This is the history of the world, its majestic and long journey. It has been split into its many ages with separate webpages due to size. History is not yet done, while the timeline has only been written to the year 952AM it does extend further and will be updated when written.
A brief overview
Broad events
-Emergence from the collapse 0BM
-The Red Paragon would save Kest 340-355BM
-The first Rin-Tal would spread his message 640BM
-Sirinal Empire is Formed 850BM
-The Soln Sea federation is formed 975BM
-The first 50 years’ war starts 1000BM
-Seladin is made known to the Broken church. 1065BM
-Reconquest of the border grass lands 1095-1130BM
-The second 50 years’ war starts 1230BM
-The northern Sirinal revolution 1363BM
-Hinga trade disputes 1387-1420BM
-The Three Estia’s conflict starts 1510BM
-Sirus is born 1568BM
-Sirus is given magic 1587BM
-The new age is proclaimed 1595BM 0AM
-The eternal flame of Sirinal is lit 5AM
-The recapture of the north of Sirinal 32AM
-The end of the Soln sea federation 41AM
-The end of the 3 Estia’s conflict 47AM
-The Adrean Civil War Starts. 121AM
-The end of the Adrean civil war. 140AM
-Menor Silin opens the first portal. 168AM
-Lasotep is discovered. 218AM
-The Scale plague. 245-297AM
-Estian unification sentiment is put down. 333AM
-The start of the industrial revolution. 350AM
-The world population reaches 1 billion. 350Am
-The start of the colonies in Velng. 441AM
-The start of the last war. 536AM
-The battle of bones. 539AM
-The treaty of Ridrim. 542AM
-First phase of the war over. 543AM
-Second phase begins. 546AM
-The clash of the five occurs. 548AM
-The Kesti Green-Red revolution begins. 551AM
-World council and Second phase over. 552AM
-The Kesti Green-Red revolution ends. 556AM
-Third phase begins. 564AM
-The battle over the scavenger lands is won by Rigbri-Kelaxol. 568AM
-The first atomic bomb is dropped on Rasvel. 571AM
-The further 4 atomic bombs are dropped. 572AM
-Estia unifies as one government. 572AM
-The invasion of Sahven. 574AM
-The Invasion of Sirinala’av. 574AM
-The end of the last great war of the old age. 575AM
-The world wide depression occurs. 580-620AM
-The world population reaches 5 billion. 620AM
-The internet is made. 643AM
-Construction of the Veltic observatory is finished. 711AM
-Interstellar probes are launched. 734AM
-World population reaches 10 billion. 722AM
-Parahalbras is discovered 771AM.
-Paradilus is discovered. 810AM
-Parasirafat & the Slivers are discovered. 831AM
-the national schism occurs. 832-834AM
-The city of Lisar-Tin is planted. 849AM
-the world population reaches 15 billion. 855AM
-The Peldis independence wars. 872-876AM
-The world population reaches 20 billion. 914AM
-the mana war occurs. 929-934AM
-The death experiments take place. 933AM
-The bleeding sun happens. 934AM
-The bleeding happens. 934-1115AM