis of language, with one group near Kest in there grasslands, a second group around Vas-Velnga, the third a more advanced trading group in Kelaxol that trades with the Grelor isles. And the fourth is near Estia that sometimes help Salra in Estia. In Kest there is one large kingdom in the south and a large number of cities belong to the declining Soln Sea federation along the peninsula with its grass. In Adrea the mainland is United in a very loose structure and some of the coastal cities still belong to the Soln Sea federation. In Thalia there is the city port in the south belonging to the Soln Sea federation and a large kingdom in the north, they have a peaceful but not amazing relationship. In Harash there still remains only a few nomadic people and the one Trade town at the Oasis. Sintal remains undiscovered. 1595BM 0AM
-Sirus has his second child, a daughter named Ki’inal Siruset. 1AM
-Sirus moves back down south to Sirinala’av to practice his message to a wider audience. 2AM
-Sirus is noticed by the government of the empire of Sirinal, and so is brought into officially help the empire. 3AM
-Sirus starts to train an official group of magic users, both for war and for other jobs, while not everyone changes to follow his God Valan, many do adopt his philosophy when learning magic as well. 4AM
-Sirus continues his work with training people in Magic as well as improving his own Magic, The government of the Sirinal Empire officially recognized His sect of Valan as an official religion and start work on building a church. 4AM-34AM
-the eternal flame of Sirinal is lit to represent the founding of a new age and the common form of magic. 5AM
-rumors across the world coming from Estia and from Sirinal about people being able to do this new found form of magic spread, with some believing it and many more not. 6AM-16AM
-the first deployment of the Magic user unit is put in battle, it is sent to the Estia kingdom of Salra, sent to fight the Velng raiders, the unit is very effective as they fight in a variety of styles and have a blend of traditional weapons and magic for a very deadly effect. 7AM
-the Empire of Sirinal decides to use its newly found power, its strengthened military to try and finally retake the north, and so it starts to build up its army greatly, incorporating a small amount of guns and magic users into the army but still having it in mostly traditional. 8AM-13AM
-the kingdom of Salra strikes a deal with the Empire of Sirinal to send over a person who can teach magic to their people. This person is not the first teacher, however he is the first forign one. 10AM
-both the kingdom of Salra and the Empire of Sirinal work to keep the teachers of magic secure so as to not spread the magic to the enemies. 11AM
-the Soln sea federations starts to decline further as many of its cities are harmed by the free trade agreements, 13AM
-the Soln sea federation breaks into 3 parts, on along the peninsula of Kest, one along the Adrean coast and one with Saalo and Ipyèn. 17AM
-Sirinal goes fully into becoming a spiritual leader and his son Dalan takes over control of the magical side of the military. 19AM
-Dalan starts a fanatic campaign to try and spread the magic and religion, the way he best sees this is by war, he convinces the Leaders of the empire of Sirinal to expand the military even further. 21AM
-the north sees this and also makes preparations but with a lack of guns and magic they ask Kotak for large amounts of troops as well as preparing their cities to withstand siege. 22-25AM
-the empire of Sirinal makes official plans to recapture the north, both an extensive number of Magic users as well as people using guns. Putting a very large number of the people on the northern border with the north. 23AM
-Sirinal diverts a large part of its economy to the planned out war, thus the kingdoms of Estia see a small drop in their economy. 23AM
-Ki’inal travels into Harash and to Adrea to spread the magic to those areas. 24-27AM
-the war breaks out, Dalan leads his regiment of troops across the heavily fortified border. 25AM
-Dalan quickly reaches Shasal and starts the prolonged siege. 25-29AM
-the other divisions of the army reach around and start conquering the countryside. 25-28AM
-Kotak starts to gather troops to help the north. 26AM
-Sirus continues to preach in Sirinala’av, with many flocking to him for advice and expanding the population of Sirinala’av even more. 27AM
-the forces of Kotak fight their way through the countryside, its forces clashing with the Empires army, and eventually make their way to Shasal. 28AM
-the Kotak forces and the Empires forces clash at Shasal, the empires defeat Kotak’s forces and continue to siege the city. 28AM
-Ki’inal works to teach the people of Adrea the magic, while they are slow to learn at first a few people do devote themselves to the magic. 28AM
-Shasal finally falls, as the people inside are starved out after 4 years, the leader surrenders to Dalan, commander of the military. Dalan kills the leader and places his second in command as the new leader of the city. 29AM
-the few remaining people of Shasal are enraged with this decision, and so start an uprising. 29-30AM
-the uprising is put down, as the population of the city now is almost half military and with peace rewarded with valuable food, the people are calm, for now. 30AM
-plans are drafted right away to start rebuilding Shasal, however with the Empire having spent a large amount of money on the war and the territory it took in the north having been raised to the ground, they implement new taxes for goods from Estia’s. 30AM
-Dalan continues to move the remains of the army further north, both subduing citizens and helping replant crops and stabilize the country, this was expanding the role of military into a labor force as well as a peacekeeping force. 30-32AM
-the north officaly starts its integration into the Sirinal Empire, with a heavy defense along the border with Kotak put in place. 32AM
-Dalan return south after his long campaign in the north, held as a hero and highly praised for his work. 33AM
-Ra’inal, son of Dalan, is born shortly after his return home. 34AM
-the Empire of Sirinal works with the three Estia’s to bolster there empire after the prolonged northern war, in this deal they make a greater alliance with the empires, they share more of the magic as well, although they show favor to the kingdom of Salra. 35-40AM
-printing press is invented in Hinga. 36AM
-the kingdom of Entlor sees the alliance between Salra and Sirinal and so starts to bolster its military. 37AM
-Entlor starts a preumptive attack on Salra, this is in there mind to try and take back this area and unify Estia. 38AM
-Salra calls apon the aid of Sirinal to help them defeat Entlor. 39AM
-the Sirinal army sneds over an inital force to hold them off, they quickly start to defend the country from Entlor but only for a time. 40AM
-Sirinal starts a new trend of continuous build up, where when people are fully trained they are sent right away so that people come in not all at ocne but as a steady stream of people, this helps but is a new tactic for sirinal. 40-43AM
-the Soln Sea federation declares its end, and the very loose trade agreement between the three parts fell apart, thus this trade alliance and nation comes to and end after over 600 years. 41AM
-the printing press has moved to the main land are starts to bring the world closer together, with books being much more common and newer ideas such are spread far and wide across the land. 42AM
-Thalia sees the final end of the Soln sea federation and so moves to reintegrate the old cities. 43AM
-once a critical mass of soldiers are in Salra the Sirinal military moves out of Krass and into Holti, making a decisive attack on Entlor. 44AM
-Sirinal enters into talks with Salra and Deleon on what will happen to Entlor, settling on a still divided Estia, with Salra taking some territory and Deleon some territory as well, and then Sirinal would occupy the main river split. 45AM
-Salra with the help of Sirianl successfully defeats Entlor, and puts an end to there kingdom, they then are reformed into the “Estian central state” and ruled over by a collation of Sirinal and Salra, with Deleon having there full control over the small river. 47AM
-the cities on the Adrean cost of Vodras, Ketsi and Myantis stay partly independent, although they are integrated into the larger system of Adrea. 49AM
-the start of the quiet 70 happens, a period where the world is at a relative peace, Estia is being reformed and the west is forming its self together as well after the collapse of the Soln sea federation. 50AM
-Sirus falls into his later years and fully retires, with his magic fading. 50AM
-Sirus dies, after a long loved life and changing the world in a fundamental way, this great man dies. 54AM
-the Estian central state becomes commonly known as Sirin-Estia, and Sirinal works much more as a central power instead of direct rulership. 55-67AM
-Salra and Deleon work with Sirin-Estia to further unite the area, not as one country but as an area for the people. 68-74AM
-Adrea works to add even more roads and canals to the country. 70AM
-the discovery of the Island of Sintal is found, like the Grelor isles this new island contains new species. This trade however mostly helps Kotak. 71AM
-The governments of Thalia form an alliance in there royal families of the Southern cities and the northern regions, making the country a united force. 76AM
-the magic has spread to many parts of the world, with it being known in all places, common in Sirinal and Estia, and being semi common in all other places but Velng. 85AM
-The long summer occures, a period where the winters are extremely mild, this means an extra growing season and leads to a lot more food during this period. 87-92AM
-Kotak starts towards its isolation, with the culture drawing inwards, trade slightly slowing and people moving much less. 89-150AM
-the Trade kingdom of Harash declares its self independent, and promises no halt in cross desert trade, and so is allowed to thrive. 105AM
-devlopments of nationalism in the west, with Kest and Adrean people being more connected to their local groups. 110AM
-the end of the quiet 70 happens when the prosiding emperor of Adrea is deposed by the leader of Kalim, thuly causing a crises of leadership and the country once again goes into a civil war. 120AM
-the many countrymen and lords declare independence from the larger adrean state, many of these states even asking for outside help from larger people. 121AM
-the initial conflicts happen quite soon, as lords don’t want to be behind each other, quick grabs for land and people happen with mis matched armies. Many soldiers are not armed well, many using simple swords and light armor. Because of this, the soldiers with guns and plate armor easily kill the lesser soldiers. 122AM
-because of this the industrial areas and places that focus on production of advanced weapons gain more power. This leads to large amount of deaths and consolidation of power into new areas. 122-125AM
-the kingdoms follow the historic boundaries of the rivers and the focus on the cities. In the north is the 3 rivers pact with Myantis being a trade and production capital, and the rivers of the mountain source, the middle rivers and the sister. The Middle Kingdom extends from the fertile plains around the river pass and ends at a strong border on the northern side of the coast river, Warnek is a strong city, Kalim is split across the river and its people fiercely divided and they suffer for this. The lower kingdom is focused around Vodras and extends up towards the south side of the coast river. These three powers have redefined Adrea. 125AM
-after minor powers have been consolidated and alliances been made only larger kingdoms and organized states remain. 125AM
-the 3 rivers pact has burrowed a large amount of money, ships, and troops from Thalia, they spend time preparing defenses and securing there borders. 125-128AM
-the start of a construction project called the unity roads, a series of roads to link the three Estia’s together, with many bridges and more vast roads. 126-139AM
-due to the great need for guns and plate armor and other weapons or way, along with extra food and various costs of war, many of the kingdoms in Adrea reach out to other foreign powers for money and loans, Thalia supports the kingdom in the north, Sirinal supports the kingdom in the middle and Kest supports the kingdom in the south. 126-130AM
-Sirinal works with Middle Kingdom to build a road through Harash to make support faster and easier. 128-132AM
-Sirinal sends over groups of both soldiers and magic users, while magic was already used in Adrea this gives the Middle Kingdom an advantage. 130AM
-the three rivers pact make a slow yet steady progress into the Middle Kingdom, they use a strategy of total victory, where they won’t advance until the entirety of the area is secured and the people are subjugated, this also includes setting up many, many levels of defense. Creating a multi layered defense and structure to hold the area. 131AM
-the lower kingdom made a series of formal pacts to directly tie them selves to Kest, where Kest gives its resources in turn for future promises of sovereignty. 131AM
-the Middle Kingdom continues to loose land north of the river pass river, and so requests even more aid from Sirinal. 132AM
-the three rivers pact hear of this news and so make a fast push to reach Warnek quickly taking land. 133AM
-the armies of the tree rivers reach warnek but with great losses along the way, and by this time the army of Sirinal has arrived to defend the city, a great battle happens and this is the first super large clash between powers, the confluence of magic, guns and steal create a blood bath, the only true winner being death. However in the end Sirinal would stand and the city of Warnek would hold. However both sides need to take time to regroup. 133AM
-the lower kingdom takes this time to build it forces as well, as all sides see that more bloody battles are ahead. 133AM
-after a winter and the first harvest season in the spring the forces and armies once again march out to battle. 134AM
-the lower army gathered intelegence of from the north on there tactics and so begin to set up defensive structures in there territory, building small forts and better roads for supply lines. 134-136AM
-the army of Sirinal sends around half of its troops back and leaves a smaller force to defend the middle kingdom. 134AM
-the Three rivers retreats from there loss and makes ther way back, however they continue to be picked off by resisting regions and so suffer even more losses. 134AM
-the Goverment of the three rivers has a large amount of internal debate on what to do next but decides to get direct troops from Thalia, incressing debt but also gaining an advantage, Thalia sends down troops as well as ships. 134AM
-the lower kingdom sees the weakened middle kingdom and decides to attack with its bolstered force, they surround Kalim and start a brutal siege, but with the condition that surrender and joining their kingdom will bring prosperity, after 3 months the city falls and the army occupies it. 135AM
-the middle kingdom sees that its grip on its territory is loosening and so goes calls for peace between the three kingdoms. 135AM
-peace talks are held in the neutral and far away city of Saalo, while these negotiations last a while in the end it comes down to heated words and little action as none of the parties get much or anything, after the talks they all start to return to the mainland. 135AM
-on the way back the burrowed Thalian warships clash with those of the lower kingdom, this creates the largest naval battle up to this point, with the usage of cannons and magic this creates a deadly battle as well, although after some time both forces have suffered heavy losses and so both retreat. 135AM
-the Middle Kingdom sees that the three rivers are much stronger than them and further fears the lower kingdom, so the Middle Kingdom starts to talk with the three rivers kingdom in separate diplomatic talks. 136AM
-seeing there supported kingdoms Thalia and Sirinal meetup to determine what actions to take in regards to their supported states, this results in a large amount of support being taken back because Thalia and Sirinal thought that the two kingdoms working together wouldn’t need as much help. 136AM
-Sirinal fully pulls its armies out from Adrea and Thalia stops sending more support, however the two kingdoms of the Middle Kingdom and the three rivers agree to come together to crush out the lower kingdom, thus making a loose peace. 136AM
-the lower kingdom continues to prepare for what looks like a large invasion. 136AM
-the loose peace kingdom starts to prepare for the southern invasion, making large amounts of weapons and ships. 136AM
-the loose peace kingdoms send off ships to start a naval blockade of the lower kingdom, stoping ocean based trade. 137-139AM
-the loose peace finally starts its march to the south, a slow but steady march across the land. 137AM
-the lower kingdom sees this coming army and so desperately asks Kest for help, Kest sends off a mostly unknown man into Velng to gain the support of the Velng Kale riders. 137AM
-the armies of the loose peace move past Warnek and start to take Kalim. 137AM
-Kalim was greatly reinforced and so is greatly able to withstand a siege. 137AM
-the siege of Kalim doesn’t isn’t working well as the city is able to survive, and so the armies decide to simply invade the city, the attack is successful however with around 60% casualties on both military and civilian sides, the army burns the city to the ground and destroyed almost all the buildings as well. This even is known as the blazing of Kalim. 137AM
-with the lower kingdom’s defeat at Kalim, and the destruction of the city, the lower kingdom starts to worry and make drafts for surrender, but with the armies closing in the armies of Kest with assistance from a large horde of Velngi riders comes to their assistance. 138AM
-the loose peace kingdom had prepared for the weapons and strategy of the lower kingdom but not of that from the kingdom of Kest and the Velngi riders, these two forces would quickly turn the tide of battle into a much more fair fight. 138AM
-with the loose peace kingdom on the back foot, the lower kingdom is able to recapture the ruins of Kalim. 138AM
-the loose peace kingdom turns toward inward turmoil, each part blaming each other for there collective failure. 138AM
-the loose peace kingdom starts to disintegrate as the peace becomes undone as this once semi united kingdom of Adrea is once again split into two. Adrea is still divided in its three kingdoms, but it looks like a glimmer of hope of the horizon that one may yet still unify the whole of Adrea. 139AM
-from the streets of Satres comes a famous figure, one who would inspire revolution and bring about a new peace. The second red paragon. 139AM
-this paragon seeks to help free all people of Adrea from there oppressive bonds, and the great war that has harmed everyone. So while seeking to unify Adrea he seeked to unify it not under any one government that exists but a new one in favor of the people. 139AM
-the Red Paragon talks to the government of the lower kingdom and makes an ultimatum, that if the government greatly reformed its self and made promises to keep the changes, then he would help them win the Adrean war. The lower kingdom government accepts, while they are currently winning they would not be able to keep winning without the outside help. 139AM
-Quickly and effectively, the Red Paragon takes power of the military of Kest as well he rallies the Velngi peoples to continue to follow him. He takes these forces and rides northwards to the cities of the Middle Kingdom and the three rivers kingdom. 139AM
-The grand rivers conspiracy starts, with the leaders seeing a potential for them loosing rhey start to setup systems for there departures such as alliances in Thalia, plus loyal people that can act as adgent in place. 139AM
-the first encroachment of the lower kingdom into other kingdoms and now on the winning foot Warnek surrenders and is brought into the fold, with powerful speeches by the Red Paragon many people agree to follow him on his journey of freeing the people of Adrea. 139AM
-the weakness of the middle kingdom causes the three rivers kingdom to stop its naval blockade. 139AM
-the three rivers kingdom prepares for a battle at Ketsi, using new tactics they prepare for a large extensive battle. 140AM
-the army of lead by the Red Paragon, calling its self the army of the free continues to travel up northwards. 140AM
-The start of the battle at Ketsi happens, with both sides inflicting great casualties on each other, the battlement outside the city includes large trenches, war spikes and ballistas set up. 140AM
-with the long battle, lasting many days straight but the sides of freedom would win once again. The army of the free breaks through the gates of Ketsi, and captures the city leaders, once again proposing the deal of surrendering there government and changing their ways or do die and have it done willingly. Many of the leaders choose to die honorably but some choose to surrender, in the end the leaders that would not forfeit would be executed. This would soul the looks of the army of the free as invaders, but with life allowed to return as normal many people in the city are neutral about the idea. 140AM
-the three rivers kingdom sees the writing on the wall and with the loss of Ketsi they see that defeat may be inevitable. 140AM
-the royal exodus occurs, where much of the nobility flees to Thalia leaving cities without rulers and ready and ripe for the army of the free to enter. 140AM
-with the gates of Myantis opened to the army and the peacful take over of the city the Adrean civil war is declaired over.140AM
-a large central state is set up that manages the affairs of the country is built up, a government that does away with many of the old holdings of Adrea. 140-155AM
-The forign council as a governmental body in Thalia who believe that they have the power over all of Adrea is formed, this council however lacks the ability for mainland control, but tries with subtle influences, as well as marring into Thalian noble families. 141AM
-Much of the Army of the free is praised as Hero’s and instead of returning home settles in Adrea, many of the desicrated lands given to them and so an intermixing of cultures and minority communities occurs, Warnek taking of parts of Velngi influence, and the southern cities having the revolutionary furver of Kest. 141-150AM
-The Red paragon, having United Adrea under a new system leaves to go back to Kest and advise there. 143AM
-Adrea experiences a shift in culture where they move away from war and into more artistic based culture, in the absence of war many go back to caring about nature and the natural world. 144-170AM
-the world is calming down from the shakes of the Adrean war, debts are paid off, peoples lives return to normals and the world continues to spin. 145AM
-the governments of Adrea and kest still keep close ties but have friendly separation, the support of the east with Sirinal and Estia’s fades from the area as this new unified Adrea is more internally focused. 147AM
-after the outset of the wars and having time to develop, humanist ideas of the individual person in society emerge in the west, with while having a collective government they still retain ideas about that each unique person in society. 150AM
-some of the Velngi population that migrated and assimilated into Adrea when returning home bring these ideas back to the Velngi tribes, this starts the start of larger tribes and nations in Velng. 160AM
-The government of Sirinal, after having a surplus of wealth decides to fund some greater projects, they seek to further develop and connect the edges of their kingdom. More roads and incentives to live in places like the northern mountains as well as the borders into the desert of Harash. 163-170AM
-A small expedition party is in the far northern mountains on a survey of the local area, and in which they discover one fo the most important sites. Its a set of stone pillars and circles, along with carved tablets. All of these describe how to make portals, while it needs a very skilled magic user this new magical advancement will be cemented in history. 167AM
-Shortly after this discovery is made on portals, the information is brought back to Sirinala’av and many people try to make these so called portals. Within a few months the word of this has spread a man emerges, he would simply be known as the visionary but his real name was Menor Silin. He open the first portal, from the capital building in Sirinala’av to to steps outside. While not a long distance nor the portal open for long this shows great promise, the visionary is asked to stay and help Sirinal improve the magic. 168AM
-Under new rulership Kotak begins to open up its borders and country more, called the Kotak renaissance, a group of people set up the first form of a joint stock company, where a few rich clients all buy into a voyage and then get a share of the profits, while seeming small this will lead to a whole new system of economic development in the world. 170AM
-With Kotak opening up once again, an overland trade route between Sirinal and Kotak, both countries work together to construct a good well kept pathway, and then the creation of the unity bridge at what would become the hard border. 180AM
-The people of the Three Estia’s have ripples of wanting to be united once again, but with the strong power of Hinga and Sirinal deterring this, as they fear the power of a united Estia once again. 180-200AM
-Sirinal works to further progress the magic of portals, with Menor being taken around the country to expand his knowledge of locations, over the course of many years he is able to portal the general around the country. 185-200AM
-Sirinal recognises the importance of its magical prowess, with its access to portals it makes a program to further develop magical ability and study it, for both military and civilan purposes. 190-218AM
-Adrea is healing well, the country is mostly internally focused but still maintains relations with other countries. 200AM
-The markets of Hinga develop a rigid rule set for central banks and the goverment starts to invest directly into privet capital ventures such as shipping and manufacturing of goods. 205AM
-Hinga improves apon the Kotak idea of a joint stock company and expands it by having large and expensive projects be able to be split into “partal ownership deeds” of shares. This is used for mining projects and large infrastructure. 210AM
-the first master of the Sirin magic program, Menor silin dies. Apon his death in his bones Lasotep is discovered. 218AM
-the government of Adrea starts to fall back into some of its old traditions, such as letting the power go more towards the cities and states rather than a large central government. 221AM
-Sirinal works with the students of Menor Silin to refine and make magic better, they develop a more streamlined way to teach people to make portals as well as expand the range of portals. They also discover important uses for Lasotep. 223AM
-with Sirinal now being able to send people via portals to any location they use this to speed up information to a great degree as well as keep information about other countries. 227AM
-Sirinal works to connect itself along with Sirin-Estia, Salra and Kotak forming a large block of countries working together, with goes well as farming and material wealth is traded with ease, and borders have a more formal but easy process to get people across. 229AM
-the connecting of the countries in the east goes well, as they all benefit and prosper for this, and out of this the Sirin language of Si’irin spreads as well as changes from more interaction with other cultures, this creates many more dialects but a much stronger trading version of the language. 230-247AM
-A plague comes develops, through to be from Kale birds this plague hardens the skin of the person, but very slowly, only transferred sexually between people but due to its slow spread it can take months to recognize however it makes you infertile. This plague spread quickly along the new trade routes and caused a large decline in the population, it also created religious fervor as many groups tried to cure it, and many others wished to practice abstinence. 245-259AM
-the plague spreads across the desert to Adrea and then Kest and Thalia, this causes these countries to cut off a large amount of trade across the desert. 247AM
-the plague slowly recedes as its early signs become known as well as preventative measures from the church such as a long period before you have sex with a partner and a suggestion to have few partners. 257-261AM
-the plague greatly slows down societal growth as well as a huge increase in religious involvement in the east, many old ideas brought forth and many of the ideas created in this time would persist far into the future. 263-297AM
-The enlightenment ideals start to emerge in Estia, ideas that each human has self-determination through God, that with the usage of magic and rituals there is endless potential. This starts in Estia but spreads to Sirinal and Hinga as well. 264-287AM
-a certain tribe of Velngi people start to use magic a lot more in their tribe, with them using it to hunt and in warfare. 270AM
-The eastern countries as well as the western countries have recovered from the plague, it is becoming very uncommon in society. The west is hesitant on opening trade up, but the east goes and picks up where they left off and start innovating again. 293AM
-the magically adept Velngi tribe has its chief die, in the burial process this tribe discovers Lasotep, and use this new material for both ritual purposes as well as learning how to use it to improve their magical ability. 307-313AM
-the council of Adrea is set up, this is a parliament style system that allows for more local representatives in country wide matters, but in the past, these where not elected position but now they are. 309AM
-the magically adept Velngi tribe uses its new ability to rally other tribes and they build a substantial following, however their knowledge on how to use magic isn’t spread outside of Velng. 313-316AM
-the magical Velngi invade easter Kest, in the twins’ rivers. With the increase in technology on both sides, the Velngi using the first Lasotep cores and the people of Kest using fairly advances firearms and defensive strategies. Both sides suffer heavy casualties but neither accept defeat. 317AM
-the magical Velngi tribe regather strength and soldiers and work to invade again, this time with improved magical weapons as well, this is the first time the “tornado” would be seen on the battlefield, and combined with their strategies using many people to help support one, all while on Kale back. They swept through many of the Kesti formal defenses, however when getting to the larger cities the civilians provided a strong counter. 318AM
-the Kesti people drive off most of the Velngi, but some do stay. The frightening usage of magic causes Kest to draw inwards and interact less with the outside world. Kest also takes on debts from Adrea and Kelaxol. 320-330AM
-Kest fails to pay off its debts to Adrea and so this causes a minor conflict, not that many die but borders are chopped up very haphazardly. 333AM
-the people of Estia once again call for a unification of people and country, however a joint effort from both the ruling elite in the three Estia’s, Sirinal and Hinga work to quell this decent, this comes at the cost of executing the leader of the “union of Estian people” 333AM
-the leader for the “union of Estian people” becomes a martyr, this causes a large but fast rebellion across the country, however with food imports and ports locked up the less determined people stop the support. 334AM
-a second round of killings occur, made to look like people taking sense it was an orchestrated plan to keep Estia divided. 335AM
-Sirinal sponsors authors to write out national histories and other works that display culture, both standardizing the language, improving literacy rates and creating a stronger national identity. This also would be the first examples of early propaganda. 338AM
-the prophecy of Adrea is made, that in the time of great need that a single emperor would assure, and they would be just and fair towards all people. 339AM
-Sirinal decides to open its magical secrets and allows foreigners to both train and know the secrets of magic such as Lasotep and portals. 341AM