Forth age, Age of Emergence

-with the population estimated to be around 1 billion humans on Parahlitan many new developments have had to happen, the continuing improvement of farming as well as the start of mass production happens. 350AM

-the invention of the putting out system is developed in Sirinal, with merchants acting as middlemen to transport raw materials to local farmers and presents to process the materials. This acts as a prototype to the industrial revolution and the mass production of goods. 355AM

-the ideas of further nationalism start to take shape in the eastern world, with many people now thinking of themselves as living within the state and not of their local city, national identities being spread further by new literature. 357AM

-A prophecy is made in Adrea that predicts an emperor would emerge during the future hard times.

-The Thalian restructuring occurs, with its long-standing government seeing the possibility for change and trying to get ahead of it they work to reform the government while they still have time, this is also combined with initiatives to improve the country. 360AM

-Thalia starts construction on a network of posts along the coast to help sea traveling merchants. 362AM

-Estian medicine from the jungle is brough out and begins to be cultivated, a simple anti-bacterial paste made from a wild mushroom, as well as learned knowledge of now to use strong alcohol to help disinfect wounds makes life expectancy go up. 365AM

-Adrea, Sirinal and Harash begin to make a dedicated pathway across the desert to increase trade. 367AM

-Adrea and Thalia sendoff people to Sirinal to train for Portal masters, this brings Adrea and Thalia into the magical sphere 370-381AM

-the invention of the steam engine is made in eastern Sirinal, and quickly adopted for its usage in milling wheat. 372AM

-the ease of use of the steam engine creates opportunities to make and develop, the usage of mechanization in production starts with cotton and wool being able to be spun much more effectively. 373AM

-the growth and cost benefits of cotton causes much of the forests in Sirinal to be converted to new fields, as well as a increases in medical technology causes a slow but notable rise in birth rate in Sirinal. 376-390AM

-Estia sees this innovation in Sirinal, but due to lower capital is less able to transform its society, however privet investors from Sirinal, Hinga, Kotak and Estia work to build whole new towns and settlements from the ground up that capitalize on these new developments. They develop the first factories, with coal powered steam engines and whole towns built to produce textiles. 381AM

-Coal mining increases in Kotak to fuel the industrialization. 382AM

-a splinter group forms at this time called the Traditionalists, these people seek to avoid life with industrialized components and so choose to live a traditional farming existence. 383AM

-the invention of the mana engine, a steam engine like design that uses magic and a human to create power is made, while not as effective as a regular steam engine it does provide an alternative way to make power. 385AM

-the invention of the cotton spin is made, a simpler form of the cotton gin but it works. 387AM

-the farmers in Estia and Sirinal increase cotton crops, making way for more farms to be cleared. 390AM

-the Estian jungle is more explored and documented for its potential, this leads to many more discoveries being made but also leads to heavy deforestation and almost 1/4th of the jungle is cleared in this time of discovery. 390-425AM

-Kotak, and Kest sendoff people to become portal masters, this is because they want natives to be portal masters and not foreigners 391-405AM

-the adoption of industrial ideas into Adrea and Thalia, these two countries would have an initial delay in starting but with large populations quickly caught up. 393AM

-the Estian jungle technology from its bioluminescence leads to development of natural based light sources, and thusly more factories that run for longer hours. 395AM

-industrial farms start, with large animal plantations being made and larger scale food production. 397AM

-the invention of mechanical harvester is made, while quite expensive it leads to the way to industrial farming. 403AM

-privet companies start to buy large amounts of farmland and then hire people to work on it, creating farm steeds and larger organizational structures. 405-450AM

-the invention of the sewing machine is made. 407AM

-the wild plant from the Estian jungle, that had been refined previous of tabaco was further developed into a much more palatable form and was newly commonly enjoyed and chewing Tabaco. 408AM

-the discovery of oil in the Harash desert close to the surface. 411AM

-the start of the new castles, also called modern castles are being built. These are made by the new elite, factory owners and merchants, these resemble the castles and fortresses of old but with many more modern facilities. 412AM

-the invention of the railroad in Hinga, used to connect the northern mountains and the southern training shore. 413AM

-the amount of portal masters is around 1000 currently 414AM

-the buildings of railroads on the mainland start, from Sirinal and Estia, to the refinement in the north with the Sirin-Kotak trade route. 417-430AM

-the building of the Adrean/western railroads, railroads to connect from Kest to Thalia. As well as a railroad across Harash. This is the second phase of railroads and is much more refined then the first, it had more planning. 423-435AM

-the invention of the oil drill to better extract oil from Harash, as well as discoveries made in Kest and Kotak. 438AM

-Hinga starts to set up a proper colony in Velng, built alongside the city of Kelaxol, they send off large amounts of people and start farming the land with more modern methods, slowly taking away the grass land 441AM

-A privet group in Adrea would seek to set up a farming colony like Hinga, they use portal masters and the first linked train system to transport goods, people, and materials in and out. This creates the first portal linked colony, a popular style of design that is used to support a far-off location. This new city would be called Sernavil. 448-456AM

-Kest sees the colonies of Adrea and Hinga and so starts a colony of their own, firstly making a deal with Adrea on how to split the land, Adrea takes a claim on the water and agrees to help Kest take land from Velng for their own colony. 451-458AM

-Sirinal expands its country, going into the south of the rivers, its firstly a portal linked colony of Sahven, then a direct link across the fertile planes into the savanna, the location of Sahven was chosen for its oil reserves and mineral wealth. 453AM

-the First Prewar breaks out, with the Velngi people being pushed into less space on the grass bowl more conflict happens within the tribes as well as fights against the outside powers, however this just leads to the people of Velng being subjugated. Some join the new cities, but many still resist, 455-457AM

-Salra starts to expand its territories along the grass land border, this undertaking is done not by the loose central government but by just Salra, while the country is “united” in many ways it’s still three separate countries. 458-464AM

-Thalia and Kotak strike a deal to split a large part of the middle of Velng, using each other’s help they build two cities based off Adrea’s design, Thalia’s being Sèvu and Kotak’s being Nasko. 460-470AM

-A railway is built between Sèvu and Nasko, as well Kotak shifts its alliance from Sirinal products to Thalian products. 463-465AM

-the world population reaches 2 billion. 467AM

-Kotak and Thalia build a long modern railway between their two counties, showing a shift in alliances with Kotak. 471-478AM

-the third phase of railroads starts, with rail road’s going through Velng, that more extensively connect the various colonies. this however is set up by the many powers outside of Velng. 485AM

-Hinga seeks to control the Grelor isles, as they believe its wealth isn’t being managed by Kelaxol well, they send a large amount of people to the islands to live there. 486AM

-Kelaxol sees the influx of people and rightly guesses that they plan to take over the islands, they send troops to the islands, however on the way there is a naval battle and the ships of Kelaxol are sunk, killing all those on board, a portal master escaped and so warns Kelaxol, they then promptly send an army up to the Hinga mainland. 486AM

-the warships are sailed, Hinga takes the Grelor isles by force and sends the inhabitants back to Kelaxol, further engaging Kelaxol they start to invade Hinga directly by portal masters, this however backfires greatly as Hinga was prepared, they small party is all killed, and a note sent back with demands of giving up the isles or facing a large-scale invasion. 486AM

-the invention of the mana rifle is made, this is a gun that is powered on stored mana in a Lasotep crystal instead of gunpowder, while less effecting the ability to not need gunpowder is very useful, in edition Lasotep can be grown into small bullets to fire meaning that this gun may never need a resupply. 487AM

-Kelaxol deliberates on what to do and eventually calls Hinga to speak over a negotiation treaty, Hinga wins over the isles but must support Kelaxol in a war, a defensive treaty and a sharky one at that. 487AM

-Kest and Sirinal enter a defensive contract so that if either gets attacked by Velngi people then they would help each other.

-improvements on gunpowder weapons are made, making modern bullets this would be a gun like a simple rifle. 488AM

-large cities continue to grow, many cities have rapidly grown and so new slums and developments as well as side cities. Many new ports are also greatly expanded. 494M

-the world population reaches 3 billion. 498M

-the second prewar occurs, where a mass of Velngi people attack Sèvu and Nasko, both countries work together to defeat the new raids, using new mana rifles and trenches, this is the start of some of the modern strategies that will be practiced 30 years later. 506-507AM

-many people are moving to their country’s colonies in Velng, starting many new centers of cultures. 510AM

-disagreements between Kest and Adrea on their shared borders leads to both building up defenses. 512-515AM

-continued farming advances occur, with larger water infrastructure being creature, the expanded aqueducts in Sirinal are created. 517AM

-the Adrean reorganization occurs, this is whereby dictated of the government, many people consolidate land and property into more organized plots. 520AM

-world population reaches 4 billion. 523AM

-the invention of the first type of car occurs, it’s a crude form of gasoline as fuel. 525AM

-The mass number of peoples creates many more subcultures and in increase in nationalism. 527AM

-the current state of each country’s government, in Kotak they have an alliance with Thalia and are a loose monarchy. In Sirinal it’s a representative democracy with an elected president that is voted in by a council of electors, the president shares power with the lord commander who leads the military. Estia has three separate governments for Salra, Sirin-Estia and Deleon, as well as one united government for all three states. While each state is very independent many in the counties wish to be reunited. In Hinga it is ruled over by the council of merchants and nobility, it’s not permeant however many of its members are given the titles or have them passed down. In Velng there isn’t a central government at all, its currently filled with colonies from many nations, the largest state of Kelaxol is waning in power but is made up of a council of elders from various tribes. Vas-Velnga is also free during this time and acts as a great power but an unfocused one. In Kest the country is ruled over by the presiding government of the internal revolution, and they are in military pacts with both Sirinal and Adrea. In Adrea there are eight smaller main states that have power within each region, and each state elects’ representatives to decide stuff that concerns to the entire country. In Thalia the country is led by a monarchy, but more broadly it’s a group of nobles and new merchants that are appointed to various possessions. Lastly in Harash, this still has a small population but with the discovery of oil many foreigners now live within its borders. The few native Harashi people are making a large amount of money, but at what cost? These are the governments of the world in the time before the war. 530AM

-In the time many alliances and defensive pacts have been made. Sirinal and Kest have a defensive pact, Sirinal and Sirin-Estia have a strong pact, and Estia has a pact with Sirinal. Deleon has a pact with Hinga and with broader Estia. Hinga has a pack with Kotak and Sirinal and a week pact with Kelaxol. Kotak has a pact with Thalia and with Sirinal. Thalia has a strong pact with Kotak. Adrea has a pact with Kest and with Harash and with Kelaxol. Kest has a week pact with Adrea and a strong pact with Sirinal. All sides and colonies have the help of various Velngi tribes and groups, but the only native nation in Velng being Kelaxol having a week pact with Sirinal. 531AM

-the discovery of the rubber tree in the Estian jungle happens, quickly Estia realizes this resource and Deleon sets up measures to protect the trees but also to regulate whom can get the rubber. 532AM

-scheming in Adrea over capturing the Territories in Velng, with a desire to expand the territory even further, each person being able to earn their new place in the rapidly expanding world. 533AM

-rising tension is starting to grow in the Velngi colonies, and anger is held on both sides. 534AM

-the start of the great war. 536AM (also called the world war, the Velngi division war, the last great war of the old age, the final war, etc.)

-the breakout of the war starts with the invasion of the Kest territory in Velng, a fast push of soldiers armed with traditional guns and swords. 536AM

-Kest holds a moderate defense with their main cities holding on being supported by portal train. This is the first great usage of portals in modern war, portals used to keep supply lines open and to make a siege almost impossible. 536AM

-Many soldiers die in this initial charge and defense, many resort to digging in trenches for protection. 536AM

-This initial betrayal from Adrea causes Kest to call on its aid from Sirinal, and Sirinal responds in great force, Sending many troops and supplies to Kenvas. This war starts off with mild passion as Sirinal desired to enter a war and it appeared as if this would be a quick war. 537AM

-The strong defenses create a decent moral but as the Adrean soldiers start to engage in Trench warfare and trying to start a siege it will lessen moral over time. 537AM

-With the area of Adrea being less fortified Thalia sends ambassadors and supplies to Vas-Velnga to persuade them to invade the Adrean territory. 537AM

-The Velngi in the western patch start a surprise invasion to the Adrean colony, while this initially works the quick response of Adrea causes the Velngi people to be intrenched. The Adrean colony is now fighting a two front war, but one in two very different styles. 538AM

-Adrea seeming pulls out its forces in full of the Kesti colony, this causes a period of victory across Kest. 538AM

-Adrea pulls back its forces to Kenvas and a great defeat of the Velngi people occurs, The Adreans more fully learning about the involvement of Thalia seeks vengeance. 538AM

-Adrea focuses its army and Invades Sèvu, putting up an extremely long fight this is known as the “battle of bones” as both sides ran out of ammunition and food many resorted to eating local animals and using bones as improvised weapons, extreme pride and nationalism let this fight go on for an extremely long time and killing an extremely large number of civilians. The portal station was destroyed and so neither side was able to have major portal assistance. 539AM

-Kotak rushed to try and muster an army but many felt the war in the colonies was not worth it a so the country gained little support from its people. 539AM

-Seeing Adrea quite weakened and depleted from the recent battle Kest decides to lead an offensive, creating a long line from its city of Aranti’an to Kenvas, a ground based supply line so that the weakness of portal travel would be less of an issue. 539AM

-because of forming a physical supply line Kenvas had a large amount of preparation time and so dug in extensive trenches. When Kesti forces reaches this intrenched line they also dug in and this would create a large field of devastation. Both sides used various tactics to try and drive the other out, rifle charges, poison gas, and long range munitions and many more. This would greatly scour the land scape for ages to come, this area would be known as “The great trenches”. 539-541AM

-as vengeance for the Battle of bones Thalia strikes a counterattack on Adrea itself, using a large fleet to shell the great cities of Volantai, Myantis and Ketsi. This caused a deep hatred in the mainland people of Adrea towards Thalia. 540AM

-Hinga sees the war is brewing and starts to move its industry to a much more central focus on military production, chemicals and explosives being a main theme. 540AM

-The laying down of modern style land mines increases in large defense of the Adrean colony, this lowers moral greatly for invading forces. 541AM

-Soldiers at the great trenches both in quite low spirits and low morale, one day they simply stop fighting. During the midyear harvest festival, both sides claim that they innated this. Either way peace is made in this area. 541AM

-Thalia uses covert means to reestablish connection to Sèvu, sending in an almost continuous wave of defendants and workers they very quickly rebuild the Portal port, however the Adrean army station in Sèvu uses guerilla tactics to kill almost half of the people sent on this mission. 541AM

-After the portal station was rebuilt Thalia sent many new soldiers to resecure the city, they recapture the city and cause Adrea to retreat. 541AM

-the car uses the newer rubber ties as technology and starts to become more widely adopted. 541AM

-with the great struggling of the Velngi people intertribal conflicts, with the new technologies of war increasing the deadliness of these conflicts, scale and severity are increased here. 541-546AM

-Adrea makes a quick sue for peace from Kest, seeing the peace achieved at the great trenches as well as having just lost Sèvu. Both sides agree not to attack each other, but this deal being made in uncomfortable terms, this would be called the treaty of Ridrim. 542AM

-the invention of the first plane is made in Hinga. 542AM

-The simmering occurs, this is a loose period where tensions are high but little great battle happens, and many countries start to build stockpiles of munitions and arming themselves. All countries justify this buildup in many ways, but each does it in their own way. 542-546AM

-Many people on all sides have died from the many diseases of battle and of small injuries treated improperly, this would be the end of the first stage of The Last War. 543AM

-the development of much better medicine quickly arose, new drugs being developed such as morphine, and Refined Sutra being used at first just for medical means. As well as new techniques and information learned. 544AM

-The development of electricity for the early stages of lightbulbs is made but are not efficient enough to replace oil lamps in many uses. 544AM

-soldiers are positioned in the colonies, temporary structures become permanent, and war is on the brink, but for what reason the people and governments do not know. 544-545AM

-as a great development the unification movement In Vas-Velnga is sponsored and helped by the Kesti government. Kest seeks to inspire revolutions across the globe, and in doing so the great unification begins in Velng. 545AM

-the unification of Velng spurs a council of great chiefs to convene and seeking to bring about change to their scoured land all the great chiefs agree to work together to defeat the outside countries and invaders. 545AM

-speaking to the leaders of Kelaxol the unified Velng movement gathers immense strength, Kelaxol speaks with various allies and eventually works out a deal with Kest that if they attack the colonies of Hinga then they will provide support for an invasion of Hinga and the islands. 545AM

-the great movement overland of the Velngi warrior horde commences, making their way to the city of Rigbri, owned and taken over by Hinga. 545AM

-arriving at Rigbri with a great trail behind them they start to ravage the cities and people there, attacking with fury and little regard for kindness of prisoners. 545AM

-the government of Hinga scrambles to protect its colonial citizens as its industries have been selling goods and so it has little themselves, Hinga chooses to ask it ally of Deleon for help, this third of Estia starts to send troops through Sirin-Estia and through Salra and then to the border regions of the colonial development of Estia. 545-546AM

-Estia sends immediate help in the form of small reinforcements from Nesel, this however comes after much deliberation and process in the government, with Sirin-Estia and Sirinal being a strong opponent of intervention. 545AM

-Thalia and Kotak begin under the table talks about claiming more land due to large amounts of the Velng population having moved to the eastern regions. 545AM

-the usage of Portal User is less strong as many dies during the first stage and so less are in military positions. 545-548AM

-the great Velng horde reaches Rigbri itself and lays waste, invading and destroying factories and farms alike, they do this in an act of reclamation but end up spoiling much of the land. This process is greatened with the usage of new rifles from Kest and the bayonets. 546AM

-The armies from Nesel arrive and push a counter invasion, while many of the civilian have moved out the civilian forces fight a gruella war against the Velngi people, while the incoming army from Nesel lacks experience and so is slain in great numbers by well positioned Velngi soldiers. 546AM

-the main force of the Estian army arrives and bolsters its soldiers from Nesel, but with the Velngi switching to more entrenching positions in urban warfare, with vertical positioning and usage of the ruined buildings being key to their advantage. 546-547AM

-while portal reinforcements happen for the Estian forces large supplies and batches are unable to come over, and many of the Velngi will kill portal masters strategically. The Velngi soldiers still however are gaining the continued support as well as suffering few losses themselves. 546-547AM

-Kotak and Thalia decide to attack out and do subtle operations into the lands bordering there colonial territories, nothing of extreme violence but setting up armed presence and moving people in. 547-548AM

-Kest and Adrea condemn these moves yet do little to stop them. 547AM

-Sirinal makes a deal with Harash on the acquisition of a portion of its land in the north. 547AM

-Estia breaks military ties with Hinga and sends its troops home, this is seen as a victory for the Velngi tribes as the colony of Rigbri is surrendered back. 547AM

-with this victory the great horde of Velngi people continue to move and chase after the leaving army, following up to Nesel. 547AM

-The battle of Nesel commences, with the much more fortified position from Nesel the Velngi horde struggles. 547AM

-Kest grows warry of its support for Velng but continues with it. 547AM

-the example of a portal strike bomb occurs, with a man using a portal to deliver a bomb directedly into the heart of the city of Nesel. 548AM

-this portal master who delivered the bomb was from Kest and so this help greatly angers Estia. 548AM

-Estia is drawn into the war as all three of its segments have overwhelming support for the war, even Sirin-Estia holds support from Sirinal. 548AM

-Sirinal joins the alliance with Estia and in a small way Hinga. 548AM

-Kest joins into talks with Adrea for support in what appears to be a further conflict in Velng. 548AM

-Thalia and Kotak have seized significant portions of land near Vas-Velnga. 548AM

-Sirinal amasses its army in Sahven and then pushes into the grass lands to its Southeast. 548AM

-Thalia and Kotak move in to invade Vas-Velnga. 548AM

-Vas-Velnga seeing this attack call for help from Kest and yet receive it from Adrea, assumed to initially be a foreign army the citizens start to attack the Adrean army, this causes Kotak and Thalia to attack and run into an ongoing battle, joining as attackers Kotak and Thalia believe that Adrea is also invading but Adrea attacks the two armies, this puts great stress under the Adrean army and calling in help from Kest, Kest arrives via portal inside the city with the newer perfected design of light vehicles through portals. 548AM

-The clash of the five ravages on, with confusion about who’s side who belongs to ever increasing, mixed with various solider and populace uprising occurring people are always switching sides. Vas-Velnga is surrounded by a network of trenches, corpses of vehicles and men lay in the muddy torn fields. 548AM

-The first wave of the starving occurs, Sirinal, Estia, Kest, and Adrea must impose food rations to keep the country functioning. 548AM

-Small clashes occurs within Sirinal as the hungry populace fights against the army who holds the food stores. 548AM

-the war torn battle at the clash of the five, sides are more figured out with Adrea and Kest defending Vas-Velnga and Kotak and Thalia attacking, but with the large number of debris on the field and the great masses of trenches throughout many spies and counter operations still occur. 548-549AM

-Scientists in Hinga compose a heavily armored yet fast version of the battle cruiser vehicle, this takes the form of a fast moving tank that is held aloft on 6 wheels, they choose to keep this invention secret and start to build up a stockpile of these tanks. 548AM

-Hinga joins the clash of the five and uses its small force of tanks to quickly sway the battle in their favor, while they loosely join the side of Thalia and Kotak, Hinga wants direct control of Vas-Velnga instead of giving it to Thalia and Kotak, so a loose deal is made that the city will be divided once its captured. 549AM

-Nesel is fully broken and abandoned, Estia calls an order for all portal master to be used to help the citizens flee the area, but some also must leave via train. Velngi soldiers explode the railway leading out a great slaughter occurs of the refugees. 549AM

-In the deep mines of Harash the people their start to extract a new mineral, once know about but only in small quantities called Uranium. 550AM

-Sirinal starts to build mass factories to make these tanks, they also connect Sirin-Estia much closer to itself. 550AM

-the whole of the world is starting to greatly be affected by this loss in population caused by the ongoing war and the declining birth rate. 550AM

-the emergence of the scavengers begins, these are mercenaries who fight for whatever side that pays them, they however use harvested and recycled technology from the battlefield, making strange and unique creations. 550AM

-the clash of the six continues onwards into a great slowing down, sides firing shots and mortars simply to project power, for many citizens within the city a new lifestyle has formed, one surrounded by war yet with little decisive action. 550AM

-the plane is improved on, making potential for real usage. 550AM

-the further progression of mana engines and mana powered devices mean that the recourses and technology can last far longer on the battlefield. A crew of 10 people can power a tank for a day with the refined mana engine. 550AM

-the Velngi horde has rested for a bit through the winter and gather strength, they continue their journey and head into the hearth of Estia itself, the territory of Salra. 550AM

-the Velngi horde reaches deeper into the colonial territory of Estia, going to the border town of Napern. This is the city that holds the great gate, a historic point of defense to keep out Velngi peoples. 550AM

-the historic walls are of no match but the greatly improved defenses of the new wall such as numerous soldiers and munitions hold them from an attack. 550AM

-at long last, the clash of the five is to an end, with the first usages of poison gas the enemy armies and almost 90% of the remaining civilians are killed, but the city is taken. Divided up between Thalia, Kotak, and Hinga. 550AM

-the usage of poison gas is considered abhorrent, but much nations research how to do it themselves. 550AM

-the city of Vas-Velnga is carved up, with Thalia and Kotak getting 45% each and Hinga getting 10%, this is very shaky as all sides wanted the entirety of the city. Adrea and Kest feel great shame at the defeat, and upon hearing this news the great Velngi horde turns its sights away from Estia and back towards its home. 550AM

-with the major defeat of Adrea and Kest in the clash of the five both armies return home in defeat and shame. 550AM

-with the nations that hold Vas-Velnga they start to partly rebuild the city, but the city is a shell of itself, the artifacts from museums and cultural sites are sent off to Thalia to go into their museums. As well the capturing of the thrones of bones is sent to Thalia, the sitting monarch now sits upon the crystal throne and the throne of bones. 551AM

-the Velngi horde crosses the plains once again to the historical home of Vas-Velnga. 551AM

-Adrea and Kest both reduce their colonial holdings in Velng, scaling back to area much closer to their cities of Sernavil and Kenvas 551AM

-the great Velngi army reaches Vas-Velnga, two armies both shadows of their former strength and greatly weakened. The battle to secure the city may have taken years but it is lost within a mere 6 weeks, the Velngi armies recaptures the city and instead of holding war prisoners executes all the Soldiers and remakes the throne of bones as well as many other bone based artifacts. 551AM

-Thalia and Kotak both hold severe reactions to this; however, the people of Kotak and Thalia are nearing open rebellion to join the military. In Thalia the military refuses to go into battle and in Kotak people are openly refusing. For the time being Vas-Velnga is secured. 551AM

-the publishing of “the revolutionists’ pamphlet” is first published into Kest, a guidebook on the reasons and the ways to conduct a revolution. 551AM

-the reaction to the defeat in causes strife in Kest and calls for a revolution are made. 551AM

-growing tension rises in Thalia over the perceived failings of the war and the destruction of the colony, many are threatening violence and a possible revolution looks likely. 551AM

-the monarchy of Thalia capitulates and decides to leave the war, they enter peace talks with the other great nations of the world to decide the fate of Velng and its colonies. 551AM

-the first World council takes place is the neutral city of Oas in Harash, negotiations are started but take months to finish. 551-552AM

-the revolution begins in Kest, driven by former soldiers and workers from across the nation they demand reform. 551AM

-the end of the war is declared, with a stable peace but many nations being ruined, Kesti officials stay in Oas as their country is in turmoil. 552AM

-the end of the war treaty leaves only Adrea and Kest with small colonies, Sirinal with its colony and Velng with almost all its historical territory reclaimed, with the more developed nation of Kelaxol speaking at the world council. However, no restrictions are placed on preventing war, simply settling the current state of the world. Thalia and Kotak also establish formal boarders with them each other and with Harash. 552AM

-with the end of the war the scavengers grow in power, separate from the traditional Velngi people these people where colonists of descendants of colonists and Velngi people, creating both a unique culture and identity, these people make a nomadic life style but instead of the Kale bird they use recovered Mana engines, repurposed vehicles that run on mana to get them across the plains, it runs on an economy of the scraps left behind by the war. 552AM

-the city of Vas-Velnga is a true shell of itself, with only around 10% being lived in actively, the other 90% is filled with crime and scavengers, slowly the materials of the former bombed out city are recovered and repurposed, reducing the former city to a shadow of itself. 552-556AM

-due to the collapse of many war time industries and the loss of the money stream form the expansive colony Adrea experiences a recession, causing prices to rise and much of the countries developed economy to crash. 554-558AM

-Kest is fully within the midst of a revolution, with the old governments trying to stay in power and known as the Red’s for its traditional uniform color whereas the new revolutionaries are known as the Green’s for their camouflage new uniform color, a contrast between the new and old. 552-554AM

-Sirinal exerts even more control over Sirin-Estia, stretching previous agreements and buildings state sponsored factories and homes in the area. 553-554AM

-The Green’s in the Kesti revolution have grown to capture all the major cities in the twin rivers but are still working to depose the Red’s in Resh’har. As well the three major cities of Rokash, Lo’ra, and Iss’hen. are still in control of the Red’s. 554AM

-Both sides of the Red’s and the Green’s seek support from other nations, but many are quite weary to offer major help, a few people volunteer from Sirinal, but no soldiers are sent unless they want to. As well a small number of people in the south of Adrea volunteer to help but very little of substance. 554-556AM

-the Green’s of Kest have Captured Resh’har, bringing a decisive victory to their cause of the revolution, while the old Red government of Kest is still recognized in diplomatic relations the revolution seems to be coming to an end. 555AM

-the Red’s flee to Iss’hen and fully leave the seats of power in Rokash and Lo’ra, leaving for a fast sweep by the Green’s. 556AM

-the Red’s use some of their remaining power to trade the island of Saalo from the Thalian royal family to their government in exchange for becoming a vasal and surrendering wealth, this is the last retreat of the old Red government. 556AM

-the Green’s capture Iss’hen and declare themselves the new government of Kest, bring to an end the revolution, the Red’s form a Protectorate state on the island of Saalo under the protection and ruling of Thalia. 556AM

-a subtle rebuild in other countries from the war, Kotak has simmered down, Sirinal continues to stretch its influence of its colony in Velng and its established presence in Sirin-Estia. Adrea is still in its recession and Thalia and Kotak are at peace but stagnant peace. 557AM

-Velng has returned to its older way of life but also been changed by war, its landscapes marred, old grass lands having been farmed now lie as barren fields, craters, and trenched cover the landscape and Scavengers loosen up corpses of vehicles. 557AM

-Hinga continues to develop the plane as an alternative to the portal network and to gain aerial advantage. 558AM

-Scavengers have fully taken over the former city of Nasko and turned in into a trading hub and parts of it into large moving cities, usage of Lasotep and extensive mana power the city as an alternative to electricity. 558AM

-the first planes for war are developed, used at first just for air scouting and visual aid from the air these planes are capable of holding munitions. 558AM

-unrest grows in all of Estia, from being devastated by the war to occupied and influenced by foreign powers and struggling to have enough food. 558AM

-the idea of Velng as a country and not of just a region is still strange, many recognize the government of Kelaxol as ruling all of Velng but at this point 10 regions exists in Velng each with different rules and rulers and many people of Velng have returned to the more nomadic styles of living, going across the grasslands and not being under any one central government. 559AM

-the world enters into a short calm period, one where nations simple breath, many have hope that this is the end of the war, but others see that conflict is still on the horizon. 559-564AM

-improvements are made to tanks in the inter period, but for military usage and modified for other industrial purposes. 561AM

-the various Velngi group have small schisms with each other and the scavenger groups in Velng. 563AM

-full on civil war breaks out in Velng, the tribes of Vas-Velnga and Rigbri having major disagreements on the future of Velng and its people. 564AM

-tensions during the war are further escalated by outside countries taking sides, each with exchanges and promises. Sirinal and Xavi back Vas-Velnga, Adrea and Kelaxol back Rigbri. The split in the country of Kelaxol causes people to take up arms against each other. Armies start to march towards each other and Velng is up in toil again. 565AM

-other cities start to take sides and hold opinions, Sèvu and Nasko merge together with a scavenger union, an odd state that is very anarchical in form and lacks a government. 565AM

-the first battle of this Velng civil war, meeting at Xavi. The usage of bomber planes on both military and civilian targets is heavy with the first air battles as well. Casualties are high in the battle and the landscape of the city is marred by the bombs. 565AM

-while a victory for only death the city of Xavi is almost wiped from the planet by extensive fire bombing, while only in ruins, the ruins of the city are controlled by the Kelaxol-Rigbri side. 565AM

-due to the high casualties from both sides Sirinal demands concessions from the side of Xavi & Vas-Velnga they want permanent succession of the colony of Sahven, with little options on the table for other support they sign away this land in perpetuity. 565AM

-now with the full might of the Sirinal army a force is rallied in Sahven and sent to the city of Rigbri its self. 566AM

-Rigbri and Kelaxol work with Adrea to sign a counter pact but instead of giving over land they promise ideological change and influence in government. They form a pact of one way migration allowed, that people of Adrea may work and live in Velng if they desire without need for a visa. 566AM

-with the backing of great powers at their back the two sides of the Velngi civil war flare up, both sides fighting for control over the neutral area of the scavenger lands of Nasko and Sèvu, while the fighting starts organized with the deeply scared lands its turns into a guerilla warfare, the armies of Sirinal being diverted with trying to siege Rigbri and helping capture the scavenger lands and the armies of Rigbri being scattered between defense of the city and capturing the scavenger lands, with the armies of Kelaxol trying to stabilize the captured territory of Xavi. 566-567AM

-The siege of Rigbri is still ongoing, and quite unsuccessfully for Sirinal. While trying to hold a naval blockade and a ground based encirclement the usage of planes and submarines means this is difficult. The city also holds very strong air defense and is able to resist air bombings. 566-567AM

-due to changed in leadership of Deleon and Salra. Estia is at a breaking point and demands the expulsion of Sirinal from Sirin-Estia. The leader of both sides attempt a peaceful solution but with Sirinal not backing down they start a semi hostel invasion. 567AM

-Sirinal is stretched thin, it has its armies fighting in two fronts in the Velngi civil war as well as maintaining it colony of Sahven and trying to keep the civilians safe in Sirin-Estia. 567AM

-Sirinal pulls out from the siege of Rigbri, going on the defense as it seeks to defend its territory in Sahven and in Sirin-Estia. 567AM

-with the victory that Rigbri achieved a new found vigor is held and the forces make a bold attack in the Scavenger lands, they capture them from Xavi and head for the heart in Vas-Velnga. 567-568AM

-the armies in Sirin-Estia are holding on to the cities strongly but much of the country side is controlled by the armies of Salra-Deleon. 568AM

-The armies of “true peoples Velng” as they call themselves, that being the city of Rigbri and Kelaxol and now the scavenger lands of Sèvu and Nasko make a grand march toward Vas-Velnga. And the city of Vas-Velnga prepares for battle, gaining a large amount of supplies form Sirinal as well as Sirinal moves a large part of the vulnerable population to its lands of Sahven. 568AM

-Sirinal starts the development of nuclear weapons in secret. 568AM

-With the turnaround of the war and the boxing in of Sirinal a very pro-war general named Lekaten is elected to lead the country, this will dictate the decision and policies of the next years of the ravaging war. 568AM

-the true peoples of Velng moves in on Vas-Velnga and starts the siege, with extensive use of long ranged artillery they are able to knock out strategic targets such as military bases in the city. However with much of the vulnerable population moved to safety in Sahven the people left are often willing to die to keep their land. 569AM

-the country of Hinga offers to generous deals to Salra-Deleon on military technology, including high flying bombers, these being used to partially devastate the cities in Sirin-Estia. 569AM

-Sirin-Estia now faces much larger destruction, Rasvel is the first city to surrender and be brough into the fold of Salra-Deleon. While a hard decision the process is aided by quick relief being sent into the city. 570AM

-Sirinal is furious at the surrender of Rasvel, they quickly send in a team of assassins to murder the leaders of the city. 570AM

-the leaders of Rasvel being killed send a message to the other cities in Sirin-Estia, that they must obey with fear, this has the counter example and makes the trust in Sirinal decline, propaganda is also dropped into the remaining cities of Piltir, Hotli and Ridrim. 570AM

-Vas-Velnga holds on but has suffered greatly, Sirinal does send in help in the form of food and arms but very few soldiers to help directly as much of their effort is focused in Sirin-Estia. 570AM

-The city of Piltir is the second city to surrender with Ridrim coming shortly after, both cities are helped by the government of Salra-Deleon. Now calling its self the government of unified Estia. 570AM

-Hotli stands as the last city in Sirin-Estia, it being used as a platform to decimate the countryside of Estia. The rational of the Lekaten being a salted earth policy, that they land is already lost and so bring it down. 571AM

-the development of the atomic bomb is completed, and its first test is the “betrayal city” of Rasvel. Sirinal quietly gets out some of its few supporters that remain. They drop the first atomic bomb and it’s a quick success, killing over 300,000 people in the aftermath, this also being a dirty bomb leaving radiation everywhere. 571AM

-seeing the success of the first bomb the Lekaten orders more to be made into full production. 571AM

-the world reals at the usage of the bomb, while it takes a little bit to fully understand what the bomb was the people are stuck by the tragedy of it. Large public outcrying of its usage even in Sirinal happens. Some protests are done by citizens but many are quelled by the military. 571AM

-the army of true peoples Velng captures Vas-Velnga, at this point victory is almost assured for Rigbri-Kelaxol. 571AM

-The government of Sirinal declares a full scorched earth policy, that Adrea and its allies are enemies of the state and wish to see the world remade in a new non-Sirinal image. This concludes in the detonation of four more bombs in the cities of Rigbri, Kenvas, Sernavil and Kelaxol. These kill over 1.5 million people in the blasts and are extremely denounced. 572AM

-at this point Sirinal is running out of allies and Kotak and Thalia make a meaningful contribution towards the pacifying of Sirinal. 572AM

-the unified government of Estia finally breaks the barriers in Hotli and captures the city, there will be fighting and conflict for years to come but all of Estia in now united under one government, the first in a long time. 572AM

-Estia is rebuilding its cities and establishing a government. 572-574AM

-Sirinal feels defeated, with its major control over Sirin-Estia lost and it being surrounded by enemies, it desperately seeks to hold on to Sahven. 572AM

-Adrea, Velng, Estia all unite to work and stop Sirinal deadly conquest. Velng advocates for the re-establishment of the precolonial lands, the return of Sahven, Adrea backs this up as with their city of Kenvas being destroyed anti Sirinal sentiment is high. 572AM

-Diplomatic talks are attempted but no real progress is made, Sirinal is unwilling to give up its colony and the triple alliance of Adrea, Velng and Estia and unwilling to compromise on letting Sirinal keep it. 572-573AM

-At this point Adrea claimed to have made atomic bomb technology and claims willingness to use it if demands are not met. 573AM

-the triple alliance formulates a plan, invade Sahven to distract the military and then properly invade Sirinala’av. 573AM

-the invasion of Sahven starts, minimal civilian casualties are made but explicit military deaths are intentioned for moral, usage of poisoned bullets with neurotoxins scrape away at soldier moral. 573-574AM

-with Sirinal in a panic it sends its soldiers to Sahven to protect its people, both the colonists, people from Sirinal who made lives there and the refuges from Vas-Velnga. 574AM

-with the military of Sirinal distracted the triple alliance starts the invasion of Sirinala’av. They are meet by fierce resistance from both the military and the people. 574AM

-While the city will never surrender under the current leadership once the leaders are killed by the invading armies the invaders draw back and enter negotiations with the new government. 575AM

-the triple alliance comes together and demands the change from Sirinal, they know that demanding surrender would cause a long term war and that giving up Sahven would as well they mandate that Sahven will be occupied by the triple alliance and start a period of separation over the next 50 years from Sirinal. 575AM

-these moves leave Sirinal in a terrible space, with its economy ruined and much of the country demoralized its falls apart in a sense, mass suicides, large unemployment, and an exodus from religion. This period of time will define a modern dark age and struggle for the people of Sirinal. 575-625AM

-the triple alliance reals from the war as well, having to go into further debt by its maintaining of Sahven and issues at home, Estian decent is still an issue and Velng is still trying to create a national identify. 575-600AM

-Sahven accepts held slowly at first but finding a better treatment under the Velngi leadership it slowly starts to transition culturally, for many this feels like a betrayal of ties with Sirinal, but many also see the controlling nature of Sirinal. 580-610AM

-The world enters into a general period of bitterness and hatred, the last great war of the old age touched every person on the planet and changed the course of peaceful history, over 500 million people would die over the span of its 39 years. 575-610AM

-The make up of the world in a post great war world. The country of Kotak is a democratically lead country and controls its historic territories. Sirinal controls only its central lands and holds no colonies, it still desires a diplomatic relationship with Sahven but “its complicated”. Estia is unified into once country and still maintains good relations with Hinga and Velng. Hinga remained relatively untouched by the war, as it chose to sell arms to both sides, however its economy did enter into a recession once the war ended. Velng remains a complex political entity. Its main government is based in Kelaxol with Rigbri being a secondary city. Its controls the cities of Xavi, Sèvu and Nasko and are rebuilding them from the ground up. Its is also assisting Adrea and Kest with their cities of Kenvas and Sernavil, these being areas that are jointly run their respective home country and Velng, duel administrated lands. The province of Sahven is part of Velng but culturally semi disconnected and given more freedoms than the rest of Velng. Kest remains firmly controlled by the green party in mainland but the reds control of Sahven has deepened and so an issue still remains. Adrea while “winning” the war and seeing little change In territory feels the effect of a loss of population and the tax of the hardships caused by the war. Thalia has been in a recovery period from the second stage of the war from around 20 years and still coping from the war. Harash remained relatively untouched, large amounts of its oil had been sold off during the war, but this did cause economic, and population gain during that period. 580AM

-After long talks and a slight bit of cooling off from the last great war the world council assembles and passes a number of world effecting laws, such as banning certain types of weapons and practices in war as well as making heavy note of nuclear weapons. This is ratified by the countries of the world and the provision that if any one country breaks it all other will come to oppose the aggressor. 580AM